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<h1>Great conversations about the microservice end-to-end develop/deploy experience at ThinkLondon 2019.</h1>
<p>18 Oct 2019 - Nik Canvin</p>
<div role="main"><p>Developers and CTOs alike, shared both enthusiasm and validation for the microservice develop-deploy stories in <a href="" target="_blank"></a> at IBM’s ThinkLondon summit yesterday.</p>
<p><img src="images/blog/thinklondon2019_1.jpeg" alt="image of ThinkLondon 2019" width="800px" /></p>
<p>Application modernisation using microservices continues to be an aspirational vision for future technology implementations, yet almost everybody I spoke to confessed to lack the skills and experience needed to get started.</p>
<p><img src="images/blog/thinklondon2019_2.png" alt="image of Kabanero" width="800px" /></p>
<p>The ‘out-the-box,’ one-click creation/build/run of new microservices, simply by picking from a list of the most popular software stacks and frameworks, without any prerequisite containerization or web service implementation knowledge, was unanimously well received.
The capability to iteratively add application code and see the application/containers automatically re-spin and display changes instantly in the browser exceeded their expectations every time. All that being driven from their favourite IDE, offering them the convenience and simplicity required to help them get started when back at the office, was also a hit.
Another theme that resonated throughout the day was the “it worked on my machine” pain, often felt by developers when development vs production environment differences introduce issues that are notoriously difficult to debug. Explaining the way Kabanero enables development of the micrcoservices in the same container environments that will later be deployed into production came as welcome news. One developer recited this exact scenario that happened to him just the previous day!
Introducing some architect lead capabilities to provide localised opinionated software stacks for their development squads to use helped them see further value. The two CTOs who told their stories of microservice early adoption both revealed pain caused by supporting too many software stack permutations reaching production.</p>
<p><img src="images/blog/thinklondon2019_3.jpeg" alt="image of ThinkLondon 2019" width="800px" /></p>
<p>I was also able to share my own experiences as a user of Kabanero myself. As a Software Project Manager within IBM, with responsibility to execute some licensing/copyright notices processes for every release, I opted to automate a few labourious tasks as microservices using Kabanero. Despite not being deeply technical myself, but able to learn and use Node.js code as I need it, I’ve experienced first-hand the containerization magic promised on the box. Backed up by a quick demonstration, people were genuinely excited and keen to get started themselves. Find out more in: <a href="/codewind/my-first-cloud-native-node-js-microservice-from-nothing-to-running-immediately.html">My first cloud-native Node.js microservice, from nothing to running, immediately</a>.</p>
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