update che

Signed-off-by: Christopher Guindon <chris.guindon@eclipse-foundation.org>
diff --git a/eclipse_newsletter/2020/march/content/en_3.php b/eclipse_newsletter/2020/march/content/en_3.php
index 7d9ff5f..3b1e945 100644
--- a/eclipse_newsletter/2020/march/content/en_3.php
+++ b/eclipse_newsletter/2020/march/content/en_3.php
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   really interesting and unexpected applications.</p>
   <li><strong>Mainframes. </strong>At least two major corporations are using the cutting-edge
-    technology in Eclipse Che to make it easier for developers to contribute to their mainframes.
+    technology in Eclipse Che to make it easier for developers to build mainframe applications.
     While mainframes are very established technology, they&rsquo;re also arguably one of the most
     complex developer environments to set up. Newer developers typically don&rsquo;t have the
     experience or expertise needed, but they’re intrigued by the salaries COBOL developers can receive!
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@
   To get started, visit our <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/che/">website</a>. You&rsquo;ll find an
   overview of Che 7, our newest and biggest release ever, along with detailed information about
-  using Che and the links you need to get started.
+  using Che and the links you need to get started.If you want to try it right away, sign up to use
+  the <a href="https://che.openshift.io/dashboard/">free Eclipse Che Software as a Service (SaaS) that Red Hat hosts</a>
+  on our OpenShift Kubernetes platform.
 <div class="bottomitem">
   <h3>About the Author</h3>