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<h1>Using TPTP to Automate Functional Testing</h1>
<div class="summary">
This article provides an overview and some details of the design of a
functional test automation solution that was built using testing
frameworks available within the TPTP Testing Tools Project.
<div class="author">By Govin Varadarajan &amp; Kim Letkeman, IBM
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2007 International
Business Machines Corp.</div>
<div class="date">March 29, 2007</div>
<div class="content">
<p>This paper discusses the design of a functional and performance
testing solution using TPTP [1] and TPTP Automated GUI Recorder [2].  
This solution is used within the Rational Modeling Platform group’s Test
Automation system (RMPTAS) [5] to execute functional and performance
tests.  The Test Automation System is an end-to-end testing framework,
supporting the execution of multiple types of tests and including a
front-end viewer (a web interface for displaying the test results) and a
back-end (a database to store results from test executions).</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289790">Background and Philosophy</a></h2>
<p>The Rational Modeling team has had automated tests for a long
time, but these tests required significant maintenance and their
framework required too much baby-sitting to really be called <i>automated.</i></p>
<p>So the team began again from scratch with these basic guidelines:</p>
<li>The system must reliably see every relevant build and must
respond without manual intervention</li>
<li>The system must be easily maintained, which required that it
be a modular design and that it use well-supported components</li>
<li>Writing automated tests must be easy &#133; that is,
unnecessary barriers to entry must be eliminated</li>
<li>There must be as little extra overhead for developers as
possible, i.e. no extra applications to install</li>
<li>Tests should be able to verify everything, not just GUI
results, so a white box flavor is desirable</li>
<li>It must be possible to validate test executions without the
use of technologies such as bitmap comparison that render the test
cases brittle.</li>
<p>The fundamental goal for the test automation solution is to
relieve developers of the burden of manual regression testing.
Regression testing is extremely repetitive, and developers find it
boring after the first time through. Running regression tests eventually
becomes a study in quick and painless execution, which of course means
that issues are missed.</p>
<p>The result is false negatives, where a failure is missed simply
because the developer glazes over from too deep a familiarity with the
test cases. Ironically, false positives are also common, where failures
are caught in later regression tests, leading development to incorrectly
assume a recent break and to waste a lot of debugging time.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289791">Technology</a></h2>
<p>For the automation framework, a custom perl-script-based solution
was rejected as it has proven unreliable in the past. Instead, the
Software Test Automation Framework (STAF), an open-source solution from
IBM’s Automated Integration and Middleware division was chosen as a
well-supported automation infra-structure. </p>
<p>For the test scripting language and supporting tools, several
approaches were examined. Abbot, a tool allowing automation of
keystrokes and mouse events, was explored in depth because of its
ability to be run in the developer’s environment with minimal overhead.
Tests can be crafted using the familiar JUnit style. Where Abbot came up
short was in support (none) and script recording (awkward using the
related Costello tools.)</p>
<p>External applications were also examined, and are in fact
supported in our automation framework. Rational Functional Tester (RFT)
is a powerful test application with a vibrant community and plenty of
support. However, in a developer's environment, the sheer size of the
installation is a barrier to entry; as well, RFT is designed to run
along side of the application under test, requiring very much a black
box approach. This is perfect for use by dedicated test teams, but is
not as efficient when used by development teams, as it makes it more
difficult to use white box techniques for verification points.</p>
<p>The automation project was turned on its head with the arrival of
the Automated GUI Recorder (AGR) from the Test and Performance Tools
Platform (TPTP) open source project. This is a very easy-to-use test
case recording system that creates simple XML scripts into which
verification hooks can easily be inserted and tracked by the test
automation framework. Stylistically, it uses the very familiar JUnit
framework and is fully extensible. Work is underway to complete the
missing features (drag and drop and GEF figure and palette support) in
order to have a complete test automation solution that is not sensitive
to minor GUI changes for test case verification.</p>
<p>It is important to clarify what minor GUI changes means in this
context. An example is a difference in the layout of a diagram between
two runs of a test case. When bitmap positions are remembered for the
entire diagram, even tiny changes in position can cause false positives.
During GUI development cycles, layout algorithms are subject to change,
which can render the location of an item on the diagram surface
differently by a few pixels in a subsequent execution. This makes any
bitmap comparison between the full diagrams brittle. Another source of
false differences is the slight change in colors that can occur
throughout the refinement stages of GUI development. Bitmap comparisons
are brittle by definition, and get more and more complex as attempts are
made to become color independent, and to create fuzzy location matching.</p>
<p>An important aspect of an automated test solution is the ability
to verify test executions for correctness.  In the earlier
perl-script-based system, verification was achieved using custom bitmap
comparison techniques, which were brittle and produced frequent false
positives.  In the new solution we wanted to avoid the use of bitmap
comparisons, and instead use custom verification libraries that directly
examine (using object-based recognition) our data to confirm the
correctness of the previous step(s.)  The AGR’s verification support via
the <i>verification hook mechanism [3] </i>supports our approach because
it provides a convenient means for invoking custom verification
libraries that do not use any bitmap comparisons.  Details on the
&quot;verification hook&quot; based verification mechanism provided by
AGR may be found in the section entitled &quot;Test Verification&quot;
later in this article and the AGR User Guide [3].</p>
<p>Testers and developers can record AGR-based functional tests,
augmenting them with verification points that use well-tested libraries.
Included are methods for finding named elements in a model and the like.
Tests will be expected to follow naming and structure guidelines and to
be added into our configuration management system, where the automation
system will pick and execute them on every product build. Both component
assembly and packaged installation builds are supported. Great care
should be taken to avoid introducing unnecessary behavior difference in
your installs, so that your tests can move seamlessly between test
development and production environments.</p>
<p><i>Note that, as of March 2007, a solution was found that
provides a stable and reliable method for recording and playing back
diagram and palette events. The basic method was to extend the event
stream to include mouse events from diagram and palette controls. The
mouse events are anchored to the smallest window possible, which removes
the brittleness of location as an issue (i.e. location of a figure on a
diagram is not relevant, only location of the mouse event within the
figure – a much less brittle method.) The events are played back after
obtaining the figure’s edit part. This technique requires that a unique
identifier be generated for each figure and that the figure be retrieved
just before playing events destined for it. The details are too complex
for any further explanation and will require another article. The key
point is that we feel that the AGR solution is now complete to the level
needed to fully test our application.</i></p>
<h1><a name="_Toc154289792">Testing Solution Design</a></h1>
<p>Our functional test automation solution uses TPTP AGR 4.2.1 to
record and playback tests and TPTP Automatable Service Framework (ASF)
to automate the execution of tests and querying of test results.   For
those who are not very familiar with the TPTP technologies that are used
in this solution, some back ground information is provided in Appendix
<p>Figure 1 shows a high level view of the solution design with TPTP
platform components in light green and our custom components in dark
green.  As seen in Figure 1, the TPTP Testing Tools Project, which is
based on the TPTP Platform Project; provides means to create and execute
various types of tests such as JUnit, URL (Web stress testing), AGR and
Manual tests.  TPTP models test suites containing these types of tests
in instances of EMF models implementing open-source test data model
specifications such as the OMG’s UML2 Testing Profile (UML2TP).   When
any of these types of tests are executed, test results become available
in execution history files which are also EMF model instances. These
execution history files may be viewed using the Test Log view, reported
using the integrated and extensible BIRT reports and queried for test
execution information and results. </p>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image001.jpg"><br>
Figure 1: Test Automation Solution Design</div>
<p>For test automation, execution of tests may be automated using a
Test Execution Service that the TPTP Automatable Service Framework (ASF)
provides.  This service may be invoked using a command-line
interface/adapter that the service implementation provides.  In order to
completely automate a test solution, one also needs a mechanism to
automatically query execution history files.  At the time of developing
this solution, no suitable facility was available from TPTP for querying
the execution history files.  Hence, a new ASF service named Model Query
service was implemented to query execution history files.</p>
<p>In our functional test automation solution design, AGR tests are
executed using the ASF Test Execution service’s command-line
interface.   Artifacts produced during the execution of the tests are
semantically verified using a custom Model Verification Library, thereby
confirming the successful execution of tests.  The execution history
files resulting from the test execution are queried for results using
the Model Query service that we implemented.  This Model Query service
is invoked using a command-line interface/adapter that is provided by
the service implementation.  The information obtained upon querying the
execution histories is written to a log file for further use, although
alternatively this information could be directly written to a database
using another ASF service (referred to as database mutation service, in
Figure 1).  The RMPTAS reads the log file and populates a database with
the test results.</p>
<p>While the above section provides an over view of the solution
design, the next few sections describe the various components of the
test automation solution design in some detail.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289793">Test Execution Service</a></h2>
<p>As mentioned above, ASF provides a test execution service for the
programmatic launch, execution and generation of test results.  With the
test execution service, tests can be launched using a headless Eclipse
from ant scripts, shell scripts and arbitrary programs.  Multiple tests
can be run at the same time given enough memory on the executing machine
(each service execution currently requires a separate Eclipse host
instance).  Even if tests are running on remote machines using TPTP
remote test execution features and deployment, the service consumer’s
machine is the machine that runs the Eclipse host instances.</p>
<p>Thus, in the design of our automatable functional and performance
testing solution, functional tests are developed using AGR.  TPTP
captures the developed test suites in instances of the TPTP Testing
Profile model (serialized as compressed XMI in *.testsuite files).   The
Test Execution Service provided by TPTP Automatable Service Framework
(ASF) is used to execute the test suites using the command-line
interface that the service implementation provides.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289794">Workspace Creator</a> Application</h2>
<p>Upon attempting to use the ASF test execution service via the
command-line interface/adapter one will quickly realize that one needs
to provide the location of an Eclipse workspace containing the test
suites as one of the arguments.    Thus we designed and implemented a
workspace creator application (rich client platform application) that
when given an Eclipse plug-in containing the test suites
produces/creates an Eclipse workspace containing the test plug-in. This
application also provides a command-line interface/adapter in order to
facilitate easy invocation from within our test automation system. 
Thus, RMPTAS gathers the plug-ins containing the test suites from source
control, invokes the workspace creator to create Eclipse workspaces with
the test plug-ins and then invokes the test execution service to execute
the tests.  This is followed by a call to the model query service to
query the test execution results (test execution history serialized as
compressed XMI in *.execution files).</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289795">Model Query Service</a></h2>
<p>The execution of the test suites result in the creation of
instances of TPTP Execution History model (serialized as compressed XMI
in *.execution files).   Execution of one test suite produces one
instance of the Execution History model.  We implemented an Execution
History model query service that runs on the ASF to extract the required
results from the Execution History model instances.   To enable the
RMPTAS to use the service from the command line a command-line
interface/adapter was implemented.  The model query service queries the
Execution History and Testing Profile model instances to obtain all the
required result items (see Appendix-A for details of TPTP data models). 
The result items that are gathered from model instances include name of
the test suite, names of test cases with in the test suite, test case
verdicts – pass/fail/inconclusive and any messages (exception, stack
traces&#133;etc) available from failed test cases.    The time taken by
the system to execute each test case in a test suite can also be
gathered from the Execution History model instances.  Presently, no
other performance related parameters, such as memory consumed, are
available in the Execution History model.  However, users can monitor
the target host (Linux and Windows) using the TPTP monitoring tools.  It
is understood that TPTP is working on integrating system monitoring with
test execution. Also, there is a feature enhancement request on AGR to
support gathering such values. When this feature enhancement is
implemented one should be able to gather other performance related data
from the Execution History model instances.</p>
<p>As mentioned earlier, in the current design the results are
written to a log file that is read by a database population utility that
RMPTAS already has in place.  An alternative to the design would have
been to use a database mutation service (based on ASF) to directly
populate the results in a database.  However, the former was chosen in
order to reuse some of the functionality that was already available
within RMPTAS.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289796">Test Verification</a></h2>
<p>Besides providing a mechanism to record and play back user
interactions with the graphical user interface, AGR provides some basic
test verification infrastructure.  With this infrastructure, users can
ascertain simple things such as presence or absence of menu items using
AGR verification-by-selection mechanism.  AGR also supports a
&quot;verification hook&quot; based test verification mechanism.  To use
this test verification mechanism a test developer typically inserts a
verification point name during the test recording process (for a
tutorial on AGR, please see [3]).  This verification point is captured
as a JUnit method within a verification class associated with the test
suite, which extends from the JUnit framework.</p>
<p>The verification hook based verification mechanism is used in the
present solution design to semantically verify the contents of the
models produced during the execution of functional tests on IBM Rational
Modeling tools, such as Rational Software Architect; using a custom
Model Verification Library. This verification library has been designed
such that it can be easily invoked from within the Java-hook methods
with just a couple of lines of code.  Test case developers may use and
contribute to this test verification library and/or write new
verification libraries for their particular test verification needs.</p>
<p>Here is an example to further substantiate the above.  In this
example, a user action of creating a UML Class in a modeling project is
recorded as an AGR test case.  The system creates a class named
&quot;Class1&quot; by default. </p>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image002.jpg"><br>
Figure 2: User gesture of recording the creation of a UML Class using
<p>While Figure 2 shows the user gesture, Figure 3 shows the XML
script that is generated by AGR in the test case for this user action.  
The reference to the verification hook method that was inserted during
the test case recording may be seen in the XML macro associated with
this test case (this is marked in red and bold in the script in Figure
3). This verification hook is invoked when the test case is executed.</p>
<div class="figure" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px">
<div style="text-align:left"><pre>
&lt;macro version="0.1" &gt;
&lt;shell descriptive="Modeling - ModelerClassDiagram..."
id="org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow" return-code="-1" &gt;
&lt;command descriptive="AModelingProject" type="item-select"
widgetId="org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree#{{/}}-{{1.0}}" &gt;
&lt;item path="org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem#{{/AModelingProject}}-{{1.0}}"/&gt;
&lt;command type="focus" contextId="view/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer"
widgetId="org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite#1" /&gt;
&lt;command descriptive="Package1" type="item-select"
widgetId="org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree#{{/}}-{{1.0}}" &gt;
&lt;item path="|1||0||2|"/&gt;
&lt;command descriptive="Class" type="select"
widgetId="org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionContributionItem#{{Add &amp;UML-&amp;Class}}-{{0.8}}{{0|7}}-{{0.6}}{{true}}-{{0.1}}{{30}}-{{0.1}}{{Ar&amp;tifact}}-{{0.2}}{{&amp;Component}}-{{0.2}}" &gt;
&lt;parent widgetId=""/&gt;
<font color="red"><strong>&lt;command type="verification"
&lt;command type="wait" /&gt;
Figure 3: AGR test case XML macro for creating a UML Class</div>
<p>Figure 4 provides the details of the JUnit verification hook
method.  With in this JUnit method, one may see the call being made to
the custom model verification library – ModelVerifier, that is used to
semantically verify and assert that a UML Class named &quot;Class1&quot;
that was created during the test case execution is indeed present within
a UML Model named &quot;Blank Model.emx&quot;.</p>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image003.gif"> <br>
Figure 4:  JUnit verification hook method associated with the AGR test
case recording</div>
<p>One may specify any number of verification points while recording
a test case, although only one is specified in the above example.  If a
test developer chooses to do more than one concrete action within a
single test case, it may be beneficial to use multiple verification
points with each one located within the test case immediately after the
concrete action.  This will help in quick and easy debugging of any
problems encountered during test case execution.</p>
<p>The next section provides an over view of the work flow of how
AGR test developers in the Rational Modeling Platform Team could
contribute tests to be executed by RMPTAS.</p>
<h1><a name="_Toc154289797">Test </a>Execution in RMPTAS</h1>
<p>This section describes how developers and testers contribute
tests to be run by the RMPTAS. A test organization similar to that
specified in the AGR User Guide [3] will be followed while developing
the functional tests.   In this test organization, a plug-in project
(whose name ends with a &quot;.agrtests&quot;) holds both the AGR test
suites and its verification code.  The test suites are contained within
a folder named &quot;test-resources&quot; and the verification code is
contained in a package within the &quot;src&quot; directory.   The
&quot;test-resources&quot; folder may contain any number of test suites
with a corresponding verification class containing its verification hook
methods within the &quot;src&quot; folder.  An example of such a
configuration may be found in Figure 5.</p>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image004.jpg"><br>
Figure 5: Organization of AGR Based Functional and Performance Tests</div>
<p>The simple steps that any functional test developer would need to
follow for contributing tests to be executed by the RMPTAS are:</p>
<li>Set up test development environment with AGR and Model
Verification library (or any other verification library that is needed)
and a standalone Agent Controller (although the IAC will suffice).</li>
<li>Start the standalone Agent Controller.</li>
<li>Create a plug-in project whose name ends with
<li>Create functional tests using AGR, Model verification library
and any other custom verification libraries.</li>
<li>Test developed functional tests in Quick and Standard modes to
ensure that they execute properly.</li>
<li>Submit code into source control.</li>
<p>RMPTAS will automatically pick up the test plug-ins from source
control, create entries in the database for any new tests found, execute
the tests and gather results.</p>
<h1>Some Known Issues with AGR</h1>
<p>While AGR has become much more stable than when it was originally
released as a Technology Preview item over a year ago, this section
lists some of the presently known issues in AGR.  It may be worth noting
that while the problems listed below were found with TPTP4.2.1 and 4.3,
it is understood that some of the issues are slated to be resolved (or
already resolved) in the current release of TPTP (TPTP 4.4). </p>
<h3>Known Problems with AGR 4.2.1 and 4.3</h3>
<li>If the location of a widget is different between the test
development and test execution environments, the test cases fail to
execute on an &quot;item-select&quot; command.  The default adaptive
widget resolver must be robust and capable of dealing with cases such
as this (<a href="">Bug
128271</a>, <a href="">Bug
163943</a>).  These defects have been addressed in TPTP4.3 AGR and TPTP4.4
AGR.  See the section on AGR in Appendix-A for details on how AGR
resolves items in a tree.
<blockquote>As an aside, it is in the authors' experience
that some test case developers tend to copy XML script from another
similar test case in order to save time instead of creating test cases
from scratch.   This not necessarily works all the time.  One of the
reasons is that stated as a problem in item#1 above. That is, the index
of the tree item that the test developer wants to work with in the new
test case may not necessarily be the same as the item in the test case
that was copied from.  Note: Initial trials with TPTP4.4 AGR indicate
that more robust widget resolving mechanism has indeed been implemented
and the problem stated in Item#1 seems to have been resolved.</blockquote>
<li>A similar problem is encountered due to any small change in
the GUI, such as when index of an item changes in a tree.  In the
example below (see Figures 6, 7 &amp; 8), the index of the Package
element – &quot;Package1&quot; is different in the two cases.  As a
result, for example: when one tries to select  &quot;Package1&quot; and
create a UML Class element (using the test case script in Figure 3
above) within it, one will quickly notice that the test (Figure 3)
passes in one case (Figure 6) but fails in the others (Figure 7 &amp;
Figure 8).  AGR needs to be fairly resilient to gracefully handle such
simple changes in the GUI.
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image005.gif"><br>
Figure 6: Package Element &quot;Package1&quot; is the third element
within Blank Model</div>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image006.jpg"><br>
Figure 7: Package Element &quot;Package1&quot; is the first element
within Blank Model</div>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image007.jpg"><br>
Figure 8: Package Element &quot;Package1&quot; is the sixth element
within Blank Model</div>
<li>Difference in the state of tree items makes the test cases to
fail.  For example: when a tree item is already open during test case
development, a test case developer may directly select an item
contained within the already open tree item.  Suppose, the environment
where the test is executed has that tree closed; then the test case
fails on an &quot;item-select&quot; command as it is unable to select
the item within the closed tree.  The default adaptive widget resolver
must be robust and capable of dealing with cases such as this (<a
164197</a>). This defect has been addressed in TPTP4.4 AGR.
<blockquote>Workaround: A possible workaround solution is
to always expand the parent item first and then select the child which
you want to edit and modify it. Even in the case where the parent is
already expanded, one can close the expansion and then re-expand the
parent and the recording should play back successfully.</blockquote>
<blockquote>As an aside, while it is understood that it is
necessary to develop the test cases in an environment that is exactly
the same as the one in which the test case will be executed, this is a
very big constraint and often very difficult to maintain.</blockquote>
<li>Inability to deal with unexpected pop-up messages (such as
&quot;capability enablement prompt&quot;, for example) that does not
appear on the development environment while the test case is developed,
however it appears on the runtime environment when the test case is
executed.  Since this is an unexpected dialog and has the focus, the
system does not know how to proceed further and fails during test case
execution (<a
168754</a>). This defect has been slated to be addressed in TPTP4.4 AGR.
<blockquote>Workaround: A possible work around for this
issue is to enable all capabilities up front in a separate test case
before the actual tests.</blockquote>
<li>The difference in the name of menu items between platforms
(Linux and Windows) renders AGR test cases non-portable from one
platform to another.  For example: &quot;File &gt; New&quot; on Windows
has a different order of shortcut keys compared to that on Linux.  Due
to this reason, the test cases developed on one platform do not
necessarily execute on the other platform (<a
170375</a>  and <a
159725</a>).  The former defect has been slated to be addressed by TPTP in
TPTP4.4 AGR.</li>
<li>AGR does not provide a mechanism for listening to events from
user interactions with native dialogs.  An example of a native dialog
is the file dialog that appears when users click on a browse button (<a
164192</a>).  A target date for a fix to this problem has not yet been
<li>In order to minimize test recorder’s sensitivity to UI
changes, a feature called &quot;Object Mine&quot; was recently
introduced.  This feature helps keep the test macro modifications to a
minimum when widget IDs need to be changed  (<a
144763</a> ).  This feature enhancement was introduced in TPTP4.3 AGR</li>
<blockquote>Note: With the object mine feature enabled, a
test developer needs to be cautious to not take short cuts such as
copy/paste test cases when recording a test case that is similar to one
that was recorded earlier (for example: recording the creation of a UML
Class versus the creation of a UML Interface in Rational Software
Architect). When the object mine feature is enabled, some of the common
information gets captured in the object mine and thus copying just the
information from one test case macro to another will not always work
correctly.  To avoid any problems, it was found best not to follow any
such short cuts, but rather generate all test cases with appropriate
user gestures.</blockquote>
<li>Very often developers develop new Eclipse plug-ins and AGR
test plug-ins containing test cases that test the new features provided
by the new plug-ins in the same workspace.  In such a case, the
run-time environment that is launched on executing the AGR tests does
not contain the features provided by the new plug-in contained in the
development workspace.  AGR needs to make it easier for users to run
AGR test suites against plug-ins that are included in the workspace (<a
165526</a>).  A target date for a fix to this problem has not yet been
<h3>AGR Feature Enhancements:</h3>
<li>AGR presently does not support GEF based recording/replay (<a
133099</a> ).  This feature enhancement work is in progress.</li>
<li>AGR presently does not support drag/drop (<a
href=""> Bug
148184</a> ).  This feature enhancement work is in progress.</li>
<li>Enable automated performance testing of Eclipse applications
using the Automated GUI Recorder (<a
134747</a> ). This feature enhancement has not yet been targeted to any
TPTP release.</li>
<li>Inability to create a TPTP test suite containing different
types of TPTP tests – such as a mixture of  TPTP AGR tests, TPTP JUnit
tests, TPTP Manual tests&#133; etc. (<a
123277</a>).  This feature enhancement has not yet been targeted to any
TPTP release.</li>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289798">Concluding Remarks</a></h2>
<p>At the time of writing this paper, AGR is still a Technology
Preview feature and has a few issues that need to be fixed, but is seen
to have a very strong potential for being used as a reliable tool for
functional testing of Eclipse based applications. Work is underway to
provide GEF support in open source in order to provide a complete
automated testing environment. Initial trials with TPTP4.4 AGR indicate
that several of the problems listed in the &quot;Some Known Issues with
AGR&quot; section may have been resolved.  Thus, an update to this
article will be issued soon after TPTP4.4 GA.</p>
<p>Users/extenders interested in getting involved with the TPTP
project may find the information at the following articles useful.
on TPTP&quot;</a></li>
to TPTP&quot;</a></li>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289799">Acknowledgements</a></h2>
<p>The authors wish to thank Daniel Leroux, Yves Grenier, David
Lander, Ali Mehregani, Scott Schneider, Paul Slauenwhite, Joseph P
Toomey, Christian Damus, Duc Luu and Tao Weng.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289800">Background on the authors</a></h2>
<p>Govin Varadarajan joined IBM in 2003 with over 5 years of work
experience in the software industry developing network management and
automated resource management/provisioning software solutions.  His
responsibilities with the IBM Rational Modeling Division include
development of test automation solutions, assessing and reporting on the
quality of modeling products. He has a Masters degree in Computer
Science from Queens’ University and two other Masters degrees in the
fields of Aerospace and Civil Engineering besides a Bachelor degree in
Civil Engineering. </p>
<p>Kim Letkeman joined IBM in 2003 with 24 years in large financial
and telecommunications systems development. He is the development lead
for the Rational Modeling Platform team.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289801">References</a></h2>
<p>[1] Anon, &quot;Eclipse Test &amp; Performance Tools Platform
Project (TPTP)&quot;, <a href=""></a></p>
<p>[2] Anon, &quot;Technology Preview: Automated GUI
Recording&quot;, <a
<p>[3] Anon, &quot;TPTP AGR User Guide&quot;,</p>
<p>[4] Chan, E and Nagarajan, G, &quot;Profile your Java application
using the Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)&quot;,
EclipseCon 2006, <a
<p>[5] Yves Grenier, David Lander and Govin Varadarajan,
&quot;Rational Modeling Platform Test Automation System&quot;, IBM
Ottawa Lab.</p>
<p>[6] Kaylor, A, &quot;The Eclipse Test and Performance Tools
Platform&quot;, Dr. Dobb’s Portal, <a
<p>[7] Schneider, S.E and Toomey, J, &quot;Achieving Continuous
Integration with the Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform
(TPTP):  Using TPTP Automatable Services to continually test and report
on the health of your system&quot;, EclipseCon 2006, <a
<p>[8] Slauenwhite, P, &quot;Testing Applications Using the Eclipse
Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)&quot;, EclipseCon 2006, <a
<p>[9] Slauenwhite, P, &quot;Problem Determination of J2EE Web
Applications Using the Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform
(TPTP)&quot;, EclipseCon 2006, <a
<h1><a name="_Toc154289803">Appendix A: Technology in the
Functional Test Automation </a>Solution</h1>
<p>This section provides background information on the technologies
used within the functional test automation solution.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289804">TPTP</a></h2>
<p>In 2004, the Eclipse Tools project named Hyades was promoted to
an Eclipse Project and renamed &quot;Eclipse Test &amp; Performance
Tools Platform Project (TPTP)&quot;. TPTP is an Open-source platform for
Automated Software Quality tools including reference implementations for
testing, tracing and monitoring software systems.   It addresses the
entire test and performance life cycle, from early testing to production
application monitoring, including test editing and execution,
monitoring, tracing, profiling, and log analysis capabilities.<b> </b>The
platform is designed to facilitate integration with tools used in the
different processes of a software lifecycle under an Eclipse environment
[1].  </p>
<p>TPTP defines four sub projects – Platform, Testing Tools, Trace
&amp; Profiling and Monitoring.  The sub-project that is most relevant
to this paper is the Testing Tools sub-project. This sub-project extends
the TPTP Platform and provides a common framework for testing tools
thereby integrating disparate test types and execution environments.  It
includes test tool reference implementations for Manual testing, JUnit
and JUnit Plug-in testing, URL testing and Automated GUI
Recording/Playback. <a name="OLE_LINK1">[1]. </a>The TPTP platform
shares data through OMG-defined models.   These models are described in
the next section.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289805">TPTP Data Models</a></h2>
<p>TPTP implements four core EMF data models – Trace, Log,
Statistical and Test.  These models are used as an integration point
within TPTP. The TPTP User Interface and Execution Environment are built
on these data models.  Model loaders consuming structured XML fragments
originating from a variety of sources [4, 7, 8 and 9] populate these
<p>The model that is most relevant for this paper is the Test
model.  So, only this model will be described in some detail.  The Test
model consists of Testing Profile (see Figure 9), Behavioral and
Execution History data models (see Figure 10).   The Testing Profile
data model provides a reference implementation of the UML2 Test
Profile’s standalone MetaObject Facility model (UML2TP MOF).   UML2TP
MOF provides a definition model for the creation, definition and
management of test artifacts such as Test suites, Test cases and
Datapools.   The Behavioral model implements the UML2 interactions
meta-model.  This model is used for defining the behavior of test suites
such as loops, invocations and synchronization.  The Execution History
is a model for the creation, definition, management and persistence of
test executions over time.   The execution of a test suite results in
the creation of an execution history.  Execution History models include
information about the tests that were deployed and executed, information
about where it was executed (locations), verdicts, attachments, messages
and console output from test executions. </p>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image008.jpg"><br>
Figure 9: UML diagram of Testing Profile model (from [7])</div>
<div class="figure"><img src="images/image009.jpg"><br>
Figure 10: UML diagram of Execution History model (from [7])</div>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289806">TPTP Agent Controller</a></h2>
<p>By feeding data into the models described in the above section,
tools open up possibilities for interaction with editors and viewers
that are designed around these models.  The data models are supported by
a common framework for accessing data-collection and test-execution
agents.  In the context of TPTP, an &quot;agent&quot; is defined as a
logical object that exposes services through the TPTP Agent Controller. 
In TPTP, these agents run in a separate process from the Agent
Controller (though multiple agents can exist within a single process). </p>
<p>TPTP provides a client library that manages communications with
an Agent Controller that can be running locally or on a remote system. 
The Agent Controller is a process (daemon on UNIX and service on
Windows) that resides on each deployment host and provides the mechanism
by which client applications can either launch new host processes, or
attach to agents that coexist within existing host processes. The client
can reside on the same host as the Agent Controller, or it can be
remote.  The test assets are deployed to the remote machine using the
Agent Controller’s file transfer service. The Agent Controller provides
a server that has the capability to launch and manage local or remote
applications from a local TPTP workbench.  The Agent Controller manages
access to and control of agents running on the target system. </p>
<p>The Agent controller may be run as a stand-alone server/service
to deploy and execute tests either locally or remotely.  TPTP workbench
also provides a feature called the Integrated Agent Controller (IAC)
that is used to launch tests locally from the TPTP workbench.   The
biggest benefit of having Integrated Agent Controller is the
simplification in the usage of TPTP functionalities in the local
scenario by removing the dependencies on the local Agent Controller. For
example: there is no need to install and configure the local Agent
Controller when launching tests locally from the TPTP workbench.   IAC
provides the entry-level functionalities of the standalone Agent
Controller.&nbsp; To get the full functionalities, the standalone Agent
Controller is still the way to go.  IAC is packaged in the TPTP Platform
Runtime install image and therefore no separate install step is
required.&nbsp; The Integrated Agent Controller does not require any
configuration, but the user can configure it in the preferences page. 
Unlike the stand-alone Agent Controller which requires the user to enter
information such as the path for the Java executable, the IAC will
determine the required information from Eclipse workbench during
<h2><a name="_Toc154289807">TPTP Automated GUI Record</a>er</h2>
<p>TPTP Automated GUI Recorder (AGR) allows users to record and
playback user interactions under the Eclipse platform. The purpose of
the feature is to allow users to automate functional test cases for
applications developed under the Eclipse environment.   This section
will only provide a quick overview of the AGR feature since a
well-written user guide for the same may be found on the TPTP web site
[3].   </p>
<p>During the test case recording phase, AGR captures the user
gestures as XML based scripts. The so recorded script is replayed when
the test case is executed.   AGR provides a simple &quot;VCR-type&quot;
interface to record test cases.   The recorded test cases may be
executed either in Quick mode or Standard Mode.  In Quick mode, the
tests are executed in the test development workbench.  This is typically
used to quickly verify that a test case was properly recorded.  In the
Standard mode the test cases are run on a run-time workbench using a
launch configuration. </p>
<p>AGR supports two types of test verification mechanisms –
verification by selection and verification via
&quot;verification-hook&quot; defined within a verification class that
extends from JUnit framework.  Verification by selection is typically
used for simple verification tasks such as ensuring the presence of a
menu item.  The idea behind this method of verification is that if the
system is able to select an item, then it means that the item exists.   
Verification by verification-hook is a mechanism that uses a method
(hook) in a JUnit based verification class to provide the verification
functionality.  The support for verification-hook based verification
basically opens the door to the use of different verification libraries
that users may implement. On the test case recording interface, the test
case developer provides the name of the verification hook method that
will be used to verify the test case execution.</p>
<p>Once the test cases are defined, the user needs to define a
behavior that specifies how the test cases are to be executed.  A
behavior typically includes invocations and loops.  TPTP supports both
local and remote deployment and execution of tests.  If the tests are to
be executed remotely the user has to define the remote context for the
test suite execution.  Defining a context for test suite execution
typically requires the user to create a deployment specifying what needs
to be executed (the artifact containing the test suite and possible
datapool) and where it needs to be executed (the location).  If such a
deployment is not created, the default is local execution. </p>
<p>In order to minimize test recorder’s sensitivity to UI changes,
an optional feature that may be enabled while recording an AGR test case
called &quot;Object Mine&quot; was introduced in TPTP 4.3 AGR.  This
feature helps keep the test macro modifications to a minimum when widget
IDs need to be changed.  However, as mentioned in the &quot;known
problems&quot; section some problems may result when a test case
developer tries to copy/paste test macros with Object Mine feature
<p>As explained in the section entitled &quot;Widget Resolving
Mechanism&quot; of the AGR User Guide [3], AGR resolves widgets based on
a number of properties that are defined on the widget.  These properties
are specified in an XML file named &quot;widgetReg.xml&quot; that is
typically located at
This file is read by AGR’s default widget resolver mechanism – adaptive
widget resolver, to determine how a particular widget is to be
resolved.  A weight attribute associated with each of the widget
property indicates how well it identifies the widget.   During widget
resolution time AGR determines the correct widget by matching the
cumulative weight of a widget against the &quot;maxThreshold&quot;
attribute value provided in the widgetReg.xml file against the
appropriate widget class.   If widgetReg.xml does not contain any
details for the widget in question, then default values are used for
widget resolution.  AGR also supports a user-defined widget resolving
mechanism.  It provides an extension point that allows clients to
register their own personal widget resolvers. </p>
<p>It was noticed that the default widget resolution support
provided in TPTP4.2.0/TPTP4.2.1/TPTP4.2.2 and TPTP4.3 were insufficient
and resulted in problem situations as described in the &quot;Known
Issues&quot; section.  However, initial trials with TPTP4.4 AGR indicate
that such issues have been fixed.  The TPTP AGR feature is presently a
Technology Preview item [2].    At the time of writing this paper, some
suggestions have been made for making TPTP AGR feature more robust and
are being implemented.  RCP support is impending.</p>
<h2><a name="_Toc154289808">TPTP Automatable Service Framework</a></h2>
<p>TPTP provides an Automatable Service Framework (ASF) that
features support for the provision and consumption of Eclipse hosted
TPTP services from disparate environments.  Given that these services
are fundamentally black-box components that publish themselves via
extensions (with an associated specification of supported properties and
a behavioral contract) it is possible to create a new service provider
implementing the same service.  This implementation approach allows for
a loose and dynamic binding between the service consumer and service
provider. Users can develop automation client adapters that adapt new
service consumer paradigms into the standard automation client
interfaces provided in TPTP. Thus, using the ASF it is possible to take
a program functionality that is typically limited to running inside of
an isolated Eclipse instance and expose it publicly to consumers outside
of the Eclipse environment by wrapping it with TPTP automatable service
abstractions [7].</p>
<p>At the time of writing this paper, TPTP provides a Test Execution
service and various client adapters (Java, CLI and Ant) to invoke the
service.  It also provides very rudimentary implementations of services
for interpreting Test Execution History models and for publishing test