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<title>BIRT Extension Mechanism, Part 1: Custom Report Items</title>
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<h1>BIRT Extension Mechanism, Part 1: Custom Report Items</h1>
<div class="summary">
<p>This article introduces the extension mechanism of BIRT report
model, engine and designer, and shows how to create custom custom report items
<div class="author">By&nbsp;Zhiqiang Qian,&nbsp;Actuate Corporation</div>
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2008 Actuate Corporation.</div>
<div class="date">December 9, 2008</div>
<div class="content">
<p>For many people, <a href="">BIRT (Business
Intelligence and Reporting Tools)</a> may be
only a reporting tool. But in fact, the real strength of
BIRT is not only its built-in reporting functionality, but also
extension capabilities. Using extensions, a user can easily extend the
functionality of BIRT, creating custom extended report items, adding custom
emitters, and even having custom editor pages. The power of extensions
enables the user to create
custom reporting features that can meet very specific requirements. In
article, we explore how to leverage the BIRT extension mechanism to
extend the BIRT capabilities. The provided samples
cover most of the essential extension points that provided by BIRT report
model, engine and designer.</p>
This article assumes the reader already has the knowledge about the Eclipse extension mechanism.
If you are not familiar with that, you can read this article first about the <a href="">
Eclipse Plug-in Architecture</a> to get some initial concept.
This article also uses an Eclipse plug-in project to hold all the source code and demonstrate the extension mechanism.
You can either import the project directly from this <a href="">archive</a> or create your
own plug-in project through the Eclipse IDE.
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 500px; height: 496px;" alt="" src="images/create-project.png"></div>
<h2>The Basics</h2>
<p>BIRT already contains the basic Label and Text report items,
but these items can only show horizontal text. Sometimes, user
like to show angled text; in this case, alternative solution is needed.
In the following sections, we introduce how to implement a
extended report item through BIRT extensions, and how to enhance
the functionality step-by-step by implementing more extension points.</p>
<p>Note: This example is a modified version based
on the <code>RotatedText</code> sample on BIRT CVS, the original code
can be retrieved from <a href="">Eclipse CVS</a>.</p>
<p>To implement an extended report item, we need look at the following extension points:</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 514px; height: 156px;" alt="" src="images/extensions.png"></div>
<p>These three extensions provide the basics to implement an extended
report item. In brief,
<code></code> provides the report
model extensibility, <code></code>
provides the report designer extensibility, and
<code></code> provides the
report engine extensibility.</p>
<p>This extension point is provided by the BIRT Report Model. Normally the user
uses this extension point to define the extended report item model.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 1036px; height: 224px;" alt="" src="images/model-extension.png"></div>
<p>First we need define a new report item model
extension. To achieve this, we create a &quot;reportItem&quot; element under the extension and specify the <code>extensionName</code> property as &quot;RotatedText&quot;.
The extension name is the identifier
for the extended item, it's also the only symbol that connects between the report model
and engine/designer extensions.</p>
<p>Then we define the model factory class as
This factory class will be used to create and initialize the
<code>IReportItem</code> instance, as well as providing optional localization support:</p>
<pre>public class RotatedTextItemFactory extends ReportItemFactory
public IReportItem newReportItem( DesignElementHandle modelHandle )
if ( modelHandle instanceof ExtendedItemHandle &amp;&amp; RotatedTextItem.EXTENSION_NAME.equals( ( (ExtendedItemHandle) modelHandle ).getExtensionName( ) ) )
return new RotatedTextItem( (ExtendedItemHandle) modelHandle );
return null;
public IMessages getMessages( )
// TODO implement this to support localization
return null;
<p>From the &quot;reportItem&quot; properties page, we can see some other settings like &quot;defaultStyle&quot;, &quot;extendsFrom&quot;, etc.
They can be used to control more capabilities of the extended item. As we are not using them in this example,
we just omit them here.</p>
<p>Here we define two new properties for the <code>RotatedText</code> extended report item:</p>
<li><em>rotationAngle</em>, the rotation angle, integer type, default as 0.</li>
<div class="figure"><br><img style="width: 1001px; height: 279px;" alt="" src="images/rotationangle-property.png"></div>
<li><em>text</em>, the text content, string type, default as "Rotated Text".</li>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 1000px; height: 274px;" alt="" src="images/text-property.png"></div>
<p>We can see in the properties page there are also some settings that we didn't touch. Normally they are for more complex property types and
are out of the scope of this article, so we just omit them here.</p>
Once we completed the model definition, we need give a <code>IReportItem</code>
implementation. This class is used to encapsulate the extended report
item model, and providing some convenient property accessing APIs:</p>
<pre>public class RotatedTextItem extends ReportItem
public static final String EXTENSION_NAME = "RotatedText"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String TEXT_PROP = "text"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String ROTATION_ANGLE_PROP = "rotationAngle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private ExtendedItemHandle modelHandle;
RotatedTextItem( ExtendedItemHandle modelHandle )
this.modelHandle = modelHandle;
public String getText( )
return modelHandle.getStringProperty( TEXT_PROP );
public int getRotationAngle( )
return modelHandle.getIntProperty( ROTATION_ANGLE_PROP );
public void setText( String value ) throws SemanticException
modelHandle.setProperty( TEXT_PROP, value );
public void setRotationAngle( int value ) throws SemanticException
modelHandle.setProperty( ROTATION_ANGLE_PROP, value );
<p>We can see most of the methods here are just getter/setters. For
a simple extended report item, this is normally enough.</p>
<p>This extension point is provided by BIRT Designer, the user uses this
extension point to define the UI behavior for extended report
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 1001px; height: 233px;" alt="" src="images/ui-extension.png"></div>
First we need create a &quot;model&quot; element under the extension. This is to bind the Designer extension with the Model extension. To do
this, we specify the <code>extensionName</code> property as &quot;RotatedText&quot;, which exactly matches the model extension name.</p>
<p>The next step, we create some other elements like &quot;palette&quot;, &quot;editor&quot; and &quot;outline&quot; under the extension, and specify the detailed settings for this extended report item as following:</p>
<li><em>Palette</em> specifies the icon to be shown in Palette view, as well as the
palette category. If the category is not specified, the default &quot;Report Items&quot; category will be used.</li>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 495px; height: 111px;" alt="" src="images/palette-detail.png"></div>
<li><em>Editor</em> specifies the report item visibility in different editor pages, and whether the resizing control is enabled.</li>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 495px; height: 133px;" alt="" src="images/editor-detail.png"></div>
<li><em>Outline</em> specifies the icon to be shown in Outline view. Normally this is the same as the one in Palette view.</li>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 497px; height: 90px;" alt="" src="images/icon-detail.png"></div>
<p>The last step, we need specify the UI provider for this extended report item.</p>
<p>The UI provider defines how to display and interact with the
extended report item within the editor. BIRT designer support three types of
basic UI providers:</p>
<li>The <em>Label UI Provider</em> implements the <code>IReportItemLabelProvider</code> interface, which simply manipulates and displays a text content.</li>
<li>The <em>Image UI Provider</em> implements the <code>IReportItemImageProvider</code> interface, which simply manipulates and displays an image content.</li>
<li>the <em>Figure UI Provider</em> implements the <code>IRportItemFigureProvider</code>, which uses the Figure interface from <a href="">GEF</a>, providing more flexibility and interactivity support.</li>
<p>In this example, we choose to implement the simplest Label UI
Provider first, in subsequent examples, we will introduce other types of UI providers.</p>
<p>To register the Label UI provider, we create a &quot;reportItemLabelUI&quot; element under the extension, and specify the implementor class, which must implement <code>IReportItemLabelProvider</code> interface.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 498px; height: 94px;" alt="" src="images/labelui-detail.png"></div>
Here our Label UI Provider implementor class is <code>org.eclipse.birt.sample.reportitem.rotatedText.RotatedTextLabelUI</code>;
the code is very simple:</p>
<pre>public class RotatedTextLabelUI implements IReportItemLabelProvider
public String getLabel( ExtendedItemHandle handle )
IReportItem item = handle.getReportItem( );
if ( item instanceof RotatedTextItem )
return ( (RotatedTextItem) item ).getText( );
catch ( ExtendedElementException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
return null;
<p>You can see that what it does is to read the text property value from the model and return it as a string.</p>
<p>After we completed the designer extension, we can run the designer and check what we have:
the Palette view now contains the new <code>RotatedText</code> extended report item.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 341px; height: 408px;" alt="" src="images/palette.png"> </div>
<p>If you right-click anywhere in the editor, you can see the <code>RotatedText</code> item is
also available in the &quot;Insert&quot; context menu.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 487px; height: 395px;" alt="" src="images/layout.png"></div>
<p>When you insert one RotatedText item into the layout, it appears in the Outline view.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 347px; height: 438px;" alt="" src="images/outline.png"></div>
<p>Select the RotatedText item, and open the <em>Properties</em> view. It immediately
lists all the properties that belong to this extended report item. Among
them, we can see the "Rotation Angle" and "Text
Content" as well as other inherited properties. The user can edit these
property values through this view.
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 728px; height: 346px;" alt="" src="images/properties.png"></div>
<p>Now that the designer extension is done, we'll continue to the Report Engine extension.</p>
<p>This extension point is provided by BIRT Report Engine, the user uses
this extension point to define the presentation behavior of the
extended report item.</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 1003px; height: 166px;" alt="" src="images/engine-extension.png"></div>
<p>First we bind the engine extension with the model extension. To achieve this, we create a &quot;reportItem&quot; element under the engine extension and
specify the <code>name</code> property as "RotatedText", also we specify the presentation implementor class
as <code>org.eclipse.birt.sample.reportitem.rotatedtext.RotatedTextPresentationImpl</code>.
The presentation implementor class must implement the
<code>IReportItemPresentation</code> interface.</p>
<p>Our plan for implementing the rotated text effect is to create an image
dynamically, in this image, we use <em>Swing</em> graphics API to render the
rotated text.</p>
<p>Here is the code that we need:</p>
<pre>public class RotatedTextPresentationImpl extends ReportItemPresentationBase
private RotatedTextItem textItem;
public void setModelObject( ExtendedItemHandle modelHandle )
textItem = (RotatedTextItem) modelHandle.getReportItem( );
catch ( ExtendedElementException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
public int getOutputType( )
public Object onRowSets( IRowSet[] rowSets ) throws BirtException<br>
if ( textItem == null )
return null;
int angle = textItem.getRotationAngle( );
String text = textItem.getText( );
BufferedImage rotatedImage = SwingGraphicsUtil.createRotatedTextImage( text, angle, new Font( "Default", 0, 12 ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ByteArrayInputStream bis = null;
ImageIO.setUseCache( false );
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream( baos );
ImageIO.write( rotatedImage, "png", ios ); //$NON-NLS-1$
ios.flush( );
ios.close( );
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray( ) );
catch ( IOException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
return bis;
<p>This implementation
generate an <code>Image</code> dynamically in the <code>onRowSets()</code> method. To return
the image content, we create an in-memory stream and put the image content into it.</p>
<p>Here is the utility class that implements the key rotation rendering algorithm:</p>
<pre>public class SwingGraphicsUtil
public static BufferedImage createRotatedTextImage( String text, int angle, Font ft )
Graphics2D g2d = null;
if ( text == null || text.trim( ).length( ) == 0 )
return null;
BufferedImage stringImage = new BufferedImage( 1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
g2d = (Graphics2D) stringImage.getGraphics( );
g2d.setFont( ft );
FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics( );
Rectangle2D bounds = fm.getStringBounds( text, g2d );
TextLayout tl = new TextLayout( text, ft, g2d.getFontRenderContext( ) );
g2d.dispose( );
g2d = null;
return createRotatedImage( tl, (int) bounds.getWidth( ), (int) bounds.getHeight( ), angle );
catch ( Exception e )
e.printStackTrace( );
if ( g2d != null )
g2d.dispose( );
return null;
private static BufferedImage createRotatedImage( Object src, int width, int height, int angle )
angle = angle % 360;
if ( angle &lt; 0 )
angle += 360;
if ( angle == 0 )
return renderRotatedObject( src, 0, width, height, 0, 0 );
else if ( angle == 90 )
return renderRotatedObject( src, -Math.PI / 2, height, width, -width, 0 );
else if ( angle == 180 )
return renderRotatedObject( src, Math.PI, width, height, -width, -height );
else if ( angle == 270 )
return renderRotatedObject( src, Math.PI / 2, height, width, 0, -height );
else if ( angle &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; angle &lt; 90 )
double angleInRadians = ( ( -angle * Math.PI ) / 180.0 );
double cosTheta = Math.abs( Math.cos( angleInRadians ) );
double sineTheta = Math.abs( Math.sin( angleInRadians ) );
int dW = (int) ( width * cosTheta + height * sineTheta );
int dH = (int) ( width * sineTheta + height * cosTheta );
return renderRotatedObject( src, angleInRadians, dW, dH, -width * sineTheta * sineTheta, width * sineTheta * cosTheta );
else if ( angle &gt; 90 &amp;&amp; angle &lt; 180 )
double angleInRadians = ( ( -angle * Math.PI ) / 180.0 );
double cosTheta = Math.abs( Math.cos( angleInRadians ) );
double sineTheta = Math.abs( Math.sin( angleInRadians ) );
int dW = (int) ( width * cosTheta + height * sineTheta );
int dH = (int) ( width * sineTheta + height * cosTheta );
return renderRotatedObject( src, angleInRadians, dW, dH, -( width + height * sineTheta * cosTheta ), -height / 2 );
else if ( angle &gt; 180 &amp;&amp; angle &lt; 270 )
double angleInRadians = ( ( -angle * Math.PI ) / 180.0 );
double cosTheta = Math.abs( Math.cos( angleInRadians ) );
double sineTheta = Math.abs( Math.sin( angleInRadians ) );
int dW = (int) ( width * cosTheta + height * sineTheta );
int dH = (int) ( width * sineTheta + height * cosTheta );
return renderRotatedObject( src, angleInRadians, dW, dH, -( width * cosTheta * cosTheta ), -( height + width * cosTheta * sineTheta ) );
else if ( angle &gt; 270 &amp;&amp; angle &lt; 360 )
double angleInRadians = ( ( -angle * Math.PI ) / 180.0 );
double cosTheta = Math.abs( Math.cos( angleInRadians ) );
double sineTheta = Math.abs( Math.sin( angleInRadians ) );
int dW = (int) ( width * cosTheta + height * sineTheta );
int dH = (int) ( width * sineTheta + height * cosTheta );
return renderRotatedObject( src, angleInRadians, dW, dH, ( height * cosTheta * sineTheta ), -( height * sineTheta * sineTheta ) );
return renderRotatedObject( src, 0, width, height, 0, 0 );
private static BufferedImage renderRotatedObject( Object src, double angle, int width, int height, double tx, double ty )
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage( width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) dest.getGraphics( );
g2d.setColor( );
g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON );
g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance( angle );
at.translate( tx, ty );
g2d.setTransform( at );
if ( src instanceof TextLayout )
TextLayout tl = (TextLayout) src;
tl.draw( g2d, 0, tl.getAscent( ) );
else if ( src instanceof Image )
g2d.drawImage( (Image) src, 0, 0, null );
g2d.dispose( );
return dest;
<h2>The Result</h2>
<p>Create a report and insert some RotatedText items first:</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 865px; height: 273px;" alt="" src="images/design-layout.png"></div>
<p>Here we have inserted quite a few RotatedText items that with different angle settings.</p>
<p>When we preview the report as HTML, it looks like this:</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 703px; height: 218px;" alt="" src="images/html-output.png"></div>
<p>Preview the report as PDF, it results like this:</p>
<div class="figure"><img style="width: 757px; height: 482px;" alt="" src="images/pdf-output.png"></div>
<p>Done! We've successfully implemented a <code>RotatedText</code> extended
report item for BIRT, and integrated it with Designer and Report Engine.</p>
<p>BIRT provides very good extension mechanism, which allows user
to create custom reporting features. This article introduced how to write
a custom RotatedText extended report item for BIRT.</p>
<p>[1] <a href="">The complete source code</a>: you can extract and import it into Eclipse workspace as a plug-in project directly</p>
<p>[2] BIRT Official Site: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>[3] How to access Eclipse CVS: <a href=""></a></p>