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<h1>CheConf 18.2: December 5th, 2018</h1>
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<h2>CheConf 18.2: The Changing Face of Cloud Development</h2>
<h4>At this one day virtual conference you'll learn about the exciting changes in our upcoming version - Che 7.</h4>
<h4><a href="sessions.html">Topics include</a>:</h4>
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<li>Che 7's faster, cleaner, Typescript-based IDE</li>
<li>Exploring the new workspace model that keeps the production images untouched</li>
<li>Using Che plugins to build custom client- and server-side customizations</li>
<li>Case studies from organizations building IDE products on Eclipse Che</li>
<li>Bringing enterprise features to cloud IDEs</li>
<li>New developments in the Language Server Protocol and Debug Adaptor Protocol</li>
<li>Improving the Eclipse Che community user and contributor experience</li>
<h4>Eclipse Che is the largest extensible cloud development platform in the market. Join hundreds of fellow Che maintainers and users in sessions that include how-tos, case studies, and talks from experts throughout the Eclipse Che community.</h4>
<h4>Check out <a href="sessions.html">the full session line-up</a>, including presentations from Red Hat, SAP, Progress Software, Broadcom, CloudToGo, and Smartface.</h4>
<h4>To get a flavor of what to expect from CheConf, <a href="../checonf18/index.html">check out our event archives</a>.</h4>
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<h2 class="padding-side">Supporting Organizations</h2>
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Eclipse Che is bringing continuous practices to software development. Explore how Che works, and best practices to get the most from it in your team.
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CheConf is your chance to go deep with live tutorials and sessions on how to use and extend Che and make the most of the language server protocol.
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Organizations around the world are extending Che to drive their own developer ecosystems. Learn their approaches and hear about their successes.
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Eclipse Che Virtual User Conference<br>
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
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