blob: f492f3d1bcec786d36f3c1734f5f0eac8d1f80c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This program and the
* accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.ui;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.datamodel.IDataModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.datamodel.IDataModelOperation;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.DataModelManager;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.OperationListener;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.OperationManager;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.DataModelWizardPage;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.IDMPageGroup;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.IDMPageGroupHandler;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.IDMPageHandler;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.operation.extensionui.CommonUIPluginConstants;
public class PageGroupManager {
private IDMPageGroup rootPageGroup;
private OperationManager operationManager;
private DataModelManager dataModelManager;
private HashMap groupTable;
private HashSet operationsRun;
private Stack pageGroupStack;
private IDataModel dataModel;
private StackEntry savedTopEntry;
private int savedStackSize;
private IConfigurationElement[] elements;
private final String ELEMENT_PAGE_GROUP = "wizardPageGroup"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public PageGroupManager(OperationManager operationManager, DataModelManager dataModelManager, IDMPageGroup rootPageGroup) {
this.operationManager = operationManager;
this.dataModelManager = dataModelManager;
dataModel = this.dataModelManager.getDataModel();
groupTable = new HashMap();
operationsRun = new HashSet();
pageGroupStack = new Stack();
this.rootPageGroup = rootPageGroup;
PageGroupEntry rootPageGroupEntry = new PageGroupEntry(rootPageGroup);
IExtensionPoint point = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(CommonUIPluginConstants.PLUGIN_ID, ELEMENT_PAGE_GROUP);
elements = point.getConfigurationElements();
groupTable.put(this.rootPageGroup.getPageGroupID(), rootPageGroupEntry);
if (this.rootPageGroup.getAllowsExtendedPages()) {
// Find all the page groups that follow this root page group.
this.operationManager.setUndoExecuteListener(new OperationListener() {
public boolean notify(IDataModelOperation operation) {
return true;
public void addGroupAfter(String pageGroupID, IDMPageGroup pageInsertGroup) {
PageGroupEntry pageGroupEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(pageGroupID);
if (pageGroupEntry.pageGroup.getAllowsExtendedPages()) {
addPageGroup(pageGroupEntry.pageGroup, pageInsertGroup);
public void moveForwardOnePage() {
boolean pageFound = false;
if (pageGroupStack.empty()) {
PageGroupEntry rootEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(rootPageGroup.getPageGroupID());
String dataModelID = rootEntry.pageGroup.getDataModelID();
pageGroupStack.push(new StackEntry(rootEntry, -1));
if (dataModelID != null)
try {
pageFound = findNextPage(true);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
// TODO display some error.
pageFound = false;
if (pageFound == false) {
// If we moved forward and there wasn't a page then we will restore the stack.
// Normally, this wouldn't happen since a call to hasNextPage would have indicated
// that there wasn't a page.
public void moveBackOnePage() {
if (pageGroupStack.empty())
StackEntry topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
// Pop the last page.
if (!topEntry.pagesReturned.empty())
// Now find the previous page.
boolean foundPreviousPage = findPreviousPageInGroup();
while (!foundPreviousPage && !pageGroupStack.empty()) {
if (topEntry.ranOperations) {
String dataModelID = topEntry.pageGroupEntry.pageGroup.getDataModelID();
if (dataModelID != null)
if (!pageGroupStack.empty()) {
foundPreviousPage = findPreviousPageInGroup();
topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
public DataModelWizardPage getCurrentPage() {
DataModelWizardPage page = null;
if (!pageGroupStack.empty()) {
StackEntry topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
int pageIndex = topEntry.getTopPageIndex();
page = pageIndex == -1 ? null : topEntry.pageGroupEntry.getPages()[pageIndex];
return page;
private Boolean hasMulitplePages;
public boolean hasMultiplePages() {
if (null == hasMulitplePages) {
int pageCount = 0;
PageGroupEntry rootEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(rootPageGroup.getPageGroupID());
pageCount += rootEntry.getPages().length;
for (int i = 0; pageCount < 2 && i < rootEntry.groupsThatFollow.size(); i++) {
pageCount += ((PageGroupEntry) rootEntry.groupsThatFollow.get(i)).getPages().length;
hasMulitplePages = pageCount > 1 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
return hasMulitplePages.booleanValue();
public boolean hasNextPage() {
boolean pageFound = false;
if (pageGroupStack.empty()) {
PageGroupEntry rootEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(rootPageGroup.getPageGroupID());
String dataModelID = rootEntry.pageGroup.getDataModelID();
pageGroupStack.push(new StackEntry(rootEntry, -1));
if (dataModelID != null)
pageFound = findNextPage(false);
return pageFound;
public boolean runAllRemainingOperations() {
IStatus status = operationManager.runOperations();
return status.getSeverity() != IStatus.ERROR;
public void undoAllCurrentOperations() {
while (!pageGroupStack.empty()) {
private boolean findPreviousPageInGroup() {
StackEntry topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
boolean pageFound = false;
if (!topEntry.pagesReturned.empty()) {
topEntry.pagesComplete = false;
pageFound = true;
return pageFound;
private boolean findNextPage(boolean runOperations) {
StackEntry topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
int newPageIndex = topEntry.findNextPageIndex();
boolean pageFound = false;
if (newPageIndex == -1) {
// Our page handler didn't find a page so we will see if there is a page group that
// follows this page group that can find a page.
topEntry.pagesComplete = true;
StackEntry nextStackEntry = findNextPageGroup(pageGroupStack);
if (nextStackEntry != null) {
IDMPageGroup pageGroup = nextStackEntry.pageGroupEntry.pageGroup;
String requiresOperationsId = pageGroup.getRequiredDataOperationToRun();
String dataModelID = pageGroup.getDataModelID();
// If this group requires an operation and it has not already been run
// then we need to run it.
if (runOperations && requiresOperationsId != null && !operationsRun.contains(requiresOperationsId)) {
IStatus status = operationManager.runOperations();
nextStackEntry.ranOperations = true;
if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) {
// TODO need a better error feedback mechanism here.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(status.getMessage());
if (dataModelID != null)
pageFound = findNextPage(runOperations);
} else {
// We found a new page in the page handler.
pageFound = true;
topEntry.pagesReturned.push(new Integer(newPageIndex));
return pageFound;
private void setPostListener(final String operationId) {
if (operationId != null) {
// Listener for a particular operation and stop after we are notified of it.
operationManager.setPostExecuteListener(new OperationListener() {
public boolean notify(IDataModelOperation operation) {
String id = operation.getID();
return !id.equals(operationId);
} else {
// Set the post execution listener to doing nothing so that all operations
// will execute.
operationManager.setPostExecuteListener(new OperationListener() {
public boolean notify(IDataModelOperation operation) {
return true;
private void saveStackInfo() {
if (!pageGroupStack.empty()) {
savedTopEntry = new StackEntry((StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek());
savedStackSize = pageGroupStack.size();
private void restoreStackInfo() {
if (savedStackSize == 0) {
} else {
pageGroupStack.setSize(savedStackSize - 1);
private void loadExtendedPages(IDMPageGroup pageGroup) {
String wizardId = rootPageGroup.getWizardID();
String pageGroupId = pageGroup.getPageGroupID();
int length = elements.length;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
DMPageGroupElementImpl pageInsertGroup = new DMPageGroupElementImpl(elements[index]);
String pageInsertGroupId = pageInsertGroup.getPageGroupInsertionID();
if (pageInsertGroup.getWizardID().equals(wizardId) && (null == pageInsertGroupId || pageInsertGroupId.equals(pageGroupId))) {
addPageGroup(pageGroup, pageInsertGroup);
// If this page group has page then add them
if (pageInsertGroup.getAllowsExtendedPages()) {
private void addPageGroup(IDMPageGroup pageGroup, IDMPageGroup insertedPageGroup) {
PageGroupEntry pageGroupEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(pageGroup.getPageGroupID());
PageGroupEntry nextGroupEntry = (PageGroupEntry) groupTable.get(insertedPageGroup.getPageGroupID());
if (pageGroupEntry == null) {
pageGroupEntry = new PageGroupEntry(pageGroup);
groupTable.put(pageGroup.getPageGroupID(), pageGroupEntry);
if (nextGroupEntry == null) {
nextGroupEntry = new PageGroupEntry(insertedPageGroup);
groupTable.put(insertedPageGroup.getPageGroupID(), nextGroupEntry);
public StackEntry findNextPageGroup(Stack pageGroupStack) {
StackEntry topEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.peek();
PageGroupEntry nextPageGroup = topEntry.getNextPageGroup(null);
int parentIndex = topEntry.parentGroupIndex;
int prevParentIndex = pageGroupStack.size() - 1;
// Recurse up through the parents to find the next group if needed.
while (parentIndex != -1 && nextPageGroup == null) {
StackEntry parentStackEntry = (StackEntry) pageGroupStack.elementAt(parentIndex);
nextPageGroup = parentStackEntry.getNextPageGroup(topEntry.getId());
prevParentIndex = parentIndex;
parentIndex = parentStackEntry.parentGroupIndex;
topEntry = parentStackEntry;
return nextPageGroup == null ? null : new StackEntry(nextPageGroup, prevParentIndex);
private class StackEntry {
public PageGroupEntry pageGroupEntry;
public Stack pagesReturned; // Element = Interger of page indexes.
public boolean pagesComplete;
public int parentGroupIndex;
public boolean ranOperations;
public StackEntry(PageGroupEntry newPageGroupEntry, int parentIndex) {
pageGroupEntry = newPageGroupEntry;
pagesReturned = new Stack();
pagesComplete = false;
parentGroupIndex = parentIndex;
ranOperations = false;
public StackEntry(StackEntry stackEntry) {
pageGroupEntry = stackEntry.pageGroupEntry;
pagesReturned = new Stack();
pagesComplete = stackEntry.pagesComplete;
parentGroupIndex = stackEntry.parentGroupIndex;
ranOperations = stackEntry.ranOperations;
public String getId() {
return pageGroupEntry.pageGroup.getPageGroupID();
public int findNextPageIndex() {
int result = -1;
if (!pagesComplete) {
DataModelWizardPage[] pages = pageGroupEntry.getPages();
int pageIndex = getTopPageIndex();
String pageId = pageIndex == -1 ? null : pages[pageIndex].getName();
String expectedId = pageIndex + 1 >= pages.length ? null : pages[pageIndex + 1].getName();
String newPageId = null;
try {
newPageId = pageGroupEntry.getPageHandler().getNextPage(pageId, expectedId);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
// TODO Log an error here.
if (newPageId != null && newPageId.equals(IDMPageHandler.SKIP_PAGE) && pageIndex >= 0 && pageIndex < pages.length - 2) {
result = pageIndex + 2;
} else {
result = pageGroupEntry.checkForSpecialIds(newPageId);
return result;
public PageGroupEntry getNextPageGroup(String afterId) {
PageGroupEntry result = null;
String nextGroupID = null;
String[] groupIDList = getGroupIDList();
try {
nextGroupID = pageGroupEntry.getPageGroupHandler().getNextPageGroup(afterId, groupIDList);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
// TODO log error here.
if (nextGroupID != null) {
// Find this string in the list.
for (int index = 0; index < groupIDList.length; index++) {
if (groupIDList[index].equals(nextGroupID)) {
result = (PageGroupEntry) pageGroupEntry.groupsThatFollow.elementAt(index);
return result;
private String[] getGroupIDList() {
String[] result = new String[pageGroupEntry.groupsThatFollow.size()];
for (int index = 0; index < pageGroupEntry.groupsThatFollow.size(); index++) {
PageGroupEntry entry = (PageGroupEntry) pageGroupEntry.groupsThatFollow.elementAt(index);
result[index] = entry.pageGroup.getPageGroupID();
return result;
private int getTopPageIndex() {
return pagesReturned.empty() ? -1 : ((Integer) pagesReturned.peek()).intValue();
private class PageGroupEntry {
public IDMPageGroup pageGroup;
public Vector groupsThatFollow;
private IDMPageHandler pageHandler;
private IDMPageGroupHandler pageGroupHandler;
private DataModelWizardPage[] pages;
private boolean initialized;
public PageGroupEntry(IDMPageGroup newPageGroup) {
pageGroup = newPageGroup;
groupsThatFollow = new Vector();
initialized = false;
public IDMPageHandler getPageHandler() {
if (!initialized)
return pageHandler;
public IDMPageGroupHandler getPageGroupHandler() {
if (!initialized)
return pageGroupHandler;
public DataModelWizardPage[] getPages() {
if (!initialized)
return pages;
public PageGroupEntry(PageGroupEntry originalEntry) {
pageGroup = originalEntry.pageGroup;
groupsThatFollow = originalEntry.groupsThatFollow;
pageHandler = originalEntry.pageHandler;
pageGroupHandler = originalEntry.pageGroupHandler;
pages = originalEntry.pages;
private void init() {
try {
pageHandler = pageGroup.getPageHandler(dataModel);
pageGroupHandler = pageGroup.getPageGroupHandler(dataModel);
pages = pageGroup.getExtendedPages(dataModel);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
// TODO need to log this exception.
if (pageHandler == null)
pageHandler = new SimplePageHandler();
if (pageGroupHandler == null)
pageGroupHandler = new SimplePageGroupHandler();
if (pages == null)
pages = new DataModelWizardPage[0];
initialized = true;
private int checkForSpecialIds(String pageId) {
int result = -1;
if (pages.length == 0 || pageId == null)
return -1;
if (pageId.startsWith(IDMPageHandler.PAGE_AFTER)) {
String afterID = pageId.substring(IDMPageHandler.PAGE_AFTER.length(), pageId.length());
result = getIndexOf(afterID);
result = result >= 0 && result < pages.length - 1 ? result + 1 : -1;
} else if (pageId.startsWith(IDMPageHandler.PAGE_BEFORE)) {
String beforeID = pageId.substring(IDMPageHandler.PAGE_BEFORE.length(), pageId.length());
result = getIndexOf(beforeID);
result = result >= 1 && result < pages.length ? result - 1 : -1;
} else {
result = getIndexOf(pageId);
return result;
private int getIndexOf(String pageId) {
int result = -1;
for (int index = 0; index < pages.length; index++) {
if (pages[index].getName().equals(pageId)) {
result = index;
return result;