blob: 0a21920a75e8df14d0a40df3feaef6287d90a9f1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php $areaRelative = "."; require_once "$areaRelative/_defs.php"; include "$areaRoot/_header.php";
$pageTitle = "CDO Model Repository Overview";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Eike Stepper";
global $latest41; // Defined in _header.php
$help = "" . $latest41 . "/help";
$latest = $help . "/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.doc/html";
$others = "<p class=\"middle\"><i>This overview is an extract from the <a href=\"$help\">4.1 Release Help</a>.<br>\nFor other versions select from the menu bar at the left side.</i></p>\n\n";
global $App;
print '<div id="midcolumn">' . "\n\n";
print "<h1 class=\"middle\">CDO Model Repository Overview</h1>\n";
print $others;
// Fetch Overview.html
$overview = file_get_contents($latest . "/Overview.html");
// Cut our relevant body
preg_match('@</table>(.*)<p align="right">@s', $overview, $match);
$overview = $match[1];
// Protect absolute URLs
$overview = str_replace('<a href="http://', '<a HREF="http://', $overview);
$overview = str_replace('<img src="http://', '<img SRC="http://', $overview);
// Rewrite relative URLs
$overview = str_replace('<a href="', '<a href="' . $latest . '/', $overview);
$overview = str_replace('<img src="', '<img src="' . $latest . '/', $overview);
print $overview;
print "\n\n$others\n\n</div>";
include "$areaRoot/_footer.php"; ?>