blob: 1490d1a4e0a5af6ad3564631ad772cc61a02de8c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# *************************************************************************
# * Code oriented instructions:
# *
# * In the string, you may see the following special sequences:
# * a) {n} where n is a number. These are replaceable parameters.
# * b) '' In .properties files, in order to see one apostrophe (') in the final
# * string, sometimes two apostrophes must be entered in the string. In the translated
# * string, if there is at least one {n} in the string, then to show one apostrophe
# * to the user, put two apostrophes in the string. If there are no {n} in the string,
# * then put one apostrophe.
# * For example, say that you want the user to read "George's file".
# * GEORGE=George's file was on the desk.
# * GEORGE2=George''s file and {0} were on the desk.
# * GEORGE uses one apostrophe because there are no {n} and GEORGE2
# * uses two apostrophes because there is a {n}.
# * c) '' text '' where text can be any word(s). The text between the double
# * apostrophes should not be translated.
# * d) <text> where text can be any word(s). The text between the angle
# * brackets should NOT be translated.
# * e) "text" where text can be any word(s). The text between the quotation
# * marks should NOT be translated.
# *
# *************************************************************************
# * Other instructions
# * a) Do not translate any text that is on a line which begins with a comment
# * symbol (#).
# * b) Do not translate these words:
# * schema, EJB, RDB, JAR, RMI, BMP, CMP, OOSQL
# * c) Please return the .properties files using the same directory structure.
# * This is necessary because two of the files have the same name.
# *
# *************************************************************************
# Any other comments to the translators are on lines which start like this: # 2TC:
# Version 1.12
# ID:
# VBF - Validation Builder Framework
# Begin Validation Builder Framework UI Strings
# IDs:
# VBF_EXC=Exception or error text
# VBF_UI=UI label
PREF_BUTTON_OVERRIDE=Allow projects to override these preference settings
PREF_BUTTON_FULL=Run validation when you manually build a project
PREF_BUTTON_AUTO=Run validation automatically when you save changes to a resource
PREF_VALLIST_TITLE=The selected validators will run when validation is performed:
PREF_LBL_MAXMSGS=Maximum number of validation messages on a project
PREF_ERROR_INT=IWAE0001E The number of validation messages must be a positive integer.
PREF_BUTTON_ASYNC=Run validation in a background thread
PROP_BUTTON_OVERRIDE=Override validation preferences
PROP_BUTTON_FULL=Run validation when you manually build {0}
VBF_UI_LBL_AUTO_VALIDATE=Run validation automatically when you save changes to {0} resources.
VBF_UI_LBL_DESC=The selected validators will run when {0} is validated:
PROP_LBL_MAXMSSGS=Maximum number of validation messages on {0}
PROP_ERROR_INT=IWAE0002E The number of validation messages must be a positive integer.
PROP_LBL_CANNOTOVERRIDE=To enable the "Override validation preferences" checkbox, select the "Allow projects to override these preference settings" checkbox in the workbench Preferences dialog.
PROP_BUTTON_ASYNC=Run validation in a background thread on {0}
VBF_EXC_INTERNAL=IWAE0003E An unexpected error occurred during validation. Read the log file.
VBF_EXC_INTERNAL_PROJECT=IWAE0004E An unexpected error occurred during validation of project {0}. Read the log file.
VBF_EXC_INTERNAL_PAGE=IWAE0006E An unexpected error occurred; click Cancel to close the wizard.
VBF_EXC_INVALID_REGISTER=IWAE0007E Validators can run only on open resources.
ProjectOverridesNotAllowed=IWAE0007W The workspace validation preferences do not allow projects to override the workspace settings. In order to allow project settings you need to configure the workspace settings to allow project overrides.
VBF_UI_NO_VALIDATORS_INSTALLED=No validators are installed.
VBF_UI_LBL_NOVALIDATORS_DESC=It is not possible to run any Validators, at the project level, for this type of project.
VBF_UI_NO_VALIDATORS_ENABLED=Enable at least one validator on {0}. To select the validators that you want to run, open this project''s Properties wizard, turn to the Validation section, and select one or more validators in the list.
VBF_UI_CLOSED_PROJECT=Validation cannot run on a closed project. Open project {0} and try again.
VBF_UI_MSSGBOX_TITLE_NONINC=Some of the Validators Do Not Support Automatic Validation
VBF_UI_AUTO_ON_NONINC=Although automatic validation has been selected, some of the validators will not be invoked during the automatic processing. The following validators do not support automatic validation: {0}
VBF_UI_PRJNEEDINPUT=Project {0} and its children were not validated because none of the enabled validators validates that type of project.
VBF_UI_RESNEEDINPUT=Resource {0} was not validated because none of the enabled validators validates that type of resource.
VBF_UI_MAX_REPORTED=Validation was terminated on {0} because the maximum number of messages were reported.
VBF_UI_PRJVALIDATED=Validation of project {0} is complete.
VBF_UI_RESVALIDATED=Validation of resource {0} is complete.
VBF_UI_CANCELLED=Validation canceled.
VBF_UI_COMPLETE=Validation completed.
VBF_UI_RESCANCELLED=Validation was canceled on {0}.
DISABLE_VALIDATION=Suspend all validators
INFO=This preference applies to the projects that have org.eclipse.wst.validation.validationbuilder defined.Validators are run on the projects based on the filters defined in the org.eclipse.wst.validation.validator extension point.
DELEGATES_DIALOG_TITLE=Validator Preferences
ADD_VALIDATION_BUILDER=Add Validation Builder to project
CONFIG_WS_SETTINGS=Configure Workspace Settings...
SaveFilesDialog_saving=Saving Resources
SaveFilesDialog_always_save=&Always save all modified resources automatically prior to validating
SaveFilesDialog_save_all_resources=Save All Modified Resources
SaveFilesDialog_must_save=All modified resources must be saved before this operation.
PrefPage_always_save=&Save all modified resources automatically prior to validating
PrefPageConfirmDialog=Show a confirmation dialog when performing manual validations?
RunValidationDialogTitle=Running Validation
fdTitle=Validation Filters for {0}
fdNoFilters=IWAE0200W The validator does not have currently have any filters installed.
ErrConfig=IWAE0201E Extension configuration error. An internal error has happened, the validator {0} has incorrectly configured the validation extension point.
FilterHelp=Filter rules are grouped into groups. Inside of any one group the rules are or'd together. There are two types of groups Include and Exclude. If any of the rules in the Exclude group match, the resource is not validated. If there are Include groups, at least one rule from each group must match before the resource is validated.
ButtonAddGroupInclude=Add Include Group...
ButtonAddGroupExclude=Add Exclude Group...
ButtonAddRule=Add Rule...
LabelEnableProjectSpecific=Enable project specific settings
LabelExtension=File extension
LabelFile=Folder or file name
LabelProjects=Project nature
LabelContentType=Content Type
DescExtension=File extension, for example "html" for HTML files.
DescFile=Either a folder, a relative file, or a fully qualified file name.
DescProjects=A project nature.
DescFacets=A facet.
DescContentType=A content type, for example the XML content type.
ErrSummary=IWAE0203I Validation results. Errors={0}, Warnings={1}, Information={2}
ValidationSuccessful=Validation was successful
FrWizard=New Filter Rule Wizard
FrSelectFilterType=Select Filter Type
FrFileExtension=File Extension
FrFileExtensionLabel=File extension, for example html:
FrCaseSensitive=Is the comparison case sensitive?
FrFolderOrFile=Folder or File Name
FrFolderOrFileLabel=File or folder:
FrBrowseFile=Browse File...
FrFileFilter=Select the file that will serve as the filter
FrBrowseFolder=Browse Folder...
FrFolderFilter=Select the folder that will serve as the filter
FrProjectNature=Project Nature
FrProjectNatureLabel=Project nature:
FrFacitLabel=Facet id:
FrContentType=Content Type
FrContentTypeLabel=Content Type:
# End Validation Builder Framework UI Strings