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<h2>Tuesday, November 15, 2016</h2>
<h4 class="padding-side">Experience CheConf your way. Attend as many sessions as you like. You can stay connected all day, or you can pop in and out of the sessions you want to attend.</h4>
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<div class="row hr" id="tyler">
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<h3>11:00AM EST</h3>
<p>60 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Tyler Jewell, Project Lead</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h2>The Eclipse Che Community &amp; Roadmap</h2>
<p>We are witnessing the death of localhost and <a href="" target="_blank">the rise of cloud development</a>. Eclipse Che - developer workspace server and next-generation Eclipse IDE is the leading platform with 3200 GitHub stars, 15K downloads / week, and 100 contributors from companies including Codenvy, Red Hat, Microsoft, IBM, Bitnami, Samsung, SAP, and Docker. We’ll discuss the drive to cloud development, the Che community, and our upcoming roadmap.</p>
<li>Why is Che the fastest growing open source project</li>
<li>The year of Che - community, adoption, engagement, growth</li>
<li>The che ecosystem</li>
<li>The che roadmap - how it's changed, and where it is going</li>
<li>Vision for che - a lightweight workspace server running for every product, every server, every user</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="quinn">
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<h3>12:00AM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Quinn Slack, Sourcegraph CEO</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Under the Hood</h3>
<h2>Eclipse Che and the Language Server Protocol</h2>
<p>The open standard Language Server Protocol (LSP) is quickly gaining adoption among developer tools that need to provide high-quality support for every programming language. Although only announced this year, the LSP already has the support of Eclipse Che, Codenvy, Microsoft, IBM and Red Hat. Developers around the world have contributed language servers for Java, PHP, C#, and JSON...and there are more coming. This talk will give an overview of LSP, highlight the ongoing work on the protocol standard and language implementations, and demo a new language server packaged for Che, developed by Sourcegraph.</p>
<li>What is the language server protocol?</li>
<li>What intellisense features are supported by the LSP?</li>
<li>Demo of new Che intellisense features provided by Sourcegraph.</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="florent">
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<h3>12:30PM EST</h3>
<p>60 Minutes <br>
<a href="speakers.html">Florent Benoit, Codenvy</a><br>
<a href="speakers.html">Martin Albisetti, Bitnami</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Che University</h3>
<h2>Host any Project In Che with Stacks &amp; Chefiles</h2>
<p>Want to develop locally on your project by having all environment setup in one command? Install docker and boot Eclipse Che with Chefile and you’re ready to go.</p>
<li>Introduce the new chefile syntax and its intentions</li>
<li>Support integrating Che into any github/gitlab repo</li>
<li>Configuring launches of che silently</li>
<li>Adding custom stacks to Eclipse Che</li>
<li>Adding custom agents to stacks</li>
<li>Adding custom templates to stacks</li>
<li>Adding custom commands to stacks</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="patrick">
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<h3>1:30PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Patrick Chanezon, Docker</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Under the Hood</h3>
<h2>Docker 101 &amp; Why Docker Powers Che</h2>
<p>Che provides a new way to package up a workspace so that it is reproducible and portable. This packaging is possible due to Docker with their descriptive runtimes. This introductory session will introduce you to what Docker is about and how Che uses Docker to represent workspaces, it’s server, it’s launcher, a variety of build utilities. You can even use Docker and Compose to build complex multi machine workspaces.</p>
<li>What is Docker?</li>
<li>Dockerfiles, images, registry, containers.</li>
<li>Docker in Che: workspace definitions, che-server, che-launcher, che-mount</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="stevan">
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<h3>2:00PM EST</h3>
<p>60 Minutes <br>
<a href="speakers.html">Stevan Le Meur, Codenvy</a><br>
<a href="speakers.html">Jonas Helming, Eclipse Source</a><br>
<a href="speakers.html">Kaloyan Raev, Zend</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Che University</h3>
<h2>Introduction to Che Extensibility Model</h2>
<p>Want to get hands on and dig into the Eclipse Che internals? This session will focus on the extensibility model of the development platform. You’ll learn the fundamental concepts and to get started and customizing and extending the development platform by adding or developing extensions. </p>
<li>Overview of Che Extensibility Model</li>
<li>How to get a workspace set-up for developing a Che extension</li>
<li>How to build an HelloWorld extension</li>
<li>How to register a new Project Type</li>
<li>Overview of Server Services and Workspace Services</li>
<li>How to use native HTML/JS</li>
<li>How to add a new language server</li>
<li>How to add a new Debugger</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="mario">
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<h3>3:00PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Mario Loriedo, Red Hat</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Che in Action</h3>
<h2>Deploying Che on OpenShift</h2>
<p>Che orchestration is coming! You can deploy Che, your workspace runtimes, and Che utilities within OpenShift for a scalable development experience. In this session, we’ll show you how to setup and deploy Che on Red Hat OpenShift based upon Kubernetes, and then walk through the technology improvements made to allow for orchestrated Che workspaces including a new Service Provider Interface to allow for workspace implementations on different providers like Kubernetes and Swarm, packaging Che workspaces to work with CentOS and RHEL, and creating system deployment descriptors that allow for smooth scaling and HA of Che on OpenShift</p>
<li>Che on OpenShift</li>
<li>Workspace Scalability Model</li>
<li>Service Provider Interface</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="sun">
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<h3>3:30PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Sun Tan, SERLI</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Hands-On with Che</h3>
<h2>The Path to Pair Programming in Che</h2>
<p>This session presents a live demo of a real-time collaboration prototype with Che. The prototype uses an Eclipse Flux server running inside a Che Docker workspace that enables multiple Che editors to edit the same file in real time -- just like Google Docs! Prepare your browsers to join this live pair programming session.</p>
<li>Protocol and architecture presentation</li>
<li>Running Eclipse Flux for multi-cursor editing</li>
<li>Terminal multiplexer in Che</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="dan">
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<h3>4:00PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br>
<a href="speakers.html">Dan Gross, Samsung</a><br>
<a href="speakers.html">Brad Micklea, Codenvy</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Che in Action</h3>
<h2>Building an IoT IDE on Che</h2>
<p>The internet of things has taken off in the past several years in large part because of a grassroots adoption by makers and developers. Samsung’s ARTIK IDE has been built for IoT developers with a goal of making it simple and painless to get started. Learn how Samsung customized the Eclipse Che IDE to fit the IoT world and some of the upcoming innovations that are planned.</p>
<li>Why does the world need a browser-based IoT IDE?</li>
<li>How was the ARTIK IDE built on top of Eclipse Che?</li>
<li>Where is the ARTIK IDE going in the coming year?</li>
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<div class="row hr" id="brad">
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<h3>4:30PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br> <a href="speakers.html">Brad Micklea, Codenvy</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Enterprise Che</h3>
<h2>How Codenvy Transforms Che for Teams &amp; Organizations</h2>
<p>Hundreds of thousands of developers have been excited by Eclipse Che and are looking for how best to use it in their team or organization. This short session will show how teams and enterprises can benefit from JIRA and Jenkins integrations, workspace automation and DevOps management controls to support 5 to 50,000 developers with Codenvy.</p>
<li>Outline of the additional capabilities Codenvy adds to Eclipse Che</li>
<li>Demo: Che-compatible workspace integrated with JIRA and Jenkins</li>
<li>Case studies from our customers</li>
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<div class="row hr">
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<h3>5:00PM EST</h3>
<p>30 Minutes <br>
<a href="speakers.html">Tyler Jewell, Codenvy</a></br>
<a href="speakers.html">Brad Micklea, Codenvy</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn">Watch the Recording</a>
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<h3>Under the Hood</h3>
<h2>Become Part of the Project</h2>
<p>Do you want to get involved in open source? Where do you start to contribute in a project? We’ll discuss how to begin making contributions, our development workflow, and becoming a project committer.</p>
<li>Our development process</li>
<li>The roadmap + specification process</li>
<li>Development workflow</li>
<li>Releases and milestones</li>
<li>Docs, bugs, and QA</li>
<li>Earning committer and maintainer status</li>
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Eclipse Che Virtual User Conference<br>
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
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