blob: 3bec4eee953cd564715a05ef97321e1935ac9085 [file] [log] [blame]
# Author: Denis Roy
# Date: 2004-09-10
# Description: Infrastructure status UI
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<td width="100%" valign="top" class="normal">
<font class="large_title"> paths to data</font><br /><br />
Because of redundant and load-balanced services, the infrastructure is more complex than in the past.
This page should help you figure out what's where.
<table border="1">
<td>This is where all the public data is. Needless to look anywhere else.</td>
<b>/cvsroot/eclipse<br />
/cvsroot/tools<br />
/cvsroot/webtools</b> etc...<br />
<td>These are your CVS repositories. We <b>strongly</b> encourage you to contact the WebMaster to move or delete files, instead of doing it from the shell.</td>
<td>This is the website repository. Look in www/yourproject. Anything you commit here is published to within one minute.</td>
<b>/home/data/httpd/</b><br />
(a.k.a /home/www and ~/downloads)
<td>This is the main download area, accessible only via RSYNC and SSH/SFTP/SCP. The webserver does not look here, so do not use this path for PHP scripts. DO use this path to add or remove downloadable files. This directory is replicated to /home/local/data/httpd/ on each node server.</td>
<td>This is where you can store downloadable files that aren't ready for downloads yet. Perhaps you need to verify them, or sign them. The Eclipse web servers cannot access this area, so it's private.</td>
<td>This is where your PHP scripts can write files. Temp files, status files, XML files, whatever. Ask us for a spot here if your project's PHP scripts need write access.</td>
<td>These are your Home directories. Just type <b>cd</b> to get to yours.</td>
<td>This is the replicated downloads area, used exclusively by Use this location to build your Download web pages using PHP. Don't change files here, because your changes will be lost.</td>