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| <p>This is a high-level page for all CBI component downloads and software sites, when there are any for a component.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="sharedLicense">The Eclipse Standard Shared License</h3> |
| <p>There is no download, per se, in CBI for the <a href="http://help.eclipse.org/oxygen/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.pde.doc.user%2Ftasks%2Fpde_shared_license.htm">Shared License</a> but instead there is a p2 software repository: |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/license/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/license/</a><br /> |
| That p2 repository can be used in targets or prereq repositories for builds to get the appropriate standard version |
| of the <a href="https://eclipse.org/legal/epl/notice.php">Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement</a> |
| that is required to be built into features.</p> |
| <h3 id="p2repoAggregator">CBI p2repo Aggregator</h3> |
| <p><strong>IDE:</strong> For installation into IDEs, start a development IDE based on a Oxygen (2017) level Platform (Platform 4.7.x) and use the software repository at |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/ide/4.7/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/ide/4.7/</a><br /></p> |
| <p><strong>Headless:</strong> To use the Headless CLI version of the CBI aggregator, you can use the p2Director to create a product from the headless update site at |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/headless/4.7/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/headless/4.7/</a></p> |
| <p>For Photon level development environments, the correct repository to use it the "4.8" level, namely |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/ide/4.8/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/ide/4.8/</a>, or |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/headless/4.8/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/aggregator/headless/4.8/</a></p> |
| <p>For convenience, you can <a href="./aggregatorLatest/">download the most recent "pre-built" CLI products.</a></p> |
| <p>For more detail, see the <a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/CBI/aggregator/manual">CBI Aggregator Manual</a></p> |
| <h3 id="p2repoAnalyzer">CBI p2repo Analyzer</h3> |
| <p>Similar to the CBI Aggregator (but with just one repository) you can install into a Oxygen based IDE, or create a headless product. The repository URL is |
| <br /><a href="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/analyzers/4.7/">http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/updates/analyzers/4.7/</a><br /> |
| Or, as above, you can use the <a href="./analyzerLatest">latest pre-build p2analyze products</a>.</p> |
| <p>For more detail, see the wiki page for <a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/CBI/p2repoAnalyzers/Repo_Reports">CBI p2repo Analyzers</a>.</p> |
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