blob: 5a41f7bb3b4bcc0d450499e38099ff2e5b0a6db7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Denis Roy (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/site_login/classes/account_creator.class.php");
$App = new App();
$Nav = new Nav();
$Menu = new Menu();
$error = "";
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$pageTitle = "Eclipse Login";
$pageKeywords = "eclipse,friends,login,account,signon,sign-on";
$pageAuthor = "Eclipse Foundation, Inc.";
$username = $App->getHTTPParameter("username", "POST");
$password = $App->getHTTPParameter("password", "POST");
# $remember = $App->getHTTPParameter("remember", "POST") ? "checked='checked'" : "";
$remember = $App->getHTTPParameter("remember", "POST");
$submit = $App->getHTTPParameter("submit");
$takemeback = urldecode($App->getHTTPParameter("takemeback", "POST"));
$githubid = $App->getHTTPParameter("githubid", "POST");
# Sanitize takemeback for XSS
$takemeback = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $takemeback);
# $username = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $username);
if(!preg_match($email_regexp, $username) && $submit == "Login") {
$submit = "";
$email = "";
$username = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $username);
$error = "Your email address does not appear to be valid.";
$password = preg_replace($xss_patterns, '', $password);
if(!is_numeric($remember)) {
$remember = 0;
$includefile = "content/en_" . $App->getScriptName();
if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$password = stripslashes($password);
# Takemeback processing
$referer = "";
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
# Coming from the Wiki? Redirect to Special:Userlogin to finish processign
if(preg_match("/^(http|https):\/\/(wiki|wikitest)\.eclipse\.org\//", $referer, $matches)) {
$location = substr($referer, strlen($matches[0]));
#strip 'extra' index data bug 308257
$location = preg_replace("/index\.php\?title\=/","",$location);
$referer = $matches[0] . "index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&action=submitlogin&type=login&returnto=" . $location ;
# Forum login process broken with bad redirect
# Bug 430302
if(preg_match("#^https?://.*\?t=login#", $referer, $matches)) {
$referer = "";
$takemeback = $referer;
if($takemeback == "") {
$takemeback = $referer;
# Since we use a secure cookie, anything http should be sent back https.
if(preg_match("#^http://(.*)#", $takemeback, $matches)) {
$takemeback = "https://" . $matches[1];
# Bug 421097
(!preg_match('#^https?://[\w+\.0-9-]{0,}', $takemeback) &&
!preg_match('#^https?://[\w+\.0-9-]{0,}', $takemeback) &&
!preg_match('#^https?://[\w+\.0-9-]{0,}', $takemeback) &&
!preg_match('#^https?://[\w+\.0-9-]{0,}', $takemeback))
|| (preg_match('#^https?://[\w+\.0-9-]{0,}', $takemeback))
) {
$takemeback = "";
# End of takemeback processing
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$Friend = new Friend();
$ldapconn = new LDAPConnection();
# bug 432822 - if someone is already logged in, send them to their account info page
$Session = $App->useSession();
if ($Session->getGID() != "") {
if ($takemeback == "") {
header("Location: myaccount.php", TRUE, 307);
else {
header("Location: " . $takemeback, TRUE, 307);
if($submit == "Login") {
$username = trim($username);
$dn = $ldapconn->authenticate($username, $password);
if($dn) {
$email = $username;
# If you've logged in with your uid, we need to get the email.
if(!preg_match("/@/", $username)) {
$email = $ldapconn->getLDAPAttribute($dn, "mail");
# Look up BZ ID
$sql = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ userid FROM profiles where login_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($email));
$rs = $App->bugzilla_sql($sql);
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
# Load up Friend info
$Friend->selectFriend($Friend->selectFriendID("Bugzilla_ID", $myrow['userid']));
else {
# Try to log into Bugzilla using these credentials
# This will create one
# creating one is important, since not all our sites use LDAP auth, and some rely on BZ auth
$AccountCreator = New AccountCreator();
# create/update Gerrit account
# Bug 421319
# sleep(1); # not needed if we take the time to log into Gerrit
$AccountCreator = New AccountCreator();
$http_code = $AccountCreator->execute();
# TODO: verify that account was created (see bugzilla SQL below)
# Get BZ ID now that an acct should be created
$sql = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ userid FROM profiles where login_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($email));
$rs = $App->bugzilla_sql($sql);
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
# Load up Friend info
$Friend->selectFriend($Friend->selectFriendID("Bugzilla_ID", $myrow['userid']));
# TODO: log successful creation
else {
$EventLog = new EvtLog();
$Friend->setBugzillaID(41806); # Nobody.
# Override loaded friends info with LDAP info
$Friend->setFirstName($ldapconn->getLDAPAttribute($dn, "givenName"));
$Friend->setLastName($ldapconn->getLDAPAttribute($dn, "sn"));
$realname = $Friend->getFirstName() . " " . $Friend->getLastName();
$pageTitle = "Welcome Back, " . $Friend->getFirstName() . "!";
$Session = new Session($remember);
# Only temporarily, re-hash the password in Bugzilla so that other services can use it
$bzpass = &generateBugzillaSHA256Password($password);
$App->bugzilla_sql("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$SQL = "UPDATE profiles SET cryptpassword='" . $App->sqlSanitize($bzpass) . "', realname='" . $App->sqlSanitize($realname) . "' WHERE login_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($email)) . " LIMIT 1";
//if the take me back cookie isn't already set, set it
if ( !isset($_COOKIE['TAKEMEBACK']) ) {
setcookie("TAKEMEBACK", $takemeback, 0, "/", "");
# Begin: Bug 432830 - Remove the continue button in site_login
if($takemeback != "") {
header("Location: " . $takemeback);
else {
# load up values for the welcomeback form
$oldpassword = $password;
$password1 = $password;
$password2 = $password;
$fname = $Friend->getFirstName();
$lname = $Friend->getLastName();
$githubid = $ldapconn->getGithubIDFromMail($Friend->getEmail());
$includefile = "content/en_welcomeback2.php";
# END: Bug 432830 - Remove the continue button in site_login
else {
$error = "Authentication Failed. Please verify that your email address and password are correct.";
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);