blob: ce6a6448f65376c9c5a2ca67a11109eaab7800a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* yyyymmdd bug Email and other contact information
* -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
* 20080711 240408 - Raymond Lai, support case-insensitive platform makeFile when a file with variant case exists
package org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.environment.eclipse;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.environment.Choice;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.environment.IStatusHandler;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.environment.StatusException;
* This class contains useful methods for working with Eclipse resources.
public final class FileResourceUtils
// Keeps the IWorkspace hanging around. See getWorkspace().
private static IWorkspace workspace_ = null;
// Keeps the IWorkspaceRoot hanging around. See getWorkspaceRoot().
private static IWorkspaceRoot root_ = null;
* Returns the IWorkspaceRoot object.
* @return The IWorkspaceRoot object.
public static IWorkspaceRoot getWorkspaceRoot ()
if (root_ == null)
root_ = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
return root_;
* Returns the IWorkspace object.
* @return The IWorkspace object.
public static IWorkspace getWorkspace ()
if (workspace_ == null)
if (root_ == null)
root_ = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
workspace_ = root_.getWorkspace();
return workspace_;
* @return returns an array of three common choices. (ie. Yes, yes all, and cancel )
public static Choice[] getThreeStateFileOptions()
Vector choices = new Vector();
choices.add(new Choice( 'Y', Messages.LABEL_YES ));
choices.add(new Choice( 'A', Messages.LABEL_YES_TO_ALL ));
choices.add(new Choice( 'C', Messages.LABEL_CANCEL ));
return (Choice[])choices.toArray(new Choice[choices.size()]);
* Returns an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource IResource}
* of the given absolute pathname or null if no such resource exists.
* @param absolutePathname The absolute path of the resource.
* @return The <code>IResource</code>.
public static IResource findResource ( String absolutePathname )
if (absolutePathname == null)
return null;
return findResource(new Path(absolutePathname));
* Returns an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource IResource}
* of the given absolute path or null if no such resource exists.
* @param absolutePath The absolute <code>IPath</code> of the resource.
* @return The <code>IResource</code>.
public static IResource findResource ( IPath absolutePath )
if (absolutePath == null)
return null;
return FileResourceUtils.getWorkspaceRoot().findMember(absolutePath);
* Copies a file from a plugin's installation location
* to an Eclipse folder.
* @param plugin The plugin containing the files to copy.
* Must not be null.
* @param sourcePath The path, relative to the <code>plugin</code>
* install location, containing the files to copy.
* If null, then the plugin install location is the source path
* (ie. null is equivalent to ".").
* @param pathname The pathname of the file to copy.
* The pathname is relative to the <code>plugin sourcePath</code>.
* Must not be null.
* @param targetPath The absolute Eclipse path of the folder to
* which the file will be copied. The relative pathname of the
* file is preserved.
* Must not be null.
* @param createFolders The intermediate folder creation policy, one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>CREATE</code> -
* If any intermediate folders in the given <code>absolutePath</code>
* do not exist, they will be created.
* <li><code>DONT_CREATE</code> -
* If any intermediate folders in the given <code>absolutePath</code>
* do not exist, the method will throw a <code>CoreException</code>.
* </ul>
* @param overwriteFile The policy for existing files, one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>OVERWRITE</code> -
* If a resource of the same name as the given
* <code>absolutePath</code> already exists and is a file,
* it will be replaced.
* If the resource already exists and it is not a file,
* then no file will be created and
* a <code>CoreException</code> will be thrown.
* <li><code>DONT_OVERWRITE</code> -
* If any resource of the same name as the given
* <code>absolutePath</code> already exists,
* then no file will be created and
* a <code>CoreException</code> will be thrown.
* </ul>
* @param progressMonitor The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @throws CoreException An exception containing an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus IStatus}
* with a severity of <code>IStatus.ERROR</code> and a
* locale-specific description of the cause.
static public void copyFile( Plugin plugin,
IPath sourcePath,
IPath pathname,
IPath targetPath,
IStatusHandler statusMonitor )
throws CoreException
IPath target = targetPath.append(pathname);
IPath source = sourcePath == null ? pathname : sourcePath.append(pathname);
InputStream input = plugin.openStream(source);
createFile(target, input, statusMonitor);
catch (IOException e)
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR,
* Deletes a file under a container.
* The container must already exist.
* @param file - the IFile to be deleted
* @param progressMonitor
* @param statusMonitor
* @return True if the file does not exist or if it exists and is successfully deleted. False otherwise.
public static boolean deleteFile( IFile file,
IStatusHandler statusMonitor)
throws CoreException
if (file.exists())
//We have permission to overwrite so check if file is read-only
if (file.isReadOnly())
IFile[] files = new IFile[1];
files[0] = file;
IStatus status = getWorkspace().validateEdit(files, null);
if( status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR )
statusMonitor.reportError( status );
return false;
file.delete(true, null);
//At this point, either the file did not exist or we successfully deleted
// it. Return success.
return true;
* Deletes a folder under a container.
* @param folder - the IFolder to be deleted
* @param progressMonitor
* @param statusMonitor
* @return True if the folder does not exist or if it exists and is successfully deleted along with its members. False otherwise.
public static boolean deleteFolder( IFolder folder,
IStatusHandler statusMonitor )
throws CoreException
if (!folder.exists()) return true;
boolean deleted = true;
IResource[] resources = folder.members();
for (int i=0; i<resources.length; i++)
IResource resource = resources[i];
if (resource instanceof IFile)
deleted = deleteFile((IFile)resource, statusMonitor);
if (resource instanceof IFolder)
deleted = deleteFolder( (IFolder)resource, statusMonitor);
if( !deleted ) break;
if( deleted )
folder.delete(true, true, null);
return true;
return false;
* Creates a file of the given <code>absolutePath</code>
* and returns its handle as an <code>IFile</code>.
* If the file cannot be created, a
* <code>CoreException</code> containing an
* <code>IStatus</code> object is thrown.
* @param absolutePath The absolute path of the file to create.
* The project at the beginning of the path must already exist,
* that is, this method cannot be used to create projects.
* @param progressMonitor The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @return The {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile IFile}
* handle of the file.
* @throws CoreException An exception containing an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus IStatus}
* with a severity of <code>IStatus.ERROR</code> and a
* locale-specific description of the cause.
public static IFile createFile (
IPath absolutePath,
InputStream inputStream,
IStatusHandler statusHandler )
throws CoreException
if (!absolutePath.isAbsolute())
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "ResourceUtils",0, NLS.bind( Messages.MSG_ERROR_PATH_NOT_ABSOLUTE, absolutePath.toString() ),null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (absolutePath.segmentCount() < 1)
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR,"ResourceUtils",0,NLS.bind( Messages.MSG_ERROR_PATH_EMPTY, absolutePath.toString() ),null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (absolutePath.segmentCount() < 2)
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR,"ResourceUtils",0,NLS.bind( Messages.MSG_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOLDER, absolutePath.toString() ),null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContainer parent = makeFolderPath(absolutePath.removeLastSegments(1), statusHandler);
String fileName = absolutePath.lastSegment();
return makeFile(parent, fileName, inputStream, statusHandler);
* Creates under the given <code>project</code>
* a file of the given <code>relativePath</code>
* and returns its handle as an <code>IFile</code>.
* If the file cannot be created, a
* <code>CoreException</code> containing an
* <code>IStatus</code> object is thrown.
* @param absolutePath The absolute path of the file to create.
* The project at the beginning of the path must already exist,
* that is, this method cannot be used to create projects.
* @param createFolders The intermediate folder creation policy, one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>CREATE</code> -
* If any intermediate folders in the given <code>absolutePath</code>
* do not exist, they will be created.
* <li><code>DONT_CREATE</code> -
* If any intermediate folders in the given <code>absolutePath</code>
* do not exist, the method will throw a <code>CoreException</code>.
* </ul>
* @param overwriteFile The policy for existing files, one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>OVERWRITE</code> -
* If a resource of the same name as the given
* <code>absolutePath</code> already exists and is a file,
* it will be replaced.
* If the resource already exists and it is not a file,
* then no file will be created and
* a <code>CoreException</code> will be thrown.
* <li><code>DONT_OVERWRITE</code> -
* If any resource of the same name as the given
* <code>absolutePath</code> already exists,
* then no file will be created and
* a <code>CoreException</code> will be thrown.
* </ul>
* @param progressMonitor The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @return The {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile IFile}
* handle of the file.
* @throws CoreException An exception containing an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus IStatus}
* with a severity of <code>IStatus.ERROR</code> and a
* locale-specific description of the cause.
public static IFile createFile (
IProject project,
IPath relativePath,
InputStream inputStream,
IStatusHandler statusMonitor )
throws CoreException
IPath absolutePath = project.getFullPath().append(relativePath);
return createFile(absolutePath, inputStream, statusMonitor);
* Creates an output stream that can be used to write to the
* given <code>file</code>. Actual changes to the workspace
* may occur during creation of the stream, while writing to
* the stream, or when the stream is closed.
* A <code>CoreException</code> containing
* an <code>IStatus</code> will be thrown
* at some point in the lifecycle of the stream
* if the file resource cannot be created.
* @param file The {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile IFile}
* handle of the file resource to create. The project implied by the
* pathname of the file must already exist,
* that is, this method cannot be used to create projects.
* @param progressMonitor The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @return An <code>OutputStream</code> tied to the file resource.
* Actual checks of or changes to the workspace may occur as early during
* stream creation, closure, or any time in between.
* @throws CoreException An exception containing an
* {@link org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus IStatus}
* with a severity of <code>IStatus.ERROR</code> and a
* locale-specific description of the cause.
* Reasons include:
* <ol>
* <li>The project of the given file's path does not exist.
* <li>A non-file resource of the same name of the given file
* already exists.
* <li>A file resource of the same name of the given file
* already exists, and <code>overwriteFile</code> is false.
* <li>One or more intermediate folders to the given file
* do not exist, and <code>createFolders</code> is false.
* </ol>
public static OutputStream newFileOutputStream (
IPath file,
IStatusHandler statusHandler )
return new FileResourceOutputStream(file, statusHandler);
// Naughty bits...
// Creates a path of folders.
// Do not call with an absolutePath of less than one segment.
* Creates a path of folders.
* Do not call with an absolutePath of less than one segment.
* @param resourceContext the resource context for making folders.
* @param absolutePath the path of folders that will be created.
* @param progressMonitor the progress monitor to be used.
* @param statusHandler the status handler.
* @return returns the IContainer of the created folder.
public static IContainer makeFolderPath (
IPath absolutePath,
IStatusHandler statusHandler )
throws CoreException
if (absolutePath.segmentCount() <= 1)
return getWorkspaceRoot().getProject(absolutePath.segment(0));
IContainer parent = makeFolderPath(absolutePath.removeLastSegments(1), statusHandler );
String folderName = absolutePath.lastSegment();
return makeFolder(parent,folderName, statusHandler );
// Creates a folder under a container.
// The container must already exist.
private static IFolder makeFolder (
IContainer parent,
String folderName,
IStatusHandler statusHandler )
throws CoreException
IResource child = parent.findMember(folderName);
if( child == null )
IFolder folder = parent.getFolder(new Path(folderName));
return folder;
else if( child.getType() == IResource.FOLDER )
return (IFolder)child;
throw new CoreException(
new Status( IStatus.ERROR,
"ResourceUtils", //$NON-NLS-1$
NLS.bind( Messages.MSG_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOLDER, parent.getFullPath().append(folderName).toString()),
null ) );
// Creates a file under a container.
// The container must already exist.
private static IFile makeFile (
IContainer parent,
String fileName,
InputStream inputStream,
IStatusHandler statusHandler )
throws CoreException
String innerFileName = fileName;
IFile file = parent.getFile( new Path(innerFileName) );
// create the file if it doesn't exist
if (!file.exists()) {
try {
file.create( inputStream, true, null);
return file;
} catch (CoreException coreException) {
// this error only happens in a case-insensitive file system; so ignore the cases.
if (coreException.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS) {
boolean foundIgnoringCase = false;
for (IResource resource : parent.members()) {
if (resource.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(innerFileName)) {
// found the file
foundIgnoringCase = true;
innerFileName = resource.getName();
file = parent.getFile( new Path(innerFileName));
// can't find the file causing the CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS exception; throw the exception
if (!foundIgnoringCase)
throw coreException;
} else {
// throw other exceptions
throw coreException;
// file exists; overwrite the existing file
if( file.getType() == IResource.FILE )
//We have permission to overwrite so check if file is read-only
if( file.getResourceAttributes().isReadOnly() )
IFile[] files = new IFile[1];
files[0] = file;
IStatus status = getWorkspace().validateEdit(files,null);
{ status );
catch( StatusException exc )
return null;
//Change the contents of the existing file.
file.setContents( inputStream, true, true, null );
return file;
throw new CoreException(
new Status( IStatus.ERROR,
"ResourceUtils", //$NON-NLS-1$
NLS.bind( Messages.MSG_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FILE, parent.getFullPath().append(innerFileName)),
null ) );