blob: 0276c3df26d9fed27e844f4621051f1ec9d19bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>The complete source code for AMP is publicly available from the CVS repository.</p>
<p>In order to use the following repository locations, copy the
location URL, open the <i>CVS repository exploring</i> perspective and
paste it in.</p>
<li>Java SDK 5 or higher (6 preferred)</li>
<li>Eclipse SDK 3.5 or higher</li>
<h2>Browse Repository</h2>
<p>If you just want to browse the source code without checking out
all the projects, you can use this link: <a
AMP source code</a></p>
<h2>CVS Anonymous Access</h2>
<p>Here are the details:</p>
<li><b>Eclipse CVS repository location:</b> <i></i>
<li>user and password empty</li>
<li><b>Module:</b> <i>org.eclipse.amp</i>
<p>Within the main module, the AMP repository is organized into these components:</p>
<p>Each module is organized like so:</p>
<p>Anything outside of the structure above is likely to be useless.
For example, some plugins were accidently placed in the component roots and while they have been deleted, they can still show up.
To build AMP you should simply need to import the contents of the various plugins directories into your workspace. </p>
<h2><span class="editsection"> Committer CVS Access</h2>
<p>Same details as anonymous access, using <i>extssh</i> as the
connection type and specific username/password as assigned by Eclipse.</p>