blob: 799ab0a613a16a01e8a12683349dbc2c7d3719a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
ErrConfig=IWAE0100E Extension configuration error. An internal error has happened, the validator {0} has incorrectly configured the validation extension point.
ErrGroupName=IWAE0101E Invalid element, expect either the element "include" or "exclude".
ErrFilterRule=IWAE0102E An invalid filter rule has been encountered.
ErrGroupNoType=IWAE0103E Groups must have a valid type, no type was returned
ErrGroupInvalidType=IWAE0104E Groups must have a valid type, the following invalid type was returned: {0}
ErrDependencyVersion=IWAE0105E Only version {0} is supported
ErrPatternAttrib=IWAE0106E The pattern attribute must be supplied
ErrTypeReq=IWAE0107E Type is a required attribute for file filters
VbfExcSyntaxNoValClass=IWAE0016E Validator cannot be created because no "class" attribute is specified in the <run> element of the plugin.xml file for the validator named {0}. Cannot create a validator unless a <run> element exists that specifies the "class" attribute. The value of the "class" attribute should be the name of the class that implements the IWorkbenchHelper interface.
VbfExcSyntaxNoValRun=IWAE0015E Validator cannot be created because no <run> element is specified in the plugin.xml file for the validator named {0}. Cannot create a validator unless a <run> element exists that specifies the "class" attribute. The value of the "class" attribute should be the name of the class that implements the IWorkbenchHelper interface.
VbfExcSyntaxNoValNull=IWAE0018E Validator class {0} could not be created. IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(String) returned null.
ErrType=The value of the type attribute is incorrect. It was specified as {0} but the only valid values are: {1}, {2}, {3}
ConfigError=It appears that validator {0} (with id {1}) has been configured incorrectly, it produced {2} messages while validating {3}. It has been disabled. Try restoring the defaults for this validator.
DecodeError1=IWAE0019E There was a problem deserializing a string. A boolean was expected but not found.
Error20=IWAE0020E Internal error, the incoming validator must be a v2 validator
GroupInclude=Include Group
GroupExclude=Exclude Group
JobNameMonitor=Validation Monitor
JobIndexSave=Index Save
MigrationJobName=Validation Setup
RuleProjectNature=Project nature
RuleFileExt=File extension
RuleContentType=Content Type
RuleFull=Qualified File
FileExtWithCase={0}: {1} (case sensitive)
FileExtWithoutCase={0}: {1}
ContentTypeExact={0}: {1} (excludes subtypes)
ContentTypeNotExact={0}: {1} (includes subtypes)
LogValStart=Validator {0} starting to validate: {1}
LogValEnd=Validator {0} finished validating: {1}
LogValEndTime=Validator {0} with id {1} finished validating: {2} in {3}
LogValSummary=Validator {0} with id {1} validated {2} resources in {3}
LogValSummary2=Validator {0} with id {1} validated {2} resources in {3} using {4} of CPU time
LogSession=Session started on: {0}
TimeUnder=under a second
TimeNano={0} nanoseconds
TimeMicro={0} microseconds
TimeSec={0} seconds
TimeMin={0} minutes
RogueValidator=Rogue validator delegate from contributor {0}