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<title>A Tale of Three Notifier</title>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;Eclipse
Corner Article</font></font></b></td>
<img SRC="../images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1>
Contributing to the&nbsp;</h1>
Properties View</h1></center>
How Views and editors can use the properties view to show and edit properties of
the current selection</h3></center>
<br>Most editors and views have
the concept of a current selection. It is often useful to display information,
or properties, about this selection. Rather than have each editor or view
provide its own custom way of displaying properties, the Workbench provides a
properties view that can listen for the selection of the currently active
part, and then display and possibly edit its properties. In this article we'll
take a look at how a tool contributes to the properties view, and various ways
of adapting its model to provide the required interfaces.</blockquote>
<b>By <a href="">Jim Amsden</a></b>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
This article explained the importance of change notification in the Eclipse
platform and the challenges of doing it with so many different aspects
of the platform. It ain't pretty, but it works. If you have a better idea,
we would definitely like to hear it.