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&nbsp; <font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Copyright &copy; 2003
Broadvision Corp.</font>
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<td align="LEFT" valign="TOP" colspan="2" bgcolor="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;Eclipse
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<h1><img src="images/Idea.jpg" height="86" width="120" align="CENTER"></h1>
<h1 align="CENTER">Take control of your properties</h1>
The Eclipse workbench provides a properties view which is used to view (and/or
edit) properties of a selected item. In this article, you will learn how to
use the properties view to dynamically modify the properties of a GUI button.
<p><b>By Dicky Johan, Broadvision,</b><br>
<font size="-1">May 20, 2003</font></p>
<hr width="100%">
<p>The Eclipse workbench provides a lot of views, but one of the highly
extensible views is the properties view. It provides a way for you, as a plug-in
developer, to display the properties of a selected item. The properties view can
display read-only information, such as the properties of a file resource. Or it
can display information that can be edited, such as the properties of an
extension point in a plugin.xml file.</p>
<p>The properties view can display properties for various kinds of items. An
item may be a directory resource, a file resource, or an element within a
resource (such as an extension in a plugin.xml file). The items may reside in
different views within the Eclipse workbench, and the properties view can be
triggered from different views or editors to display the properties of a
selected item.</p>
<p>In this article, I will show you how to control the different properties of a
GUI resource using the properties view. Using a button as a sample GUI resource,
I will create a button, a view containing that button, and a list of editable
and complex properties. I will show how the button responses to changes of its
properties thru the property view.</p>
<p>To run the sample, please unzip <a href=""></a>
into your <i>eclipse</i> subdirectory. Restart eclipse as necessary.</p>
<h2>Running the sample</h2>
<p><img src="images/tryit.gif" width="61" height="13"> Switch to the Resource
perspective, Window&gt;Open Perspective&gt;Resource. Next open the properties
view, Window&gt;Show View&gt;Other... and select<br>
Basic&gt;Properties. Now goto Go to Window&gt;Show View&gt;Other... and select
&quot;Sample Category/Sample1 View&quot; and you should see the view being shown
<p>When you select the &quot;Button&quot; in the view, notice that the
properties view is changed to display the current properties of the button. You
can modify the properties and see how the button changes! Cool!</p>
<p><img border="0" src="properties-view.jpg" width="486" height="220"></p>
<p>Now the excitement is over, let's get on with the details!</p>
<h2>Connecting our view to the Properties View</h2>
<p>The properties view is designed to respond to workbench selection changes.
The workbench selection is determined by the selection provider (implements <code>ISelectionProvider</code>)
for the currently active workbench part (view or editor).</p>
<p>Every workbench part has a <code>IWorkbenchPartSite</code>, and one can set
the selection provider for this site. When I created our sample view, I
instantiated a <code>ListViewer</code>, which implements <code>ISelectionProvider</code>.
I pass this <code>ListViewer</code> to the <code>IWorkbenchPartSite</code>
object via <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"><code>setSelectionProvider</code>.
This enables the property view to be informed of selection changes in our list
when our view is the active workbench part.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc"> // configure the viewer
viewer.setContentProvider(new ListContentProvider());
viewer.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider() {
public String getText(Object element) {
return ((ButtonElement)element).getName();
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">getSite().setSelectionProvider(viewer);
<h2>Creating the IAdaptable item</h2>
<p>When the properties view is notified of a workbench selection change, the
selected item will be queried for a property source. There are two ways to
provide a property source for a particular selection:</p>
<li>The selected item can implement the <code>IPropertySource</code> interface
and provide the properties.</li>
<li>The selected item can implement the <code>IAdaptable</code> interface and
return an <code>IPropertySource</code> object when <code>getAdapter</code>
is called.</li>
<p>We will use the latter approach. The first thing we need to do is to create
our own custom item. In this case, it is a element used to store a GUI button.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc">public class ButtonElement implements <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">IAdaptable {
private Button button;
private String name;
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(java.lang.Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
if (adapter == IPropertySource.class) {
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">if (btnElPS == null) {
// cache the buttonelementpropertysource
btnElPS = new ButtonElementPropertySource(this,name);
return btnElPS;
return null;
<p>Notice that this class implements <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"><code>IAdaptable</code>,
which is used to query for a property source. When <code>getAdapter</code> is
called with the <code>IPropertySource.class</code> argument, it will create an
instance of the class <img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13"><code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>
that describes the button's properties. We cache this instance in the class for
two reasons. One is for performance (since for every call, we are creating
similar objects), and the other is for tracking property changes as you will see
<h2>Creating the Property Source object</h2>
<p>The <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code> class implements <code>IPropertySource</code>,
which is an interface that provides a description of an item's properties. In
our example, I am storing the button control within the element, and since I
will be modifying the properties of the button in real time, I want to gain
access to its handle within the <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code> object.
Thus <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">the constructor of <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>
takes a <code>ButtonElement</code> object. It also takes on a defaultText
string, this is used for storing the default value of the button text.</p>
<font color="#4444cc"> /**
* This class provides property sheet properties
* for ButtonElement.
public class ButtonElementPropertySource implements IPropertySource {
private static final String PROPERTY_FONT = &quot;mview.views.font&quot;;
private static final String PROPERTY_SIZE = &quot;mview.views.size&quot;;
private static final String PROPERTY_TEXT = &quot;mview.views.text&quot;;
private final Button button;
private final SizePropertySource sizePropertySource = new SizePropertySource();
private String defText;
private IPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors;
* Creates a new ButtonElementPropertySource.
* @param element the element whose properties this instance represents
public <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">ButtonElementPropertySource(ButtonElement element, String defaultText) {
button = element.getControl();
defText = defaultText;
* @see
public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
if (propertyDescriptors == null) {
// Create a descriptor and set a category
PropertyDescriptor fontDescriptor = new FontDataPropertyDescriptor(PROPERTY_FONT, &quot;Font&quot;);
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">fontDescriptor.setCategory(&quot;Label&quot;);
PropertyDescriptor sizeDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(PROPERTY_SIZE, &quot;Size&quot;);
// set a custom label provider for a point
sizeDescriptor.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider() {
public String getText(Object element) {
Point point = (Point)element;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append(&quot; &quot;);
return buf.toString();
PropertyDescriptor textDescriptor = new TextPropertyDescriptor(PROPERTY_TEXT,&quot;Text&quot;);
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">propertyDescriptors = new IPropertyDescriptor[] {
sizeDescriptor, // Read-only (instance of PropertyDescriptor)
return propertyDescriptors;
<p>Every property needs to be described by a property descriptor. You can create
your own custom property descriptor, I will show you an example of this later,
or you can use some standard ones that are already included:</p>
<li><code>PropertyDescriptor</code> - read-only property</li>
<li><code>TextPropertyDescriptor </code>- edits with a <code>TextCellEditor</code></li>
<li><code>CheckboxPropertyDescriptor</code> - edits with a <code>CheckboxCellEditor</code></li>
<li><code>ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor </code>- edits with a <code>ComboBoxCellEditor</code></li>
<li><code>ColorPropertyDescriptor </code>- edits with a <code>ColorCellEditor</code></li>
<p>Two property descriptors are categorized under <img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">
&quot;Label&quot;, the other under &quot;Button&quot;. Notice how these
categories show up in the properties view when the &quot;Show Categories&quot;
button is pressed in the view's local toolbar. Altogether, I created three <img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">
property descriptors.</p>
<h2>Creating a custom property descriptor</h2>
<p>It would be too boring to only display a button with a plain vanilla default
font. I decided to spice it up by providing an editable font property. Checking
out the list of default property descriptors, I cannot find any font related
property descriptor. So, let's try to be a bit adventurous and create our own.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc"> public class FontDataPropertyDescriptor extends PropertyDescriptor {
* Creates a property descriptor with the given id and display name.
* @param id the id of the property
* @param displayName the name to display for the property
public FontPropertyDescriptor(Object id, String displayName) {
super(id, displayName);
setLabelProvider(new FontDataLabelProvider());
* @see
public CellEditor createPropertyEditor(Composite parent) {
CellEditor editor = <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">new FontDataDialogCellEditor(parent);
if (getValidator() != null)
return editor;
<p>I derive the <code>FontDataPropertyDescriptor</code> class from the default <code>PropertyDescriptor</code>.
When <code>createPropertyEditor</code> is called, I need to instantiate our own <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"><code>FontDataDialogCellEditor</code>.</p>
<p>The <code>FontDialogCellEditor </code>needs to instantiate a dialog, and thus
behaves like a <code>DialogCellEditor</code>. So, I derive from it.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc"> public class FontDataDialogCellEditor extends DialogCellEditor {
* Creates a new Font dialog cell editor parented under the given control.
* The cell editor value is &lt;code&gt;null&lt;/code&gt; initially, and has no
* validator.
* @param parent the parent control
protected FontDataDialogCellEditor(Composite parent) {
* @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor#openDialogBox(Control)
protected Object openDialogBox(Control cellEditorWindow) {
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">FontDialog ftDialog = new FontDialog(cellEditorWindow.getShell());
String value = (String) getValue();
if (getValue() != null) {
FontData fData =;
if (fData != null) {
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">return fData;
return getValue();
Exploring the rich UI functionality provided by Eclipse, I find out that SWT
provides the system <code>FontDialog</code>. How handy! So, I just use that to <img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">instantiate
our font dialog. SWT uses a <code>FontData</code> to represent the font and this
is what we use as the <img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">property's
value. After setting the font, I need to present its value as a human readable
string in the properties view. A <code>FontDataLabelProvider</code> is used for
this purpose. Using a few simple classes, I have created a custom property
<h2>Implementing complex property descriptors</h2>
<p>From time to time, we encounter properties that are quite complex, i.e. their
values are not simple objects such as strings or integers. As an example,
consider the size property of a <code>Button</code>. It expects and returns a <code>Point</code>
object. But if you look closer, a point object is really comprised of two simple
integer values. Thus we can describe the size using a <code>SizePropertySource</code>
which has &quot;width&quot; and &quot;height&quot; properties.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc"> /**
* @see
public Object getPropertyValue(Object name) {
if (name.equals(PROPERTY_SIZE)) {
// By returning a property source for the value, this property
// will have &quot;child properties&quot; in the view.
// These child properties are determined by the property source
// we return here
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">return sizePropertySource;
* @see, Object)
public void setPropertyValue(Object name, Object value) {
if (name.equals(PROPERTY_SIZE)) {
// We returned a SizePropertySource as the value for PROPERTY_SIZE
// The SizePropertySource's editValue will be set as the value
// for PROPERTY_SIZE here
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">button.setSize((Point)value);
<p>The Eclipse workbench supports the notion of nested properties (good job in
thinking ahead!). When <code>getProperty</code> is called on the <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>,
we return an <img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"><code>IPropertySource</code>
object instead of a value. In this case, I created the <code>SizePropertySource</code>
class for describing the size property. <code>SizePropertySource</code> is
similar to <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>, so I would not elaborate on
it further.&nbsp;Note that when an <code>IPropertySource</code> is used as a
property value, its <code>getEditValue</code> is used by the properties view to <img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">set
the property value.</p>
<h2>Controlling the button</h2>
<p>In order to update the button once a property has been changed, I make a call
to the button within the <code>setPropertyValue</code> function of the <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>
class. Since I hold the <code>ButtonElement</code> handle within the <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>
object, I can set the properties of the element's button control directly.</p>
<h2>Default Properties</h2>
<p>The IPropertySource interface also provides a means of implementing default
values for properties. This is accomplished via two methods on the
IPropertySource interface: <code>isPropertySet</code> and <code>resetPropertyValue</code>.
In the diagram shown below, there is a default button that the user can press.
If the function &lt;resetPropertyValue&gt; is implemented, it will cause the the
property value to reset to its default.</p>
<p><img src="images/default.jpg" width="165" height="60"></p>
<p>Whenever the Default button is clicked, the isPropertySet will be called for
the property that is being selected. If isPropertySet returns true, then it will
call resetPropertyValue to reset the property to a specified default value. In
the sample code that is enclosed, I only show how to reset the text property,
but you can apply the same concept to the other properties.</p>
<p>I store the default Name for the button text in a member variable of the <code>ButtonElementPropertySource</code>
class. The default Name is <font color="#4444cc"><img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"></font>set
during construction time. In the <code>isPropertySet</code> call, <font color="#4444cc"><img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13"></font>a
check is made between the current text property and the default text property.
If they are different, then the <code>resetPropertyValue</code> method will be
invoked, and in there, I made the call to <code><font color="#4444cc"><img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13"></font>setPropertyValue</code>
method with the default text value.</p>
<pre><font color="#4444cc">/**
* Creates a new ButtonElementPropertySource.
* @param element the element whose properties this instance represents
* @param defaultText the default text of the button
public ButtonElementPropertySource(ButtonElement element, String defaultText) {
btnEl = element;
button = element.getControl();
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">defText = defaultText;
* @see
public boolean isPropertySet(Object id) {
if (id.equals(PROPERTY_TEXT)) {
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13"> String curName = (String)getPropertyValue(id);
return !curName.equals(defText);
// other properties are not supported currently
return false;
* @see
public void resetPropertyValue(Object id) {
// tracks the text property only
if (id.equals(PROPERTY_TEXT)) {
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">setPropertyValue(id,defText);
<p>I have discussed how to register a workbench selection provider so that a
selection will be passed to the properties view. I demonstrated creating a
property source and its property descriptors. I showed how a descriptor supports
the display and editing of a property.</p>
<p>There are several other advanced properties view topics that have not been
discussed. For example, the properties view supports having more than one item
selected and showing only those properties which are common to all the selected
items. The workbench also provides a mechanism for workbench parts to provide
their own custom &quot;page&quot; for the properties view (by asking the part
for an <code>IPropertySheetPage</code> via <code>getAdapter</code>). Such a
custom page can be an instance of <code>PropertySheetPage</code> configured with
an <code>IPropertySourceProvider</code> or a custom root <code>IPropertySheetEntry</code>
or the custom page can be an independent implementation of <code>IPropertySheetPage</code>.
This mechanism allows the properties view to work with non-<code>IPropertySource</code>
<p>Now that you have discovered some of the magic of the properties view, I hope
that you can make good use of it.</p>