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<title>Callisto in the News</title>
<description>News, articles about Eclipse Callisto</description>
<title>BEA Workshop 3.2 Released</title>
<description><![CDATA[BEA is the first enterprise vendor to deliver a commercial product on the Callisto release, which includes the Core Eclipse platform, version 3.2 and the Web Tools Project(WTP) version 1.5.]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:30:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Callisto Release Podcast</title>
<description><![CDATA[Mike Milinkovich discusses Eclipse's recent Callisto release, including the new Data Tools Project and Graphical Modeling Framework, and what it means for Eclipse developers who want to build applications that run on OSX on Intel and Windows Vista. (MP3, 6:59 mins)]]></description>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Jul 2006 14:42:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipsing the competition</title>
<description><![CDATA[To the delight of millions of software developers around the world, the Ottawa-based Eclipse Foundation has just released seven million lines of code on the Internet for their use. Look out, Microsoft]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 06 Jul 2006 13:20:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Kostenloser Downloadservice fuer Eclipse-Benutzer</title>
<description><![CDATA[Die Innoopract GmbH, Anbieter von Dienstleistungen und Produkten fuer die freie Entwicklungsplattform Eclipse, hat ihren Download-Service Yoxos on Demand vorgestellt. Eclipse 3.2 und die Projekte des Callisto-Releases, die die Eclipse Foundation am Freitag freigegeben hat, stehen darueber ab sofort zum Herunterladen bereit. Ueber die Webapplikation kann sich der Interessierte seine persoenliche Eclipse-Konfiguration zusammenstellen. Das Ergebnis des Auswahlprozesses wird in einer einzigen Download-Datei im Zip-Format abgelegt. Yoxos prüft die Zusammenstellung und garantiert ihre Funktionsfaehigkeit. Angeblich bietet Innopracts Angebot mehr Plug-ins als die offizielle Configure your Eclipse Site der Foundation.]]></description>
<pubDate>Wed, 05 Jul 2006 10:20:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Interview mit Ralph Mueller: Callisto ist ein Meilenstein in der Open Source-Geschichte</title>
<description><![CDATA[Den europaeischen Repraesentanten der Eclipse Foundation, Ralph Mueller, haben die Leser des Eclipse Magazins durch seine "Quartals"-Berichte ueber seine Arbeit und seine Eindruecke rund um das europaeische Eclipse-Oekosystem bereits kennen gelernt. Das Eclipse Magazin nahm die Moeglichkeit wahr, ihn zum "Grossprojekt" Callisto, bei dem es sich um eine Initiative der Eclipse Foundation handelt, mit dem Ziel, gleich mehrere Projekte auf einen gemeinsamen Release-Termin fuer neue Versionen zu verpflichten. zu befragen.]]></description>
<pubDate>Wed, 05 Jul 2006 10:10:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Callisto steht zum Download bereit</title>
<description><![CDATA[Die Sammlung von zehn freien Eclipse-Projekten "Callisto" steht mittlerweile zum Download bereit. Die Zusammenstellung soll vor allem garantieren, dass alle Programme zusammenarbeiten und ihre Einrichtung erleichtern. Voraussetzung, um Callisto zu nutzen, ist Eclipse 3.2.]]></description>
<pubDate>Wed, 05 Jul 2006 10:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>What's New in Eclipse 3.2 Java Development Tools</title>
<description><![CDATA[Eclipse is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java programming. It can also be used as an environment for other languages like C++ and Ruby, as a framework for consolidating tools of any kind, and as a Rich Client Platform for creating desktop or server applications. The Eclipse open source community is responsible for dozens of projects, ranging from business intelligence to social networking. Eclipse is the name of the non-profit foundation that manages those projects, as well. (And, while I'm pretty sure it's not a floor wax, there is also an Eclipse automobile, a soccer team, and a brand of chewing gum.)]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:30:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Rolls Out Callisto Open Source Bundle on Schedule</title>
<description><![CDATA[The Eclipse Foundation this week unveiled a grouped, open source software release dubbed "Callisto" that it considers a shining example of open source software development for the enterprise.]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:11:11 EST</pubDate>
<title>Callisto fasst Eclipse-Projekte zusammen</title>
<description><![CDATA[Unter dem Namen Callisto will die Eclipse Foundation zehn unter ihrem Dach beheimatete Open-Source-Projekte zusammenfassen. Das Paket soll für mehr Transparenz sorgen, indem es Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich der Kompatibilitaet der Einzelprojekte ausraeumt.]]></description>
<pubDate>Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:20:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Callisto: Zehn Eclipse-Projekte in einer Initiative vereint</title>
<description><![CDATA[Diese Woche erwartet die Eclipse-Community eine der wichtigsten Veroeffentlichungen seit Initiierung der Eclipse-Plattform vor sechs Jahren. Und zwar steht ab naechsten Freitag die erste offizielle Version von Callisto zur Verfuegung, zurzeit ist das Simultan-Release als Release Candidate verfuegbar.]]></description>
<pubDate>Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:18:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Foundation synchronizes largest ever open-source project release</title>
<description><![CDATA[The Eclipse Foundation is making history this week with what looks to be the largest ever synchronized open-source project release. The Callisto Simultaneous Release initiative coordinates 10 Eclipse project upgrades, including business intelligence and reporting tools, a modeling framework, a Web tools platform, test and performance tools, integrated development environments, and the latest version of the Eclipse tooling framework (3.2) itself—all of which will be available for download this Friday, June 30.]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 16:50:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Callisto - zehn Projekte zum Mitmachen</title>
<description><![CDATA[Die Eclipse Foundation hat mit 'Callisto' gleichzeitig zehn Einzelprojekte vorgestellt, die Anwendern die synchrone Einfuehrung von Eclipse-basierten Werkzeugen erleichtern sollen.]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 16:40:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Callisto erscheint am 30. Juni 2006</title>
<description><![CDATA[Unter dem Namen "Callisto" veroeffentlicht die Eclipse Foundation am 30. Juni 2006 zehn Open-Source-Projekte gleichzeitig. Die Sammlung soll vor allem sicherstellen, dass alle Programme zusammenarbeiten und ihre Einrichtung erleichtern. Ein Release Candidate steht derweil schon zum Download bereit.]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 16:35:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse's 'Callisto' Onslaught</title>
<description><![CDATA[There are many software projects in both the proprietary and open source communities that don't keep their release schedules. Eclipse is not one of them.<br/>
In keeping with its release record, the Eclipse Foundation this week will release 10 projects right on schedule. It's such a huge undertaking that Eclipse branded it Callisto.<br/>
Callisto involves more than 7 million lines of project code, developed by 260 developer committers, including the efforts of 15 different ISVs spanning a dozen countries around the globe. ]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 16:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Callisto Eclipses Other Open-Source Competition</title>
<description><![CDATA[ Borland Software, in the process of selling off the IDE business that was once its cornerstone, shifted its JBuilder IDE to an Eclipse base last year. "Eclipse is increasingly popular and impossible to ignore," said Richard Gronback, chief scientist at Borland, Cupertino, Calif.<br/>
ISVs say Callisto is a key step forward in Eclipse's evolution. For the first time, a batch of Eclipse projects have synchronized their release schedule with the core Eclipse platform's annual June update, allowing developers to field updates all at once rather than piecemeal. ]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:05:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Upgrades Open-Source Tools</title>
<description><![CDATA[ The Eclipse Foundation next week will announce new releases for 10 open-source projects in an effort to synchronize version compatibilities for each.<br/>
On June 30, the foundation plans to make available seven million lines of code as part of the coordinated release for the project, code name "Callisto." These include upgrades for Eclipse business intelligence and reporting tools, modeling framework, Web tools platform, visual editor, test and performance tools, and C and C ++ integrated development environment tools. ]]></description>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse packs ten projects in Callisto, adds Motorola</title>
<description><![CDATA[The Eclipse open-source foundation will release software from ten of its projects in tandem next Friday, reflecting the maturity of Eclipse and open-source software, in general. <br/><br/>Separately, mobile phone manufacturer on Thursday said it will join the Eclipse Foundation.]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:45:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse plans coordinated code release for 10 open-source projects</title>
<description><![CDATA[The Eclipse Foundation next week will announce new releases of 10 of its open-source projects in a coordinated effort to synchronize the version compatibility of the projects. <br/><br/>
The foundation plans on June 30 to make available seven million lines of code as part of its "Callisto" coordinated release. Callisto includes upgrades of the Eclipse business intelligence and reporting tools, modeling framework, Web tools platform, visual editor, test and performance tools, and C and C ++ integrated development environment tools.]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:45:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse to deliver on Callisto project</title>
<![CDATA[The Eclipse Foundation on June 30 plans to roll out multiple Eclipse technologies under the banner of the open source software group's Callisto release.<br/><br/>Ten different projects ranging from the Eclipse Project, which features the group's popular IDE, to the Eclipse Data Tools Project will be released simultaneously. "The important thing here is [Callisto] is an event," said Eclipse Executive Director Mike Milinkovich.]]>
<pubDate>Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:45:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Upgrading Eclipse? Time to try Callisto.</title>
<![CDATA[Whenever I upgrade Eclipse, I'm tempted to download the latest development release. Instead of clicking on the production release, I tend to look for other versions and download the latest release candidate or integration build. I've been running a Eclipse 3.2 integration build since last November, and it worked so well I forgot that I was using an early integration build. I finally upgraded this week, and in doing so I decided to try the latest release candidate of the Callisto Simultaneous Release. Verdict? It's official, Eclipse is no longer just an IDE, it is a powerful platform, and I was surprised at the breadth and quality of this release. Read on for an account of my own experience.]]>
<pubDate>Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<title>Hot skills: Eclipse lets developers cash in on existing skills</title>
<![CDATA[The Eclipse project is an open source initiative aiming to provide a supplier-neutral software development platform. Analyst firm Gartner described it as one of the two main integrated development environments (IDEs), along with Microsoft&apos;s Visual Studio.<br/>
Strictly speaking, the Eclipse platform is not itself an IDE, but it contains the functionality required to build IDEs for Java, C++ and potentially other languages. Different components can also be used to build &quot;arbitrary&quot; applications, without subscribing to the IDE.]]>
<pubDate>Tue, 16 May 2006 12:00:00 EDT</pubDate>
<title>Eclipse Sets Off a Big Bang</title>
<![CDATA[To avoid some of the chaos that can accompany open-source team efforts, the Eclipse Foundation is orchestrating the release of 10 of its most prominent projects. The grand finale takes place near the end of June, when all 10 projects release major updates on the same day. This 10-way coordination, code-named Callisto, has been in the works since August 2005. The Callisto release includes updates to BIRT (the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools project), WTP (the Web Tools Platform project), TPTP (the Test and Performance Tools Platform project) and other projects in the Eclipse dominion. Also included as part of the Callisto plan is the release of Eclipse 3.2, this year&apos;s update of the overarching Eclipse Project.]]>
<pubDate>Mon, 15 May 2006 12:00:00 EDT</pubDate>
<title>The Eclipse Foundation&apos;s Coordinated Kickoff</title>
<![CDATA[The third annual EclipseCon tradeshow produced a swarm of news and new product announcements last week. But easily the most intriguing recent development in the Eclipse ecosystem is the Callisto Simultaneous Release initiative.
<br>Word that the Eclipse Foundation was planning to synchronize the release of 10 of its 61 projects actually began circulating in January. The details seemed to come together at the show
<pubDate>Sun, 26 March 2006 12:05:00 EDT</pubDate>