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<div role="main"><h2 id="may-2019">May 2019</h2>
<p>In the tech preview, Codewind includes the following supported functions with the included extensions:</p>
<li>Create projects from templates, build, and deploy.</li>
<li>Bind to existing projects, build, and deploy.</li>
<li>View all projects, including application and build statuses.</li>
<li>Debug and incrementally update MicroProfile, Spring, and Node.js projects.</li>
<li>View application and build logs.</li>
<li>View an overview of project information.</li>
<li>Integrate validation errors into the IDE problem views.</li>
<li>Open a shell session into an application container.</li>
<li>Toggle project auto build and manually initiate project builds.</li>
<li>Disable, enable, and delete projects.</li>
<li>Launch performance metrics and load testing.</li>
<p>This release includes the following limitations:</p>
<li>Only the local desktop using VS Code and Eclipse and deploying to Docker Desktop is supported.</li>
<li>The release does not include Che or hosted support.</li>
<li>Only macOS is supported.</li>
<h2 id="june-2019">June 2019</h2>
<li>Simplified, single-step installation: install the IDE extension, and activation pulls the rest as required.</li>
<li>Desktop support for Windows and Linux is included.</li>
<li>Support for Eclipse Che running on OKD and RHOS is included.</li>
<li>Two new Codewind extensions are added:
<li>Appsody - Native IDE integration of Appsody for VS Code and Eclipse.</li>
<li>OpenAPI - Scaffold an application quickly from an OpenAPI definition in VS Code or Eclipse.</li>
<li>Support for multiple template repositories to allow adding Kabanero and Appsody templates to the Codewind configuration is added.</li>
<li>A Kabanero version of Che is included.</li>
<li>A new performance dashboard is added.</li>
<li>Landing page updates include a docs section and a Codewind introduction video.</li>
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