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<h1>The cloud workspace virtual event.</h1>
<h2>Thanks for Making CheConf 2018 a Success!</h4>
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<h2>See Sessions from our second annual user conference.</h2>
<h3 class="padding-side">This one day virtual conference brought insights into how cloud developer workspaces are changing how applications are created, and how companies are building cloud-native developer tools.</h3>
<h3 class="padding-side">Eclipse Che is the largest extensible cloud development platform in the market with over 150,000 public developer sessions a month. Join hundreds of fellow Che users in sessions that include how-tos, case studies, and community talks from experts throughout the Eclipse Che community.</h3>
<h3 class="padding-side"><a href="sessions.html">Watch the sessions</a>.</h3>
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<h2>See the future of cloud-native development.</h2>
<h4>Watch sessions from this one day virtual conference to hear contributors and maintainers from across the Eclipse Che and cloud development ecosystem discuss how containerized developer workspaces can drive better development workflows, team productivity and release frequency.</h4>
<h4><strong>Topics areas for 2018 included:</strong></h4>
<li>Eclipse Che use cases for teams.</li>
<li>Extending and customizing Eclipse Che.</li>
<li>Language Server Protocol (LSP) and language servers.</li>
<li>Using Eclipse Che in the Kubernetes ecosystem.</li>
<li>Cool technology for cloud development.</li>
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Eclipse Che is bringing continuous practices to software development. Explore how Che works, and best practices to get the most from it in your team.
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CheConf is your chance to go deep with live tutorials and sessions on how to use and extend Che and make the most of the language server protocol.
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Organizations around the world are extending Che to drive their own developer ecosystems. Learn their approaches and hear about their successes.
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Eclipse Che Virtual User Conference<br>
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
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