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<h1>CheConf18.2 Schedule</h1>
<h3>CheConf is a one day virtual conference about cloud development and Kubernetes.</h3>
<h3>Join us online Wednesday, December 5, 2018</h3>
<h4 style="margin: 10px 0 0px;padding-bottom:0px;">If you missed CheConf 2018 join our mailing list so it won't happen again.</h4>
<div class="row hr" id="Keynote">
<div class="col-sm-9">
<h3>Keynote: 9:00 - 9:30am EST</h3>
<h2>The Eclipse Che State of the Union</h2>
<h4>The industry trends towards container management and cloud-based developer tools has accelerated this year, cementing the place of Eclipse Che as the leading developer workspace server and browser IDE. The developer community behind the project has accelerated development of features to make Eclipse Che more extensible and modular than ever, enabling an acceleration in adoption and ecosystem growth as we prepare for 2019. We’ll discuss the growing cloud development market, Che's position in it and the exciting changes we're planning for the coming year.</h4>
<h4>Stevan LeMeur, Eclipse Che Maintainer (Red Hat)</h4>
<h4>Mario Loriedo, Eclipse Che Maintainer (Red Hat)</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="CloudToGo">
<div class="col-sm-9">
<h3>Case Study: 9:30 - 10:00am EST</h3>
<h2>CloudToGo: One-stop, Full-stack Cloud Development Services powered by Eclipse Che and Kubernetes</h2>
<h4>CloudToGo is commercializing Eclipse Che for the Chinese market, delivering flexible developer tools to industry verticals including manufacturing, finance, and telecommunications. In this session, Hongxi and Di will introduce briefly how an Eclipse Che based Cloud IDE has enabled them to commercialize a complete SaaS offering to tens of thousands of online developers, and how much those developers love the new way of coding online. They will present the integrations and enhancements they have developed for Eclipse Che, in particular in the area of modelling and internationalization, and will introduce their initiatives for building up the Che community in China.</h4>
<h4>Di Wu, CEO, CloudToGo</h4>
<h4>Hongxi Ma, CTO, CloudToGo</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="Progress">
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<h3>Case study: 10:00 - 10:30am EST</h3>
<h2>Progress Software: Developing a next-generation IDE for the Cloud</h2>
<h4>Learn how Progress Software has adopted Eclipse Che to form the base of their next-generation IDE for OpenEdge developers, to help their customers develop multi-container applications. Software architect Ravi Sankar will present how to develop a multip-container application containing a database and application server in the next-generation Eclipse Che, and how Che enables developers to provision a complete, containerized developer environment, including language runtime, development tools, and dependencies, in a single click.</h4>
<h4>Ravi Sankar, Software Architect, Progress Software</h4>
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</div><!-- /.row -->
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<div class="row hr" id="Extensibility">
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<h3>How-To: 10:30 - 11:30pm EST</h3>
<h2>Introducing the New Extensibility Model - Developing a Che Plug-in</h2>
<h4>Eclipse Che is a developer workspace server and Cloud IDE, meaning that all of your source code, developer tools, and language runtimes are running in containers in the cloud. Eclipse Che has a powerful extensibility mechanism for developer tools, like debuggers, code linting tools, testing frameworks, and more. These tools run server-side, in their own containers, as part of a developer workspace.</h4>
<h4>In this tutorial you will learn how to enable developers to use their favourite developer tool while developing code in the cloud. We will explain what you need to do to enable your tool to interact with projects managed by Eclipse Che, and how to integrate your tool with it.</h4>
<h4>In this session we will cover</h4>
<li>Basics of the Eclipse Che architecture</li>
<li>Developing a Theia plugin for use with Eclipse Che</li>
<li>Extending the workspace with features</li>
<li>Packaging and submitting your extensions</li>
<h4>Florent Benoit, Lead Engineer, Red Hat</h4>
<h4>Yevhen Vidolob, Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="DAP">
<div class="col-sm-9">
<h3>Community: 11:30 - 12:00pm EST</h3>
<h2>Implementing the Debug Adapter Protocol for Eclipse Theia</h2>
<h4>Over the last year, many editors, including Atom and Emacs, have added support for the Language Server Protocol. Can we replicate the same success for debuggers? The ability to run any debugger which supports the Debug Adaptor Protocol (DAP) directly from your editor, by using a common protocol for debugger actions, is very exciting.</h4>
<h4>In this session, we will look at the features of the DAP, and how to implement the protocol for an editor. We will illustrate how the Debugger Adaptor Protocol implementation for Eclipse Theia works, and demonstrate how you can use it to debug a microservice based application from an Eclipse Che workspace.</h4>
<h4>Anatolii Bazko, Software Engineer, Red Hat</h4>
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</div><!-- /.row -->
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<div class="row hr" id="LSP">
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<h3>How-To: 12:00 - 12:30pm EST</h3>
<h2>Beyond LSP: extensions for Java developers</h2>
<h4>We present our experiences extending the Language Server Protocol (LSP) to implement advanced IDE features based on Eclipse JDT Language Server in Che IDE.</h4>
<h4>LSP has revolutionized the way language awareness is delivered in code editors. However, it is highly focused on editor interactions and lacks awareness of build systems and stateful UI flows. For Eclipse Che, we have replaced many existing features with implementations based on JDT LS. We will demo features like browsing Maven dependeny jars and structural rename and explain how we designed and implemented extensions to LSP to support those features.</h4>
<h4>Thomas M&auml;der, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="Dirigible">
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<h3>How-To: 12:30 - 1:00pm EST</h3>
<h2>Swapping IDEs in Eclipse Che 7</h2>
<h4>You might know Eclipse Che as an open source web IDE for cloud native applications. The next generation of Che will also be a cloud-native platform for creating web IDEs. Among the innovations in the next version of Eclipse Che is the ability to choose an alternative front end for your Che workspaces.</h4>
<h4>This presentation will give an overview of the Eclipse Dirigible project, and show you how easy it was for the Dirigible team to create an Eclipse Che plug-in and add it to the Che plug-in registry, enabling Che users to replace the default Theia IDE in Eclipse Che 7 with Dirigible when creating a new workspace.</h4>
<h4>Nedelcho Delchev, Development Architect, SAP</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="Smartface">
<div class="col-sm-9">
<h3>Case study: 1:00 - 1:30pm EST</h3>
<h2>Smartface Cloud: Extending Eclipse Che for Mobile App Development</h2>
<h4>One of the many great things about Eclipse Che is that its extensibility allows customization to address the needs of specialized use-cases. In this presentation, the Smartface team will discuss how we are extending Eclipse Che to provide a full-featured mobile app development platform that fully runs in the cloud with no local dependencies, along with low-code components like a visual designer.</h4>
<h4>Burak Gul, Customer Success, Smartface Inc.</h4>
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</div><!-- /.row -->
<!-- Session Break -->
<div class="row hr" id="testing">
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<h3>How-To: 1:30 - 2:00pm EST</h3>
<h2>Eclipse Che on Steroids</h2>
<h4>Eclipse Che has recently decided to adopt Eclipse Theia as the default web IDE provided with its developer workspaces. This is a huge step toward improving the extensibility of the IDE, embracing modern web technologies such as TypeScript, React and other JS frameworks.</h4>
<h4>In this talk we will introduce the new Eclipse Theia plug-in model and walk through the benefits of the new IDE for Eclipse Che. We will also discuss how you can easily create plug-ins directly in Eclipse Che. Finally we will introduce our future plans for marketplace for plug-ins, and the ability to run VS Code extensions.</h4>
<h4>Florent Benoit, Lead Engineer, Red Hat</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="Broadcom">
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<h3>Case Study: 2:00 - 2:30pm EST</h3>
<h2>Broadcom: Eclipse Che for mainframe developers (COBOL LSP)</h2>
<h4>Cloud development with containers is not reserved for modern programming languages on the public cloud. By leveraging the Language Server Protocol and the Debug Adaptor Protocol, it is possible to offer modern developer tools to a new generation of developers who are building and maintaining legacy applications. Fast on-boarding of new developers and integration with agile development practices and DevOps tools make Eclipse Che very attractive as part of a strategy to modernize legacy application development environments.</h4>
<h4>Learn how Computer Associates, a Broadcom company, has been adopting Eclipse Che to provide a modern development environment to developers who are writing and maintaining COBOL applications for mainframe computers.</h4>
<h4>Venkatauday Balabhadrapatruni, Mainframe Application Development, Broadcom</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="Community">
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<h3>Community: 2:30 - 3:00pm EST</h3>
<h2>Become Part of the Project</h2>
<p>Do you want to get involved in open source? Where do you start to contribute in a project? We’ll discuss how to begin making contributions, our development workflow, and becoming a project committer.</p>
<li>Our development process</li>
<li>The roadmap + specification process</li>
<li>Development workflow</li>
<li>Releases and milestones</li>
<li>Writing and sharing new plug-ins</li>
<li>Docs, bugs, and QA</li>
<li>Earning committer and maintainer status</li>
<h4>Dave Neary, Che Community Manager, Red Hat</h4>
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Eclipse Che Virtual User Conference<br>
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
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