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<h1>Eclipse Forms: New in 3.3</h1>
<div class="summary">
<p>Eclipse Forms is a layer on top of SWT that allows you to achieve a web-like
feel inside your desktop applications without having to resort to an embedded
browser. In this article, the new features added to Eclipse Forms in version 3.3 are
discussed. Readers are expected to be familiar with Eclipse Forms and its concepts.
If that is not the case, a good starting point would be the article,
<a href="">
Eclipse Forms: Rich UI for Rich Client Applications</a>. Another valuable resource is
the <a href="">
online documentation</a>.</p>
<div class="author">By Adam Archer, IBM Canada Ltd.</div>
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2007 IBM Canada Ltd.</div>
<div class="date">September 5, 2007</div>
<div class="content">
<p>Eclipse Forms is a layer on top of SWT that allows you to achieve a web-like
feel inside your desktop applications without having to resort to an embedded
browser. Due to its sophisticated functionality and relatively small footprint,
its popularity has been constantly growing since its inception.</p>
<p>As the clients of forms has grown in numbers, so too has the complexity of their
implementations. Developers are using forms to represent more complex resources
and perform more in depth tasks than ever before. This requires a much higher level
of interaction and more control over the layout and functionality of forms. One
area that was lacking in previous versions was the variety of ways a developer could
customize and make use of the form heading.</p>
<p>For this reason, the majority of the new features provided in 3.3 are related to forms headings.
Clients of forms now have many more options at their disposal regarding what they
can do with their headings. In addition, there have been some improvements to sections
and some useful new APIs have been added.</p>
<p>Throughout this article code examples will be given to be added to an Eclipse view.
To prepare for the remainder of the article, you can setup a plug-in project as follows:</p>
<li>Open Eclipse 3.3 or later in a fresh workspace and close the welcome</li>
<li>Select <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Project... &gt; Plug-in Project</strong></li>
<li>Give the project a name and click <strong>Next</strong> twice</li>
<li>Select <strong>Plug-in with a view</strong> and click <strong>Finish</strong></li>
<li>In the plug-in manifest editor, add a dependency to <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms</code></li>
<li>Open the class defining the view and overwrite its code as follows:</li>
<pre> public class SampleView extends ViewPart {
private FormToolkit toolkit;
private Form form;
* The constructor.
public SampleView() {
* This is a callback that will allow us to create the viewer and
* initialize it.
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
toolkit = new FormToolkit(parent.getDisplay());
form = toolkit.createForm(parent);
form.setText("Hello, Eclipse Forms");
* Passing the focus request to the form.
public void setFocus() {
* Disposes the toolkit
public void dispose() {
<p>To test your view perform the following steps:</p>
<li>Switch to the overview page of the plug-in manifest editor for your project</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Launch an Eclipse application</strong> link</li>
<li>When the new instance of Eclipse appears, select <strong>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other... &gt; Sample Category &gt; Sample View</strong></li>
<p>The view should look something like this:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-start.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 1</strong>:
A basic form in a view</p>
<h2>Form Heading Improvements</h2>
<p>As mentioned above, form headings have become much more powerful in 3.3. This
portion of the article outlines all the new features and options that are available.</p>
<h3>Title Rendering</h3>
<p>By default, forms headings are rendered with the same background colour as the form, as seen in Figure 1.
This does not make them stand out as a distinct area of the form and is also generally not very attractive.
Previous to 3.3, two mutually exclusive alternatives were available to customize the background. Clients could either
specify a background image to be tiled across the entire heading or an array of colours to generate a gradient
background. The difficulty with this approach is that designers need to take into account the different
platforms and system settings that may be present in a user's environment. The design must be appealing under all configurations.
Since Eclipse supports so many different platforms, this was no easy task.</p>
<p>In 3.3, forms provides a simple mechanism to delegate painting a gradient on the heading to the FormToolkit. The toolkit
provides a colour combination designed to work well under all supported configurations. Clients can access the colours directly
through the following constants:</p>
<p>Although the colours are available as constants, you can have forms paint your heading with this configuration by modifying
your form code as follows:</p>
<pre> public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
toolkit = new FormToolkit(parent.getDisplay());
form = toolkit.createForm(parent);
form.setText("Hello, Eclipse Forms");
toolkit.decorateFormHeading(form); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
<p>Using the code above, the form will appear as follows:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-decorated.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 2</strong>: A basic form with a decorated heading</p>
<h3>Toolbar Layout Changes</h3>
<p>As developers started using forms to achieve more and more complex goals, the variety of content placed in the head
client grew exponentially. Previous to 3.3 the head client on the <code>FormHeading</code> was added to the same row as the title.
This approach severely limited the space that developers had to work with and limited the usefulness of the feature.</p>
<p>In 3.3 the head client has been moved to the second row of
the heading. The toolbar, by default will remain on the first row with the title, although the option is available to move it
to the second row using the following line of code: <code>form.setToolBarVerticalAlignment(SWT.BOTTOM);</code></p>
<p>To see the effects for yourself you can add a simple head client and toolbar by modifying your code as follows:</p>
<pre> public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
toolkit = new FormToolkit(parent.getDisplay());
form = toolkit.createForm(parent);
form.setText("Hello, Eclipse Forms");
form.setHeadClient(toolkit.createButton(form.getHead(), "This is the head client", SWT.PUSH)); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
form.getToolBarManager().add(new Action("This is the toolbar") { }); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
form.getToolBarManager().update(true); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
form.setToolBarVerticalAlignment(SWT.BOTTOM); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
<p>With this code the form will appear as follows:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-toolbar1.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 3</strong>: A form with a head client and the toolbar aligned to the bottom</p>
<p>If the last line from the sample above is commented out, then the default alignment will be used for the toolbar and the form
will render like this:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-toolbar2.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 4</strong>: A form with a head client and default toolbar alignment</p>
<h3>Message Handling</h3>
<p>One very important aspect of rich user interface design is ensuring that when a user makes a mistake, they are notified immediately
and assisted in correcting it. In large, complex forms it may be difficult to determine what is wrong without obvious
visual cues.</p>
<p>For this reason, in 3.3 the error message handling framework has been improved. Messages of types defined in
<code>org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider</code> will now be represented with text between the title and the toolbar
on the form heading (or in place of the toolbar if it is not used). In addition to displaying a textual representation of the message,
an appropriate image will be displayed in the header in place of the form's image until the message is resolved.</p>
<p>By default, the message will be displayed as static text, but an <code>IHyperlinkListener</code> can be added to the form to
turn the message into a hyperlink that will inform the listener of any clicks.</p>
<p>Here is a code sample demonstrating how to add a message to your form and register a hyperlink listener:</p>
<pre> toolkit.decorateFormHeading(form);
form.setHeadClient(toolkit.createButton(form.getHead(), "This is the head client", SWT.PUSH));
form.getToolBarManager().add(new Action("This is the toolbar") { });
form.addMessageHyperlinkListener(new HyperlinkAdapter()); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong>
form.setMessage("This is an error message", IMessageProvider.ERROR); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong></pre>
<p>With these changes, the form will appear as follows:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-message.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 5</strong>: A form with an error message and a message hyperlink listener</p>
<h3>Drop-Down Menus</h3>
<p>With the development of more complicated forms comes a wider variety of interactions that may be required. To help developers make
useful functions quickly accessible, a new menu manager is now available. It can be retrieved and used to populate a menu which
will be rendered next to the form's title when it is not empty.</p>
<p>Below is a code snippet demonstrating how to add a menu to your form heading (note that the changes from the message handling section
have been removed):</p>
<pre> toolkit.decorateFormHeading(form);
form.setHeadClient(toolkit.createButton(form.getHead(), "This is the head client", SWT.PUSH));
form.getToolBarManager().add(new Action("This is the toolbar") { });
form.getMenuManager().add(new Action("This is the menu") { }); <strong>// NEW LINE</strong></pre>
<p>When the menu button is clicked, the menu will appear at the cursor as shown below:</p>
<p><img src="images/form-menu.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 6</strong>: A form with a menu</p>
<p>The menu can also be accessed by right-clicking on the title or title image.</p>
<h3>Drag and Drop Support</h3>
<p>In some cases, forms represent objects that have meaning to other workbench components. For instance, you could have a form based
editor that allows you to edit the contents of a proprietary file type that will be referenced elsewhere. In 3.3, API has been created
to add drag and drop support to your forms. This support allows you to drag your forms so they can be dropped into other areas. With
this feature you would be able to, for instance, drag your form into other files to quickly and easily create references to the associated
object. This saves the user from having to remember a URL or browse back to the item from a different editor.</p>
<p>Due to the complex nature of SWT's drag and drop functionality, a programmatic example will not be given here. The methods that can
be used to add the support to your form are <code>Form.addTitleDragSupport(int operations, Transfer[] transferTypes, DragSourceListener listener)</code>
and <code>Form.addTitleDropSupport(int operations, Transfer[] transferTypes, DropTargetListener listener)</code>. For more information
on using these methods, see the
<a href="">Form class javadoc</a> or the
<a href="">Adding Drag and Drop to an SWT Application</a> article from
<a href="">Eclipse Corner</a>.</p>
<p>Once drag support has been properly added to the form, the title will change colours as the cursor nears and enters the draggable area.
This effect is shown below.</p>
<p><img src="images/form-drag1.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 7</strong>: A draggable form with the cursor near the title</p>
<p><img src="images/form-drag2.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 8</strong>: A draggable form with the cursor over the title</p>
<h2>Section Improvements</h2>
<p>Sections have become the fundamental building blocks of most forms created today. A common approach to form design is to have several columns
of adjacent sections. However, when sections are given text clients that are taller than their title text, the title area grows accordingly to accommodate the client.
Unfortunately, this means that adjacent sections with similar content will not line up properly and may look sloppy.</p>
<p>In 3.3, new API has been added to <code>ExpandableComposite</code> to allow designers to account for this limitation. There is a method,
<code>ExpandableComposite.getTextClientHeightDifference()</code> that will return the number of pixels the title area was increased
by to accommodate the text client. This can be used to set the <code>ExpandableComposite.descriptionVerticalSpacing</code> field (default is 0)
or the <code>ExpandableComposite.clientVerticalSpacing</code> field (default is 3). These fields specify the padding to place above the
description and the client area respectively. Note that if there is no description, then the <code>descriptionVerticalSpacing</code>
field will have no affect.</p>
<p>Here is a code snippet from the <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.examples.internal.rcp.SecondPage</code> class from the
<code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.examples</code> plug-in that demonstrates usage of this feature:</p>
<pre> Section s1 = createTableSection(form, toolkit, "First Table Section", true);
Section s2 = createTableSection(form, toolkit, "Second Table Section", false);
s2.descriptionVerticalSpacing = s1.getTextClientHeightDifference();</pre>
<p>Below is a pair of images to demonstrate the different this makes. These screenshots were both created using the Form Examples plug-in:</p>
<p><img src="images/section-aligned.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 9</strong>: A pair of sections aligned using <code>getTextClientHeightDifference()</code></p>
<p><img src="images/section-unaligned.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 10</strong>: A pair of sections without custom alignment</p>
<h2>Shared-Header Form Editor</h2>
<p>The <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor</code> class provides a starting point for creating multi-page editors with form pages.
One common use case of this class is to use form pages that all have the same titles, head clients and toolbar items. To achieve this
prior to 3.3, implementers had to have all of their child pages create the headers in the same way. This not only meant
that there was a lot of overhead and code duplication involved in achieving a consistent look, but also that the editor was using
system resources excessively to create copies of all the same controls.</p>
<p>In 3.3 the <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.SharedHeaderFormEditor</code> class has been added to allow the header area to be shared
among all the pages. In order to implement this properly, subclasses must override the <code>createHeaderContents(IManagedForm headerForm)</code>
class to populate the header. In addition, any header controls that require life cycle management should be wrapped with the
<code>IFormPart</code> interface. Also, child pages of the <code>SharedHeaderFormEditor</code> should not have their own header or else
two headers will be displayed.</p>
<h2>Message Manager</h2>
<p>As discussed above, support has been added to show messages in the form heading. To make the handling of multiple messages within
a form easier, a message manager has been made available in 3.3 through the <code>IManagedForm</code> interface. The manager is provided
as an interface (<code>IMessageManager</code>).</p>
<p>The message manager will track multiple messages for the user at a time and will show text-based on the most severe message present
at any given time (<code>ERROR</code> &gt; <code>WARNING</code> &gt; <code>INFO</code>). It also provides the ability, when adding a
message, to associate a control with it. If this is done, the message manager will decorate the specified control with an image appropriate
to the message type.</p>
<p>If the message label in the form heading is configured to be a hyperlink (as discussed earlier in this article), the <code>href</code>
attribute of the <code>HyperlinkEvent</code> will be an array of <code>IMessage</code> objects. This array is used internally by the message
manager to create a tooltip for the hyperlink. It is also available for clients to do whatever they like with the information once the
link is clicked.</p>
<p>The advantages of this API are, first, that it inherently allows many messages to be retained on a form at once
and, second, that it hides the details of how control decoration is performed.</p>
<p>A good example implementation of this API is in the <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.examples.internal.rcp.ErrorMessagesPage</code>
class from the <code>org.eclipse.ui.forms.examples</code> plug-in. Below are two screenshots of the implementation:</p>
<p><img src="images/msgman-tooltip.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 11</strong>: An example implementation of the message manager showing its tooltip</p>
<p><img src="images/msgman-widget.png"/><br/><strong>Figure 12</strong>: An example of what can be done with a HyperlinkListener using the message manager</p>
<p>This article has outlined the new features added to Eclipse Forms in version 3.3. Its goal was to pick up where the previous
<a href="">forms article</a> left off and to help clients of the plug-in
make better use of the tools at their disposal to increase the quality of the Rich UIs. Feedback can be sent to
<a href=""></a>.