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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<article id="article" xmlns:xsi=""
<title>DocBook Authoring with Eclipse</title>
<date>June 20, 2008</date>
<revremark>Updated to DocBook 4.5, Web Standard Tools 3.0, and XSL Tooling 0.5M8
<jobtitle>XML Data Architect</jobtitle>
<orgname>Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail</orgname>
<holder> Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail. All rights reserved.</holder>
Eclipse is not know for it's ability to write documentation, but it is something that
every programmer eventually has to do. In today's world it is not uncommon to have to
support not only print media, but also online content as well. This article will take a
look at the advances of eclipse as an authoring environment. It will revisit concepts
original discussed in the
url="">"Authoring with Eclipse"</ulink>
article, published in December 2005.
<para> Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
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The examples in this article were built and tested with:
<ulink url="">Eclipse 3.4</ulink>
<ulink url=""> Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.0</ulink>
<ulink url=""> XSL Tooling 0.5M8 - Incubator</ulink>
<ulink url="">Docbook 4.5</ulink>
<ulink url="">The DocBook XSL stylesheets from the DocBook Project
This article is a revisiting of the original
url="">"Authoring With Eclipse"</ulink>
article by Chris Aniszczyk and Lawrence Mandel. The article revisits many of the concepts
discussed in the original article, and expands on them where it is necessary. Much has
changed since the original article, but much of the information is still relevant to
authoring with eclipse today.
<para> Writing documentation is something that almost any programmer or architect is
eventually going to have to do. It's not a job that most enjoy, and the fact that the
documentation usually has to be available in multiple formats at the same time, makes the
job of creating the documentation that much less enjoyable. However, all is not lost. There
are many ways to produce content that can be written once and documented in many formats.
In the sections that follow we will discuss one of these options, DocBook, and how you can
use existing eclipse projects and open source plugins to create and authoring system. This
article in fact is entirely written in DocBook and leverages the tools discussed.</para>
<title>Technical Documentation</title>
<para>According to Chris and Lawrence, "In the open source world, technical
documentation is primarily accomplished using two popular formats: DocBook and the Darwin
Information Typing Architecture (DITA)." Both of these formats leverage XML. They separate
the content from the presentation. Unlike HTML which mixes the two together, and you don't
have an easy time of separating them. The advantage to DocBook and DITA formats is that it
frees the author to concentrate on the content they are entering and not how it will
necessarily look. This is necessary because the same content can be targeted to multiple
formats, each with its own unique presentation and requirements. It is not uncommon to have
DocBook content appear in PDF, Presentation Slides, HTML, RTF, Man, and many more formats.
<para> DocBook itself has it's beginnings with SGML, the precursor to XML. It is widely used
in the publishing industry, and the O'Reily publishing house use DocBook for all it's
Norman Walsh, has written a book called
<ulink url="">DocBook: The Definitive Guide</ulink>
. The book is available on line as well as at many book resellers. Anything and
everything about the DocBook markup can be found in the book.
<para> Writing an article or a book in XML is no different than writing most any other
application. You can break the process down into several stages. Chris and Lawrence
original had these in the following steps:</para>
<para> Creation - The process of adding your content to the file. This includes such
meta data as authors, editors, revision history, chapters, sections, figures, tables,
<para> Review - The process of fixing the inevitable grammar and content mistakes that
tend to creep into the document. Regardless of how well the author tries, some no
excuse error is going to creep into the document. The nice thing about writing is
that during this process one is not concerned as much about how it looks, just that
the content is correct.</para>
<para> Publication - The final step is actually publish the document. This is either
creating the PDF, the HTML, or the eclipse Help format files. This is where the
formatting is reviewed, and for the most part with the help of the DocBook Project's
XSL Stylesheets very little has to be done to get a professional looking publication.
If errors are found, then repeat the Review process, and republish.</para>
<title>Advantages of an XML format</title>
<para> Microsoft Word has the ability to create a master document from multiple word
documents. However, anybody that has tried to do this, knows that the process is more
brittle than it needs to be. It should be a simple as saying include these three files,
and generate me out one complete book that contains everything. With DocBook and XML it
is that simple if you leverage a little known specification called XInclude.</para>
XInlcude allows you create the Modularity that Chris and Lawrence original talked
about. An example of an XInclude is shown in
<xref linkend="Xinclude_Example" />
<example id="Xinclude_Example">
<book id='Book1' xmlns:xi="">
<xi:include href="Introduction.xml"/>
<xi:include href="WorkbenchLayout.xml"/>
More information about XInclude can be found in <xref linkend="XSL_Tooling"/>.
<title>Version Control</title>
<para> Leveraging Eclipse's built-in version control support with CVS or adding a open
source or third party plugin for another version control system, makes maintaining
and working on the documentation as convenient as working on any source code for a
program. The same comparison and merging abilities that are used with source code for
programs can be leveraged for the authoring process as well. Compare this to trying
to work with formats that are stored in a binary format and the speed advantage
becomes clear pretty quickly. When dealing with a binary formatted file, typically a
locking mechanism has to be implemented. Working with DocBook since it is a text
format, allows one to take advantage of agile development practices as Continuous
Integration and automated builds. Documentation doesn't have to become a thing that
is put to the end. It should become a part of the standard build process.</para>
<para> As stated earlier. The advantage that an XML format has is that it allows
presentation and content to be separated. The formatting of the document is
independent of the content. One of the most time consuming parts of creating
documentation is making sure the formatting is the same. Traditionally if you move
sections or cut and paste content from another source, it messes up the formatting of
the document. With DocBook you don't run into this issue, as the formatting is
controlled during the publication phase. Thus freeing up time that the author would
have to spend trying to make the document legible, to make sure that they have the
necessary content correct.</para>
<title>One Source, Multiple Targets</title>
<para> DocBook, allows for one source content to be generated into multiple formats.
Typically DocBook is published in PDF, but it is also widely used for web pages,
multi-sectioned HTML pages, Tex, and RTF formats as well. The author doesn't need to
worry about any of these formats or how it will necessarily look as that is taken
care of by the publishing process. Typically with an XSL stylesheet that already
contains the necessary formatting information.</para>
To show the authoring tool chain in Eclipse, this article will use the DocBook file that
was used to write this article. The XML version of the document can be seen
<ulink url="AuthoringWithEclipse.xml">here</ulink>
<title>The Right Tool for the Right Job.</title>
<para> In order to write an article or a book with DocBook, one needs an editor. Preferably
one that understands the XML dialect and it's support tools. The eclipse Web Standard
Tools project comes with the necessary tools that are needed. The XML editing support
provides the following functionality:</para>
<para> Validation - the ability to check for syntax errors against a specified
grammar. A grammar in this case can be either a DTD or XML Schema for the XML that
is being edited. The XML editor also contains as you type validation to always
keep your XML well formed and valid according the grammar provided.</para>
<para> Syntax Coloring - Working with XML is much easier of the tags can be easily
separated from the content.</para>
<para> Content Assistance - If a grammar is detected for the XML file that has been
loaded, then content assistance is available for the tags and attributes. This is
activated using CTRL+SPACE. Also any templates that may be available from the XML
templates preference page will be displayed as well.</para>
<para> The XML editor provided by Web Standard Tools is just the first tool that you will
need, but it will be the one that is used the most. The next will be the DocBook XSL
stylesheets provided by the DocBook Project. This is is a set of XSL stylesheets that
can transform the DocBook files into something that is actually readable. Output formats
include HTML, Tex, RTF, and even PDF via XSL-FO.</para>
<para> The examples that are shown here are all built using tools that are available at
eclipse. Only when we get to the PDF publication do we need to leverage a plugin that
isn't available from eclipse directly, but is available as free software. More when PDF
generation is covered later in the article.</para>
<title>Creation and Review</title>
<para> The following section is taken primarily from the original article. Some
updating has been done to update the content.</para>
<para> Although creation and review are two separate parts of the technical
documentation process, the same tools are required and therefore will be discussed
As you may already know, the Eclipse project is composed of several top-level
projects including Eclipse itself (known as the Eclipse base) and the WTP project.
WTP adds many tools to the Eclipse base including an XML editor with graphical and
source representations of the content. Although the graphical editor is useful for
viewing the document, the source editor, shown in
<xref linkend="xml-source-editor" />
, is more useful when authoring in XML.
<figure id="xml-source-editor">
<title>The XML Source Editor</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/xmlsourceeditor.gif" format="GIF" align="center" />
<para> In addition to the features discussed previously, Web Standard Tools provides
additional XML functionality.</para>
<emphasis>Outline View</emphasis>
- Assists you in editing and viewing the content of your document.
<emphasis>XML Catalog</emphasis>
- Allows you to register Document Type Definitions (DTD) and XML Schema
grammars associated with your document with your workspace so you can work with
the benefits of validation while disconnected from the Internet.
<para> Aside from the benefits of the XML editor, working in Eclipse provides other
benefits. Eclipse includes integrated version control for CVS. There also exists
freely available plugins for Subversion as well. Integrated version control allows
you to check your changes into, and view others' changes in, your version control
system from within Eclipse. These tools are also useful for your reviewers, who, if
you give them permission, can add comments and suggestions to your document and check
their changes in. Giving your reviewers permission to make these changes allows you
to avoid the need to use e-mail or some other communication mechanism.</para>
<section id="XSL_Tooling">
<title>XSL Tooling</title>
Chris and Lawerence's original article used an open source plugin called Organevolt XSLT, to
provide the publication steps that are discussed later in the article. However, since the
publication of the original article, eclipse now has it's own XSL Tooling project. This is
currently incubating under the eclipse Web Tools Project, but it provides the same functionality
and more.
One such new features is the XML perspective as shown in <xref linkend="XML_Perspective" />
<figure id="XML_Perspective">
<title>XML Perspective</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="images/XMLPerspective.png" />
The XML perspective provides the basic views that are most important for
working with XML related content. The XPath View allows the user to
run XPath Expressions against the data that is in the current XML based editor.
It show the xpath expression for the current location with in the editor.
In addition to the XML perspective XSL Tooling provides the following additional
features and functions.
XSL Editor - an XSL 1.0 and XSL 2.0 grammar aware editor. Providing
content assistance for XSL, as well as XML namespaced content included
within the XSL editor. Content assistance is also available for XPath
1.0 in select and test attributes.
XSL Debugging - Developing or working with XSL stylesheets requires the
use of an debugger at times. The XSL Tooling provides launch configurations
and debugging support for the Xalan 2.7.1 processor. Extension points
are available for adopters to add additional processors for debugging and
XSL File Wizards - Wizards are available for creating new XSL files. Templates
can be provided for a variety of XSL patterns.
XPath and XSL Preference Settings - Additional configuration is available
through the XSL and XPath prefernce pages. Templates can be created as well
as choosing the default parser to use during transformations.
XSL Launch Configurations - The user has the ability to setup launch
configurations for transforming XSL. ANT launch configurations are
also supported for more complex scenarios.
XInclude ANT Task - An ant task is available that allows for the use of
XInclude pre-processing of XML files. XInclude allows for a way to include
XML or text based content into XML file and merge the two files together.
This is one way to provide the Modularity benefit that working with an
XML format provides.
The DocBook XSL
<xref linkend="docbookxsl" />
project offers numerous transformations, including HTML and PDF formats. The most
common transformation technique is to use an Ant file with the appropriate tasks for
the various transformations. In this article we use the XSL Tooling set of plugins to
simplify this task. XSL Tooling integrates into the familiar Eclipse launcher
framework. This integration allows you to select the style sheet and pass in
necessary parameters for the transformation.
<para> Of all the available transformations, transforming your document into HTML is
the easiest to use. All that you need to do is create a proper transformation
launch configuration and run the transformation. Specifically, you need to specify
the correct style sheet:</para>
<xref linkend="html-transformation" />
shows a sample transformation configuration that will transform our DocBook sample
<ulink url="files/book.xml">document</ulink>
into HTML.
<figure id="html-transformation">
<title>Sample HTML Transformation Configuration for book.xml</title>
<imagedata align="center" width="741" depth="592" fileref="images/html.jpg"
format="JPG" />
You can augment the transformation by passing parameters to the style sheet.
There's a full listing of DocBook XSL parameters that can be used to configure
the transformation located
<ulink url=""> here</ulink>
Bob Stayton has also written
<ulink url="">Docbook XSL: The Complete Guide</ulink>
which is available on line and in print format. This book describes how to
customize the DocBook stylesheets beyond those that you can do with the
parameters. The XSL Tooling provides an XSL aware XML editor that can be used
to help create and debug the stylesheets.
In addition to setting up the Main tab for the stylesheet to use. You may also want
to change the output location and the processor that will be used. By default the
transformation output will be placed into the same location as the input file, with the
extensions ".out.xml".
<para> Transforming a DocBook XML file to PDF format is more involved than the
transformation to HTML but it is still possible using a style sheet. The
difference lies in a task that must be performed before the actual transformation.
So, the transformation from XML to PDF is a two-step process.</para>
Step one is to generate an XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) document. This document
will then be transformed into a PDF. In order to generate an XSL-FO document, you
need to use the following stylesheet:
<xref linkend="xslfo-transformation" />
shows a sample transformation configuration used to generate an XSL-FO document
from book.xml.
<figure id="xslfo-transformation">
<title>Sample XSL-FO Transformation Configuration for book.xml</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="images/xsl-fo.png"
format="PNG" />
Step two is to use a Formatting Objects Processor (FOP) to transform your XSL-FO
document into a PDF. One of the more popular open source FOPs is the
<ulink url=""> Apache FOP</ulink>
. We'll use a third-party
<ulink url=""> plug-in from Ahmadsoft</ulink>
that integrates Apache FOP into Eclipse. After installing this plug-in, all that
you need to do to render the XSL-FO document is run the FOP transformation.
<xref linkend="pdf-transformation" />
shows an example of running the FOP transformation.
<figure id="pdf-transformation">
<title>Sample FOP Transformation</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="images/fop.png"
format="PNG" />
The example includes a sample Ant
<ulink url="files/pdf/build.xml"> file</ulink>
that performs the same transformation as running the FOP transformation using
<ulink url=""> plug-in from Ahmadsoft</ulink>
. An Ant script is a popular method of performing the publishing stage, and
this example should give you a good starting point if you'd prefer to go this
<title>Eclipse Help</title>
The DocBook Project includes a XSL stylesheet that can be used to create the
necessary files for the eclipse help system. In order to perform this transformation
in DocBook, you need to specify a few parameters and use the following style sheet:
<xref linkend="eclipse-transformation" />
shows a sample transformation configuration along with the correct parameters.
The eclipse help stylesheet included with DocBook creates a plugin.xml
and toc.xml file only. In addition to the configuration information shown
the xalan.jar extension included with DocBook is required as the transformation
leverages the chunk.xsl file from the html stylesheet directory to output multiple
html files, and build to the necessary toc.xml file.
<figure id="eclipse-transformation">
<title>Sample Eclipse Help Transformation Configuration</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="images/eclipse.png"
format="PNG" />
The complete list of DocBook XSL parameters for the Eclipse Infocenter
transformation is located
<ulink url=""> here</ulink>
<title>Prior Limitations</title>
<para> Chris and Lawrence's original article outline two short comings with eclipse as an authoring
No Grammar and Spell Checking.
No preview screen or WSYIWG editor for documentation.
The first limitation has been addressed since eclipse 3.3. Eclipse includes a spell checker and
the Web Standard Tools XML editor leverages this support. Users may add their own custom dictionary or
add any of the freely available dictionaries available on the Internet.
The second item may or may not be a limitation depending on the point of view. The advantage of DocBook is
that it separates the content from the presentation. Worrying about the presentation while creating the
content may not be the best thing to do. The main reason is that how it is formatted is going to greatly
depend on the target platforms the documentation is intended. DocBook authoring is not the same as
using a traditional word processor. A different way of thinking of documentation needs to be approached. The
formatting is not the critical piece, but it is the content of the document that matters the most.
Since the original article was published, many advancements have been made with the XML support for eclipse. The
editors are faster, their is better tooling support, and the docbook grammar it self has advanced. However, the
overall process that Chris and Lawrence had described is fundamentally unchanged three years later. Eclipse is a
perfectly suitable authoring system for technical documentation.
<para> Chris Aniszczyk and Lawrence Mandel for their original article title,
"Authoring With Eclipse".</para>
<title>About the Author</title>
David Carver is an XML Data Architect for Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail. He
is also a committer on the
<ulink url="">XSL Tooling</ulink>
<biblioentry id="docbook">
<ulink url=""> - The Source for Documentation.</ulink>
<biblioentry id="docbookxsl">
<ulink url=""> DocBook XSL Style Sheets</ulink>
<biblioentry id="subversion">
<ulink url=""> Subversion</ulink>