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<h1>CBI Aggregator Repositories and Downloads</h1>
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<!-- Beginning of primary custom content -->
<!-- Note: since we are doing "html" (for now) the following variables must be substitued before or during writing
The "writing" of this file is done in "" script. The "solstice" parts of this file,
are the same as used in /cbi/downloads/index.html
except for the title on Breadcrumb, above.
is such as "4.6", "4.7", etc. The main stream of Eclipse Platform that this aggregator goes with.
standard build id such as I20170106-2101.
main "uri" to Aggregator Repositories., such as
This should be constant on "", but in case someone is doing a "local build",
they might want to override it, if their local builds reside else where.
Note: deliberatly written as conforming PHP variables, so that later we could have this template as a standard PHP file, and simply 'include'
a file with the two php variables defined. Except, it turned out, in "file names" the use of
_ was ambiguous so had to use brackets there, such as _I20180128-2153_xxx.
<h3>Download or install CBI Aggregator</h3>
<p>These are the results of build: <a href="">I20180128-2153</a></p>
<p>For general use in an IDE, you simply want to add the composite software site of </br>
<a href=""></a><br />
to get the latest updates from this &quot;4.8&quot; stream.
<p>Normally, the latest
three builds are kept in the composite repositories, so that gives some ability to "revert"
an update, as long as there has not been three published builds since it was updated.
<h4>Simple repos from this build</h4>
<li>IDE repo: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Headless CLI repo: <a href=""></a></li>
<h4>Downloadable pre-assembled CLI products</h4>
<li>Windows: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Linux: <a href="">headless_I20180128-2153_linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz</a></li>
<li>Mac OSX: <a href="">headless_I20180128-2153_macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz</a></li>
<h4>Release engineering</h4>
<p>Check the <a href="">"repo reports"</a> from this build.</p>
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