blob: c4c12a399318ea651869a4ed8f7bb1737e4af376 [file] [log] [blame]
revertButtonLabel = Revert
furtherConfigAvailable = Further configuration available...
furtherConfigRequired = Further configuration required...
errDlgTitle = Error
warningDialogTitle = Warning
modifyWithUnknownWarningMessage = Modifying a faceted project when implementations of one or more installed facets are not available can potentially result in a corrupted project. Are you sure you want to proceed?
projectNotFacetedMessage = This project is not configured to use project facets. Converting this project to faceted form will allow you to easily control the available technologies.
convertLink = Convert to faceted form...
taskConvertingProject = Converting project to faceted form...
taskDetectingTechnologies = Detecting existing technologies...
taskInstallingFacets = Installing project facets...