replace tabs with spaces

Signed-off-by: Christopher Guindon <>
diff --git a/site_login/createaccount.php b/site_login/createaccount.php
index e5789b0..198ca04 100755
--- a/site_login/createaccount.php
+++ b/site_login/createaccount.php
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include("_projectCommon.php");    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
+<?php                                                              require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");  require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");   require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");   $App   = new App();  $Nav  = new Nav();  $Menu   = new Menu();    include("_projectCommon.php");    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
  * Copyright (c) 2012 Eclipse Foundation and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
@@ -9,367 +9,367 @@
  * Contributors:
  *    Denis Roy (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
-	$App->preventCaching();
+  $App->preventCaching();
-	$pageTitle 		= " account";
-	$pageKeywords	= "eclipse,friends,login,account,signon,sign-on,register";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Eclipse Foundation, Inc.";
-	header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
-	header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
+  $pageTitle     = " account";
+  $pageKeywords  = "eclipse,friends,login,account,signon,sign-on,register";
+  $pageAuthor    = "Eclipse Foundation, Inc.";
+  header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+  header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
-	$username		= $App->getHTTPParameter("username", "POST");
-	$submit 		= $App->getHTTPParameter("submit", "POST");
-	$fname			= $App->getHTTPParameter("fname", "POST");
-	$lname			= $App->getHTTPParameter("lname", "POST");
-	$password1		= $App->getHTTPParameter("password1", "POST");
-	$password2		= $App->getHTTPParameter("password2", "POST");
-	$skill			= $App->getHTTPParameter("skill", "POST");
-	$agree			= $App->getHTTPParameter("agree", "POST");
-	$stage			= $App->getHTTPParameter("stage");
-	$token			= $App->getHTTPParameter("t");
-	$p				= $App->getHTTPParameter("p");
+  $username    = $App->getHTTPParameter("username", "POST");
+  $submit     = $App->getHTTPParameter("submit", "POST");
+  $fname      = $App->getHTTPParameter("fname", "POST");
+  $lname      = $App->getHTTPParameter("lname", "POST");
+  $password1    = $App->getHTTPParameter("password1", "POST");
+  $password2    = $App->getHTTPParameter("password2", "POST");
+  $skill      = $App->getHTTPParameter("skill", "POST");
+  $agree      = $App->getHTTPParameter("agree", "POST");
+  $stage      = $App->getHTTPParameter("stage");
+  $token      = $App->getHTTPParameter("t");
+  $p        = $App->getHTTPParameter("p");
-	$error			= "";
-	$reset_error	= "";
+  $error      = "";
+  $reset_error  = "";
-	# Sanitize for XSS
-	$username		= preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $username);
-	$fname			= preg_replace($name_regexp, '', $fname);
-	$lname			= preg_replace($name_regexp, '', $lname);
-	$password1		= preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $password1);
-	$password2		= preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $password2);
-	$token			= preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $token);
+  # Sanitize for XSS
+  $username    = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $username);
+  $fname      = preg_replace($name_regexp, '', $fname);
+  $lname      = preg_replace($name_regexp, '', $lname);
+  $password1    = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $password1);
+  $password2    = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $password2);
+  $token      = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $token);
-	if($token != "" && $stage == "") {
-		$stage = "confirm";
-	}
+  if($token != "" && $stage == "") {
+    $stage = "confirm";
+  }
-	if($token != "" && $p == "p") {
-		$stage = "reset2";
-	}
-	if($token != "" && $password1 != "") {
-		$stage = "reset3";
-	}
+  if($token != "" && $p == "p") {
+    $stage = "reset2";
+  }
+  if($token != "" && $password1 != "") {
+    $stage = "reset3";
+  }
-	$includefile	= "content/en_" . $App->getScriptName();
- 	if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
-		$password1 = stripslashes($password1);
-	}
+  $includefile  = "content/en_" . $App->getScriptName();
+   if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+    $password1 = stripslashes($password1);
+  }
-	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
-	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
-	require_once '/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/ldapconnection.class.php';
-	$Friend = new Friend();
+  require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
+  require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
+  require_once '/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/ldapconnection.class.php';
+  $Friend = new Friend();
-	if($stage == "create") {
-		if($username != "" && $fname != "" && $lname != "" && $password1 != "") {
-			# Create an account.  Check to ensure this IP address hasn't flooded us with requests
-			# or that this email address doesn't already have an account
-			$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-			$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-			$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-			if($myrow['RecordCount'] >= 25) {
-				$error = "<b>You have already submitted a request. Please check your email inbox and spam folders to respond to the previous request.</b> (8723s)";
-			}
-			else {
-				$error = "<b>An unknown error has ocurred.  Please try later.";
-				# Check LDAP
-				$ldap = new LDAPConnection();
-				if(! $ldap->checkEmailAvailable($username)) {
-					$error = "<b>That account already exists.  If you cannot remember your password, please use the password reset option below.</b>  (8725s)";
-					# Jot this down to avoid repetitively polling ldap
-					$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($username)) . ",
-					'',
-					" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($fname)) . ",
-					" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($lname)) . ",
-					'',
-					" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-					NOW(),
-					" . $App->returnQuotedString("CREATE_FAILED") . ")");
+  if($stage == "create") {
+    if($username != "" && $fname != "" && $lname != "" && $password1 != "") {
+      # Create an account.  Check to ensure this IP address hasn't flooded us with requests
+      # or that this email address doesn't already have an account
+      $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+      $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+      $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+      if($myrow['RecordCount'] >= 25) {
+        $error = "<b>You have already submitted a request. Please check your email inbox and spam folders to respond to the previous request.</b> (8723s)";
+      }
+      else {
+        $error = "<b>An unknown error has ocurred.  Please try later.";
+        # Check LDAP
+        $ldap = new LDAPConnection();
+        if(! $ldap->checkEmailAvailable($username)) {
+          $error = "<b>That account already exists.  If you cannot remember your password, please use the password reset option below.</b>  (8725s)";
+          # Jot this down to avoid repetitively polling ldap
+          $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($username)) . ",
+          '',
+          " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($fname)) . ",
+          " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($lname)) . ",
+          '',
+          " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+          NOW(),
+          " . $App->returnQuotedString("CREATE_FAILED") . ")");
-					$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-					$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-					$EventLog->setPK1($username);
-					$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-					$EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_ALREADY_EXISTS");
-					$EventLog->insertModLog("apache");
-				}
-				else {
-					$error = "";
-					if($agree != 1) {
-						$error .= "- You must agree to the terms and contitions of use<br />";
-					}
+          $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+          $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+          $EventLog->setPK1($username);
+          $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+          $EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_ALREADY_EXISTS");
+          $EventLog->insertModLog("apache");
+        }
+        else {
+          $error = "";
+          if($agree != 1) {
+            $error .= "- You must agree to the terms and contitions of use<br />";
+          }
-					if(!preg_match($email_regexp, $username)) {
-						$error .= "- Your email address is not formatted correctly<br />";
-					}
+          if(!preg_match($email_regexp, $username)) {
+            $error .= "- Your email address is not formatted correctly<br />";
+          }
-					if($skill != 16) {
-						$error .= "- You haven't answered the mathematical question correctly<br />";
-					}
-					if(!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*[\d|\W])(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $password1)) {
-						$error .= "- Your password does not meet the complexity requirements.  It must be at least 6 characters long, and contain one number or one symbol.<br />";
-					}
+          if($skill != 16) {
+            $error .= "- You haven't answered the mathematical question correctly<br />";
+          }
+          if(!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*[\d|\W])(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $password1)) {
+            $error .= "- Your password does not meet the complexity requirements.  It must be at least 6 characters long, and contain one number or one symbol.<br />";
+          }
-					# Houston, we have a problem.
-					if($error != "") {
-						$error = "<b>Your request could not be processed for the following reason(s):<br/>" . $error . "</b>";
-					}
-					else {
-						# Add request to database
-						$token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
-						mysql_set_charset('utf8');
-						$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($username))) . ",
-						'',
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($fname))) . ",
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($lname))) . ",
-						'" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "',
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-						NOW(),
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($token) . ")");
+          # Houston, we have a problem.
+          if($error != "") {
+            $error = "<b>Your request could not be processed for the following reason(s):<br/>" . $error . "</b>";
+          }
+          else {
+            # Add request to database
+            $token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
+            mysql_set_charset('utf8');
+            $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($username))) . ",
+            '',
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($fname))) . ",
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize(trim($lname))) . ",
+            '" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "',
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+            NOW(),
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($token) . ")");
-						$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-						$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-						$EventLog->setPK1($token);
-						$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-						$EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_REQ_SUCCESS");
-						$EventLog->insertModLog($username);
+            $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+            $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+            $EventLog->setPK1($token);
+            $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+            $EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_REQ_SUCCESS");
+            $EventLog->insertModLog($username);
-						# Send mail to dest
-						$mail = "Dear $fname,\n\n";
-						$mail .= "Thank you for registering for an account at Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.\n\n";
- 						$mail .= "To complete your registration, please visit this URL:\n$token\n\n";
- 						$mail .= "Your Username is: $username\n\n";
- 						$mail .= "If you have any problems signing up please contact\n\n";
-						$mail .= " -- Eclipse webmaster\n";
-						$headers = 'From: Eclipse Webmaster (automated) <>' . "\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
-    					mail($username, "Eclipse Account Registration", $mail, $headers);
+            # Send mail to dest
+            $mail = "Dear $fname,\n\n";
+            $mail .= "Thank you for registering for an account at Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.\n\n";
+             $mail .= "To complete your registration, please visit this URL:\n$token\n\n";
+             $mail .= "Your Username is: $username\n\n";
+             $mail .= "If you have any problems signing up please contact\n\n";
+            $mail .= " -- Eclipse webmaster\n";
+            $headers = 'From: Eclipse Webmaster (automated) <>' . "\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
+              mail($username, "Eclipse Account Registration", $mail, $headers);
-						$includefile	= "content/en_createsuccess.php";
-					}
+            $includefile  = "content/en_createsuccess.php";
+          }
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			$error = "An error occurred while processing your request.  Please ensure that all the required fields are entered correctly and try again.  (8726s)";
-		}
-	}
-	if($stage == "reset") {
-		# reset stage 1.  We got an email address, create token and email to user
-		# make sure someone isn't blasting us.  We disregard "token failed" since a common use-case
-		# is to click the reset link after it has expired.
-		$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token <> 'TOKEN_FAILED' AND fname = 'RESET' AND lname = 'RESET' AND ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-		$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-		$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-		if($myrow['RecordCount'] >= 13) {
-			$error = "<b>We were unable to determine your identity after several attempts. Subsequent inquiries will be ignored for our protection.  Please try later, or contact for support.</b>  (8727s)";
-			$includefile	= "content/en_reset_error.php";
-		}
-		else {
-			# Check to see if we're trying to reset the password of a valid account.
-			$ldap = new LDAPConnection();
-			$token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
-			$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($username)) . ",
-			'',
-			" . $App->returnQuotedString("RESET") . ",
-			" . $App->returnQuotedString("RESET") . ",
-			'" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "',
-			" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-			NOW(),
-			" . $App->returnQuotedString($token) . ")");
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      $error = "An error occurred while processing your request.  Please ensure that all the required fields are entered correctly and try again.  (8726s)";
+    }
+  }
+  if($stage == "reset") {
+    # reset stage 1.  We got an email address, create token and email to user
+    # make sure someone isn't blasting us.  We disregard "token failed" since a common use-case
+    # is to click the reset link after it has expired.
+    $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token <> 'TOKEN_FAILED' AND fname = 'RESET' AND lname = 'RESET' AND ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+    $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+    $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+    if($myrow['RecordCount'] >= 13) {
+      $error = "<b>We were unable to determine your identity after several attempts. Subsequent inquiries will be ignored for our protection.  Please try later, or contact for support.</b>  (8727s)";
+      $includefile  = "content/en_reset_error.php";
+    }
+    else {
+      # Check to see if we're trying to reset the password of a valid account.
+      $ldap = new LDAPConnection();
+      $token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
+      $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($username)) . ",
+      '',
+      " . $App->returnQuotedString("RESET") . ",
+      " . $App->returnQuotedString("RESET") . ",
+      '" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "',
+      " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+      NOW(),
+      " . $App->returnQuotedString($token) . ")");
-			if(!preg_match($email_regexp, $username)) {
-				$reset_error = "<b>Your email address is not formatted correctly.</b><br />";
-			}
-			elseif($ldap->checkEmailAvailable($username)) {
-				$reset_error = "<b>We were unable to determine your identity with the information you've supplied.</b>  Perhaps you don't have an account, or your account is under a different email address.(8x27s)";
-			}
-			else {
-				# Send mail to dest
-				$mail = "You (or someone pretending to be you) has requested a password reset from:\n";
-				$mail .= "    " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n\n";
-				$mail .= "To change your password, please visit this URL:\n$token\n\n";
-	 			$mail .= "If you have not requested this change, you can safely let it expire.  If you have any problems signing in please contact\n\n";
-				$mail .= " -- Eclipse webmaster\n";
-				$headers = 'From: Eclipse Webmaster (automated) <>';
-	    		mail($username, "Eclipse Account Password Reset", $mail, $headers);
-	    		$pageTitle 		= "Password reset";
-				$includefile	= "content/en_reset.php";
+      if(!preg_match($email_regexp, $username)) {
+        $reset_error = "<b>Your email address is not formatted correctly.</b><br />";
+      }
+      elseif($ldap->checkEmailAvailable($username)) {
+        $reset_error = "<b>We were unable to determine your identity with the information you've supplied.</b>  Perhaps you don't have an account, or your account is under a different email address.(8x27s)";
+      }
+      else {
+        # Send mail to dest
+        $mail = "You (or someone pretending to be you) has requested a password reset from:\n";
+        $mail .= "    " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n\n";
+        $mail .= "To change your password, please visit this URL:\n$token\n\n";
+         $mail .= "If you have not requested this change, you can safely let it expire.  If you have any problems signing in please contact\n\n";
+        $mail .= " -- Eclipse webmaster\n";
+        $headers = 'From: Eclipse Webmaster (automated) <>';
+          mail($username, "Eclipse Account Password Reset", $mail, $headers);
+          $pageTitle     = "Password reset";
+        $includefile  = "content/en_reset.php";
-				$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-				$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-				$EventLog->setPK1($token);
-				$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-				$EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_REQ");
-				$EventLog->insertModLog($username);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if($stage == "reset2") {
-		# reset stage 2.  We got an token back.  If we find a record, allow user to reset password, then proceed to stage3
-		$includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
-		if($token != "") {
-			$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-			$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-			$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-			if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
-				$error = "<b>The supplied reset token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please wait 5 minutes and try to <a href='createaccount.php'>reset your password again</a>.  If the problem persits, please contact</b> (8129rs)";
-				$includefile = "content/en_reset_error.php";
-				# If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
-				$token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
-				$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
-						'',
-						'token_failed',
-						'token_failed',
-						'token_failed',
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-						NOW(),
-						'TOKEN_FAILED')"
-				);
-			}
-			else {
-				# display password reset page.
-				$includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
-				$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-				$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-				$EventLog->setPK1($token);
-				$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-				$EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_CONF");
-				$EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
-				# Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this email to avoid bombing
-				# $SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
-				# . " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-				#$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if($stage == "reset3") {
-		# reset stage 3.  We got a token back, and user is submitting a password.
-		$includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
-		if($token != "" && $password1 != "") {
-			$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-			$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-			$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-			if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
-				$error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please try to <a href='createaccount.php'>reset your password again</a>.  If the problem persits, please contact</b> (8329rs)";
-				# If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
-				$token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
-				$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
-						'',
-						'token_failed',
-						'token_failed',
-						'token_failed',
-						" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-						NOW(),
-						'TOKEN_FAILED')"
-				);
-			}
-			else {
-				if(!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $password1)) {
-					$error .= "- Your password does not meet the complexity requirements<br />";
-				}
-				else {
-					# Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this password to avoid bombing
-					$SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'PASSWORD_SUCCESS', password='" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
-					. " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-					$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+        $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+        $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+        $EventLog->setPK1($token);
+        $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+        $EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_REQ");
+        $EventLog->insertModLog($username);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if($stage == "reset2") {
+    # reset stage 2.  We got an token back.  If we find a record, allow user to reset password, then proceed to stage3
+    $includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
+    if($token != "") {
+      $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+      $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+      $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+      if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
+        $error = "<b>The supplied reset token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please wait 5 minutes and try to <a href='createaccount.php'>reset your password again</a>.  If the problem persits, please contact</b> (8129rs)";
+        $includefile = "content/en_reset_error.php";
+        # If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
+        $token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
+        $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
+            '',
+            'token_failed',
+            'token_failed',
+            'token_failed',
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+            NOW(),
+            'TOKEN_FAILED')"
+        );
+      }
+      else {
+        # display password reset page.
+        $includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
+        $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+        $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+        $EventLog->setPK1($token);
+        $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+        $EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_CONF");
+        $EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
+        # Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this email to avoid bombing
+        # $SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
+        # . " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+        #$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if($stage == "reset3") {
+    # reset stage 3.  We got a token back, and user is submitting a password.
+    $includefile = "content/en_reset.php";
+    if($token != "" && $password1 != "") {
+      $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+      $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+      $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+      if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
+        $error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please try to <a href='createaccount.php'>reset your password again</a>.  If the problem persits, please contact</b> (8329rs)";
+        # If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
+        $token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
+        $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
+            '',
+            'token_failed',
+            'token_failed',
+            'token_failed',
+            " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+            NOW(),
+            'TOKEN_FAILED')"
+        );
+      }
+      else {
+        if(!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $password1)) {
+          $error .= "- Your password does not meet the complexity requirements<br />";
+        }
+        else {
+          # Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this password to avoid bombing
+          $SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'PASSWORD_SUCCESS', password='" . $App->sqlSanitize($password1) . "', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
+          . " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+          $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-					$bzpass = &generateBugzillaSHA256Password($password1);
-					$SQL = "UPDATE profiles SET cryptpassword='" . $App->sqlSanitize($bzpass) . "' WHERE login_name = " .  $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($myrow['email'])) . " LIMIT 1";
-					$App->bugzilla_sql($SQL);
-					$App->ipzilla_sql($SQL);
+          $bzpass = &generateBugzillaSHA256Password($password1);
+          $SQL = "UPDATE profiles SET cryptpassword='" . $App->sqlSanitize($bzpass) . "' WHERE login_name = " .  $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($myrow['email'])) . " LIMIT 1";
+          $App->bugzilla_sql($SQL);
+          $App->ipzilla_sql($SQL);
-					$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-					$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-					$EventLog->setPK1($token);
-					$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-					$EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_SUCCESS");
-					$EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if($stage == "confirm") {
-		$includefile = "content/en_confirm.php";
-		$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token IN ('TOKEN_FAILED', 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS') AND  ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-		$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-		$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-		if($myrow['RecordCount'] > 0) {
-			$error = "<b>You have already submitted a request. Please check your email inbox and spam folders to respond to the previous request.</b>  (8728s)";
-		}
-		else {
-			if($token != "") {
-				$SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-				$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-				$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
-				if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
-					$error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please try creating your account again, and contact if the problem persists.</b> (8729s)";
-					# If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
-					$token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
-					$App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
-							'',
-							'token_failed',
-							'token_failed',
-							'token_failed',
-							" . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
-							NOW(),
-							'TOKEN_FAILED')"
-					);
-					$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-					$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-					$EventLog->setPK1($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-					$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-					$EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_TOKEN_FAILED");
-					$EventLog->insertModLog("apache");
-				}
-				else {
-					# Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this email to avoid bombing
-					$SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
-					. " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-					$rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+          $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+          $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+          $EventLog->setPK1($token);
+          $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+          $EventLog->setLogAction("PASSWD_RESET_SUCCESS");
+          $EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if($stage == "confirm") {
+    $includefile = "content/en_confirm.php";
+    $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token IN ('TOKEN_FAILED', 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS') AND  ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+    $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+    $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+    if($myrow['RecordCount'] > 0) {
+      $error = "<b>You have already submitted a request. Please check your email inbox and spam folders to respond to the previous request.</b>  (8728s)";
+    }
+    else {
+      if($token != "") {
+        $SQL = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ email, COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM account_requests WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+        $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
+        $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
+        if($myrow['RecordCount'] <= 0) {
+          $error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid; perhaps it has expired?  Please try creating your account again, and contact if the problem persists.</b> (8729s)";
+          # If we can't find a record, insert a record preventing this dude from bombing us
+          $token = $App->getAlphaCode(64);
+          $App->eclipse_sql("INSERT INTO account_requests VALUES (" . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token)) . ",
+              '',
+              'token_failed',
+              'token_failed',
+              'token_failed',
+              " . $App->returnQuotedString($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ",
+              NOW(),
+              'TOKEN_FAILED')"
+          );
+          $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+          $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+          $EventLog->setPK1($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+          $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+          $EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_TOKEN_FAILED");
+          $EventLog->insertModLog("apache");
+        }
+        else {
+          # Update this row, change IP address to reflect that of the person who successfully confirmed this email to avoid bombing
+          $SQL = "UPDATE account_requests SET token = 'CONFIRM_SUCCESS', ip = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
+          . " WHERE token = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+          $rs = $App->eclipse_sql($SQL);
-					$EventLog = new EvtLog();
-					$EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
-					$EventLog->setPK1($App->sqlSanitize($token));
-					$EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
-					$EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_CONFIRM_SUCCESS");
-					$EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				$error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid.  Please contact</b>";
-			}
-		}
-	}
+          $EventLog = new EvtLog();
+          $EventLog->setLogTable("__ldap");
+          $EventLog->setPK1($App->sqlSanitize($token));
+          $EventLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+          $EventLog->setLogAction("ACCT_CREATE_CONFIRM_SUCCESS");
+          $EventLog->insertModLog($myrow['email']);
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        $error = "<b>We were unable to validate your request.  The supplied token is invalid.  Please contact</b>";
+      }
+    }
+  }
-	include($includefile);
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
+  include($includefile);
+  # Generate the web page
+  $App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
-	function generatePassword($_num_chars) {
-		global $App;
-    	$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1023456789,.;:/@#$%^&*()-_=+";
-		srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
-		$loopcount 	= 0;
-		$rValue 	= "";
-		while (!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $rValue)) {
-			$rValue 	= "";
-			$i 			= 0;
-			$loopcount++;
-			srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
-			while ($i <= $_num_chars) {
-	        	$num = rand() % strlen($chars);
-				$rValue .= substr($chars, $num, 1);
-				$i++;
-			}
-			# antilooper
-			if($loopcount > 1000) {
-				$rValue = "aA1$" . $App->getAlphaCode(4);
-			}
-		}
-		return $rValue;
+  function generatePassword($_num_chars) {
+    global $App;
+      $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1023456789,.;:/@#$%^&*()-_=+";
+    srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+    $loopcount   = 0;
+    $rValue   = "";
+    while (!preg_match("/(?=^.{6,}$)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z]).*$/", $rValue)) {
+      $rValue   = "";
+      $i       = 0;
+      $loopcount++;
+      srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+      while ($i <= $_num_chars) {
+            $num = rand() % strlen($chars);
+        $rValue .= substr($chars, $num, 1);
+        $i++;
+      }
+      # antilooper
+      if($loopcount > 1000) {
+        $rValue = "aA1$" . $App->getAlphaCode(4);
+      }
+    }
+    return $rValue;