blob: d4f57a1a2aa6248751903265c33c1abc8b843e60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nathan Gervais (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
# sql.php
# Author: Nathan Gervais
# Date: Oct 31st, 2008
# Description:
# Category Meta-Data Management Tool.
$documentRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
require_once ("includes/header.php");
require_once ($documentRoot . "/");
require_once ($documentRoot . "/");
$App = new App();
function retrieveCategories($categoryList, $projectID, $App) {
foreach ($categoryList as $cl)
$categoriesString .= "\"". $cl . "\", ";
$categoriesString = trim($categoriesString);
$categoriesString = trim($categoriesString, ',');
$sql = "SELECT piv.value from ProjectInfoValues as piv
INNER JOIN ProjectInfo as pi on pi.ProjectInfoID = piv.ProjectInfoID
WHERE pi.MainKey = 'categories' and piv.Value IN ($categoriesString) and pi.ProjectID = \"$projectID\" ORDER by piv.value";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql);
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$categoriesFoundArray[] = $rr['value'];
if (count($categoriesFoundArray) == 0)
$categoriesFoundArray = array();
foreach ($categoryList as $cl){
if (array_search($cl, $categoriesFoundArray) !== FALSE )
if (count($categoriesDiscovered) == 0)
$categoriesDiscovered = array();
return $categoriesDiscovered;
function gatherAndUpdateRecord($categoryList, $projectID, $_POST, $App)
foreach($categoryList as $cl){
$categoryUpdateList[$cl] = array_key_exists($cl, $_POST);
if ($_POST['other'] != ""){
$other = $_POST['other'];
$categoryUpdateList[$other] = TRUE;
foreach ($categoryUpdateList as $culKey => $cul)
insertUpdate($culKey, $cul, $projectID, $App);
function insertUpdate($category, $value, $projectID, $App){
if ($value == TRUE) {
$checkSQL = "SELECT pi.ProjectInfoID from ProjectInfoValues as piv
INNER JOIN ProjectInfo as pi on pi.ProjectInfoID = piv.ProjectInfoID
WHERE pi.MainKey = 'categories' and pi.ProjectID = '$projectID' and piv.Value = '$category'";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($checkSQL);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO ProjectInfo VALUES (NULL, '$projectID', 'categories', NULL)";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($insertSQL);
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO ProjectInfoValues (ProjectInfoID, SubKey, Value) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), '', '$category')";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($insertSQL);
echo "$projectID - $category - Added<br/>";
else {
$checkSQL = "SELECT pi.ProjectInfoID from ProjectInfoValues as piv
INNER JOIN ProjectInfo as pi on pi.ProjectInfoID = piv.ProjectInfoID
WHERE pi.MainKey = 'categories' and pi.ProjectID = '$projectID' and piv.Value = '$category'";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($checkSQL);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
$ra = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$ProjectInfoID = $ra['ProjectInfoID'];
$deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM ProjectInfo where ProjectInfoID = $ProjectInfoID";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($deleteSQL);
echo "$projectID - $category - Removed<br/>";
$distinctCatSql = "SELECT DISTINCT piv.value from ProjectInfoValues as piv
INNER JOIN ProjectInfo as pi on pi.ProjectInfoID = piv.ProjectInfoID
WHERE pi.MainKey = 'categories' ORDER by piv.value";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($distinctCatSql);
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$categoryArray[] = $rr['value'];
$distinctIDSql = "SELECT DISTINCT ProjectID from ProjectInfo ORDER BY ProjectID";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($distinctIDSql);
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$pidArray[] = $rr['ProjectID'];
$ProjectInfoList = new ProjectInfoList();
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
<select name="projectID">
<? foreach ($pidArray as $pid)
$selected = "";
if ($_POST['projectID'] == $pid)
$selected = "selected";
echo "<option value=\"$pid\" $selected>$pid</option>";
} ?>
<input name="viewCat" type="submit" value="View Categories"/>
if (isset($_POST['viewCat']))
$retCat = retrieveCategories($categoryArray,$_POST['projectID'], $App);
?><h1>Categories found for <?=$_POST['projectID'];?></h1>
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="projectID" value="<?=$_POST['projectID'];?>"/>
foreach ($categoryArray as $ca){ ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="<?=$ca;?>" <? if (array_key_exists($ca, $retCat) !== FALSE) echo "checked";?>/><?=$ca;?><br/>
<? } ?>
<input type="text" name="other"/> Other<br/>
<input type="submit" name="modify" value="Update Category"/>
if (isset($_POST['modify']))
$projectID = $_POST['projectID'];
echo "Received Update Record for $projectID";
gatherAndUpdateRecord($categoryArray, $projectID, $_POST, $App);