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<title>Automating Eclipse PDE Unit Tests using Ant</title>
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<h1>Automating Eclipse PDE Unit Tests using Ant</h1>
<div class="summary">
<p>This article outlines how to integrate your PDE unit tests into an Ant
based automated build, using a simple Eclipse plugin as an example, some
simple java classes, basic Eclipse plugin techniques and some standard
Ant tasks.</p>
<div class="author">By Brian Joyce, <a target="_blank" href="">Duolog Technologies Ltd., Galway, Ireland</a></div>
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2008, Brian Joyce</div>
<div class="date"><span class="date">April 5, 2008<br>
<div class="content">
<h2><a name="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
It's generally accepted that writing tests as part of software
development is a very good thing indeed. It's also generally accepted
that automating the running of tests in an automated or nightly build is
good engineering practice. Let's face it, if tests are not run
automatically then there's a good chance they won't be run at all, and
tests that are not run are next to useless.
The Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE) provides a excellent
framework for developing plugins and also provides facilities to write
and run PDE unit tests for your plugins that can be run from within the
Eclipse environment.
Once you have taken the time and effort to write these valuable PDE unit
tests, how do you automate the running of these PDE unit tests so that
you can integrate them into your automated build ?
Searching the web provides several options for automating PDE tests such
<li>Markus Barchfeld's excellent <a
target="_blank">Build and Test Automation for plug-ins and
features</a> article which details setting up automatic building and
testing for an Eclipse plug-in using the Eclipse headless build.</li>
target="_blank">Eclipse Test Framework</a>.</li>
<li>Patrick Paulin's RCP Quickstart post on <a
target="_blank">Running Automated Tests with PDE Build.</a></li>
<li>Some more excellent links can be found at <a
target="_blank">6 Great Links for Eclipse Build Automation with
PDE Build</a>.</li>
As you can see writing PDE Tests can be complex, running PDE Tests from
the command line can be complex too, but running them and collecting the
results in a format that can be easily interpreted (e.g. Junitreport
format) is even more difficult.
This article provides a detailed example application, the enabling
technology to collect and format test results (see
<a href="#PDE_Test_Utilities">PDE Test Utilities</a>
), and a build system that demonstrates a generic mechanism for running
PDE Tests using Ant, allowing you to integrate it with any Ant build
This PDE Test technique provides the following benefits:
<li>Allows you to run your PDE Tests from the command line</li>
<li>Allows you to collect the PDE Tests results in a format that
can be easily interpreted (i.e. Junitreport format)</li>
<li>Allows you to integrate PDE Tests into any Ant-based build
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span>
all the techniques and examples detailed in this article have been
tested against Eclipse 3.3 (specifically Eclipse 3.3.2 and on
Windows XP only and using
<a href="" target="_blank">ant
. There is also an
<a href="">Eclipse 3.1 version</a>
of the example code.
<h2><a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
PDE unit tests are automated as follows:
<li>A dedicated PDE test Eclipse installation that is only used by
the automated build system.</li>
<li>For each Eclipse plugin <i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i>
that is to be tested, an Eclipse plugin fragment <i
style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A-test</i> for <i
style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i> that only contains the PDE unit
tests and their test dependencies for the plugin <i
style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i>.</li>
<li>A pre-defined (or specified) PDE test port.</li>
<li>A PDE test listener class to listen on the PDE test port for
the results from the PDE test run.</li>
<li>A list of PDE test classes to be run as part of the PDE Test
<h3>Running the PDE unit tests:</h3>
<a href="#Figure_1_-_Overview_diagram_of_the_PDE">Figure 1 </a>
below for a visual representation of the PDE test steps.
<li>Deploy plugin <i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i> and
plugin fragment <i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A-test</i> into a
pristine PDE test Eclipse installation.</li>
<li>Select PDE test port (or use predefined reserved port).</li>
<li>Start the PDE test listener process that listens on the PDE
test port.Startup the PDE test Eclipse installation, specifying the
list of unit test classes to be run, and the PDE test port to output
test progress and results to.</li>
<li>The PDE test Eclipse installation starts up and automatically
runs the specified tests and outputs the results to the PDE test port
where the PDE test listener process captures the results and outputs
them in standard Ant&nbsp;<a target="_blank"
task xml format.</li>
<li>Run the regular Ant&nbsp;<a target="_blank"
task on the generated test results xml files.</li>
<li>That's it - you now have a typical Ant Junit html report
containing your PDE unit test results.</li>
<h4><a name="Figure_1_-_Overview_diagram_of_the_PDE"></a>Figure 1 -
Overview diagram of the PDE Test steps</h4>
<img src="images/PDETestProcessFlow.jpg"
style="border: 2px solid; width: 1121px; height: 610px;"
alt="PDE Test process flow diagram"
title="PDE Test process flow diagram">
This section describes the prerequisites for using this technique in
more detail.
<h3>Dedicated PDE test Eclipse installation</h3>
In order to run the PDE Tests you need a separate Eclipse installation
whose sole purpose is for running the&nbsp;PDE Tests. Having a dedicated
Eclipse installation provides a pristine and repeatable test environment
and avoids any possible conflicts or corruption that might occur with a
typical development Eclipse installation.
<h3>Use an Eclipse plugin fragment for the PDE Unit Tests for a
This technique promotes the use of&nbsp;
target="_blank">Eclipse plugin fragments</a>
to develop PDE Unit tests for&nbsp;plugins, so for each Eclipse plugin
<i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i>
that is to be tested, an Eclipse plugin fragment
<i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A-test</i>
<i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i>
that only contains the PDE unit tests and their test dependencies for
the plugin
<i style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">A</i>
You can of course develop the PDE tests directly in the plugin (in a
test directory), but this can lead to unwanted dependencies in your
plugin and involves&nbsp;slightly more complicated packaging for your
plugin (i.e. without test classes and test dependencies).
I believe that the Eclipse plugin fragment approach avoids these
pitfalls and although it requires a little more setup initially it
provides a cleaner and clearer mechanism for defining PDE Tests and also
provides a straightforward way for the build system of identifying which
plugins&nbsp;have PDE Tests associated with them.
For a good description and more general discussion of using Eclipse
plugin fragments for testing, see Patrick Paulin's RCP Quickstart
target="_blank">Testing Plugins with Fragments</a>
<h3>PDE test port</h3>
In order for the PDE test runner and the PDE test listener processes to
communicate, both processes need to use a pre-defined or specified port
so that the PDE test runner can send the test progress and
results&nbsp;to the PDE test listener process. In the example code we
use a utility class
<a href="#PDETestPortLocator"><code>pde.test.utils.PDETestPortLocator</code></a>
in the
<a href="article.html#PDE_Test_Utilities">pde.test.utils</a>
plugin to find an available port and this is used by the PDE test runner
and&nbsp;PDE test listener processes to communicate.
<h3>PDE test listener process</h3>
In order to be able to monitor and record the progress and&nbsp;results
of the PDE test run, you need a PDE test listener process that listens
on the specified port to collect PDE test progress and results from the
PDE test runner process. Ideally the PDE test listener process should
provide the results of the PDE test run in a manner that is easy to
interpret should any of the tests fail.
<a href="#PDETestResultsCollector"><code>pde.test.utils.PDETestResultsCollector</code></a>
class (using the
<a href="#PDETestListener"><code>pde.test.utils.PDETestListener</code></a>
class) in the
<a href="article.html#PDE_Test_Utilities">pde.test.utils</a>
plugin, provides the PDE test listener process that listens on the
specifed port for test results from the PDE test runner process and
handles them using the
classes (available from Apache Ant API) to provide the results in the
same xml format that is output by the Ant
<a target="_blank"
task. These xml result files can then be used by the Ant
<a target="_blank"
task to provide a
<a href="reports/test/index.html">html report</a>
of the PDE test run that is very easily interpreted.
For example to run the PDE test listener process from the command line
for our example PDE tests would similar to:
<code>&nbsp;java -classpath ...
pde.test.utils.PDETestResultsCollector PhoneBookExample-test 1623</code>
<h3>PDE test runner process</h3>
Eclipse provides a mechanism for running tests from the command line
using the main Eclipse launcher class to launch the
application, this is the PDE test runner process. The PDE test runner
process is passed details of the port to publish test progress and
results to for listeners to analyse, the plugin name being tested and
the names of the PDE test classes to run.
For example to run the PDE test runner process from the command line for
our example PDE tests would similar to:
<pre> java -classpath&nbsp;...\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.1.R33x_v20080118.jar <br> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main <br> -application org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.uitestapplication <br> -data&nbsp;...\PhoneBookExample-test\target\reports\test/output/ws <br> -dev&nbsp;bin <br> -clean <br> -port 1623 <br> -testpluginname PhoneBookExample <br> -classnames&nbsp;phonebookexample.dialogs.PhoneBookEntryEditorDialogTest</pre>
<h3>PDE Tests classes list</h3>
The PDE test runner process takes as a parameter a comma separated list
of the test classes to run in a PDE test run. In the example code I have
hardcoded the name of the single test class to be run i.e.
but the generation of the list of PDE test classes could easily be
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br>
<h2>Running PDE Unit Tests in Ant</h2>
This section describes the Ant build file in the example code that runs
the PDE Tests and explains the key Ant targets involved. See
<a href="article.html#Figure_1_-_Overview_diagram_of_the_PDE">Figure
above for a visual representation of the steps involved in running PDE
tests in Ant.
The example code featuring&nbsp;full source and Ant build files for a
project containing PDE unit tests can be found&nbsp;in the accompanying
<a href=""></a>
zip file.&nbsp;
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span>
that the&nbsp;
<a href=""></a>
zip file contains a full standalone&nbsp;project complete with an Ant
build system (see
<a href="article.html#PDETestExampleProjects.zip_Contents">zip
below for more details), so please&nbsp;unzip the contents into a
directory that is separate from your eclipse installation.
<h3>Ant script that runs PDE Unit tests</h3>
The following Ant excerpt is from the Ant build file used to run the PDE
unit tests in the
<span style="font-style: italic;">PhoneBookExample-test</span>
plugin fragment for the
<span style="font-style: italic;">PhoneBookExample</span>
plugin (see
<span style="font-style: italic;">projects\PhoneBookExample-test\build.xml</span>
in the accompanying zip file):
<pre><code>&lt;!-- Build file for the Phonebook Example plugin PDE unit test fragment --&gt;<br>&lt;project name="phonebookexampletest" default="help" basedir="."&gt;<br> ...<br> &lt;target name="pde_test"&gt;<br><img
src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> &lt;delete&gt;<br> &lt;fileset dir="${test.eclipse.dir}/configuration" includes="**/*" excludes="config.ini"/&gt;<br> &lt;fileset dir="${test.eclipse.dir}/plugins" includes="PhoneBookExample*.jar"/&gt;<br> &lt;fileset dir="${test.eclipse.dir}/plugins" includes="pde.test.utils*.jar"/&gt;<br> &lt;/delete&gt;<br><br> &lt;!-- Load plugin and pde tests plugin fragment into test eclipse installation --&gt;<br><img
src="images/tag_2.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> &lt;copy todir="${test.eclipse.dir}/plugins" overwrite="true"&gt;<br> &lt;fileset dir="${published.plugins.dir}"/&gt;<br> &lt;/copy&gt;<br><br></code><code> </code><code>&lt;delete file=""/&gt; &lt;!-- properties file generated by PDETestPortLocator class in pde.test.utils --&gt;<br></code><code><img
src="images/tag_3.gif" style="width: 24px; height: 13px;"
align="middle"></code><code> &lt;java classname="pde.test.utils.PDETestPortLocator" fork="yes" classpathref="pde.test.port.locator.class.path"/&gt;<br> </code><code> </code><code>&lt;waitfor maxwait="10" maxwaitunit="second" checkevery="100" checkeveryunit="millisecond"&gt;<br></code><code> </code><code>&lt;available file=""/&gt;<br></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/waitfor&gt;<br> </code><code> </code><code>&lt;property file=""/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;echo message="Using port ${pde.test.port} for listening to PDE Test run"/&gt;<br><br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;parallel&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;daemons&gt;<br><img
src="images/tag_4.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;antcall target="run_pde_test_listener"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/daemons&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;sequential&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;sleep seconds="5"/&gt; &lt;!-- Give the listener a few seconds to start up --&gt;<br><img
src="images/tag_5.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;antcall target="run_pde_tests"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/sequential&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/parallel&gt;<br> <br><img
src="images/tag_6.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> &lt;delete&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;fileset dir="${test.eclipse.dir}/plugins" includes="PhoneBookExample*.jar"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;fileset dir="${test.eclipse.dir}/plugins" includes="pde.test.utils*.jar"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/delete&gt;<br><br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;mkdir dir="${test.reports.dir}"/&gt;<br><img
src="images/tag_7.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;move todir="${test.reports.dir}"&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;fileset dir="."&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;include name="**/TEST-*.xml"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/fileset&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/move&gt;<br></code><code></code><code> </code><code> &lt;/target&gt;<br><br><img
src="images/tag_4.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> &lt;target name="run_pde_test_listener"&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;java classname="pde.test.utils.PDETestResultsCollector" fork="yes" classpathref="pde.test.listener.class.path"&gt;<br></code><code></code><code> </code><code> &lt;arg line="${} ${pde.test.port}"/&gt;<br></code><code></code><code> </code><code> &lt;/java&gt;<br> &lt;/target&gt;<br><br><img
src="images/tag_5.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> &lt;target name="run_pde_tests"&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;property name="test.classes.list" value="phonebookexample.dialogs.PhoneBookEntryEditorDialogTest"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;mkdir dir="${test.reports.dir}/output/ws"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;java dir="${plugin.dir}" classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="yes" classpathref="equinox.launcher.class.path"&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;arg line="-application org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.uitestapplication -data ${test.reports.dir}/output/ws -dev bin -clean -port ${pde.test.port} -testpluginname PhoneBookExample -classnames ${test.classes.list}"/&gt;<br> </code><code></code><code> </code><code>&lt;/java&gt;<br> &lt;/target&gt;<br> ...<br>&lt;/project&gt;</code><br></pre>
The key elements of this Ant build file are identified above:
<table style="text-align: left; width: 1045px; height: 400px;"
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_1.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">This prepares for the PDE test run by
deleting all previously deployed plugins from the plugins directory
of the dedicated test installation of Eclipse.</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_2.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">This copies the set of plugins under
test (including the test fragment) into the plugins directory of the
test installation of Eclipse.</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_3.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">This discovers an available port for the
PDETestListener to listen on - it does it by launching a simple java
class (PDETestPortLocator) to detect the next available port and
stores it as a property pde.test.port in the
file. This property is then loaded from the
file and is used in the test run.</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_4.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">This step launches the PDETestListener
in a separate thread (using the Ant parallel &amp; daemons tasks) to
listen for test results on the port identified by the pde.test.port
property (see Label 3 above)</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_5.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">This is the actual step that runs the
PDE Unit tests and specified that the results should be published to
a listener using the port identified by the pde.test.port property
(see Label 3 above).<br>
Note: that the list of test classes needs to be specified for the
test run, this can easily be automatically generated.</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_6.gif"
style="width: 24px; height: 13px;" align="middle"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">After the PDE test run the test
installation of Eclipse is cleaned up by deleting all the deployed
plugins from the plugins directory.</td>
<td style="width: 10%;"><img src="images/tag_7.gif"
align="middle" height="13" width="24"></td>
<td style="width: 90%;">Copy the test results to a directory for
processing by the Junitreport Ant task.</td>
<h2><a name="PDETestExampleProjects.zip_Contents"></a>
The zip contains 3 separate plugins (each with their own Ant build.xml
file) and an overall Ant build.xml file that coordinates the build and
test of the 3 plugins.
<table style="width: 1112px; height: 116px;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
<td style="font-weight: bold;">Contents</td>
<td><span style="font-weight: bold;">Type</span></td>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">Description</td>
<td>Provides the PDE test utilities used by Ant to run the PDE
unit tests, including the following classes:<br>
<td>This is the main Eclipse plugin PhoneBook example
application, including the following classes:<br>
For further details on the example application see <a
href="#Simple_Phonebook_Application">Appendix A</a> below.</td>
<td>Plugin Fragment</td>
<td>This is the Eclipse plugin fragment for the PhoneBook plugin
that contains the PDE unit tests for the PhoneBook GUI, including the
following test classes:<br>
For further details on PDE Unit tests for the example application see
<a href="#Example_PDE_Unit_Tests">Appendix B</a> below.</td>
<td>Ant&nbsp;build file</td>
<td>Overall Ant build file, that provides targets that
coordinates the building and testing of the 3 plugins</td>
<td>Readme file</td>
<td>Provide basic information on how to run the example</td>
<td>properties file</td>
<td>Specifies the target Eclipse and pde.test.utils versions
used in this project.</td>
<h2><a name="PDE_Test_Utilities"></a>PDE Test Utilities
This plugin contains a set of utilities that help automate the running
and monitoring of PDE Unit tests.
<h3><a name="PDETestPortLocator"></a>PDETestPortLocator</h3>
This class is responsible for discovering the next available port on a
system, creating a properties file called
<span style="font-style: italic;"></span>
and writing a property called
<span style="font-style: italic;">pde.test.port</span>
into the file and setting it to the value of the next available port.
This port is then used by the Eclipse test runner process when
publishing the progress and results of tests and the PDE test listener
process listens on the port and processes&nbsp;the test results.
<h3><a name="PDETestListener"></a>PDETestListener</h3>
This class is responsible for listening on a specified port as an
Eclipse test listener and&nbsp;outputing the results of the test
run&nbsp;in the same xml format that is output by the Ant
<a target="_blank"
task.&nbsp;The outputted test result xml files&nbsp;can then be
converted into an easily interpreted html junit report by the&nbsp;Ant
<a target="_blank"
<h3><a name="PDETestResultsCollector"></a>PDETestResultsCollector</h3>
This class is responsible for starting the PDETestListener on the
specified port, for a PDE test run. The PDETestResultsCollector
process&nbsp;takes 2 parameters as follows:
<li>PDE Test suite name - this is just a string that identifies
the PDE test suite name - usually the plugin fragment name, e.g.
PhoneBookExample-test in our example code.</li>
<li>port number - &nbsp;specifies the port that the PDE test
runner process uses to publish PDE test progress and results, the PDE
test listener process listens on the port to process the test results.</li>
As I said in the introduction there are&nbsp;several options available
for automating PDE tests, some more complex than others, the technique
detailed in this article provides&nbsp;another choice for build system
engineers and I recommend it because it delivers the following benefits:
<li>Allows you to run your PDE Tests from the command line</li>
<li>Allows you to collect the PDE Tests results in a format that
can be easily interpreted (i.e. Junitreport format)</li>
<li>Allows you to integrate PDE Tests into any Ant-based build
<h2><a name="Simple_Phonebook_Application"></a>Appendix A: Example
Application - Simple Phonebook Application (PhoneBookExample)</h2>
The example application I have created is a simple PhoneBook application
and some simple GUI PDE Tests. As my aim in this article is showing you
how to integrate your PDE unit tests into an Ant build, I have
deliberately kept the example application and it's PDE unit tests as
simple as possible. I leave it to others to provide more insight into
writing GUI code or even how to test your GUI code using PDE unit tests.
The PhoneBook application is simple tool to store names and their
associated phone numbers. The application adds a simple "Phone" menu
item to the main menu as follows:
<img src="images/phonebook_menu.gif"
style="width: 718px; height: 350px;" alt="Image of phonebook menu item">
Clicking on "Edit Phone Book" menu item causes the Edit PhoneBook Dialog
to be displayed:
<img src="images/phonebook_editor.gif"
style="width: 524px; height: 309px;"
alt="Image of PhoneBook editor dialog">
Clicking on "New" button causes the Edit PhoneBook Entry Dialog to be
<img src="images/phonebook_entry_editor.gif"
style="width: 523px; height: 298px;"
alt="Image of PhoneBook Entry Editor dialog">
<h3><a name="Making_GUI_Classes_testable_using"></a>Making GUI
Classes testable using package protection</h3>
<pre><img src="images/tip.gif" alt=""></pre>
Throughout the simple GUI examples provided here, I have followed a
deliberate style of making all local variables in GUI classes package
protected. Making the local variables package protected allows the unit
tests to access the GUI components during the rest run.
For example, the local variables
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24">
are all package protected.
<pre>package phonebookexample.dialogs;<br>...<br>public class PhoneBookEntryEditorDialog extends TitleAreaDialog {<br><img
src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> PhoneBookEntry phoneBookEntry; <br><img
src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> Composite phoneBookEntryComposite;<br><img
src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> Text nameText;<br><img
src="images/tag_1.gif" align="middle" height="13" width="24"> Text numberText;<br></pre>
I do accept that this is not an ideal solution for making your GUI
classes testable, but it is simple and it works.
<h2><a name="Example_PDE_Unit_Tests"></a>Appendix B: Example PDE
Unit Tests (PhoneBookExample-test)</h2>
There is just a single PDE Junit test class provided in the example
(PhoneBookEntryEditorDialogTest) and most of the tests there are pretty
straightforward, but there are a few tricks or techniques that do
require some further explanation.
<h3>Accessing the active shell</h3>
<pre><img src="images/tip.gif" alt=""></pre>
The active shell for your GUI under test can be accessed using the
<pre> PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell()</pre>
<h3>Extending the GUI class under test to access protected methods</h3>
This is a simple technique to allow your test to gain access to
protected methods in the class under test or one of it's super classes.
In the example the local class MyPhoneBookEntryEditorDialog extends the
class under test PhoneBookEntryEditorDialog so that the tests can access
the, getButton(int id), buttonPressed() and cancellPressed() methods
these methods can then be used in the tests.
<pre><img src="images/tip.gif" alt=""><br></pre>
<pre>class MyPhoneBookEntryEditorDialog extends PhoneBookEntryEditorDialog {<br><br> public MyPhoneBookEntryEditorDialog(Shell parent, PhoneBookEntry phoneBookEntry) {<br> super(parent, phoneBookEntry);<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> protected void buttonPressed(int buttonId) {<br> super.buttonPressed(buttonId);<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> protected void cancelPressed() {<br> super.cancelPressed();<br> }<br><br> @Override<br> protected Button getButton(int id) {<br> return super.getButton(id);<br> }<br> }<br></pre>
<h3>Making GUI Classes testable using package protection</h3>
Making the local variables package protected allows the unit tests to
access the GUI components during the rest run (see
<a href="article.html#Making_GUI_Classes_testable_using">earlier
for further details). &nbsp;
This technique for automating PDE unit tests was first developed by a
former colleague of mine, David Bosschaert at IONA Technologies.
I'd like to thank Edwin Dankert and Sean Boylan, both of Duolog
Technologies&nbsp;who helped refine the technique and the article.
&nbsp;I'd also like to thank the reviewers Edwin Dankert, David
Bosschaert,&nbsp;Andrew Niefer of IBM and Wayne&nbsp;Beaton of Eclipse
for taking the time to read the article and provide all the excellent
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