blob: aa6c309b40eb24bea9647a166c2ee83dc891c2d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IASTNode;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IAbstractFunctionDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IAbstractVariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IAllocationExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IArgument;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IAssignment;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IBinaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFalseLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFieldReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionCall;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IJsDoc;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ILocalDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.INumberLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IObjectLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IObjectLiteralField;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IProgramElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IReturnStatement;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IScriptFileDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ISingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IStringLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IThisReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ITrueLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractVariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AllocationExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayInitializer;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Assignment;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.BinaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FunctionExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Javadoc;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.JavadocSingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ObjectLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.OperatorIds;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Reference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.StringLiteral;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.UnaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
* The default inference engine.
* <p>
* Clients may subclass this class but should expect some breakage by future releases.
* </p>
* Provisional API: This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development
* and expected to
* change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to
* solicit feedback
* from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost
* certainly be broken
* (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
public class InferEngine extends ASTVisitor implements IInferEngine {
* <p>
* String type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fStringType;
* <p>
* Number type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fNumberType;
* <p>
* Boolean type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fBooleanType;
* <p>
* Function type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fFunctionType;
* <p>
* Array type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fArrayType;
* <p>
* Void type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fVoidType;
* <p>
* Object type that is initialized on first use and added to the compilation unit.
* </p>
private InferredType fObjectType;
InferOptions inferOptions;
CompilationUnitDeclaration compUnit;
Context[] contexts = new Context[100];
int contextPtr = -1;
Context currentContext = new Context();
protected int passNumber = 1;
boolean isTopLevelAnonymousFunction;
int anonymousCount = 0;
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
public InferrenceProvider inferenceProvider;
* @deprecated use {@link #getStringType()}
public InferredType StringType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_STRING[0]);
* @deprecated use {@link #getNumberType()}
public InferredType NumberType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.NUMBER[0]);
* @deprecated use {@link #getBooleanType()}
public InferredType BooleanType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.BOOLEAN_OBJECT[0]);
* @deprecated use {@link #getFunctionType()}
public InferredType FunctionType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.FUNCTION[0]);
* @deprecated use {@link #getArrayType()}
public InferredType ArrayType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.ARRAY[0]);
* @deprecated use {@link #getVoidType()}
public InferredType VoidType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.VOID);
* @deprecated use {@link #getObjectType()}
public InferredType ObjectType = new InferredType(TypeConstants.OBJECT);
* @deprecated - no longer used
public InferredType GlobalType = new InferredType(InferredType.GLOBAL_NAME);
public static HashtableOfObject WellKnownTypes = new HashtableOfObject();
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.OBJECT, null);
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.ARRAY[0], null);
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_STRING[0], null);
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.NUMBER[0], null);
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.BOOLEAN_OBJECT[0], null);
WellKnownTypes.put(TypeConstants.FUNCTION[0], null);
WellKnownTypes.put(new char[] { 'D', 'a', 't', 'e' }, null);
WellKnownTypes.put(new char[] { 'M', 'a', 't', 'h' }, null);
WellKnownTypes.put(new char[] { 'R', 'e', 'g', 'E', 'x', 'p' }, null);
WellKnownTypes.put(new char[] { 'E', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r' }, null);
protected InferredType inferredGlobal = null;
* @deprecated Will be removed
static final char[] CONSTRUCTOR_ID = { 'c', 'o', 'n', 's', 't', 'r', 'u', 'c', 't', 'o', 'r' };
* <p>
* Use to keep track of the current context of the infer engine.
* </p>
static class Context {
InferredType currentType;
IFunctionDeclaration currentMethod;
/** The current assignment. */
IAssignment currentAssignment;
/** the current declaration */
ILocalDeclaration currentLocalDeclaration;
/** The current return */
IReturnStatement currentReturn;
boolean isJsDocClass;
private HashtableOfObject definedMembers;
/* Parent context to provide chaining when searching
* for members in scope. */
private Context parent = null;
/* Root context */
Context() {
/* Nested context */
Context(Context parent) {
this.parent = parent;
currentType = parent.currentType;
currentMethod = parent.currentMethod;
this.currentAssignment = parent.currentAssignment;
this.currentLocalDeclaration = parent.currentLocalDeclaration;
this.currentReturn = parent.currentReturn;
this.isJsDocClass = parent.isJsDocClass;
public Object getMember(char[] key) {
Object value = null;
if(definedMembers != null) {
value = definedMembers.get(key);
// chain lookup
if(value == null && parent != null) {
value = parent.getMember(key);
return value;
public void addMember(char[] key, Object member) {
if(key == null)
if(definedMembers == null) {
definedMembers = new HashtableOfObject();
definedMembers.put(key, member);
public void setCurrentType(InferredType type) {
this.currentType = type;
Context parentContext = this.parent;
while(parentContext != null && parentContext.currentMethod == this.currentMethod) {
parentContext.currentType = type;
parentContext = parentContext.parent;
private static boolean REPORT_INFER_TIME = false;
* <p>
* Constructor that uses default {@link InferOptions}.
* </p>
public InferEngine() {
this(new InferOptions());
* <p>
* Constructor using given {@link InferOptions}.
* </p>
* @param inferOptions
* to create this infer engine with
public InferEngine(InferOptions inferOptions) {
this.inferOptions = inferOptions;
public void initialize() {
this.contextPtr = -1;
this.currentContext = new Context();
this.passNumber = 1;
this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction = false;
this.anonymousCount = 0;
this.inferredGlobal = null;
public void setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitDeclaration scriptFileDeclaration) {
this.compUnit = scriptFileDeclaration;
buildDefinedMembers(scriptFileDeclaration.getStatements(), null);
public boolean visit(IFunctionCall functionCall) {
boolean visitChildren = handleFunctionCall(functionCall);
if(visitChildren) {
if(functionCall.getReceiver() instanceof FunctionExpression) {
if (this.contextPtr == -1) {
this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction = true;
if (functionCall instanceof MessageSend && ((MessageSend) functionCall).getArguments() != null) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = ((FunctionExpression) functionCall.getReceiver()).getMethodDeclaration();
if (methodDeclaration != null && methodDeclaration.getArguments() != null) {
IArgument[] declaredArguments = methodDeclaration.getArguments();
IExpression[] sentArguments = ((MessageSend) functionCall).getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < declaredArguments.length; i++) {
if (i >= sentArguments.length) {
handleFunctionDeclarationArgument(declaredArguments[i], sentArguments[i]);
return visitChildren;
protected void handleFunctionDeclarationArgument(IArgument declaredArgument, IExpression sentArgument) {
// set the declared argument's type to be the matching parameter type
if (!declaredArgument.isType() && declaredArgument.getInferredType() == null) {
if (sentArgument instanceof SingleNameReference) {
InferredType inferredType = getInferredType(sentArgument);
if (inferredType == null) {
char[] parameterName = getName(sentArgument);
if (parameterName!= null && isGlobal(parameterName)) {
inferredType = createAnonymousGlobalType(parameterName);
else if (sentArgument instanceof ThisReference) {
//check if "this" refers to the global object
if (this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction) {
char[] parameterName = declaredArgument.getName();
if (parameterName != null) {
InferredType inferredType = createAnonymousGlobalType(parameterName);
public boolean visit(ILocalDeclaration localDeclaration) {
// add as a member of the current context
currentContext.addMember(localDeclaration.getName(), localDeclaration);
// create a new context for the local declaration
this.currentContext.currentLocalDeclaration = localDeclaration;
if(this.passNumber == 1 && localDeclaration instanceof LocalDeclaration && this.currentContext.currentMethod == null) {
if(localDeclaration.getJsDoc() != null) {
Javadoc javadoc = (Javadoc) localDeclaration.getJsDoc();
InferredAttribute attribute = null;
if(javadoc.memberOf != null) {
InferredType type = this.addType(javadoc.memberOf.getFullTypeName(), true);
int nameStart = localDeclaration.sourceStart();
attribute = type.addAttribute(localDeclaration.getName(), localDeclaration, nameStart);
handleAttributeDeclaration(attribute, localDeclaration.getInitialization());
if(localDeclaration.getInitialization() != null) {
attribute.initializationStart = localDeclaration.getInitialization().sourceStart();
attribute.type = getTypeOf(localDeclaration.getInitialization());
attribute.inType = type;
if(javadoc.returnType != null) {
InferredType type = this.addType(changePrimitiveToObject(javadoc.returnType.getFullTypeName()));
if(attribute != null)
attribute.type = type;
// visit the function in case it defines a type
if(localDeclaration.getInitialization() instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
boolean keepVisiting = handleFunctionExpressionLocalDeclaration(localDeclaration);
if(!keepVisiting) {
return false;
//if initialization set, attempt to set the inferred type
if(localDeclaration.getInitialization() != null) {
if(localDeclaration.getInitialization() instanceof MessageSend) {
handleFunctionCall((IFunctionCall) localDeclaration.getInitialization(),
(LocalDeclaration) localDeclaration);
if(((MessageSend)localDeclaration.getInitialization()).receiver instanceof IFunctionExpression && this.passNumber == 2) {
if(((FunctionExpression)((MessageSend)localDeclaration.getInitialization()).receiver).methodDeclaration != null) {
} else {
if (this.isExpressionAType(localDeclaration.getInitialization())) {
InferredType type = this.getTypeForVariableInitialization(localDeclaration.getName(), localDeclaration.getInitialization());
if (localDeclaration.getInferredType() == null || (type != null && type.isAnonymous))
return true;
* @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ILocalDeclaration)
public void endVisit(ILocalDeclaration localDeclaration) {
private void createTypeIfNecessary(Javadoc javadoc) {
if(javadoc.memberOf != null) {
char[][] namespace = {};
char[][] typeName = javadoc.memberOf.getTypeName();
if(javadoc.namespace != null) {
namespace = javadoc.namespace.getTypeName();
char[] name =
CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.concatWith(namespace, '.'), CharOperation.concatWith(typeName,
'.'), '.');
this.currentContext.currentType = addType(name);
if(javadoc.extendsType != null) {
char[] superName = CharOperation.concatWith(javadoc.extendsType.getTypeName(), '.');
this.currentContext.isJsDocClass = true;
public boolean visit(IAssignment assignment) {
//if assigning to single name add assignment to context if there is not an existing var declaration
IAbstractVariableDeclaration existingVarDecl = null;
IAssignment existingAssignmentDecl = null;
if(assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
existingVarDecl = this.getVariable(assignment.getLeftHandSide());
if(existingVarDecl == null) {
existingAssignmentDecl = this.getAssignment(assignment.getLeftHandSide());
if(existingAssignmentDecl == null) {
currentContext.addMember(this.getName(assignment.getLeftHandSide()), assignment);
this.currentContext.currentAssignment = assignment;
//set the function that contains this assignment
if(this.passNumber == 1 && assignment instanceof Assignment && this.currentContext.currentMethod != null) {
IExpression assignmentExpression = assignment.getExpression();
if(handlePotentialType(assignment)) {
} else if(assignmentExpression instanceof FunctionExpression) {
boolean keepVisiting = handleFunctionExpressionAssignment(assignment);
//set the type on the existing var declaration if it does not already have one set
if(assignment.getInferredType() != null && existingVarDecl != null && existingVarDecl.getInferredType() == null) {
if(!keepVisiting) {
return false;
} else if(assignmentExpression instanceof SingleNameReference && this.currentContext.currentType != null
&& isThis(assignment.getLeftHandSide())) {
ISingleNameReference snr = (ISingleNameReference) assignmentExpression;
Object object = this.currentContext.getMember(snr.getToken());
IFieldReference fieldReference = (IFieldReference) assignment.getLeftHandSide();
char[] memberName = fieldReference.getToken();
InferredMember member = null;
int nameStart = fieldReference.sourceEnd() - memberName.length + 1;
/* = bar //bar is a function */
if(object instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) object;
member = this.currentContext.currentType.addMethod(memberName, method, nameStart);
/* = bar //assume that bar is not a function and create a new attribute in the
* current type */
else {
member = this.currentContext.currentType.addAttribute(memberName, assignment, nameStart);
handleAttributeDeclaration((InferredAttribute) member, assignment.getExpression());
if(((InferredAttribute) member).type == null)
((InferredAttribute) member).type = getTypeOf(assignmentExpression);
// setting location
if(member != null) {
// this is a not static member because it is being set on the this
member.isStatic = false;
// foo = ??;
else if(assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
char[] variableName = this.getName(assignment);
/* if there is an existing variable declaration
* else there is not */
InferredType existingType = null;
if(existingVarDecl != null) {
existingType = existingVarDecl.getInferredType();
} else if(existingAssignmentDecl != null) {
existingType = existingAssignmentDecl.getInferredType();
/* if existing variable declaration does not already have an inferred type
* else it does and the new assignment type is different then the currently
* assigned type */
InferredType type = null;
if(existingType == null) {
type = this.getTypeForVariableInitialization(variableName, assignmentExpression);
if(this.isExpressionAType(assignmentExpression)) {
} else {
InferredType newAssignmentType = this.getTypeOf(assignmentExpression);
if(newAssignmentType != null && existingType != newAssignmentType) {
/* if the existing type is not anonymous, not global and
* existing var is not an argument then create a new
* global anonymous type to mix everything together in
* else just use the existing type */
InferredType newCombinedType = null;
if(!existingType.isAnonymous && !existingType.isGlobal() && !(existingVarDecl instanceof IArgument)) {
if(existingVarDecl instanceof LocalDeclaration && ((LocalDeclaration)existingVarDecl).isLocal()) {
newCombinedType = this.createAnonymousType(existingVarDecl, null);
} else {
newCombinedType = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(variableName);
/* add the original type of the variable declaration to the new combined type
* if the existing type is indexed then add it later
* else it is not must add it now */
if(existingType.isIndexed()) {
} else {
} else {
newCombinedType = existingType;
/* add the type of the new assignment to the combined type
* if the existing type is indexed then add it later
* else it is not must add it now */
if(newAssignmentType.isIndexed()) {
} else {
type = newCombinedType;
/* use the new type to set the inferred type on this assignment and
* any existing variable declaration or assignment */
if(type != null) {
if(existingVarDecl != null) {
if(existingAssignmentDecl != null) {
return true;
else if(assignmentExpression instanceof AllocationExpression
&& ((AllocationExpression) assignmentExpression).member instanceof FunctionExpression) {
} else if(assignmentExpression instanceof Assignment
&& ((Assignment) assignmentExpression).expression instanceof FunctionExpression) {
else if(this.inferOptions.useAssignments) {
IExpression lhs = assignment.getLeftHandSide();
// if = ? where ? is not {} and not a function
if(lhs instanceof FieldReference || lhs instanceof ArrayReference) {
Reference lhsRef = (Reference) lhs;
Expression receiver = null;
char[] attName = null;
int nameStart = 0;
if(lhsRef instanceof FieldReference) {
receiver = ((FieldReference) lhsRef).receiver;
attName = ((FieldReference) lhsRef).token;
nameStart = (int) (((FieldReference) lhsRef).nameSourcePosition >>> 32);
} else if(lhsRef instanceof ArrayReference) {
if(((ArrayReference) lhsRef).position instanceof StringLiteral) {
receiver = ((ArrayReference) lhsRef).receiver;
attName = ((StringLiteral) ((ArrayReference) lhsRef).position).source();
nameStart = ((StringLiteral) ((ArrayReference) lhsRef).position).sourceStart + 1;
//attempt to get receiver type
InferredType receiverType = this.getInferredType(receiver);
//if not found type yet check if receiver is function
if(receiverType == null) {
IFunctionDeclaration function = getDefinedFunction(receiver);
if(function != null) {
char[] typeName = constructTypeName(receiver);
if(typeName != null) {
receiverType = addType(typeName);
//all else fails on pass two will possibly create a receiver type
if(receiverType == null && this.passNumber == 2) {
receiverType = this.getReceiverType(receiver, true);
if(receiver != null && receiverType != null && attName != null && attName.length > 0) {
/* if the receiver type is not anonymous and is the expression is not a type then
* create a new anonymous sub type to do the assignment to */
if(!receiverType.isAnonymous && !this.isExpressionAType(receiver)) {
receiverType = this.createTypeToAssignTo(receiver, receiverType);
this.setTypeOf(receiver, receiverType);
// in the case where the supertype of the reciever is a function, make sure we store the actual function
// for later use
if(receiverType != null && receiverType.getSuperType() != null && receiverType.getSuperType().isFunction()) {
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = this.getVariable(receiver);
if(varDecl != null) {
IExpression expression = varDecl.getInitialization();
if(expression != null && expression instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
/* if receiver is instance of type so create new type to assign to
* else if receiver is a type then will just assign directly to it,
* and if not anonymous then its a static assignment that type statically */
boolean isStatic = false;
if(!this.isExpressionAType(receiver)) {
receiverType = this.createTypeToAssignTo(receiver, receiverType);
} else if(!receiverType.isAnonymous && !receiver.isThis()) {
isStatic = true;
// check if there is an attribute or function already created
InferredMethod method = null;
InferredAttribute attr = receiverType.findAttribute(attName);
if(attr == null) {
method = receiverType.findMethod(attName, null);
} else if (this.passNumber == 2) {
// ignore if the attribute exists and has a type
if((method == null && attr == null) || (method == null && attr != null && attr.type == null)) {
//if type already set on assignment, use that
InferredType rhsType = assignment.getInferredType();
// If the RHS is a type then create a type on the LHS
boolean isType = false;
if(rhsType != null && assignment.getInferredType() != null && assignment.isType() &&
this.isExpressionAType(receiver) && !receiverType.isAnonymous) {
isType = true;
//create new type name
char[] newTypeName = receiverType.getName();
newTypeName = CharOperation.concat(newTypeName, attName, '.');
/* if the RHS type is anonymous just rename it to use the LHS name
* else create new type on the LHS and add it as a synonym of the RHS type */
if(rhsType.isAnonymous && !rhsType.isGlobal()) {
this.convertAnonymousTypeToNamed(rhsType, newTypeName);
else if(!CharOperation.equals(newTypeName, rhsType.getName())){
InferredType newType = this.addType(newTypeName, true);
//if type not found type yet, check if RHS refers to a function definition
IFunctionDeclaration definedFunction = null;
if(rhsType == null) {
definedFunction = this.getDefinedFunction(assignmentExpression);
/* if RHS is a function, add a function to the receiver type
* else add new attribute to receiver type */
if(definedFunction != null) {
method = receiverType.addMethod(attName, definedFunction, nameStart);
method.isStatic = isStatic;
} else {
//create the attribute
int nameStart_ = nameStart;
attr = receiverType.addAttribute(attName, assignment, nameStart_);
this.handleAttributeDeclaration(attr, assignmentExpression);
//if still not RHS type then get one
if(rhsType == null) {
/* if LHS is global "this"
* else just an attribute on a type */
if(receiver instanceof IThisReference &&
this.currentContext.currentType == this.getInferredGlobal(false)) {
rhsType = this.getTypeForVariableInitialization(attName, assignmentExpression);
} else {
rhsType = this.getTypeOf(assignmentExpression);
if(receiverType != null && rhsType != null && receiverType.isGlobal() && rhsType.isAnonymous) {
char[] globalAttName = createAnonymousGlobalTypeName(attName);
convertAnonymousTypeToNamed(rhsType, globalAttName);
// if the attribute is also a function, add the function using the corresponding function stored earlier
if(rhsType != null && rhsType.getSuperType() != null && rhsType.getSuperType().isFunction() && rhsType.getCorrespondingFunction() != null) {
method = receiverType.addMethod(attName, rhsType.getCorrespondingFunction(), nameStart);
method.isStatic = isStatic;
//determine if static
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(receiver);
attr.isStatic = isStatic || (possibleTypeName != null && compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName) != null);
//assign the type to the attribute
if(attr.type == null || rhsType != null) {
attr.type = rhsType;
//if determined RHS type set it as the inferred type for the assignment
if(rhsType != null) {
} else if(method == null && attr != null && attr.type != null && attr.type.getSuperType() != null && attr.type.getSuperType().isFunction() && attr.type.getCorrespondingFunction() != null) {
// if the attribute is also a function, add the function using the cooresponding function stored earlier
method = receiverType.addMethod(attName, attr.type.getCorrespondingFunction(), nameStart);
method.isStatic = isStatic;
// if foo = ? where ? is not {} and not a function
else {
// no inferred type already set, use the type of the RHS expression
if(assignment.getInferredType() == null) {
InferredType rhsType = this.getTypeOf(assignment.getExpression());
//only create global type for LHS if LHS's root is global
if(this.isRootGlobal(lhs)) {
// construct the LHS and RHS type names
char[] lhsName = constructTypeName(assignment.getLeftHandSide());
char[] rhsName = constructTypeName(assignment.getExpression());
//if RHS type exists then create LHS type and add it as synonym of the RHS type
if(lhsName != null && lhsName.length > 0 && rhsName != null && rhsName.length > 0) {
InferredType rhsType = this.findDefinedType(rhsName);
if(rhsType != null) {
InferredType lhsType = this.addType(lhsName, true);
return true; // do nothing by default, keep traversing
protected InferredType createAnonymousType(char[] possibleTypeName, InferredType currentType) {
char[] name;
if(this.isKnownType(possibleTypeName)) {
name = possibleTypeName;
} else {
char[] cs = String.valueOf(this.anonymousCount++).toCharArray();
name = CharOperation.concat(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX, possibleTypeName, cs);
InferredType type = addType(name, true);
type.isAnonymous = true;
if(currentType != null) {
return type;
* <p>
* Creates an anonymous type for a given node with an optional parent type.
* </p>
* @param forNode
* the node to create the anonymous type for, the text range of
* this node will be used to create the anonymous type name
* @param parrentType
* optional parent type of the new anonymous type
* @return a new anonymous type
protected InferredType createAnonymousType(IASTNode forNode, InferredType parrentType) {
char[] name = createAnonymousTypeName(forNode);
InferredType type = addType(name, true);
type.isAnonymous = true;
if(parrentType != null) {
return type;
* @deprecated - here for compatibility
private InferredType createAnonymousType(IAbstractVariableDeclaration var) {
InferredType currentType = var.getInferredType();
if (currentType==null || !currentType.isAnonymous)
InferredType type=createAnonymousType(var, currentType);
return var.getInferredType();
/* Creates an anonymous type based in the location in the document. This information is used
* to avoid creating duplicates because of the 2-pass nature of this engine. */
private InferredType createAnonymousType(IObjectLiteral objLit) {
InferredType anonType = objLit.getInferredType();
if(anonType == null) {
char[] name = createAnonymousTypeName(objLit);
anonType = addType(name, true);
anonType.isAnonymous = true;
anonType.isObjectLiteral = true;
anonType.sourceStart = objLit.sourceStart();
anonType.sourceEnd = objLit.sourceEnd();
populateType(anonType, objLit, false);
return anonType;
* <p>
* Creates a global anonymous type.
* </p>
* @param varName
* name of the global variable to create the global anonymous type for
* @return a global anonymous type created from for the given global variable name
protected InferredType createAnonymousGlobalType(char[] varName) {
char[] name = createAnonymousGlobalTypeName(varName);
InferredType globalType = this.compUnit.findInferredType(name);
if(globalType == null) {
globalType = this.addType(name, false);
globalType.isAnonymous = true;
globalType.isObjectLiteral = true;
return globalType;
* <p>
* Creates an anonymous type name for the given {@link IASTNode}
* </p>
* @param node
* create the anonymous type name off the location of this node
* @return an anonymous type name based off the given nodes location
protected static char[] createAnonymousTypeName(IASTNode node) {
char[] loc = (String.valueOf(node.sourceStart()) + '_' + String.valueOf(node.sourceEnd())).toCharArray();
return CharOperation.concat(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX, ANONYMOUS_CLASS_ID, loc);
* <p>
* Creates an anonymous type name from the given variable name.
* </p>
* @param varName
* to use when creating the anonymous type name
* @return
public static char[] createAnonymousGlobalTypeName(char[] varName) {
return CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.concat(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX, ANONYMOUS_CLASS_ID), varName, '_');
* handle the inferencing for an assignment whose right hand side is a function expression
* @param the
* assignment AST node
* @return true if handled
protected boolean handleFunctionExpressionAssignment(IAssignment assignment) {
IFunctionExpression functionExpression = null;
if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
functionExpression = (IFunctionExpression) assignment.getExpression();
} else if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof IAllocationExpression) {
functionExpression = (IFunctionExpression) ((IAllocationExpression) assignment.getExpression()).getMember();
} else if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof IAssignment) {
functionExpression = (FunctionExpression) ((IAssignment) assignment.getExpression()).getExpression();
if (functionExpression == null) {
return false;
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration();
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(assignment.getLeftHandSide());
InferredType type = null;
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
if(type == null && isPossibleClassName(possibleTypeName)) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
if(type == null && methodDeclaration.getJsDoc() != null
&& ((Javadoc) methodDeclaration.getJsDoc()).isConstructor) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
handleJSDocConstructor(type, methodDeclaration, assignment.sourceStart());
// isConstructor
if(type != null) {
if(this.inferOptions.useInitMethod) {
this.currentContext.currentType = type;
int nameStart = assignment.getLeftHandSide().sourceStart();
int expressionEnd = assignment.getExpression().sourceEnd();
handleConstructor(type, methodDeclaration, nameStart, expressionEnd);
// want to be sure to set the type of the assignment and local declaration if there is one
if(this.currentContext.currentLocalDeclaration != null && CharOperation.equals(this.currentContext.currentLocalDeclaration.getName(), getName(assignment))) {
// constructor is actually an anonymous function assigned to a single name
} else {// could be method
if(assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof FieldReference
|| assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof ArrayReference) {
Reference ref = (Reference) assignment.getLeftHandSide();
Expression receiver = null;
char[] methodName = null;
int nameStart = 0;
if(ref instanceof FieldReference) {
receiver = ((FieldReference) ref).receiver;
methodName = ((FieldReference) ref).token;
nameStart = (int) (((FieldReference) ref).nameSourcePosition >>> 32);
} else if(ref instanceof ArrayReference) {
if(((ArrayReference) ref).position instanceof StringLiteral) {
receiver = ((ArrayReference) ref).receiver;
methodName = ((StringLiteral) ((ArrayReference) ref).position).source();
nameStart = ((StringLiteral) ((ArrayReference) ref).position).sourceStart + 1;
//if no receiver then done
if(receiver == null) {
return false;
InferredType receiverType = getInferredType(receiver);
if(receiverType == null && passNumber == 2) {
receiverType = this.getReceiverType(receiver, true);
if(receiverType != null && methodName != null) {
if(!receiver.isThis()) {
receiverType = this.createTypeToAssignTo(receiver, receiverType);
// check if there is a member method already created
InferredMethod method = receiverType.findMethod(methodName, methodDeclaration);
if(method == null) {
// create member method if it does not exist
method = receiverType.addMethod(methodName, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
/* determine if static
* check if the receiver is a type */
char[] possibleInTypeName = constructTypeName(receiver);
method.isStatic = (possibleInTypeName != null && compUnit.findInferredType(possibleInTypeName) != null);
return true; // keep visiting to get return type
} else if(this.passNumber == 2) {
return false; // no need to visit again
} else if(this.passNumber == 2 && methodName != null) { // create anonymous class
receiverType = this.getReceiverType(receiver, false);
if(receiverType != null) {
InferredMethod method = receiverType.addMethod(methodName, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
method.isStatic = !receiverType.isObjectLiteral;
receiverType.updatePositions(assignment.sourceStart(), assignment.sourceEnd());
} else if(assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof SingleNameReference && this.passNumber == 2) {
// set the inferred type
methodDeclaration.setSelector(((SingleNameReference) assignment.getLeftHandSide()).token);
methodDeclaration.sourceStart = (((SingleNameReference) assignment.getLeftHandSide()).sourceStart());
return true;
* <p>
* Handle a local declaration who's right hand side is a function.
* </p>
* <p>
* Use case:
* </p>
* <pre>
* = function() { this.num = 42; }
* </pre>
* @param localDeclaration
* {@link ILocalDeclaration} to attempt to infer a type from
* @return <code>true</code> if keep visiting, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean handleFunctionExpressionLocalDeclaration(ILocalDeclaration localDeclaration) {
boolean keepVisiting = true;
IFunctionExpression functionExpression = null;
IExpression expression = localDeclaration.getInitialization();
if(expression instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
functionExpression = (IFunctionExpression) expression;
} else if(expression instanceof IAllocationExpression) {
functionExpression = (IFunctionExpression) ((IAllocationExpression) expression).getMember();
} else if(expression instanceof IAssignment) {
functionExpression = (FunctionExpression) ((IAssignment) expression).getExpression();
if (functionExpression == null) {
return false;
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration();
char[] possibleTypeName = localDeclaration.getName();
InferredType type = null;
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
if(type == null && isPossibleClassName(possibleTypeName)) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
if(type == null && methodDeclaration.getJsDoc() != null
&& ((Javadoc) methodDeclaration.getJsDoc()).isConstructor) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
handleJSDocConstructor(type, methodDeclaration, localDeclaration.sourceStart());
if(type != null) { // isConstructor
if(this.inferOptions.useInitMethod) {
this.currentContext.currentType = type;
int nameStart = localDeclaration.sourceStart();
type.addConstructorMethod(, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
type.updatePositions(nameStart, localDeclaration.getInitialization().sourceEnd());
//set the type for the local declaration to be the new type
keepVisiting = false;
return keepVisiting;
* @param assignment
* @return whether a type was not created for this assignment
* @since 1.3
protected boolean handleLocalDeclarationExpressionType(ILocalDeclaration localDeclaration) {
IExpression expr = localDeclaration.getInitialization();
InferredType type = null;
if(expr instanceof IAssignment) {
type = ((IAssignment) expr).getInferredType();
} else if(expr instanceof IAbstractVariableDeclaration) {
type = ((IAbstractVariableDeclaration) expr).getInferredType();
} else if(expr instanceof IFieldReference) {
IExpression receiver = ((IFieldReference) expr).getReceiver();
InferredType receiverType = this.getTypeOf(receiver);
if(receiverType != null) {
InferredAttribute attr = receiverType.findAttribute(((IFieldReference) expr).getToken());
if (attr != null)
type = attr.inType;
} else if(expr instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = this.getVariable(expr);
if(varDecl != null) {
type = varDecl.getInferredType();
if(type == null) {
IAssignment assign = this.getAssignment(expr);
if(assign != null) {
type = assign.getInferredType();
if(type == null) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration funcDecl = this.getFunction(expr);
if(funcDecl != null && funcDecl.getName() != null) {
type = this.findDefinedType(funcDecl.getName());
if(type == null) {
type =this.compUnit.findInferredType(((ISingleNameReference) expr).getToken());
} else if(expr instanceof IThisReference) {
InferredType newType = null;
IFunctionDeclaration parentMethod = this.currentContext.currentMethod;
IAssignment parentAssignment = this.currentContext.parent.currentAssignment;
ILocalDeclaration parentLocalDeclaration = this.currentContext.parent.currentLocalDeclaration;
char[] newTypeName = null;
int typeStart = 0;
int typeEnd = 0;
/* if there is a current assignment and LHS is a function and that function
* is the current method then use the RHS as the type name
* else if there is a current local declaration and the LHS is a function and
* that function is the current method then use the RHS as the type name
* else if the parent method is not in a type and has a name use that as the type
* name */
if(this.currentContext.parent != null
&& parentAssignment != null
&& parentAssignment.getExpression() instanceof IFunctionExpression
&& ((IFunctionExpression) parentAssignment.getExpression()).getMethodDeclaration() == parentMethod) {
// see if we're adding a field through the prototype
if (parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide().getASTType() == IASTNode.FIELD_REFERENCE
&& ((Expression) ((IFieldReference) parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide()).getReceiver()).isPrototype()) {
newTypeName = Util.getTypeName(((IFieldReference) ((IFieldReference) parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide()).getReceiver()).getReceiver());
else {
newTypeName = Util.getTypeName(parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide());
typeStart = parentAssignment.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentAssignment.sourceEnd();
} else if(this.currentContext.parent != null
&& parentLocalDeclaration != null
&& parentLocalDeclaration.getInitialization() instanceof IFunctionExpression
&& ((IFunctionExpression) parentLocalDeclaration.getInitialization()).getMethodDeclaration() == parentMethod) {
newTypeName = parentLocalDeclaration.getName();
typeStart = parentLocalDeclaration.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentLocalDeclaration.sourceEnd();
} else if(parentMethod != null
&& parentMethod.getName() != null
&& (parentMethod.getInferredMethod() == null || parentMethod.getInferredMethod().inType == null)) {
newTypeName = parentMethod.getName();
typeStart = parentMethod.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentMethod.sourceEnd();
// if calculated new type name, use it to create a new type
if(newTypeName != null) {
newType = compUnit.findInferredType(newTypeName);
// create the new type if not found
if(newType == null) {
newType = addType(newTypeName);
} else {
return false; // no type to create
newType.updatePositions(typeStart, typeEnd);
type = newType;
// prevent Object literal based anonymous types from being created more than once
if(passNumber == 1 && expr instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
return false;
if (type != null) {
this.setTypeOf(expr, type);
if (localDeclaration instanceof AbstractVariableDeclaration) {
return true;
return false;
* @param assignment
* @return whether a type was not created for this assignment
protected boolean handlePotentialType(IAssignment assignment) {
IExpression lhs = assignment.getLeftHandSide();
if(lhs instanceof FieldReference) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) lhs;
/* foo.prototype = ? */
if(fieldReference.isPrototype()) {
/* When encountering a prototype, we are going to assume that the
* receiver is a type.
* If the type had not been inferred, it will be added at this point */
InferredType newType = null;
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(fieldReference.getReceiver());
if(possibleTypeName != null)
newType = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
return true; // no type created
// create the new type if not found
if(newType == null) {
// if we have the function, check if it has a return type, if so, don't consider it a new type
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration theFunction = this.getFunction(fieldReference.getReceiver());
IAbstractVariableDeclaration theVariable = null;
if(theFunction == null)
theVariable = this.getVariable(fieldReference.getReceiver());
if(theFunction != null) {
if(theFunction.getInferredType() != null && !theFunction.getInferredType().isVoid()) {
return false;
} else if (theVariable != null) {
if(theVariable.getInitialization() != null && theVariable.getInitialization() instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
if(((IFunctionExpression)theVariable.getInitialization()).getMethodDeclaration().getInferredType() != null &&
!((IFunctionExpression)theVariable.getInitialization()).getMethodDeclaration().getInferredType().isVoid()) {
return false;
newType = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
newType.updatePositions(assignment.sourceStart(), assignment.sourceEnd());
/* foo.prototype = new ... */
if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof IAllocationExpression) {
// setting the super type
IAllocationExpression allocationExpression = (IAllocationExpression) assignment.getExpression();
InferredType superType = null;
char[] possibleSuperTypeName = constructTypeName(allocationExpression.getMember());
if(possibleSuperTypeName != null) {
superType = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleSuperTypeName);
if(superType == null)
superType = addType(possibleSuperTypeName);
// check if it is set already because it might be set by jsdocs
if(newType.getSuperType() == null)
return true;
/* foo.prototype = {...} */
else if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
// rather than creating an anonymous type, is better just to set the members
// directly
// on newType
populateType(newType, (IObjectLiteral) assignment.getExpression(), false);
// check if it is set already because it might be set by jsdocs
if(newType.getSuperType() == null)
return true;
/* foo.prototype = foo.someField; */
else if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof FieldReference) {
InferredType superType = getTypeOf(assignment.getExpression());
if(newType.getSuperType() == null && superType != null) {
return true;
/* foo.prototype = somevar; */
else if(assignment.getExpression() instanceof SingleNameReference) {
InferredType superType = getTypeOf(assignment.getExpression());
if (newType.getSuperType() == null && superType != null) {
return true;
/* = ? */
else if(fieldReference.receiver.isPrototype() ) {
FieldReference prototype = (FieldReference) fieldReference.receiver;
//if prototype receiver is a type, get its type
InferredType assignedToType = null;
if(this.isExpressionAType(prototype.receiver)) {
assignedToType = this.getTypeOf(prototype.receiver);
//if not found assigned to type and can create possible name, then create a type
if(assignedToType == null) {
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(prototype.receiver);
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
assignedToType = addType(possibleTypeName);
assignedToType.updatePositions(assignment.sourceStart(), assignment.sourceEnd());
} else {
return true; // can not create type, keep visiting
// prevent Object literal based anonymous types from being created more than once
if(passNumber == 1 && assignment.getExpression() instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
return false;
char[] memberName = fieldReference.token;
int nameStart = (int) (fieldReference.nameSourcePosition >>> 32);
InferredType typeOf =
(assignment.getJsDoc() != null && assignment.getJsDoc() instanceof Javadoc && ((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType != null) ? this.addType(changePrimitiveToObject(((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName()))
: getTypeOf(assignment.getExpression());
IFunctionDeclaration methodDecl = null;
if(typeOf == null || typeOf == this.getFunctionType())
methodDecl = getDefinedFunction(assignment.getExpression());
if(methodDecl != null) {
assignedToType.addMethod(memberName, methodDecl, nameStart);
} else {
InferredAttribute attribute = assignedToType.addAttribute(memberName, assignment, nameStart);
handleAttributeDeclaration(attribute, assignment.getExpression());
attribute.initializationStart = assignment.getExpression().sourceStart();
if(attribute.type == null)
attribute.type = typeOf;
return true;
/* = ? */
else if(fieldReference.receiver instanceof IThisReference) {
InferredType newType = null;
IFunctionDeclaration parentMethod = this.currentContext.currentMethod;
IAssignment parentAssignment = this.currentContext.parent.currentAssignment;
ILocalDeclaration parentLocalDeclaration = this.currentContext.parent.currentLocalDeclaration;
char[] newTypeName = null;
int typeStart = 0;
int typeEnd = 0;
/* if there is a current assignment and LHS is a function and that function
* is the current method then use the RHS as the type name
* else if there is a current local declaration and the LHS is a function and
* that function is the current method then use the RHS as the type name
* else if the parent method is not in a type and has a name use that as the type
* name */
if(this.currentContext.parent != null
&& parentAssignment != null
&& parentAssignment.getExpression() instanceof IFunctionExpression
&& ((IFunctionExpression) parentAssignment.getExpression()).getMethodDeclaration() == parentMethod) {
// see if we're adding a field through the prototype
if (parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide().getASTType() == IASTNode.FIELD_REFERENCE
&& ((Expression) ((IFieldReference) parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide()).getReceiver()).isPrototype()) {
newTypeName = Util.getTypeName(((IFieldReference) ((IFieldReference) parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide()).getReceiver()).getReceiver());
else {
newTypeName = Util.getTypeName(parentAssignment.getLeftHandSide());
typeStart = parentAssignment.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentAssignment.sourceEnd();
} else if(this.currentContext.parent != null
&& parentLocalDeclaration != null
&& parentLocalDeclaration.getInitialization() instanceof IFunctionExpression
&& ((IFunctionExpression) parentLocalDeclaration.getInitialization()).getMethodDeclaration() == parentMethod) {
newTypeName = parentLocalDeclaration.getName();
typeStart = parentLocalDeclaration.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentLocalDeclaration.sourceEnd();
} else if(parentMethod != null
&& parentMethod.getName() != null
&& (parentMethod.getInferredMethod() == null || parentMethod.getInferredMethod().inType == null)) {
newTypeName = parentMethod.getName();
typeStart = parentMethod.sourceStart();
typeEnd = parentMethod.sourceEnd();
// if calculated new type name, use it to create a new type
if(newTypeName != null) {
newType = compUnit.findInferredType(newTypeName);
// create the new type if not found
if(newType == null) {
newType = addType(newTypeName);
} else {
return false; // no type to create
newType.updatePositions(typeStart, typeEnd);
//if there is a parent assignment then set the inferred type and that it is a type
if(parentAssignment != null) {
//if there is a parent declaration then set the inferred type and that it is a type
if(parentLocalDeclaration != null) {
// prevent Object literal based anonymous types from being created more than once
if(passNumber == 1 && assignment.getExpression() instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
return false;
char[] memberName = fieldReference.token;
int nameStart = (int) (fieldReference.nameSourcePosition >>> 32);
InferredType typeOf = getTypeOf(assignment.getExpression());
IFunctionDeclaration methodDecl = null;
if(typeOf == null || typeOf == this.getFunctionType()) {
methodDecl = getDefinedFunction(assignment.getExpression());
if(methodDecl != null) {
newType.addMethod(memberName, methodDecl, nameStart);
if(methodDecl.getInferredType() == null && assignment.getJsDoc() != null
&& ((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType != null) {
if(((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName() != null)
methodDecl.setInferredType(addType(((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName()));
} else {
InferredAttribute attribute = newType.addAttribute(memberName, assignment, nameStart);
if(attribute.type == null && assignment.getJsDoc() != null
&& ((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType != null) {
if(((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName() != null)
attribute.type = addType(((Javadoc) assignment.getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName());
handleAttributeDeclaration(attribute, assignment.getExpression());
attribute.initializationStart = assignment.getExpression().sourceStart();
if(attribute.type == null)
attribute.type = typeOf;
return true;
return false;
* Get the function referenced by the expression
* @param expression
* AST node
* @return the function or null
protected IFunctionDeclaration getDefinedFunction(IExpression expression) {
if(expression instanceof SingleNameReference) {
Object object = this.currentContext.getMember(((SingleNameReference) expression).token);
if(object instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) {
return (MethodDeclaration) object;
} else if(expression instanceof FunctionExpression) {
return ((FunctionExpression) expression).methodDeclaration;
} else if(expression instanceof FieldReference) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) expression;
InferredType receiverType = getInferredType(fieldReference.receiver);
if(receiverType == null && passNumber == 2) {
receiverType = this.getReceiverType(fieldReference.receiver, false);
if(receiverType != null) {
InferredMethod method = receiverType.findMethod(fieldReference.token, null);
if(method != null) {
return method.getFunctionDeclaration();
return null;
* <p>
* Sets the inferred type of the given expression to the given type. Any existing inferred type
* is overridden. If the given expression is not supported by this method then it is a no op.
* </p>
* <p>
* Currently supports:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ISingleNameReference}</li>
* <li>{@link FieldReference} - if it can resolve everything it needs to</li>
* <li>{@link IObjectLiteral}</li>
* <li>{@link IThisReference}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param expression
* to set the inferred type for
* @param type
* inferred type to set on the given expression
protected void setTypeOf(IExpression expression, InferredType type) {
if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
//set on variable declaration if there is one
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = getVariable(expression);
if(varDecl != null) {
//set on global field if there is one
if(this.inferredGlobal != null) {
InferredAttribute attribute =
this.inferredGlobal.findAttribute(((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken());
if(attribute != null) {
attribute.type = type;
//set on assignment if there is one
IAssignment varAssignment = this.getAssignment(expression);
if(varAssignment != null) {
} else if(expression instanceof FieldReference) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) expression;
InferredType parentType = this.getTypeOf(fieldReference.getReceiver());
if(parentType != null) {
InferredAttribute attr = parentType.findAttribute(fieldReference.token);
if(attr != null) {
attr.type = type;
} else if(expression instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
((IObjectLiteral) expression).setInferredType(type);
} else if(expression instanceof IThisReference) {
this.currentContext.currentType = type;
protected InferredType getTypeOf(IExpression expression) {
if(expression instanceof IStringLiteral) {
return this.getStringType();
} else if(expression instanceof INumberLiteral) {
return this.getNumberType();
} else if(expression instanceof IAllocationExpression) {
IAllocationExpression allocationExpression = (IAllocationExpression) expression;
IExpression member = allocationExpression.getMember();
InferredType type = null;
//check for type with the same name as the allocation member
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(member);
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
/* if no existing type with the same name as the allocation member
* attempt to get the type of the member */
if(type == null) {
type = this.getTypeOf(member);
/* if no type with same name as member, and member does not have a type,
* create a new type with the same name as the member */
if((type == null || type == getFunctionType()) && possibleTypeName != null && possibleTypeName.length > 0) {
type = this.addType(possibleTypeName, false);
return type;
} else if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
//check for variable declaration to get type from
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = this.getVariable(expression);
if(varDecl != null) {
return varDecl.getInferredType();
//check global type to get type from
if(this.inferredGlobal != null) {
InferredAttribute attribute =
this.inferredGlobal.findAttribute(((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken());
if(attribute != null) {
return attribute.type;
//check for an assignment to get the type from
IAssignment assign = this.getAssignment(expression);
if(assign != null) {
InferredType type = assign.getInferredType();
if(type != null) {
return type;
/* check if expression is a function and if there is a type with the same name,
* if so then the given expression is a reference to that type */
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration funcDecl = this.getFunction(expression);
if(funcDecl != null) {
InferredType type = this.findDefinedType(funcDecl.getName());
if(type != null) {
return type;
//search for type with that name
char[] possibleTypeName = this.constructTypeName(expression);
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
InferredType type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
if(type != null) {
return type;
//search for anonymous global type based of SNR
char[] possibleGlobalTypeName = createAnonymousGlobalTypeName(((SingleNameReference)expression).token);
if(possibleGlobalTypeName != null) {
InferredType type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleGlobalTypeName);
if(type != null) {
return type;
if(funcDecl != null) {
return getFunctionType();
} else if(expression instanceof FieldReference) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) expression;
/* if this reference and in current type
* else not */
if(fieldReference.receiver.isThis() && currentContext.currentType != null) {
InferredAttribute attribute = currentContext.currentType.findAttribute(fieldReference.getToken());
if(attribute != null) {
return attribute.type;
} else {
//get the receiver type then get the type of an existing field or function
InferredType recieverType = this.getReceiverType(((FieldReference) expression).getReceiver(), false);
if(recieverType != null) {
char[] fieldName = ((FieldReference) expression).getToken();
InferredAttribute attr = recieverType.findAttribute(fieldName);
if(attr != null) {
return attr.type;
} else if(recieverType.findMethod(fieldName, null) != null){
return this.getFunctionType();
char[] typeName = constructTypeName(expression);
if(typeName != null && typeName.length > 0) {
InferredType type = this.findDefinedType(typeName);
if(type != null) {
return type;
} else if(expression instanceof IReturnStatement) {
return ((IReturnStatement) expression).getInferredType();
} else if(expression instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
ArrayInitializer arrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializer) expression;
boolean typeSet = false;
InferredType memberType = null;
if(arrayInitializer.expressions != null)
for(int i = 0; i < arrayInitializer.expressions.length; i++) {
InferredType thisType = getTypeOf(arrayInitializer.expressions[i]);
if(thisType != null) {
if(!typeSet) {
memberType = thisType;
} else {
memberType = null;
typeSet = true;
if(memberType != null) {
InferredType type = new InferredType(InferredType.ARRAY_NAME);
type.referenceClass = memberType;
return type;
} else {
return this.getArrayType();
} else if(expression instanceof ITrueLiteral || expression instanceof IFalseLiteral) {
return this.getBooleanType();
} else if(expression instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
// create an anonymous type based on the ObjectLiteral
InferredType type = createAnonymousType((IObjectLiteral) expression);
// set the start and end
type.sourceStart = expression.sourceStart();
type.sourceEnd = expression.sourceEnd();
return type;
} else if(expression instanceof IThisReference) {
return this.currentContext.currentType != null ? this.currentContext.currentType : getInferredGlobal(true);
} else if(expression instanceof Assignment)
return getTypeOf(((Assignment) expression).getExpression());
else if(expression instanceof FunctionExpression)
return this.getFunctionType();
else if(expression instanceof UnaryExpression) {
return getTypeOf(((UnaryExpression) expression).expression);
} else if(expression instanceof BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression bExpression = (BinaryExpression) expression;
int operator = (bExpression.bits & ASTNode.OperatorMASK) >> ASTNode.OperatorSHIFT;
switch(operator) {
case OperatorIds.MULTIPLY:
case OperatorIds.DIVIDE:
case OperatorIds.REMAINDER:
case OperatorIds.MINUS:
case OperatorIds.LEFT_SHIFT:
case OperatorIds.RIGHT_SHIFT:
return this.getNumberType();
case OperatorIds.PLUS: {
InferredType leftType = getTypeOf(bExpression.left);
InferredType rightType = getTypeOf(bExpression.right);
if(leftType != null && leftType.equals(this.getStringType())) {
return this.getStringType();
if(rightType != null && rightType.equals(this.getStringType())) {
return this.getStringType();
if(leftType == null || rightType == null) {
return null;
if(leftType.equals(this.getStringType()) || rightType.equals(this.getStringType())) {
return this.getStringType();
} else if(leftType.equals(this.getNumberType()) && rightType.equals(this.getNumberType())) {
return this.getNumberType();
return null;
case OperatorIds.AND_AND:
case OperatorIds.OR_OR: {
/* if the case:
* foo = foo || ""
* return foo || ""
* foo = foo && ""
* return foo || ""
* else a normal || binary case */
if((this.currentContext.currentAssignment != null && expressionContains(this.currentContext.currentAssignment.getExpression(), bExpression)) ||
(this.currentContext.currentLocalDeclaration != null && expressionContains(this.currentContext.currentLocalDeclaration.getInitialization(), bExpression)) ||
(this.currentContext.currentReturn != null && expressionContains(this.currentContext.currentReturn.getExpression(), bExpression))) {
InferredType leftType = this.getTypeOf(bExpression.left);
InferredType rightType = this.getTypeOf(bExpression.right);
/* if both the left and right type are the same then just return the left one
* else merge the two types into one type
if(leftType == rightType) {
return leftType;
} else if(leftType != null && rightType != null) {
InferredType newCombinedType = this.createAnonymousType(expression, null);
/* add the left type to the combined type
* if the left type is indexed then add it later
* else it is not must add it now */
if(leftType.isIndexed()) {
} else {
/* add the right type to the combined type
* if the right type is indexed then add it later
* else it is not must add it now */
if(rightType.isIndexed()) {
} else {
return newCombinedType;
} else if(leftType != null) {
return leftType;
} else if(rightType != null) {
return rightType;
return this.getBooleanType();
case OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.GREATER:
case OperatorIds.GREATER_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.LESS:
case OperatorIds.LESS_EQUAL:
case OperatorIds.INSTANCEOF:
case OperatorIds.IN:
return this.getBooleanType();
return null;
} else if(expression instanceof MessageSend) {
if(((MessageSend)expression).receiver instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
if(((FunctionExpression)((MessageSend)expression).receiver).methodDeclaration != null) {
return ((FunctionExpression)((MessageSend)expression).receiver).methodDeclaration.inferredType;
} else if(((MessageSend)expression).selector != null) {
// if the method call has no receiver, see if we can look it up
// in the current context. If found, the inferredType(return type) of
// that function is the value we are looking for.
Object method = this.currentContext.getMember(((MessageSend)expression).selector);
if(method instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
return ((MethodDeclaration) method).inferredType;
return null;
protected void populateType(InferredType type, IObjectLiteral objLit, boolean isStatic) {
if(objLit.getInferredType() == null) {
if(objLit.getFields() != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < objLit.getFields().length; i++) {
IObjectLiteralField field = objLit.getFields()[i];
char[] name = null;
int nameStart = -1;
if(field.getFieldName() instanceof SingleNameReference) {
SingleNameReference singleNameReference = (SingleNameReference) field.getFieldName();
name = singleNameReference.token;
nameStart = singleNameReference.sourceStart;
} else if(field.getFieldName() instanceof IStringLiteral) {
IStringLiteral stringLiteral = (IStringLiteral) field.getFieldName();
name = stringLiteral.source();
nameStart = stringLiteral.sourceStart();
} else
continue; // not supporting this case right now
Javadoc javaDoc = (Javadoc) field.getJsDoc();
InferredType returnType = null;
if(javaDoc != null) {
if(javaDoc.memberOf != null) {
char[] typeName = javaDoc.memberOf.getFullTypeName();
convertAnonymousTypeToNamed(type, typeName);
} else if(this.currentContext.isJsDocClass && != null) {
if(type.isAnonymous) {
InferredType previousType = this.currentContext.currentType;
if(previousType != null) {
copyAnonymousTypeToNamed(type, previousType);
objLit.setInferredType(type = this.currentContext.currentType = previousType);
if(javaDoc.returnType != null) {
returnType = this.addType(changePrimitiveToObject(javaDoc.returnType.getFullTypeName()));
// need to build the members of the anonymous inferred type
if(field.getInitializer() instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
IFunctionExpression functionExpression = (IFunctionExpression) field.getInitializer();
InferredMember method =
type.addMethod(name, functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration(), nameStart);
method.isStatic = isStatic;
if(javaDoc != null) {
functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration().modifiers = javaDoc.modifiers;
handleFunctionDeclarationArguments(functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration(), javaDoc);
if(returnType != null && functionExpression.getMethodDeclaration().getInferredType() == null) {
// attribute
else if (field.getInitializer() != null) {
InferredAttribute attribute = type.findAttribute(name);
if(attribute == null) {
attribute = type.addAttribute(name, field.getInitializer(), nameStart);
handleAttributeDeclaration(attribute, field.getInitializer());
attribute.isStatic = isStatic;
// @GINO: recursion might not be the best idea
if(returnType != null) {
attribute.type = returnType;
// apply (force) type onto OL initializer
if(field.getInitializer() instanceof ObjectLiteral) {
((ObjectLiteral) field.getInitializer()).setInferredType(returnType);
} else {
attribute.type = getTypeOf(field.getInitializer());
//if attribute is function then create a function as well
if(attribute.type != null && attribute.type.isFunction()) {
if( type.findMethod(, null) == null) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration func = this.getFunction(field.getInitializer());
if(func instanceof IFunctionDeclaration) {
type.addMethod(name, (IFunctionDeclaration)func, nameStart);
public void endVisit(IAssignment assignment) {
protected boolean handleAttributeDeclaration(InferredAttribute attribute) {
return true;
protected boolean handleAttributeDeclaration(InferredAttribute attribute, IExpression initializer) {
return true;
protected boolean handleFunctionCall(IFunctionCall messageSend) {
return handleFunctionCall(messageSend, null);
protected boolean handleFunctionCall(IFunctionCall messageSend, LocalDeclaration assignmentExpression) {
return true;
public boolean visit(IReturnStatement returnStatement) {
this.currentContext.currentReturn = returnStatement;
if(currentContext.currentMethod != null) {
if(returnStatement.getExpression() != null) {
InferredType type = null;
IExpression expression = returnStatement.getExpression();
if(expression instanceof IObjectLiteral) {
type = createAnonymousType((ObjectLiteral) expression);
// set the start and end
type.sourceStart = expression.sourceStart();
type.sourceEnd = expression.sourceEnd();
} else {
type = getTypeOf(expression);
if(currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType() == this.getVoidType() && type != null) {
} else if(currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType() == this.getArrayType()
&& currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType().referenceClass == null
&& type != null && CharOperation.equals(, TypeConstants.ARRAY[0])){
} else {
/* If the return statement inferred type is null or
* the existing inferred return type and the statement return type are not
* equal and the return type is either not well known or is well
* known and the return type names are the same
* This logic is to cover the scenario where the return type is a known type but
* is from a different instance of the InferEngine */
boolean shouldSetToAny = !((MethodDeclaration) currentContext.currentMethod).isInferredJsDocType();
if(type != null && shouldSetToAny) {
// get the name of the current methods inferred return type
String currentMethodInferredType = null;
if(this.currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType() != null
&& this.currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType().name != null) {
currentMethodInferredType =
new String(this.currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType().name);
boolean returnTypesEqual = type.equals(currentContext.currentMethod.getInferredType());
boolean returnTypeNamesEqual = (new String(;
boolean returnTypeIsWellKnown = WellKnownTypes.containsKey(;
shouldSetToAny =
&& (!returnTypeIsWellKnown || !(returnTypeIsWellKnown && returnTypeNamesEqual));
if(shouldSetToAny) {
return false;
* @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IReturnStatement)
public void endVisit(IReturnStatement returnStatement) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.ASTVisitor#endVisit(org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ast.IFunctionCall)
public void endVisit(IFunctionCall functionCall) {
if(functionCall.getReceiver() instanceof FunctionExpression) {
if (this.contextPtr == -1) {
this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction = true;
if (functionCall instanceof MessageSend && ((MessageSend) functionCall).getArguments() != null) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = ((FunctionExpression) functionCall.getReceiver()).getMethodDeclaration();
if (methodDeclaration != null && methodDeclaration.getArguments() != null) {
IArgument[] declaredArguments = methodDeclaration.getArguments();
IExpression[] sentArguments = ((MessageSend) functionCall).getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < declaredArguments.length; i++) {
if (i >= sentArguments.length) {
// if a sent argument now is a subtype of the declared argument, update the sent argument to be the type of the declared argument
char[] parameterName = null;
if ((parameterName = getName(sentArguments[i])) != null && passNumber == 2 && declaredArguments[i].getInferredType()!=null) {
IASTNode node = (IASTNode) currentContext.getMember(parameterName);
if (node instanceof IAbstractVariableDeclaration && ((IAbstractVariableDeclaration) node).getInferredType() != null) {
if (((IAbstractVariableDeclaration) node).getInferredType().isNamed() && ((LocalDeclaration) node).getInferredType().equals(declaredArguments[i].getInferredType().getSuperType())) {
((IAbstractVariableDeclaration) node).setInferredType(declaredArguments[i].getInferredType());
else if (node instanceof IAssignment && ((IAssignment) node).getInferredType() != null) {
if (((IAssignment) node).getInferredType().isNamed() && ((IAssignment) node).getInferredType().equals(declaredArguments[i].getInferredType().getSuperType())) {
((IAssignment) node).setInferredType(declaredArguments[i].getInferredType());
public void endVisit(IFunctionDeclaration methodDeclaration) {
public boolean visit(IFunctionDeclaration methodDeclaration) {
if(this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction && this.currentContext.currentType == null) {
this.currentContext.currentType = this.getInferredGlobal(true);
} else if(!this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction && this.currentContext.currentType != null && CharOperation.equals(this.currentContext.currentType.getName(), IIndexConstants.GLOBAL_SYMBOL)) {
// if we are not a top level function and the current type is global, reset it to null.
// this prevents this.anything style attributes from leaking to the global scope.
this.currentContext.currentType = null;
this.isTopLevelAnonymousFunction = false;
char[] methodName = methodDeclaration.getName();
// if declaration didn't have name get name from inferred method if there is one
if(methodName == null && methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod() != null) {
methodName = methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod().name;
//set the function that contains this assignment
if(this.passNumber == 1 && methodDeclaration instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration && this.currentContext.currentMethod != null) {
//always need to build arguments
buildDefinedMembers(methodDeclaration.getStatements(), methodDeclaration.getArguments());
//only on the first pass should JS doc be looked at
if(passNumber == 1) {
if(methodDeclaration.getJsDoc() != null) {
InferredMethod method = null;
Javadoc javadoc = (Javadoc) methodDeclaration.getJsDoc();
if(javadoc.isConstructor) {
InferredType type;
if(!this.currentContext.isJsDocClass && methodName != null) {
type = this.addType(methodName);
} else {
type = this.currentContext.currentType;
if(type != null) {
handleJSDocConstructor(type, methodDeclaration, methodDeclaration.sourceStart());
} else if(javadoc.memberOf != null) {
InferredType type = this.addType(javadoc.memberOf.getFullTypeName(), true);
char[] name = methodName;
int nameStart = methodDeclaration.sourceStart();
if(name != null) {
method = type.addMethod(methodName, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
} else if(javadoc.methodDef != null && this.currentContext.isJsDocClass) {
InferredType type = this.currentContext.currentType;
char[][] methName = javadoc.methodDef.getTypeName();
int nameStart = ((MethodDeclaration) methodDeclaration).sourceStart;
if(methName.length == 1) {
method = type.addMethod(methName[0], methodDeclaration, nameStart);
} else {
method = type.addMethod(methName[methName.length - 1], methodDeclaration, nameStart);
method.isStatic = true;
if(javadoc.returnType != null) {
InferredType type = this.addType(changePrimitiveToObject(javadoc.returnType.getFullTypeName()));
((MethodDeclaration) methodDeclaration).bits |= ASTNode.IsInferredJsDocType;
handleFunctionDeclarationArguments(methodDeclaration, methodDeclaration.getJsDoc());
// check if this is a constructor
if(passNumber == 2) {
if(methodName != null) {
InferredType type = compUnit.findInferredType(methodName);
InferredMethod inferMeth = methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod();
//only a constructor if the method is in the found type, or is in a type with the same name
if(type != null &&
(inferMeth == null ||
inferMeth.inType == null ||
inferMeth.inType == type ||
CharOperation.equals(inferMeth.inType.getName(), type.getName())) ) {
this.currentContext.currentType = type;
if(inferMeth == null || !inferMeth.isConstructor) {
int nameStart = methodDeclaration.sourceStart();
type.addConstructorMethod(methodName, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
this.currentContext.currentMethod = methodDeclaration;
if(methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod() != null && methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod().inType != null) {
this.currentContext.currentType = methodDeclaration.getInferredMethod().inType;
if(methodDeclaration.getInferredType() == null) {
return true;
protected void handleConstructor(InferredType type, IFunctionDeclaration methodDeclaration, int start, int end) {
type.addConstructorMethod(, methodDeclaration, start);
type.updatePositions(start, end);
protected void handleJSDocConstructor(InferredType type, IFunctionDeclaration methodDeclaration, int nameStart) {
Javadoc javadoc = (Javadoc) methodDeclaration.getJsDoc();
type.addConstructorMethod(, methodDeclaration, nameStart);
if(javadoc.extendsType != null) {
InferredType superType = this.addType(javadoc.extendsType.getFullTypeName());
protected void handleFunctionDeclarationArguments(IFunctionDeclaration methodDeclaration, IJsDoc jsdoc) {
if(jsdoc == null || !(jsdoc instanceof Javadoc))
Javadoc javadoc = (Javadoc) jsdoc;
IArgument[] arguments = methodDeclaration.getArguments();
if(arguments != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
//skip if argument already has a named type
InferredType currType = arguments[i].getInferredType();
if(currType != null && !currType.isAnonymous) {
//TODO: this could possibly be smarter
InferredType paramType = null;
JavadocSingleNameReference param = javadoc.findParam(arguments[i].getName());
if(param != null) {
if(param.types != null) {
char[] name = {};
for(int j = 0; j < param.types.length; j++) {
// char []typeName=param.types[j].getFullTypeName();
// make sure we are using the type version of Boolean, even if the user
// entered boolean as the JSdoc type.
char[] typeName = changePrimitiveToObject(param.types[j].getFullTypeName());
if(j == 0) {
name = typeName;
} else {
name = CharOperation.append(name, '|');
name = CharOperation.concat(name, typeName);
paramType = this.addType(name);
else if(arguments[i].getJsDoc() != null) {
if(((Javadoc) arguments[i].getJsDoc()).returnType != null) {
paramType = this.addType(((Javadoc) arguments[i].getJsDoc()).returnType.getFullTypeName());
} else if(arguments[i].getComment() != null) {
char[] comment = CharOperation.trim(arguments[i].getComment());
boolean validForName = true;
for(int j = 0; j < comment.length && validForName; j++) {
validForName &=
&& (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(comment[j]) || comment[j] == '.');
if(validForName) {
paramType = this.addType(comment);
if(paramType != null) {
/* if the current type is not null (then it it is also anonymous)
* set the doced type as its parent */
if(currType != null) {
InferredType currSuperType = currType.getSuperType();
paramType = currType;
private void copyAnonymousTypeToNamed(InferredType inClass, InferredType toType) {
if(toType == null)
if(inClass.methods != null) {
if(inClass.attributes != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < inClass.numberAttributes; i++) {
* <p>
* Renames the given type to the given name. If there is a constructor on the type
* that is also renamed.
* </p>
* @param type
* {@link InferredType} to rename
* @param newTypeName
* new type name for the given {@link InferredType}
protected void renameType(InferredType type, char[] newTypeName) {
//rename constructor on type if there is one
InferredMethod constructor = type.findMethod(TypeConstants.INIT, null);
if(constructor != null) { = newTypeName;
//rename the type
compUnit.inferredTypesHash.removeKey(; = newTypeName;
compUnit.inferredTypesHash.put(newTypeName, type);
* <p>
* Converts the given anonymous type to a named global type. If the given type is not anonymous
* then this is a no-op.
* </p>
* @param type
* anonymous {@link InferredType} to name
* @param newTypeName
* new type name for the given anonymous {@link InferredType}
* @see InferredType#isAnonymous
protected void convertAnonymousTypeToNamed(InferredType type, char[] newTypeName) {
if(type.isAnonymous) {
this.renameType(type, newTypeName);
type.isAnonymous = false;
protected boolean isMatch(IExpression expr, char[][] names, int index) {
char[] matchName = names[index];
if(expr instanceof SingleNameReference) {
SingleNameReference snr = (SingleNameReference) expr;
return CharOperation.equals(snr.token, matchName);
} else if(expr instanceof FieldReference && names.length > 1 && index > 0) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) expr;
if(CharOperation.equals(fieldReference.token, matchName)) {
return isMatch(fieldReference.receiver, names, index - 1);
return false;
* @deprecated not used
protected boolean isFunction(IFunctionCall messageSend, String string) {
String[] names = string.split("\\."); //$NON-NLS-1$
char[] functionName = names[names.length - 1].toCharArray();
if(!CharOperation.equals(functionName, messageSend.getSelector())) {
return false;
char[][] namesChars = new char[names.length][];
for(int i = 0; i < namesChars.length; i++) {
namesChars[i] = names[i].toCharArray();
if(names.length > 1) {
return isMatch(messageSend.getReceiver(), namesChars, namesChars.length - 2);
return true;
protected boolean isFunction(IFunctionCall messageSend, char[][] names) {
if(messageSend == null) {
return false;
char[] functionName = names[names.length - 1];
if(!CharOperation.equals(functionName, messageSend.getSelector())) {
return false;
if(names.length > 1) {
return isMatch(messageSend.getReceiver(), names, names.length - 2);
return true;
public void doInfer() {
try {
long time0 = 0;
time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ASTVisitor visitor = getVisitor(compUnit);
if (visitor != null)
passNumber = 2;
visitor = getVisitor(compUnit);
if (visitor != null)
for(int i = 0; i < compUnit.numberInferredTypes; i++) {
if(compUnit.inferredTypes[i].sourceStart < 0)
compUnit.inferredTypes[i].sourceStart = 0;
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time0;
System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " inferred " + new String(compUnit.getFileName()) + " in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ time + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.compUnit = null;
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.core.util.Util.log(e, "error during type inferencing"); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected InferredType addType(char[] className) {
return addType(className, false);
* Create a new inferred type with the given name
* @param className
* the name of the inferred type
* @param isDefinition
* true if this unit defines the type
* @return new Inferred type
protected InferredType addType(char[] className, boolean isDefinition) {
InferredType type = compUnit.addType(className, isDefinition, this.inferenceProvider.getID());
return type;
protected final void pushContext() {
Context newContext = new Context(currentContext);
contexts[++contextPtr] = currentContext;
currentContext = newContext;
protected final void popContext() {
currentContext = contexts[contextPtr];
contexts[contextPtr--] = null;
* @deprecated not used internally, will be removed
protected final boolean isInNamedMethod() {
return this.currentContext.currentMethod != null && this.currentContext.currentMethod.getName() != null;
* Finds a Var Declaration on the context from the name represented with the expression
protected IAbstractVariableDeclaration getVariable(IExpression expression) {
char[] name = null;
if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
name = ((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken();
} else if(expression instanceof IFieldReference) {
IReference ref = getRoot((IFieldReference)expression);
if(ref != null && ref instanceof SingleNameReference) {
name = ((SingleNameReference)ref).getToken();
if(name != null) {
Object var = this.currentContext.getMember(name);
if(var instanceof IAbstractVariableDeclaration) {
return (IAbstractVariableDeclaration) var;
return null;
* Finds a assignment on the context from the name represented with the expression
protected IAssignment getAssignment(IExpression expression) {
char[] name = null;
if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
name = ((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken();
} else if(expression instanceof IFieldReference) {
IReference ref = getRoot((IFieldReference)expression);
if(ref != null && ref instanceof SingleNameReference) {
name = ((SingleNameReference)ref).getToken();
if(name != null) {
Object assignment = this.currentContext.getMember(name);
if(assignment instanceof IAssignment) {
return (IAssignment) assignment;
return null;
* <p>
* Finds a Function Declaration on the context from the name represented
* with the expression
* </p>
* <p>
* Supported:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ISingleNameReference}</li>
* <li>{@link ILocalDeclaration}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
protected IAbstractFunctionDeclaration getFunction(IExpression expression) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration function = null;
char[] name = null;
if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
name = ((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken();
Object method = this.currentContext.getMember(name);
if(method instanceof IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) {
function = (IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) method;
} else if(method instanceof ILocalDeclaration) {
IExpression init = ((ILocalDeclaration) method).getInitialization();
if(init instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
function = ((IFunctionExpression)init).getMethodDeclaration();
} else if(expression instanceof IFieldReference) {
InferredType receiverType = this.getReceiverType(((IFieldReference) expression).getReceiver(), false);
if(receiverType != null) {
InferredMethod inferredMethod = receiverType.findMethod(((IFieldReference) expression).getToken(), null);
if(inferredMethod != null) {
function = inferredMethod.getFunctionDeclaration();
name = ((IFieldReference) expression).getToken();
} else if(expression instanceof MessageSend) {
name = ((MessageSend)expression).selector;
if(name != null) {
// look up the function in the current context, we want to get
// to its return statement eventually.
Object method = this.currentContext.getMember(name);
if(method instanceof IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration calledFunction = (IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) method;
if(calledFunction.getStatements() != null) {
IProgramElement[] statements = calledFunction.getStatements();
// this is a bit of a guess, but look for a return statement
// if found and it is returning a function, then use that
// if not we just return nothing, no harm done.
for(int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
if(statements[i] instanceof IReturnStatement) {
if(((IReturnStatement)statements[i]).getExpression() instanceof IFunctionExpression) {
function = ((IFunctionExpression) ((IReturnStatement)statements[i]).getExpression()).getMethodDeclaration();
return function;
private void buildDefinedMembers(IProgramElement[] statements, IArgument[] arguments) {
if(arguments != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this.currentContext.addMember(arguments[i].getName(), arguments[i]);
if(statements != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
if(statements[i] instanceof ILocalDeclaration) {
ILocalDeclaration local = (ILocalDeclaration) statements[i];
this.currentContext.addMember(local.getName(), local);
} else if(statements[i] instanceof IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration method = (IAbstractFunctionDeclaration) statements[i];
if(method.getName() != null)
this.currentContext.addMember(method.getName(), method);
private static boolean isThis(IExpression expression) {
return expression instanceof ASTNode && ((ASTNode)expression).isThis();
/* This method is used to determined the inferred type of a LHS Expression.
* It could return null.
* a.b.c */
private InferredType getInferredType(IExpression expression) {
InferredType type = null;
/* this */
if(expression instanceof IThisReference) {
type = this.currentContext.currentType;
/* foo (could be a Type name or a reference to a variable) */
else if(expression instanceof SingleNameReference) {
//check for local variable first
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = this.getVariable(expression);
if(varDecl != null) {
type = varDecl.getInferredType();
//if not found type yet check for assignment
IAssignment assignment = null;
if(type == null) {
assignment = getAssignment(expression);
if(assignment != null) {
type = assignment.getInferredType();
/* if not found type yet and there was no declaration or assignment,
* or the found type is Function then check if there is a known type
* with the same name as the SNR. */
if((type == null && varDecl == null && assignment == null) ||
(type != null && type.isFunction())) {
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(expression);
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
/* if pre-existing type, use that
* else check if known type name */
InferredType existingType = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
if(existingType != null) {
type = existingType;
} else if(WellKnownTypes.containsKey(possibleTypeName) ||
this.isKnownType(possibleTypeName)) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, false);
/* */
else if(expression instanceof FieldReference) {
char[] possibleTypeName = constructTypeName(expression);
if(possibleTypeName != null) {
// search the defined types in the context
type = compUnit.findInferredType(possibleTypeName);
if(type == null && isPossibleClassName(possibleTypeName)) {
type = addType(possibleTypeName, true);
/* Continue the search by trying to resolve further down the name
* because this token of the field reference could be a member of a
* type or instance of a type */
if(type == null) {
FieldReference fRef = (FieldReference) expression;
// this
InferredType parentType = getInferredType(fRef.receiver);
if(parentType != null) {
// check the members and return type
InferredAttribute typeAttribute = parentType.findAttribute(fRef.token);
if(typeAttribute != null) {
type = typeAttribute.type;
return type;
* @deprecated - here for compatibility
protected InferredType getInferredType2(IExpression fieldReceiver) {
InferredType receiverType = null;
IAbstractVariableDeclaration var = getVariable(fieldReceiver);
if(var != null) {
receiverType = createAnonymousType(var);
} else {
if(this.inferredGlobal != null && fieldReceiver instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
char[] name = ((ISingleNameReference) fieldReceiver).getToken();
InferredAttribute attr = this.inferredGlobal.findAttribute(name);
if(attr != null) {
receiverType = attr.type;
return receiverType;
protected boolean isKnownType(char[] possibleTypeName) {
return false;
/* For SNR it returns the name
* For FR it construct a Qualified name separated by '.'
* If at any point it hits a portion of the Field reference that is
* not supported (such as a function call, a prototype, or this ) */
protected final char[] constructTypeName(IExpression expression) {
return Util.getTypeName(expression);
public boolean visit(IObjectLiteral literal) {
if(this.passNumber == 1 && literal.getInferredType() == null) {
this.currentContext.currentType = literal.getInferredType();
return true;
public void endVisit(IObjectLiteral literal) {
* Overridden by client who wish to update the infer options
* @param options
public void initializeOptions(InferOptions options) {
protected boolean isPossibleClassName(char[] name) {
return false;
* Get the Script file this inference is being done on
* @return
public IScriptFileDeclaration getScriptFileDeclaration() {
return this.compUnit;
public InferredType findDefinedType(char[] className) {
return compUnit.findInferredType(className);
protected Object findDefinedMember(char[] memberName) {
return currentContext.getMember(memberName);
protected char[] changePrimitiveToObject(char[] name) {
* Changes the first character of the name of the primitive types to
* uppercase. This will allow future reference to the object wrapper
* instead of the primitive type.
if(CharOperation.equals(name, TypeConstants.BOOLEAN, false)) {
return this.getBooleanType().getName();
return name;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the String type
protected InferredType getStringType() {
if(fStringType == null) {
fStringType = this.addType(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_STRING[0]);
return fStringType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Number type
protected InferredType getNumberType() {
if(fNumberType == null) {
fNumberType = this.addType(TypeConstants.NUMBER[0]);
return fNumberType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Boolean type
protected InferredType getBooleanType() {
if (fBooleanType == null) {
fBooleanType = this.addType(TypeConstants.BOOLEAN_OBJECT[0]);
return fBooleanType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Function type
protected InferredType getFunctionType() {
if(fFunctionType == null) {
fFunctionType = this.addType(TypeConstants.FUNCTION[0]);
return fFunctionType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Array type
protected InferredType getArrayType() {
if(fArrayType == null) {
fArrayType = this.addType(TypeConstants.ARRAY[0]);
return fArrayType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Void type
protected InferredType getVoidType() {
if(fVoidType == null) {
fVoidType = this.addType(TypeConstants.VOID);
return fVoidType;
* @return {@link InferredType} for the Object type
protected InferredType getObjectType() {
if(fObjectType == null) {
fObjectType = this.addType(TypeConstants.OBJECT);
return fObjectType;
* <p>
* Gets the name of the given expression.
* </p>
* <p>
* Supported:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ISingleNameReference}</li>
* <li>{@link IFieldReference}</li>
* <li>{@link IAssignment}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param expression
* {@link IExpression} to get the name for
* @return name of the given {@link IExpression} or <code>null</code> if none
* can be determined
protected char[] getName(IExpression expression) {
char[] name = null;
if(expression instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
name = ((ISingleNameReference) expression).getToken();
} else if(expression instanceof IFieldReference) {
name = ((IFieldReference) expression).getToken();
} else if(expression instanceof IAssignment) {
name = this.getName(((IAssignment) expression).getLeftHandSide());
return name;
* <p>
* Given a variable name and an initialization expression determines the
* type to initialize the variable with the given name to.
* </p>
* @param variableName
* name of the variable to be initialized
* @param initialization
* the initialization expression used to initialize the
* variable with the given name
* @return {@link InferredType} to initialize the variable with the given
* name with
private InferredType getTypeForVariableInitialization(char[] variableName, IExpression initialization) {
InferredType type = this.getTypeOf(initialization);
/* if the initialization type is not indexed and the variable declaration is in the global scope
* rename the type to a globally anonymous type and mark it as a global type
boolean isGlobal = this.isGlobal(variableName);
if(type != null && !type.isIndexed() && isGlobal) {
char[] globalTypeName = createAnonymousGlobalTypeName(variableName);
this.renameType(type, globalTypeName);
type.isAnonymous = true;
} else if(type == null && isGlobal && this.passNumber == 2) {
type = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(variableName);
return type;
* <p>
* Will create a type to assign to given the receiver that is being assigned to, the current
* type that is or will be assigned to the receiver, and the assignment expression that will be
* used for the assignment.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This does not actually deal with the assignment, it just creates the type to assign
* to and updates the type for the given receiver.
* </p>
* @param receiver
* the receiver to update the type for
* @param currentReceiverType
* current type that is or will be assigned to the receiver
* @return {@link InferredType} that was created to do the assignment to or the given current
* receiver type if no new type was created
private InferredType createTypeToAssignTo(IExpression receiver, InferredType currentReceiverType) {
char[] varName = this.getName(receiver);
InferredType newType = null;
/* If the current receiver type is not anonymous and is not a this statement,
* and the receiver is not a type (rather then instance of a type, then
* create a new anonymous type with current type as the parent.
* else use the given current receiver type */
if(!currentReceiverType.isAnonymous && !isThis(receiver)
&& !CharOperation.equals(, varName) && !this.isExpressionAType(receiver)) {
/* if the variable being assigned to is in the global scope then
* need to create a global type
* else create a local anonymous type
boolean isGlobal = this.isGlobal(varName);
if(isGlobal) {
/* if current type is a function create a new type with the var name
* else create new anonymous global type */
if(currentReceiverType.isFunction()) {
newType = this.addType(varName, true);
} else {
newType = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(varName);
} else {
newType = this.createAnonymousType(receiver, currentReceiverType);
/* if created a new type set its super type to the original type and update the type for the receiver
* else just return the original given current receiver type */
if(newType != null) {
this.setTypeOf(receiver, newType);
} else {
newType = currentReceiverType;
return newType;
* <p>
* Clears out all of the built in types.
* </p>
private void clearBuiltInTypes() {
fStringType = null;
fNumberType = null;
fBooleanType = null;
fFunctionType = null;
fArrayType = null;
fVoidType = null;
fObjectType = null;
* <p>
* This method is intended to take a chain of field references and
* determine the type that the last field should be or is defined on.
* </p>
* <p>
* EX: <code> = 42;</code><br>
* <br>
* If that is the entirety of the file and the receiver of the
* <code></code> statement is given to this function,
* so the <code></code> part, then this function will
* create a <code>foo</code> field on the global inferred type and and
* then give it a type that has a <code>bar</code> field, and then give
* the <code>bar</code> field a type with an <code>awesome</code> field
* and then finally return a new type assigned to the <code>awesome</code>
* field such that some other code can deal with assigning the
* <code>crazy</code> field with whatever type is on the right hand side
* of the assignment.
* </p>
* @param receiver
* the receiver side of a {@link FieldReference} to get the
* type for
* @param defineRoot
* Has two purposes. If the root of the field reference has no
* type and this is <code>true</code> a type will be created.
* If the root of this field reference does not have a type and
* this is <code>false</code> no root type will be created an
* thus no type will be returned by this method. When there is
* a root type if this argument is <code>true</code> then the
* type on the root will be marked as a definition, else if
* <code>false</code> the root will not be marked as a
* definition.
* @return {@link InferredType} associated with the given receiver side of
* a {@link FieldReference}
protected InferredType getReceiverType(IExpression receiver, boolean defineRoot) {
InferredType receiverType = null;
IExpression current = receiver;
List recievers = new ArrayList();
InferredType rootType = null;
/* Find the SingleNameReference that the reference chain starts with
* or the root type if the chain starts with a THIS statement */
while(current != null && !(current instanceof SingleNameReference) && rootType == null) {
if(current instanceof FieldReference) {
current = ((FieldReference) current).getReceiver();
} else if(current instanceof ThisReference) {
rootType = this.currentContext.currentType;
((ThisReference) current).setInferredType(rootType);
current = null;
} else {
current = null;
//if the root was a single name then determine or create its type
IAbstractVariableDeclaration rootVarDecl = null;
IAssignment rootAssignment = null;
if(rootType == null && current instanceof SingleNameReference) {
//first check if there is a type with the same name as the single name reference
char[] name = ((SingleNameReference) current).getToken();
rootType = this.findDefinedType(name);
// if the single name reference is a function then create a type using the function name
if(rootType == null) {
IFunctionDeclaration func = this.getDefinedFunction(current);
if(func != null) {
rootType = this.addType(name, true);
// if single name reference is to a variable
if(rootType == null) {
rootVarDecl = this.getVariable(current);
if(rootVarDecl != null) {
rootType = rootVarDecl.getInferredType();
/* if variable does not already have an inferred type create an anonymous one
* or if the receiver type is not anonymous and is the expression is not a type then
* create a new anonymous sub type to do the assignment to */
if(rootType == null || (!rootType.isAnonymous && !rootVarDecl.isType())) {
/* if global then create anonymous global type and set super type as current root type
* else create anonymous type using current root type as super type */
boolean isGlobal = this.isGlobal(name);
if(isGlobal) {
InferredType globalType = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(name);
rootType = globalType;
} else if(defineRoot) {
rootType = this.createAnonymousType(current, rootType);
//if single name reference is to a field on the inferred 'global' type
if(rootType == null && this.inferredGlobal != null) {
InferredAttribute attr = this.getInferredGlobal(false).findAttribute(name);
if(attr != null) {
if(attr.type == null) {
attr.type = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(;
rootType = attr.type;
} else {
InferredMethod meth = this.getInferredGlobal(false).findMethod(name, null);
if(meth != null) {
rootType = this.addType(name, true);
// if single name reference is to an existing assignment with no declaration
if(rootType == null) {
rootAssignment = this.getAssignment(current);
if(rootAssignment != null) {
rootType = rootAssignment.getInferredType();
/* else if define root create a new anonymous global type */
if(rootType == null && defineRoot) {
rootType = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(name);
/* if determined a root type, and there is no case where we should not,
* make sure there is fields and types built up for the rest of the reference chain */
if(rootType != null) {
/* only define root if requested and root not part of long chain,
* or the root was already defined somewhere else in this file
* IE: = 42, foo is not defined here
* = 42, foo is defined here */
if(defineRoot && (recievers.isEmpty() || rootVarDecl != null || rootAssignment != null)) {
InferredType currentType = rootType;
for(int i = recievers.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
FieldReference ref = (FieldReference)recievers.get(i);
InferredAttribute attr = currentType.findAttribute(ref.getToken());
if(attr != null) {
if(attr.type != null) {
currentType = attr.type;
} else {
attr.type = this.createAnonymousType(attr, null);
currentType = attr.type;
} else {
InferredMethod meth = currentType.findMethod(ref.getToken(), null);
if(meth != null) {
char[] typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(ref.asQualifiedName(), '.');
currentType = this.addType(typeName, true);
} else {
attr = currentType.addAttribute(ref.getToken(), ref, ref.sourceStart);
if(currentType == this.getInferredGlobal(false)) {
attr.type = this.createAnonymousGlobalType(;
} else {
attr.type = this.createAnonymousType(attr, null);
currentType = attr.type;
//set the last type in the chain as the receiver type
receiverType = currentType;
return receiverType;
* @param define
* <code>true</code> to define the inferred global type if one
* is not yet defined, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @return inferred global type, or <code>null</code> if none is yet
* defined and <code>define</code> was given as <code>false</code>
protected InferredType getInferredGlobal(boolean define) {
if(this.inferredGlobal == null && define) {
this.inferredGlobal = addType(IIndexConstants.GLOBAL_SYMBOL, true);
this.inferredGlobal.isAnonymous = true;
return this.inferredGlobal;
* <p>
* Determine if the root of the given expression is global or not.
* </p>
* @param expr
* Determine if the root of this expression is global or not
* @return <code>true</code> if the root of the given expression is
* global, <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean isRootGlobal(IExpression expr) {
boolean isGlobal = false;
IReference root = null;
if(expr instanceof SingleNameReference) {
root = (SingleNameReference) expr;
} else if(expr instanceof FieldReference) {
root = getRoot((FieldReference)expr);
/* if root is a single name reference then determine if it is global
* else if no root then assume global */
if(root != null && root instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
isGlobal = this.isGlobal(((ISingleNameReference)root).getToken());
} else if(root != null && root instanceof IThisReference) {
isGlobal = this.currentContext.currentType == this.getInferredGlobal(false);
} else if(root == null){
isGlobal = true;
return isGlobal;
* <p>
* Determines if the given variable name is global.
* </p>
* @param name
* determine if there is a global variable with this name
* @return <code>true</code> if there is a global variable with this name,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
protected boolean isGlobal(char[] name) {
boolean isGlobal = false;
if (name == null)
return isGlobal;
//check the root context
Object globalMember;
Object currentContextMember = this.currentContext.getMember(name);
if(this.contexts[0] != null) {
globalMember = this.contexts[0].getMember(name);
} else {
globalMember = currentContextMember;
/* is global if global member with same name is not null and from the current context
* the first member with that name is also the global member, this is to cover the case
* with a shadowing local variable */
isGlobal = globalMember != null && currentContextMember == globalMember;
/* if not determined to be global then check if the current context member
* is an assignment. If it is then that assignment is an assignment without
* a local declaration which means it is global */
if(!isGlobal) {
isGlobal = currentContextMember instanceof Assignment;
//if not determined to be global yet then check inferred global type
if(!isGlobal) {
globalMember = null;
InferredType inferredGlobal = this.getInferredGlobal(false);
if(inferredGlobal != null) {
globalMember = inferredGlobal.findAttribute(name);
if(globalMember == null) {
globalMember = inferredGlobal.findMethod(name, null);
isGlobal = globalMember != null;
/* if not determined to be global yet and no global member or
* local member found assume to be global */
if(!isGlobal) {
if(globalMember == null && currentContextMember == null) {
isGlobal = true;
return isGlobal;
* <p>
* Given an {@link IFieldReference} finds the root
* {@link SingleNameReference}.
* </p>
* @param ref
* {@link IFieldReference} to find the root
* {@link SingleNameReference} for
* @return {@link SingleNameReference} that is the root of the given
* {@link IFieldReference}, or <code>null</code> if it can not be
* found.
private static IReference getRoot(IFieldReference ref) {
IReference root = null;
IExpression current = ref;
while(root == null && current != null) {
if(current instanceof IFieldReference) {
current = ((IFieldReference) current).getReceiver();
} else if(current instanceof SingleNameReference) {
root = (SingleNameReference)current;
} else if(current instanceof IThisReference) {
root = (IThisReference)current;
} else {
current = null;
return root;
* <p>
* Determines if the given parent expression contains or is the given
* needle expression.
* </p>
* <p>
* Handles:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link IBinaryExpression}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param parent
* determine if the given needle is or is contained by this
* parent expression
* @param needle
* determine if the this needle is or is contained by the given
* parent expression
* @return <code>true</code> if the given needle is or is contained by the
* given parent expression, <code>false</code> otherwise
private static boolean expressionContains(IExpression parent, IExpression needle) {
boolean contains = false;
LinkedList expressions = new LinkedList();
while(expressions.size() > 0 && !contains) {
IExpression current = (IExpression)expressions.removeFirst();
contains = needle == current;
if(!contains) {
if(current instanceof IBinaryExpression) {
expressions.add(((IBinaryExpression) current).getLeft());
expressions.add(((IBinaryExpression) current).getRight());
} else if(current instanceof Assignment) {
expressions.add(((Assignment) current).getLeftHandSide());
expressions.add(((Assignment) current).getExpression());
return contains;
* <p>
* Determines if the given expression is a type rather then an instance of
* a type.
* </p>
* @param expr
* determine if this expression is a type rather then an
* instance of a type
* @return <code>true</code> if the given expression is a type,
* <code>false</code> if the given expression is the instance of a
* type or unknown
private boolean isExpressionAType(IExpression expr) {
boolean isType = false;
if(expr instanceof IAssignment) {
isType = ((IAssignment) expr).isType();
} else if(expr instanceof IAbstractVariableDeclaration) {
isType = ((IAbstractVariableDeclaration) expr).isType();
} else if(expr instanceof IFieldReference) {
IExpression receiver = ((IFieldReference) expr).getReceiver();
InferredType receiverType = this.getTypeOf(receiver);
if(receiverType != null) {
InferredAttribute attr = receiverType.findAttribute(((IFieldReference) expr).getToken());
isType = attr != null && attr.isType();
} else if(expr instanceof ISingleNameReference) {
IAbstractVariableDeclaration varDecl = this.getVariable(expr);
if(varDecl != null) {
isType = varDecl.isType();
if(!isType) {
IAssignment assign = this.getAssignment(expr);
if(assign != null) {
isType = assign.isType();
if(!isType) {
IAbstractFunctionDeclaration funcDecl = this.getFunction(expr);
if(funcDecl != null && funcDecl.getName() != null) {
InferredType typeDefinedByFunc = this.findDefinedType(funcDecl.getName());
isType = typeDefinedByFunc != null;
if(!isType) {
InferredType existingType =this.compUnit.findInferredType(((ISingleNameReference) expr).getToken());
isType = existingType != null;
} else if(expr instanceof IThisReference) {
isType = true;
return isType;
protected InferredType createAnonymousTypeForMixin(IExpression mixInto, InferredType parentType) {
InferredType mixIntoType;
IAbstractVariableDeclaration localVar = getVariable(mixInto);
char[] varName = getName(mixInto);
if (mixInto instanceof ISingleNameReference && (localVar == null || isGlobal(varName))) {
mixIntoType = createAnonymousGlobalType(varName);
else {
mixIntoType = createAnonymousType(mixInto, parentType);
mixIntoType.isObjectLiteral = false;
return mixIntoType;
protected InferredType getAttributeType(char[] attName, IExpression receiver, boolean defineRoot) {
InferredType attrType = null;
InferredType receiverType = this.getReceiverType(receiver, defineRoot);
if (receiverType != null) {
InferredAttribute attr = receiverType.findAttribute(attName);
if (attr != null && attr.type != null) {
attrType = attr.type;
return attrType;
* Return a visitor to traverse the given compilation unit's AST.
* Subclasses may override to provide a more minimal implementations while
* retaining use of utility methods from the base InferEngine.
* @return a visitor for use with the given compilation unit and current
* engine states, or <code>null</code>
protected ASTVisitor getVisitor(CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnit) {
return this;