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<div align="right">&nbsp; <font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Copyright
&copy; 2004&nbsp;Chaur G. Wu. All rights reserved.</font>&nbsp;
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<td vAlign="top" align="left" bgColor="#0080c0" colSpan="2"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#ffffff">&nbsp;Eclipse
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<h1><IMG height="86" src="images/Idea.jpg" width="120" align="center"></h1>
<h1 align="center">Modeling Rule-Based Systems with EMF</h1>
<P>There are examples of meta-models defined in ECore for modeling objects and
relational data. However, not much has been said about how to model rules. This
article will define a meta-model in ECore for modeling rule-based systems. We
will then use the meta-model to model the solution of a logical problem. Then
we will compose some JET templates and generate code from the model, run the
generated code through a rule engine and see that the logical problem is
correctly solved.
<p><b>By Chaur G. Wu, Independent Consultant</b> (<br>
<font size="-1">November 30, 2004</font> </p>
<hr width="100%">
<P>Before we look at this article’s example, let’s set the stage by going through
some&nbsp;background information and make clear some terms that we will use
throughout the&nbsp;article. In this part, we will give very brief introduction
of rule-based systems and meta-modeling.
<H2>Rule-Based Systems</H2>
So what do we mean by rule-based? In the evolution course of computing, a field
called artificial intelligence was developed in the 70s&nbsp;and 80s with an
aim to make computers reason like human beings. Rule-based programming paradigm
emerged at that time as&nbsp;ways to implement systems that appear to think and
reason like human beings. Examples of rule-based systems are expert systems
that have the knowledge of a doctor or a tax advisor and can answer complex
questions&nbsp;people would normally ask those professionals.
<P>The idea of rule-based programming is to represent a domain expert’s knowledge
in a form called rules. That’s why it’s called rule-based. Besides rules,
another important ingredient in a rule-based system is facts. Here’s an
example. Say John is a weather reporter who gives advice to people on TV
channels based on weather conditions. Here’s John’s knowledge about weather:
If it’s a rainy day, advise people to bring umbrellas when they go out.
If it’s a rainy day, the road would be slippery because of the rain and hence
warn people to drive more carefully.
<P>How do we represent the knowledge in a rule-based system? We represent it as
rules and facts like this:
<pre> Rule 1: If it’s a rainy day, advise people to bring umbrellas when they go out.
Rule 2: If the road is slippery, warn people to drive more carefully.
Rule 3: If it’s a rainy day, road is slippery.</pre>
<PRE> Fact 1: It’s a rainy day.
Fact 2: Road is slippery.</PRE>
<P>Here’s how our imaginary expert system mimics the reasoning capability of
weather reporter John. If by looking out of the window, we see it’s raining, we
tell our expert system that it’s raining by asserting fact number 1.
Immediately the expert system tries to match the asserted fact with its three
rules. Rules 1 and 3 are fired because the asserted fact satisfies their
conditions (the <EM>if</EM> clause). When rule one is fired (a more accurate
term is activated), the system advises people to bring umbrella as if it were a
real weather reporter. Firing rule 3 asserts fact 2. And because fact 2
satisfies the conditions of rule 2, rule 2 is fired and the system advises
people to drive more carefully. All these chain reactions happen in sequence as
the result of asserting fact number 1.
<P>Although the example is nowhere close to the complexity of a practical
rule-based system, it shows the following key points:
A rule-based system consists mainly of&nbsp;three things: facts, rules and an
engine that acts on them.
Rules represent knowledge and facts represent data. A rule-based system solves
problems by applying rules on facts (i.e. matching facts with rules’ <EM>if</EM>
A rule consists of two parts: conditions (<EM>if</EM>
clauses) and actions.&nbsp;
The action part of a rule might assert new facts that fire other rules.
<P>Among the most popular rule engines, <STRONG>JESS (Java Expert System Shell)</STRONG>
is probably of the most interest to Java developers. It is&nbsp;the reference
implementation of JSR 094 Java Rule Engine API and it has&nbsp;plug-ins to
support development of rule systems in Eclipse. Therefore, the rule code we
will see&nbsp;in this article will be&nbsp;in JESS's&nbsp;syntax. Before we
leave this section, it’s helpful to introduce JESS&nbsp;and take a glimpse of
its programming syntax. JESS is software that interprets rules and facts
expressed in its programming language. Just as Java is a language for
expressing objects and Java compiler is software that interprets Java code,
JESS has a language for expressing rules and facts and a compiler to interpret
the code. JESS is developed in Java by Ernest Friedman-Hill at Sandia National
Laboratories. Here’s what the rules and facts in our weather example look like
in JESS code.</P>
<PRE>(defrule rule-1 (rainy-day) = &gt; (advise-people bring-umbrella))
(defrule rule-2 (road-slippery) =&gt; (advise-people drive-carefully))
(defrule rule-3 (rainy-day) =&gt; (assert road-slippery))
<P>The last two lines in the list above are the two facts. The first three lines
are the three rules. Rules in&nbsp;JESS&nbsp;take this form: <b><CODE>(defrule
rule-name conditions =&gt; actions)</CODE></b> Rules are defined using
the <code>defrule</code> construct. <code>rule-1</code>, <code>rule-2</code>,
and <code>rule-3</code> are the names of the rules respectively. <code>rule-1</code>
has a condition: <code>(rainy-day)</code>. In this case, <code>(rainy-day)</code>
is also called a <b>pattern</b>.&nbsp;It&nbsp;is so called&nbsp;because the
rule engine&nbsp;treats it as a pattern for matching facts. The pattern <code>(rainy-day)</code>
in <code>rule-1</code> will match only one fact: the <code>(rainy-day)</code> fact
in the last line of the code list. When it's matched, the action <code>(advise-people
bring-umbrella)</code> of <code>rule-1</code> will be executed.</P>
<P>There are a lot more to the syntax of&nbsp;a rule&nbsp;language like JESS. We
will only explain those necessary for following along this article. For
more&nbsp;details, you can refer to the documentation that comes with JESS.</P>
<H2>Model, Meta-model, Meta-metamodel
<P>Sometimes it’s helpful to the discussion if we categorize models into different
levels. We call a model a <b>meta-model</b> if it is used to define models. We
call a model a <b>meta-metamodel</b> if it is used to define meta-models.
<P>For example, ECore is a model. It can be a meta-model or a meta-metamodel
depending on how we use it. When we use ECore to define models of a purchase
order system, it plays the role of a meta-model. The Rule Meta Model we will
develop later in this article is another example of meta-model. It is a
meta-model because we will use it to define a model for a logical problem.
<P>The Rule Meta Model we will develop later is defined in ECore. In this sense,
ECore is a meta-metamodel because it is used to define a meta-model. Another
example of ECore as a meta-metamodel is EMF’s Gen Model. EMF’s Gen Model is a
meta-model that defines models concerning how code is generated. ECore is the
meta-metamodel that defines Gen Model.
<P>When we say model A defines model B, in a practical sense, we mean that all
model elements in B are instances of model elements in A. We will see this in
effect later when we reach the article’s example. For the purpose of this
article, the important facts to note are:
Categorization of meta levels is not absolute.
We will use ECore as a meta-metamodel to define the Rule Meta Model.
Model elements in the Rule Meta Model will be instances of model elements in
We will use the Rule Meta Model to define a model for a logical problem.
Elements in the model will be instances of model elements in the Rule Meta
Meta-metamodels are also referred to as M3 models; meta-models as M2 models;
models like a bank application model as M1 models.
<H2>Problem Statement
<P>The logical problem&nbsp;we will solve with this article’s Rule Meta Model is
<P>There are four boxes, labeled from 1 to 4. We have four balls in four colors:
red, blue, green and yellow. Our task is to put one ball in each box according
to the following three constraints.
If red ball is in box 1, blue ball must be in box 3.
If yellow ball is not in box 2, green ball must be in box 3.
Green ball cannot be in box 4 and Red ball cannot be in box 2.
<H2>Set up Environment and Run the Example Code
<P>The solution to the problem is in <A href=""></A>
and <A href=""></A> that come
with this article. The code in the zip files requires the following software.
<PRE>Java Runtime or SDK (The one I use is Java SDK 1.4.2 from Sun Microsystems)
Eclipse (The version I use is Eclipse SDK 3.0)
EMF (The version I use is EMF SDK 2.0.1 RC2)
JESS 7.0a1</PRE>
<P>Installing JESS is simple.&nbsp;You can download JESS&nbsp;from <A href="" target="_blank"></A>. Then unzip the downloaded&nbsp;file
to a folder, add jess.jar to your java classpath and you are ready to go. JESS
is not free software. After clicking the link above, you’ll be asked to enter
your name, company and email. After that, you’ll be taken to the page where
you can download various versions of JESS. The one to download for this article
is trial version 7.01a1. This version of JESS comes with some Eclipse plug-ins
for editing JESS code in the Eclipse IDE. Those plug-ins are not needed for
running the code of this article. Installing them is optional. </P>
<P>To install and run the example for this article, unzip <A href=""></A>
into your <I>plugins/ </I>subdirectory. This zip&nbsp;file contains three plug-ins.
They are the model, edit, editor plug-ins EMF generates for our Rule Meta Model.
The other zip file, <A href=""></A>,
contains two files: <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code> and <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>.
<code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code> is the model that models our logical
problem. It is defined using Rule Meta Model. The other file <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>
is JESS code generated from <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code>. Below
is a pictorial view of all the components in the two zip files and how they
relate to EMF and rule engine.</P>
<P><b>Figure 1. Overall picture of the example code.</b></P>
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/Overall.gif"></P>
<P>We will explain each component as we go along. For now, since we already have
JESS rule engine set up, let's run <code>BallPlacement.clp</code> through the
JESS rule engine (the yellow part in Figure 1). Assume that you unzipped the
two files in <code></code> to <code>C:\</code> and
that <code> jess.jar</code> is in your java classpath. Here is the command to
run <code>BallPlacement.clp</code> through the JESS rule engine: </P>
<P><IMG height="13" src="images/tryit.gif" width="61"> <code>java jess.Main
<P>The result you will see in the command console will look like the screenshot
below. Dumping the result to a console window like this is not pretty but it
serves our purpose just fine. The last four&nbsp;facts listed in the screenshot
are solutions to the logical problem. That is, out of the 24 possible
placements of the balls in the boxes, only&nbsp;four placements satisfy the
three constraints posed by our problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/BallPlacementResult.gif"></P>
<P>Before we look more closely at the Rule Meta Model and Ball Placement Model,
let’s see what constitutes a rule language by taking a look at <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>
first. This knowledge will help us make sense of the meta-model and model
later. <code>BallPlacement.clp</code> defines two fact templates: <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;<code>placement</code>
and <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;<code>ball</code>.&nbsp;
<PRE><IMG height=13 src="images/tag_1.gif" width=24 align=center>(deftemplate placement
(slot box_one)
(slot box_two)
(slot box_three)
(slot box_four))
<IMG height=13 src="images/tag_2.gif" width=24 align=center>(deftemplate ball (slot color))</PRE>
<P>A <b>fact template</b> as its name suggests is a template of facts and is
defined by the <code>deftemplate</code> construct in JESS. Earlier we wrote the
weather fact like this: <code>(rainy-day)</code>. If we want to specify
temperature in addition to weather, we’ll probably write a fact like this: <code>(rainy-day
50F)</code>. Facts like these are called <b>ordered facts</b> because they
require their elements to be in a specific order. <code>(rainy-day 50F)</code> is
a different fact from <code>(50F rainy-day)</code> because the elements are in
a different order. Sometimes it’s desirable to have some structure in the way
we state facts so that we can express elements in a fact regardless of their
positions. This is where fact templates come into play. With fact templates, we
can state facts like this: <code>(weather-report (weather rainy-day) (temperature
50F))</code>. We say that the <code>weather-report</code> fact has two <b>slots</b>:
<code>weather</code> and <code>temperature</code>. Slot <code>weather</code> has
a value of <code>rainy-day</code> and slot <code>temperature</code> has a value
of <code>50F</code>. It doesn’t matter if you put the <code>temperature</code> slot
before or after the <code>weather</code> slot. Facts like this are called <b>unordered
facts</b> because the order of their elements is not relevant.
<P>In our example, the <code>placement</code> fact template defines four slots, one
for each box. The <code>ball</code> fact template defines one slot: <code>color</code>.
With these two fact templates, we can state the fact that "green ball is in box
one"&nbsp;in JESS language like this: <code>(placement (box_one Green))</code>.
Besides fact templates, <code>BallPlacement.clp</code> has&nbsp;a
few&nbsp;rules. Here's the rule that describes the first constraint about ball
<pre>(defrule placement_constraint1
<IMG height=13 src="images/tag_1.gif" width=24 align=center> ?placement &lt;- (placement (box_one ?box_one) (box_two ?box_two) (box_three ?box_three) (box_four ?box_four))
<IMG height=13 src="images/tag_2.gif" width=24 align=center> (and (placement (box_one ?box_one&amp;Red) (box_two ?box_two) (box_three ?box_three) (box_four ?box_four))
(placement (box_one ?box_one) (box_two ?box_two) (box_three ?box_three&amp;~Blue) (box_four ?box_four)))
<IMG height=13 src="images/tag_3.gif" width=24 align=center>
(retract ?placement))</pre>
We have seen rules in the weather report metaphor.&nbsp;We know <code>placement_constraint1</code>
is the name of the&nbsp;rule. <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;<IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;are
the conditions of the rule and <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;is
the action. Condition <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;assigns&nbsp;what
looks like a&nbsp;pattern to the <code>?placement</code> variable. In fact,
what actually gets assigned to the <code>?placement</code> variable is a fact
that matches the pattern. In JESS, variable names start with <EM>?</EM> . <code>?box_one</code>,
<code>?box_two</code> in the code list above&nbsp;are all variables. Variables
are not typed. You can assign strings, integers, facts and values of other data
types to them. Assigning a value to a variable is usually done through the <code>bind</code>
function like this:
<P><code>(bind ?variable "some string value")</code></P>
<P>However, using <code>bind</code> function to assign a value to a variable is an
action not a condition.&nbsp;That's why in&nbsp;<IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">,&nbsp;instead
of using the <code>bind</code> function in the condition part of a rule, we
use&nbsp;a special form called <b>pattern binding</b> <code>&lt;-</code> to
assign a fact to the <code>?placement</code> variable.&nbsp;
<P>Condition <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;has
two fact matching patterns enclosed in a logical <code>and</code>. The logical <code>
and</code> is called a <b>conditional element</b> in a rule
language.&nbsp;Don't worry if the two conditions&nbsp;still look cryptic. Let's
mimic the reasoning process of a rule engine and you will see how&nbsp;the
conditions&nbsp;function.&nbsp;Let's see what happens if we put&nbsp;the
following fact in the rule engine:</P>
<P><code>(placement (box_one Red) (box_two Blue) (box_three Green) (box_four Yellow))</code></P>
<P>The rule engine tries to see if the fact satisfies the two conditions of <code>placement_constraint1</code>.
It first tries to match the fact with the pattern in <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">.&nbsp;The
pattern in <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;has
one variable in each of the four slots of&nbsp;the <code>placement</code> fact.&nbsp;That
means the pattern matches any value in those four slots.&nbsp;So the fact
satisfies the first condition and <code>Red</code> is assigned to <code>?box_one</code>,
<code>Blue</code> to <code>?box_two</code>, <code>Green</code> to <code>?box_three</code>
and <code>Yellow</code> to <code>?box_four</code>.
<P>But this is not enough to trigger the execution of <code>placement_constraint1</code>'s
action. The rule engine sees that there's a second condition in the rule. So it
tries to see if the same fact matches the second condition's patterns. The
first pattern in&nbsp;<IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;says
that <code>box_one</code> must be&nbsp;<code>?box_one</code> and <code>Red</code>
(<code>?box_one&amp;Red</code>) and the other three slots can have any values
that are assigned to the three variables <code>?box_two</code>, <code>?box_three</code>
and <code>?box_four</code> respectively. The rule engine already knows from the
first condition that <code>?box_one</code> is <code>Red</code>. So <code>(?box_one&amp;Red)</code>
is no contradiction (Red is Red). The fact satisfies the first pattern of <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">.
Because of the <code>and</code> conditional element, the&nbsp;second pattern
in&nbsp;<IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;needs
to&nbsp;match the fact&nbsp;too for the whole condition to be considered
satisfied. The second pattern in <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;says
that <code>box_three</code> must be&nbsp;<code>?box_three</code> and not <code>Blue</code>
(<code>?box_three&amp;~Blue</code>) and the other three slots can have any
values that are assigned to&nbsp;the three variables <code>?box_one</code>, <code>?box_two</code>
and <code>?box_four</code> respectively. The rule engine already know from the
first condition that <code>?box_three</code> is <code>Green</code>. So <code>(?box_three&amp;~Blue)</code>
is no contradiction (Green is not Blue). The fact satisfies the&nbsp;second
pattern of <IMG height="13" src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" align="center">&nbsp;as
<P>So all conditions are satisfied. The action of <code>placement_constraint1</code>
will execute because of the assertion of the fact. What the action does is
remove the matching fact from the rule engine. Why? Because all placement facts
that satisfy the conditions of any one of the three constraint rules in <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>
are not solutions to our logical problem. We remove them from the rule engine's
fact list so that the ones remaining will be our solutions.</P>
<H2>Rule Meta Model
<P>Now that we know the basic constructs such as <EM>patterns</EM>, <EM>actions</EM>,
<EM>rules</EM>, <EM>facts</EM> of a rule language, it's time to see how we
model them in a meta-model; that is, the blue part in Figure 1. Our Rule Meta
Model consists of a package, a few data types, enumerations and classes. As we
said earlier,&nbsp;Rule Meta Model is defined in ECore and by that we mean all
model elements in&nbsp;Rule Meta Model are instances of model elements in
ECore. The one and only package in the Rule Meta Model is an instance of
ECore’s <code>EPackage</code>; the data types instances of ECore’s <code>EDataType</code>;
the enumerations instances of ECore’s <code>EEnum</code> and the classes
instances of ECore’s <code>EClass</code>.
<P>Below is a screenshot of how Rule Meta Model looks like in Eclipse. In the
following sections, we'll go through the data types, enumerations and classes
one by one.&nbsp;
<P><b>Figure 2. Rule Meta Model.</b></P>
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/RuleMetaModel.gif"></P>
<H4>Data Types
Unlike Java, a rule language is untyped. In the code&nbsp;excerpt of <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>
in previous section, we don’t see the types of <code>ball</code>, <code>color</code>,
and <code>placement</code>. Although the language itself is untyped, underneath
the language in the rule engine, things are still typed. For example, <code>ball</code>,
<code>color</code>, <code>placement</code> are of a type called <code>Symbol</code>.
Values like <code>"something"</code> are of type <code>String</code> and values
like <code>2.3</code> are of type <code>Float</code>. Types like <code>Symbol</code>,
<code>String</code>, and <code>Float</code> are called <b>primitive types</b> or
<b>data types</b>. Most rule languages support a common set of primitive types.
However, there are types available in one language but you don’t see them in
others. It's&nbsp;important&nbsp;not to confuse data types like <code>String</code>
and <code>Float</code> in a rule language&nbsp;with similar data types <code>java.lang.String</code>
and <code>java.lang.Float</code> in java. They are totally different types used
in different languages interpreted by different virtual machines. Types in a
rule language are interpreted by a rule engine whereas java types are
interpreted by a Java virtual machine. This is why when we model these data
types in the Rule Meta model, we cannot simply use <code>java.lang.String</code>
or <code>java.lang.Float</code> but need to implement our own types.
There are six data types in Rule Meta Model. Each of them corresponds to a java
class. You can tell which java class a data type corresponds to by
looking&nbsp;at the screenshot in Figure 2 or at the <code>Instance Class Name</code>
property of the <code>EDataType</code> instance that defines the data type. The
table below summarizes the correspondences.
<TABLE id="Table1" height="66" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="646" border="1">
<TD width="111"><b>data type</b></TD>
<TD><b>implementing java class</b></TD>
<TD width="111">RSymbol</TD>
<TD width="111">RFactAddress</TD>
<TD width="111">RInteger</TD>
<TD width="111">RFloat</TD>
<TD width="111">RDataType</TD>
<TD width="111">RMultiField</TD>
<P>When defining&nbsp;data types, besides implementing corresponding java classes,
it's often appropriate and necessary to&nbsp;overwrite the generated code
for&nbsp;converting strings&nbsp;to and from&nbsp;instances of the data types.
In our example, we overwrite <code>createRSymbolFromString()</code> in <code></code>
for <code>RSymbol</code> and other five similar methods in the same file for
the other five data types.
<P>A meta model like ours should be as platform independent as possible. We don't
want&nbsp;to tailor &nbsp;Rule Meta Model too much to a rule language that
models conforming to the Rule Meta Model can only generate code for&nbsp;that
specific language.&nbsp;A complete Rule Meta Model should&nbsp;model data
types&nbsp;common to most popular rule languages. Data types proprietary to a
specific rule language can be modeled at M1 level. Because the example code for
this article is more a demonstration than a full-fledged product, the set of
data types we model here is&nbsp;by no means&nbsp;complete for a rule language,
nor are the&nbsp;java classes implementing those data types.
<P>There are three enumerations in the Rule Meta Model: <code>RRuleType</code>, <code>RFunctionType</code>,
<code>RCondElemEnum</code>. The&nbsp;three enumerations and six data types are
used in the definition of classes in Rule Meta Model. For example, the
following diagram shows that class <code>RFactTemplate</code> has one attribute <code>
factName</code> whose type is <code>RSymbol</code>, one of the data types
we just defined. Besides attribute <code>factName</code>, <code>RFactTemplate</code>
also has a containment reference to zero or multiple instances of <code>RFactSlot</code>.
<code>RFactTemplate</code> models fact templates in a rule language. The class
definition we see here is in line with our previous knowledge of fact
templates: a fact template has a name&nbsp;and defines zero or multiple slots.
As to <code>RFactSlot</code>, it models slots in fact templates. It has an
attribute <code>slotName</code> of type <code>RSymbol</code> and an attribute <code>
slotValueRange</code> of type <code>RMultiField</code>. We know from
previous section that a slot has a name. What we didn't mention is that some
rule languages allow you to specify the legitimate values&nbsp;of a slot, which
is what <code>slotValueRange</code> is for.
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/ClassDiagram2.gif"></P>
<p>The diagram below shows some more classes and their relations to&nbsp;each
other. Class <code>RRule</code> models rules. It has an attribute <code>ruleName</code>
that represents the name of a rule; a containment reference <code>condition</code>
that represents conditional elements in a rule's condition part; a containment
reference <code>ceMatchPattern</code> that represents patterns in a rule's
condition part but not enclosed in conditional elements; and a reference <code>actions</code>
that represents a rule's action part.</p>
<P>Class <code>RCondElem</code> models conditional elements. A conditional element
can contain match patterns or more conditional elements. That's why&nbsp;our
definition of <code>RCondElem</code> has one containment reference to itself
and one containment reference to <code>RPattern</code>. The <code>ceName</code>
attribute of <code>RCondElem</code> denotes what conditional element (<code>and</code>,
<code>or</code>, <code>not</code>, etc) an instance of <code>RCondElem</code> is.
If you look at <code>RCondElemEnum</code>, the type of the <code>ceName</code> attribute,
you will see that there are three enumeration literals there: <code>and</code>, <code>
or</code>, <code>not</code>. For the same reason we don't define a complete
set of data types, the list of conditional elements in <code>RCondElemEnum</code>
is not complete and in a more complete meta-model,&nbsp;<code>RCondElemEnum</code>
should include conditional elements&nbsp;common in most popular rule languages.</P>
<P>Class <code>RFunction</code> models functions.&nbsp;A function like <code>(retract
(?placement))</code> we saw earlier has a name and takes zero or
multiple&nbsp;instances of primitive data types as parameters. In this case, <code>retract</code>
is the name of the function and <code>?placement</code> is a parameter.
Although not visible, the <code>retract</code> function returns a value. In
JESS, it returns the symbol <code>TRUE</code> if it successfully removes a
fact. In our definition of <code>RFunction</code>, we have an attribute <code>functionName</code>
to represent the name of a function; an attribute <code>returnValue</code> of
type <code>RDataType</code> to represent a function's return value; a reference
to instances of <code>RDataType</code> to represent a function's parameters.
The <code>functionType</code> attribute in <code>RFunction</code> denotes
whether the function is provided by the rule engine or defined by users.</P>
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/ClassDiagram1.gif"></P>
<H2>Ball Placement Rule Model</H2>
With the three plug-ins of Rule Meta Model&nbsp;in place,&nbsp;we can now use
it to model our logical problem. Let's&nbsp;launch Eclipse and create a new
project. Select <code>File -&gt; New -&gt; Project</code> and in the popup
dialog, select <code>Simple -&gt; Project</code> Click <code>Next</code> button
and name the project <code>Test</code> or anything you like. With a project in
place, we can now create a rule model or import <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code>
that comes with this article's example code.</P>
<P>To creat the model from scratch, right click on the project we just created and
in the popup context menu, select <code>New -&gt; Other</code>. And then in the
popup window, select <code>Example EMF Model Creation Wizards -&gt; Rulemetamodel
Model</code> and click the <code>Next</code> button. In the next screen,
name the model whatever you like&nbsp;but keep&nbsp;the file extension&nbsp;as <code>
.rulemetamodel</code>.&nbsp;Click the <code>Next</code> button to go to the
next screen, and select <code>RModule</code> from the top dropdown box. Then
click the <code>Finish</code> button.</P>
<P>To import <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code>,&nbsp;right click on&nbsp;the
project we just created and in the popup context menu, select <code>Import</code>.
In the popup dialog window, select <code>File System</code> and click <code>Next</code>
button. The <code>Import</code> dialog window will show up. Use the <code>browse</code>
button in the dialog window to select the folder where
you&nbsp;unzipped&nbsp;the files in <code></code>. A
list of files in that folder will show up in the <code>Import</code> dialog
window. Check <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code> in the list and click
the <code>Finish</code> button.
<P>If you create the model from scratch, you can refer to <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code>
for details of&nbsp;the model's elements. Below is a screenshot of how the
model looks like in Eclipse. It has two fact templates: <code>placement</code> and
<code>ball</code>. It has three&nbsp;rules for the three&nbsp;constraints posed
in the logical problem. It&nbsp;has two&nbsp;other rules for putting initial
facts into rule engine. Without facts,&nbsp;the rule engine will have nothing
to apply the three constraint rules to. The model also has some&nbsp;functions.
They are used in&nbsp;the action part of the rules.&nbsp;</P>
<P><IMG alt="" src="images/RuleModel.gif"></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size="3"><STRONG><FONT size="3">Code Generation with JET Template</FONT></STRONG></FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>If you select the <code>RModule</code> node in <code>BallPlacement.rulemetamodel</code> and
see its property view, you'll see that there's property called <code>Output File
Path</code>. The value of this property is where the model puts the
generated code. Please change its value to an appropriate location on your
computer and then right click on the <code>RModule</code> node. In the popup
context menu, select <code>Generate</code> and check your file system to see if
a file by the name you specified in the <code>Output File Path</code> property
is generated. The generated file should be the same as <code>BallPlacement.clp</code>
in <code></code>.</P>
<P>The logic for generating rule language code from a rule model is in a JET (Java
Emitter Templates) template and a java helper class. The JET template file is <code>
Module.clpjet</code> in the <code>templates</code> folder of <code>com.example.rule.ecore</code>
project, which can be&nbsp;unzipped from <code></code>. The
java helper class is <code></code>.
Readers unfamiliar with JET can refer to <A href="../Article-JET/jet_tutorial1.html">
JET Tutorial Part 1 (Introduction to JET)</A> and <A href="../Article-JET2/jet_tutorial2.html">
JET Tutorial Part 2 (Write Code that Writes Code)</A> for an excellent and
very readable guide.</P>
<P>Practically, a generation model might be necessary for storing complex settings
that govern the generation of rule language code from a rule model just like
EMF's Gen Model for generating code from ECore models. For simplicity, we
modified the editor plug-in EMF generated from our Rule Meta Model and provide
a menu option in the context menu that pops up when you right click&nbsp;the <code>RModule</code>
<P>We have demonstrated how to define a meta-model with EMF, use the meta-model to
define a model for a logical problem and use JET to generate rule language code
from the model. We have also seen that the generated code correctly solves the
non-trivial logical problem. The flexibility of EMF as well as Eclipse makes
all the work a breeze. The EMF framework has all modeling foundation there and
thanks to that, most of our time is spent in understanding&nbsp;rule languages
and how rule engine works.&nbsp;</P>
<P>The example code for this article is a demonstration. There are many things to
improve. Modeling rule-based systems is still a field in progress. There are
standards bodies working on specifications. In the Reference section at the end
of this article, we provide some pointers to relevant OMG&nbsp;standards in
progress&nbsp;such as Production Rule Representation RFP and Sridhar Iyengar's
response to OMG's Business Rules in Models RFI. Also listed in the Reference
section is a very popular rule engine called CLIPS, of which JESS and many
other rule engines are variations.</P>
<p>Frank Budinsky, David Steinberg, Ed Merks, Raymond Ellersick, Timothy J. Grose, "Eclipse Modeling Framework", Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-1314-2542-0</p>
<P>Production Rule Representation RFP <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>
<P>Business Semantics of Business Rules RFP <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>
<P>Business Rules Management RFI <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>
<P>Java Specification Request 94, Java Rule Engine API <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>
<P>Business Rules in Models <A href="" target="_blank"></A>
<P>Sridhar Iyengar's response to&nbsp;OMG's Business Rules in Models RFI <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>
<P>CLIPS 6.2 <A href="" target="_blank"></A></P>