blob: 3caecaab1d6eefe346efacac0b26fb23c74638cc [file] [log] [blame]
include '../includes/variables.php';
// Define page title
$pageTitle = 'Eclipse Che | Next-Generation Eclipse IDE, Cloud IDE, and Workspace Server';
// Define body class
$bodyClass = 'technology';
include '../includes/head.php';
include '../includes/header.php';
<div class="features">
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<h2>How Eclipse Che® Works</h2>
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<a href="../images/features/img-features-a-new-kind-of-workspace.png" target="_blank"><img alt="" height="300" src="../images/features/img-features-a-new-kind-of-workspace.png" class="img-responsive" /></a>
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<h3>The entire development workflow in Kubernetes</h3>
<p>Eclipse Che makes kubernetes development easier, faster and safer for developer teams, providing one-click developer workspaces and eliminating local installation and configuration of Docker or Kubernetes for your entire team. Che brings your Kubernetes application into your development environment and provides an optional in-browser IDE, allowing you to code, build, test and run applications... <a href="../features/">Read More</a>.</p></p>
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<h3>Centrally hosted Kubernetes workspaces for teams</h3>
<p>Eclipse Che runs in containers. All of the developer tools, the IDE and its plugins are running as containerized services. You don’t have to worry about how to configure them, install their dependencies or keeping them alive - everything is packaged together in the container. Che allows you to establish a centralized configuration for your team’s development environment and technology stacks... <a href="../features/">Read More</a>.</p>
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<a href="../images/features/img-features-kube-powered.png" target="_blank"><img alt="" height="333" width="500" src="../images/features/img-features-kube-powered.png" class="img-responsive" /></a>
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<a href="../images/features/img-features-cloud-ide-7.png" target="_blank"><img alt="" height="333" width="500" src="../images/features/img-features-cloud-ide-7.png" class="img-responsive" /></a>
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<h3>In-browser extensible IDE</h3>
<p>Eclipse Che comes with a web-based IDE, based on Eclipse Theia which provides an in-browser VSCode experience complete with the latest tooling protocols: language server, debug adapter and <b>compatibility with VSCode extensions.</b> If you prefer desktop IDE’s, Che supports that too and you get the advantages of Che’s workspaces. Eclipse Che also gives you access to interact with your containers, instruct commands and terminals.</p>
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<a href="../features/" class="btn-yellow">More Features</a>
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<p>Use Che as an IDE for any framework or programming language. Take your projects and runtimes anywhere with workspace portability and cloud export.</p>
<a href="../getting-started/">Get Started with Che</a><br>
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<h3>Product Owners</h3>
<p>Embed Che in your own product and control it with APIs. Samsung, SAP and Red Hat use custom assemblies to create great developer experiences.</p>
<a href="../extend/silexica/">Silexica</a><BR>
<a href="../extend/sap/">SAP Web IDE</a><br>
<a href="../extend/codenvy/">Codenvy Enterprise Che</a>
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<h3>Extension Providers</h3>
<p>Package stacks, templates, extensions, and plug-ins to create new developer tooling. Dozens of existing extensions and stacks to leverage.</p>
<a href="../docs/framework-overview.html">Customize Che</a><br>
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<p>We are building a world where anyone can contribute to a project without installing software. Che defines a new type of containerized-based workspace that is composed of projects and runtimes, making its state distributable, portable and versionable.</p>
<img alt="" class="img-responsive" src="../images/hero-home-technology.png" />
<h3>Cloud IDE</h3>
<p>Che provides a default web-based editor of Che (based on Eclipse Theia) provides an experience close to Visual Studio Code that most of the developers are already familiar with and is built on top of the latest tooling protocols such as the Language Server Protocol and the Debug Adapter. Other editors (Eclipse Dirigible, Jupyter) or built from Eclipse Theia can be used.</p>
<h3>Workspace Server</h3>
<p>The Che server controls the lifecycle of workspaces and can be customized with plug-ins. Any client can communicate with the workspace server and any spawned workspaces.</p>
<h3>Containerized Workspaces</h3>
<p>Workspaces are isolated and personal spaces for developer work. Whether developers use an API, browser, CLI, or SSH to access a workspace, their projects are synchronized and kept consistent.</p>
<p>Che includes a growing set of plug-ins and ready-to-code developer stacks. You can <a href="../docs/che-7/developing-che-theia-plug-ins/" target="blank">create and package</a> your own. You can also configure Che's <a href="../docs/che-7/customizing-the-devfile-and-plug-in-registries/" target="blank">stacks and plug-ins.</a></p>
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<p>Syntax highlighting, code assistants, debuggers, stacks and code samples.</p>
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<h5>Kubernetes Tools</h5>
<p>Plug-ins that integrate with deployment platforms.</p>
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<h5>Git Tools</h5>
<p>Plug-ins that integrate the IDE with other parts of the developer tool chain.</p>
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<p>Specified editors can be used, with dedicated tools and experience.</p>
<li>Eclipse Theia</li>
<li>Eclipse Dirigible</li>
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<?php include '../includes/footer.php'; ?>