blob: 7b3cdd6ec61c41be062425782fb9a3ddd86b118c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 Red Hat and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Red Hat - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.flat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualContainer;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualFile;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualResource;
* This utility class is almost entirely copied from ComponentDeployable
* and deals with the nuts and bolts of creating the model objects when
* walking a portion of the tree
public class VirtualComponentFlattenUtility {
public static interface ShouldIncludeUtilityCallback {
public boolean shouldAddComponentFile(IVirtualComponent current, IFlatFile file);
private List<IFlatResource> members;
private ShouldIncludeUtilityCallback handler;
public VirtualComponentFlattenUtility(
List<IFlatResource> members, ShouldIncludeUtilityCallback handler) {
this.members = members;
this.handler = handler;
public void addMembers(IVirtualComponent current, IVirtualContainer cont, IPath path) throws CoreException {
ensureParentExists(members, path, null);
FlatResource[] mr = addMembersInternal(current, cont, path);
int size = mr.length;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
// Add this container's children
public void addContainer(IContainer container, IPath path) throws CoreException {
IResource[] children = container.members();
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
if( children[i] instanceof IContainer ) {
addContainerInternal((IContainer)children[i], path);
} else if( children[i] instanceof IFile ){
addFile(null, (IFile)children[i], path);
// Physically adds this container
protected void addContainerInternal(IContainer container, IPath path) throws CoreException {
IFlatFolder mf = (FlatFolder) getExistingModuleResource(members,path.append(container.getName()).makeRelative());
if( mf == null ) {
mf = new FlatFolder(container, container.getName(), path);
IFlatFolder parent = (FlatFolder) getExistingModuleResource(members, path);
if (path.isEmpty())
else {
if (parent == null)
parent = ensureParentExists(members, path, container);
addMembersToModuleFolder(parent, new IFlatResource[] {mf});
// recurse
addContainer(container, path.append(container.getName()));
protected FlatResource[] addMembersInternal(IVirtualComponent current, IVirtualContainer cont, IPath path) throws CoreException {
IVirtualResource[] res = cont.members();
int size2 = res.length;
List list = new ArrayList(size2);
for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) {
if (res[j] instanceof IVirtualContainer) {
IVirtualContainer cc = (IVirtualContainer) res[j];
IFlatFolder mf = addVirtualContainerInternal(cc, path);
IFlatResource[] mr = addMembersInternal(current, cc, path.append(cc.getName()));
addMembersToModuleFolder(mf, mr);
} else {
addFile(current, path, (IAdaptable)res[j]);
FlatResource[] mr = new FlatResource[list.size()];
return mr;
public void addFile(IVirtualComponent current, IPath path, IAdaptable file) {
IVirtualFile vf = (IVirtualFile)file.getAdapter(IVirtualFile.class);
IFile f = (IFile)file.getAdapter(IFile.class);
IFlatFile mf = null;
String vfName = null;
if( vf != null && vf.getName() != null )
vfName = vf.getName();
if( f != null )
mf = new FlatFile(f, vfName == null ? f.getName() : vfName, path);
else {
File f2 = (File)file.getAdapter(File.class);
if( f2 != null )
mf = new FlatFile(f2, vfName == null ? f2.getName() : vfName, path.makeRelative());
if( mf != null ) {
if (handler == null || handler.shouldAddComponentFile(current, mf)) {
if( mf.getModuleRelativePath().segmentCount() == 0) {
else {
IFlatFolder moduleParent = VirtualComponentFlattenUtility.ensureParentExists(members, mf.getModuleRelativePath(), null);
List tempParentMembers = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(moduleParent.members()));
moduleParent.setMembers((IFlatResource[]) tempParentMembers.toArray(new IFlatResource[tempParentMembers.size()]));
public void addFile(IVirtualComponent current, IFile f, IPath path) {
addFile(current, path, (IAdaptable)f);
protected IFlatFolder addVirtualContainerInternal(IVirtualContainer cc, IPath path) {
// Retrieve already existing module folder if applicable
IFlatFolder mf = (FlatFolder) getExistingModuleResource(members,path.append(cc.getName()).makeRelative());
if (mf == null) {
mf = new FlatFolder((IContainer)cc.getUnderlyingResource(), cc.getName(), path);
IFlatFolder parent = (FlatFolder) getExistingModuleResource(members, path);
if (path.isEmpty())
else {
if (parent == null)
parent = ensureParentExists(members, path, (IContainer)cc.getUnderlyingResource());
addMembersToModuleFolder(parent, new IFlatResource[] {mf});
return mf;
public static FlatFile createModuleFile(final IFile file, final IPath path) {
return new FlatFile(file, file.getName(), path);
* Check the current cache to see if we already have an existing module resource for
* the given path.
* @param aList
* @param path
* @return an existing moduleResource from the cached result
public static FlatResource getExistingModuleResource(List aList, IPath path) {
// If the list is empty, return null
if (aList==null || aList.isEmpty() || path == null)
return null;
// Otherwise recursively check to see if given resource matches current resource or if it is a child
String[] pathSegments = path.segments();
FlatResource exportableResource = null;
if(pathSegments.length == 0)
return null;
for (Iterator iter = aList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
exportableResource = (FlatResource);
String[] moduleSegments = exportableResource.getModuleRelativePath().segments();
// If the last segment in passed in path equals the module resource name
// and segment count is the same and the path segments start with the module path segments
// then we have a match and we return the existing moduleResource
if (pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1].equals(exportableResource.getName()) &&
(moduleSegments.length + 1) == pathSegments.length &&
startsWith(moduleSegments, pathSegments))
return exportableResource;
// Otherwise, if it is a folder, check its children for the existing resource path
// but only check if the beginning segments are a match
if(exportableResource instanceof FlatFolder &&
startsWith(moduleSegments, pathSegments) && pathSegments.length > moduleSegments.length &&
exportableResource.getName().equals(pathSegments[moduleSegments.length > 0 ? moduleSegments.length : 0]))
if (((FlatFolder)exportableResource).members()!=null)
return getExistingModuleResource(Arrays.asList(((FlatFolder)exportableResource).members()),path);
return null;
* @return True if beginningSegments[i] == testSegments[i] for all 0<=i<beginningSegments[i]
private static boolean startsWith(String[] beginningSegments, String[] testSegments) {
for(int i=0; i < beginningSegments.length; i++) {
return false;
return true;
public static IFlatFolder ensureParentExists(List<IFlatResource> members, IPath path, IContainer cc) {
IFlatFolder parent = (IFlatFolder) getExistingModuleResource(members, path);
if (parent == null && path.segmentCount() > 0) {
String folderName = path.lastSegment();
IPath folderPath = Path.EMPTY;
if (path.segmentCount()>1)
folderPath = path.removeLastSegments(1);
parent = new FlatFolder(cc, folderName, folderPath);
if (path.segmentCount()>1)
addMembersToModuleFolder(ensureParentExists(members, path.removeLastSegments(1),cc), new IFlatResource[] {parent});
return parent;
* Add the resources from mr to the existing resources in Module Folder mf
* @param ModuleFolder mf
* @param IModuleResource[] mr
public static void addMembersToModuleFolder(IFlatFolder mf, IFlatResource[] mr) {
// If the folder is null or the resources to add are null or empty, bail and return
if (mf == null || mr == null || mr.length==0)
// Get the existing members in the module folder
IFlatResource[] mf_members = mf.members();
int mf_size = 0;
// Get the length of the existing members in the module folder
if (mf_members != null)
mf_size = mf_members.length;
// Create a new array to set on the module folder which will combine the existing and
// new module resources
IFlatResource[] res = new FlatResource[mf_size + mr.length];
// Copy the existing members into the array if there are any
if (mf_members != null && mf_size > 0)
System.arraycopy(mf_members, 0, res, 0, mf_size);
// Copy the new members into the array
System.arraycopy(mr, 0, res, mf_size, mr.length);
// Set the new members array on the module folder