blob: 56bd4eb3677b7f52e178cf2bd7bbd6f530bbe97b [file] [log] [blame]
# articles.rss
# Author: Wayne Beaton
# Date: 2006-04-20
# Description: This page generates an RSS feed containing articles.
# An optional parameter (filter) can be provided in the request header
# to specify what the feed will contain. To obtain only recent articles,
# you would specify "/articles/articles.rss?filter=recent". If no filter
# is specified, the recent articles are returned.
header('Content-type: text/xml');
// The next line needs to occur first in the file.
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
* If a filter was provided, get it. Otherwise,
* set the filter to 'recent' so that all recent
* articles are obtained.
$filter = $_GET['filter'];
if (!$filter) $filter = 'recent';
* For backwards compatibility. The categories have
* been changed, but the old ones may still be referenced
$filter = strtoupper($filter);
if ($filter == 'UI') $filter = 'User interface';
if ($filter == 'USER INTERFACE') $filter = 'User interface';
if ($filter == 'WHITEPAPER') $filter = 'Whitepaper';
if ($filter == 'TUTORIAL') $filter = 'Tutorial';
* Find the desired category. If no category
* can be found using the specified filter, obtain
* the 'recent' category.
$listing =& get_listing();
$category =& $listing->categories[$filter];
if (!$category) {
$filter = 'recent';
$category =& $listing->categories['recent'];
* Sort the category by date.
$articles =& $category->articles;
echo <<<EORSS
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Eclipse Corner Articles: $category->title</title>
// $base_date = strtotime('-6 months');
foreach ($articles as $article) {
// if (!$article->is_more_recent_than($base_date)) break;
echo "\n\t<item>";
echo "\n\t\t<title><![CDATA[$article->title]]></title>";
echo "\n\t\t<link>$article->root/$article->link</link>";
echo "\n\t\t<description><![CDATA[$article->description]]></description>";
$date = date("D, j M Y 12:00:00 \G\M\T", $article->most_recent_date());
echo "\n\t\t<pubDate>$date</pubDate>";
echo "\n\t</item>";
echo <<<EORSS