blob: 96e81c978198a44e1f2f6c067837570d9607ee71 [file] [log] [blame]
$debug = 0;
if ($debug) echo "test3";
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
if ($debug) echo "test8";
$App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu();
# All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Eclipse Membership";
$pageKeywords = "Type, page, keywords, here";
$pageAuthor = "Type your name here";
# Add page-specific Nav bars here
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank)
# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self");
# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank");
# End: page-specific settings
# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!
if ($debug) echo "test28v2";
if ($debug) echo "SERVER_DR:" . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
mysql_query("select * from OrganizationInformation;");
echo mysql_error();
echo("Organization Information");
mysql_query("select * from OrganizationProducts;");
echo mysql_error();
echo("Organization Products");
mysql_query("select * from TagNames;");
echo mysql_error();
echo("TagNames ");
mysql_query("select * from OrganizationTags;");
echo mysql_error();
$industry_tag_sql = 'select * from TagNames where is_industry_tag=\'Y\' order by tag_name;';
$membership_tag_sql = 'select * from TagNames where is_membership_level_tag=\'Y\' order by tag_name;';
$alphabet_tag_sql = 'select * from TagNames where is_alphabetical_tag=\'Y\' order by tag_name;';
$project_tag_sql = 'select * from TagNames where is_project_tag=\'Y\' order by tag_name;';
if ($debug) echo "test40";
$industry = mysql_evaluate_rows($industry_tag_sql);
$membership = mysql_evaluate_rows($membership_tag_sql);
$alphabet = mysql_evaluate_rows($alphabet_tag_sql);
$project = mysql_evaluate_rows($project_tag_sql);
if ($debug) echo "test45";
$industry_html = '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>Industry Tags</h3>';
$tag_html = '';
foreach ($industry as $a) {
$tag_name = $a[1];
if ($tag_html != '') {$tag_html .= ', ';}
$tag_html .= '<a href="./showMembersWithTag.php?tag_name=' . $tag_name . '"> ' . $tag_name . '</a>';
$industry_html .= $tag_html . '</div>';
$membership_html = '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>Membership Tags</h3>';
$tag_html = '';
foreach ($membership as $a) {
$tag_name = $a[1];
if ($tag_html != '') {$tag_html .= ', ';}
$tag_html .= '<a href="./showMembersWithTag.php?tag_name=' . $tag_name . '"> ' . $tag_name . '</a>';
$membership_html .= $tag_html . '</div>';
$alphabet_html = '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>Alphabetical Tags</h3>';
$tag_html = '';
foreach ($alphabet as $a) {
$tag_name = $a[1];
if ($tag_html != '') {$tag_html .= ', ';}
$tag_html .= '<a href="./showMembersWithTag.php?tag_name=' . $tag_name . '"> ' . $tag_name . '</a>';
$alphabet_html .= $tag_html . '</div>';
$project_html = '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>Project Tags</h3>';
$tag_html = '';
foreach ($project as $a) {
$tag_name = $a[1];
if ($tag_html != '') {$tag_html .= ', ';}
$tag_html .= '<a href="./showMembersWithTag.php?tag_name=' . $tag_name . '"> ' . $tag_name . '</a>';
$project_html .= $tag_html . '</div>';
$html = <<<EOHTML
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
<p> The Eclipse Foundation is supported by its member organizations. You do not have to be a
member to use the Eclipse technology or participate in an Eclipse open source project. Member
organizations typically have an Eclipse specific solution that they offer to the community.
<a href="become_a_member/"><img align="left" src="mem_eclipse_pos_logo_fc_xsm.jpg" border="1" alt="Become a member" /></a>
<br />
&#160;&#160;<font size="+1"><b><a href="become_a_member/">Become a member</a></b></font><br />
&#160;&#160;Discover the benefits of being a member of the Eclipse Foundation.
<hr class="clearer" />
<h1>Find Eclipse Members By Tag</h1>
<div id="rightcolumn">
<div class="sideitem">
<h6>Related Links</h6>
<li><a href="../services/">Eclipse Services</a></li>
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);