blob: c75ed8bb36e6ed4595c8a808c0d85936637bf332 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Denis Roy (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
# Build HIPP Control UI
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$ProjectList = new ProjectList();
$hudsonString = "";
$jqString = "";
if($ProjectList->getCount() > 0) {
for($i = 0; $i < $ProjectList->getCount(); $i++) {
$Project = $ProjectList->getItemAt($i);
$Hipp = new Hipp();
$hippurl = "" . $Project->getProjectShortName();
$hudsonString .= "<li><a href='$hippurl'>" . $Project->getName() . "</a>: &#160; ";
if($Hipp->getID() > 0) {
$hudsonString .= "<span id='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "_state' class='" . $Hipp->getState() . "'>" . $Hipp->getState() . "</span> &#160; <span id='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "_instance'>";
# Examine Service status to determine control knobs to place
if($Hipp->getState() == "running") {
# Add STOP button
$hudsonString .= "<img id='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "_stop' class='control_icon' src='//' alt='Stop' title='Stop' /> &#160;";
addJQControlButton("stop", $Project->getProjectID(), $Project->getProjectShortName());
# Add RESTART button
$hudsonString .= "<img id='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "_restart' class='control_icon' src='//' alt='Restart' title='Restart' /> &#160;";
addJQControlButton("restart", $Project->getProjectID(), $Project->getProjectShortName());
if($Hipp->getState() == "stopped") {
# Add START button
$hudsonString .= "<img id='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "_start' class='control_icon' src='images/icon_start.png' alt='Start' title='Start' /> &#160;";
addJQControlButton("start", $Project->getProjectID(), $Project->getProjectShortName());
$hudsonString .= "</span>";
else {
$hudsonString .= "No HIPP instance found for this project. <a href='" . $Project->getProjectShortName() . "'>Request one.</a>";
$hudsonString .= "</li>";
# Extras
$hudsonString .= "<li><a href=''>Request Webmaster support for a HIPP instance</a>";
$hudsonString .= $spacer . "<a href=''>Hudson and HIPP docs</a></li>";
else {
$hudsonString .= "<li><a href=''>Request a HIPP instance</a>";
$hudsonString .= $spacer . "<a href=''>About Hudson and HIPP</a></li>";
# Typical toggle stuff
$showView = "none";
$showToggle = "Show Committer tools.";
$hideToggle = "Hide Committer tools.";
$details = $showToggle;
if(!preg_match("/.*myaccount.php/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
$showView = "inline";
$details = $hideToggle;
# Expand this module by default
if(preg_match("/.*myaccount.php/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
$showView = "inline";
$details = $hideToggle;
# Load up jQuery
echo $App->getjQuery();
<br />
<div class="section">
<p><a href="#" onclick="fnToggle();"><img class="section_icon" src="//" alt="Icon_committer" /><label id="changelabel" class='visibility_toggle'><?= $details ?></label></a></p>
<div id="committertools" style="display:<?= $showView ?>;">
<h3>Development Tools</h6>
<li><a href="">Bugzilla</a><?= $spacer ?><a href="">Git</a><?= $spacer ?><a href="">Gerrit code review</a></li>
<li><a href="">Request Webmaster Support</a></li>
<h3>Committer Tools</h6>
<li><a href="">PMI - Project management infrastructure</a><?= $spacer ?><a href="">IPZilla</a></li>
<li><a href="../committers/bugs/bugz_manager.php">Bugzilla Manager: components, targets, milestones</a></li>
<li><a href="">Committer mailing list</a></li>
<li><a href="../committers/committertools/stats.php">Download stats</a><?= $spacer ?><a href="../committers/webstats/webstats.php">Website stats</a></li>
<li><a href="">Eclipse infras status</a><?= $spacer ?><a href="../committers/committertools/ip_test.php">IP address / DNS test tool</a></li>
<div class="hudson">
<img src="images/icon_hudson.png" alt="Hudson" />
<h3>Hudson HIPP Control</h3>
<?= $hudsonString ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
<?= $jqString ?>
function fnToggle() {
if(document.getElementById('committertools').style.display == "none") {
document.getElementById('committertools').style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById('changelabel').innerHTML = '<?= $hideToggle ?>';
else {
document.getElementById('committertools').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('changelabel').innerHTML = '<?= $showToggle ?>';
* @param String $_cntl (start, stop, restart)
* @param String $_project_id
* @param String $_project_short_name
* @author droy
* @since 2013-11-08
function addJQControlButton($_cntl, $_project_id, $_project_short_name) {
global $jqString;
$jqString .= '$("#' . $_project_short_name . '_' . $_cntl . '").click(function() {';
# Clear "state"
$jqString .= '$("#' . $_project_short_name . '_state").html("");';
# Post to hipp control
$jqString .= '$.post( "control_hipp/index.php", { action: "' . $_cntl . '", project: "' . $_project_id . '" })';
$jqString .= '.done(function( data ) {';
$jqString .= 'var output = data; var regexp = /^token:/; if (regexp.test(data)) {';
# We got a token back. Success, now check up on it.
$jqString .= 'var token=data.split(":");';
$jqString .= 'output="<img class=\"spinner\" src=\"../images/spinner.gif\" />";';
$jqString .= 'var timer, delay = 5000;';
$jqString .= 'timer = setInterval(function(){';
$jqString .= '$.post( "control_hipp/index.php", { action: "check", token: token[1] })';
$jqString .= '.done(function(html){';
$jqString .= '$("#' . $_project_short_name . '_instance").html(html);';
$jqString .= '})';
$jqString .= '},delay);';
$jqString .= '}';
$jqString .= '$("#' . $_project_short_name . '_instance").html(output);';
$jqString .= '});';
$jqString .= '});';