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<h1>Xtext 2.21.0 Release Notes</h1>
<h4>Mar 3, 2020</h4>
<p>Xtext 2.21 is mainly a maintenance release with a focus on internal improvements to enable more people to contribute and only a few new features. The internal usage of Xtend was reduced where it is not beneficial. This improves build performance and lowers the barrier for new contributors. Also all the tests that were failing on Windows only were adapted, such that developing Xtext on Windows machines is now more satisfying.</p>
<h2 id="license-change">License Change</h2>
<p>In compliance with general requirements by the Eclipse Foundation the license for Xtext &amp; Xtend has been changed to <a href="">EPL 2.0</a>.</p>
<h2 id="documentation">Documentation</h2>
<p>The <a href="">Xtext community website</a> has been updated to list all the cool projects people are building around Xtext/Xtend.<br />
The list is not yet complete, so feel free to contact us if you are also interested in listing your project there.</p>
<p>The documentation about the <a href="">release process</a> was improved to enable more people to contribute to this process.</p>
<h2 id="eclipse-integration">Eclipse Integration</h2>
<h3 id="skip-create-markers-in-target-folders">Skip create markers in target folders</h3>
<p>Creation of markers in target folders is disabled. This avoids confusing error markers and improves performance at the same time.</p>
<h3 id="avoid-generation-of-dependency-to-xpandold-generator">Avoid generation of dependency to Xpand/old generator</h3>
<p>The wizard to generate projects for existing ecore models does not create a dependency to deprecated Xpand/old generator any more.</p>
<h2 id="xtext-maven-plugin">xtext-maven-plugin</h2>
<h3 id="testgenerate-goal">testGenerate Goal</h3>
<p>The Maven plugin has now two goals, <code>generate</code> and <code>testGenerate</code>. The new <code>testGenerate</code> goal runs during the <code>generate-test-sources</code> phase and uses the test classpath of the Maven project.</p>
<h2 id="lsp">LSP</h2>
<h3 id="multiple-root-folders-per-workspace">Multiple root folders per workspace</h3>
<p>Xtext based languages now allow a workspace to be composed of multiple root folders.</p>
<h2 id="upgrades">Upgrades</h2>
<li>MWE(2) was updated to 2.11.2 / 1.5.2.</li>
<li>Xtext 2.21 now requires EMF 2.20 as minimal required version.</li>
<li>LSP4J is now on version 0.9.0 / Language Server Protocol version 3.15.</li>
<li>Maven Tycho was updated to version 1.6.0.</li>
<li>JUnit was updated to version 5.6.</li>
<h2 id="deprecations">Deprecations</h2>
<li>In <code>org.eclipse.xtext.ide</code> many of the LSP Services were changed in the protocol to use service specific parameters instead of <code>TextDocumentPositionParams</code>. We adapted the services to use the new parameter classes and marked the old ones as deprecated and to be removed with Xtext 2.22. If you have custom subclasses of the affected services please adapt your implementations. This also holds true for deprecations in lsp services that we marked as deprecated in earlier releases.</li>
<li>We again encourage you to get rid of the old generator as we might have to remove it in 2020-06 / Xtext 2.22 - see/join <a href="">Xtext Issue #1669</a>.</li>
<h2 id="credits">Credits</h2>
<p>The Xtext project is thankful for the dedication of each committer and contributor. This release has been made possible by the following persons (in order of the number of contributed commits to this release to <a href="">all repositories</a> except <a href="">xtext-xtend</a>):</p>
<li>Christian Dietrich (itemis)</li>
<li>Karsten Thoms (Karakun)</li>
<li>Sebastian Zarnekow (independent)</li>
<li>Nico Prediger (itemis)</li>
<li>Tamas Miklossy (itemis)</li>
<li>Arne Deutsch (itemis)</li>
<li>Marcus Mews (NumberFour)</li>
<li>Lorenzo Bettini (Università degli Studi di Firenze)</li>
<li>Sven Efftinge (TypeFox)</li>
<li>Jan Rosczak (Hapag-Lloyd)</li>
<li>Jan Koehnlein (TypeFox)</li>
<li>Robert Lewis <img src="" alt="" /></li>
<li>Ryan Dunn <img src="" alt="" /></li>
<li>Mathias Rieder (Bachmann)</li>
<li>Hannes Niederhausen (itemis) <img src="" alt="" /></li>
<li>David Medina (Sigasi) <img src="" alt="" /></li>
<h2 id="fixed-issues">Fixed Issues</h2>
<p>As in every release cycle we were eagerly hunting down bugs, and reviewed and integrated plenty of contributions. Almost 60 issues and 320 pull requests have made it into this release. For further details please refer to the following lists:</p>
<p><a href=";q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3ARelease_2.21+is%3Aclosed+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-core+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-lib+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-extras+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-eclipse+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-idea+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-web+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-maven+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-xtend&amp;type=Issues&amp;ref=searchresults">Fixed GitHub issues</a></p>
<p><a href=";q=is%3Apr+milestone%3ARelease_2.21+is%3Aclosed+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-core+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-lib+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-extras+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-eclipse+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-idea+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-web+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-maven+repo%3Aeclipse%2Fxtext-xtend&amp;type=Issues&amp;ref=searchresults">Closed Pull Requests</a></p>
<p><a href=";bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;classification=Tools&amp;columnlist=product%2Ccomponent%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc%2Cchangeddate%2Ckeywords&amp;f0=OP&amp;f1=OP&amp;f3=CP&amp;f4=CP&amp;known_name=Xtext%202.21&amp;list_id=16618269&amp;product=TMF&amp;product=Xtend&amp;query_based_on=Xtext%202.21&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;status_whiteboard=v2.21&amp;status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr">Fixed Eclipse Bugzilla tickets</a></p>
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