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Priority 1 is in general reserved for Foundation 'endorsed' or 'sponsored' events. Priority 2 does NOT
render on home page summary.
<name><![CDATA[EclipseCon 2014]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 17, 2014]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, California]]></location>
March 17-20, 2013<br/>
San Francisco, California<br/><br/>
EclipseCon 2014 is the premier North American gathering for the Eclipse community. The program features half-day tutorials, hundreds of talks, exhibits, and social networking opportunities.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Finance Day 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 5, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Zürich, Switzerland]]></location>
November 5, 2013<br/>
Zürich, Switzerland<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Finance Day is a great opportunity to learn how financial institutions are using and benefiting from Eclipse and open source software.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch Darmstadt (Bickenbach)]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 10, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bickenbach, Germany]]></location>
October 10, 2013<br/>
Bickenbach, Germany<br/><br/>
Join the Darmstadt Eclipse Community on Thursday, October 10th at Il Centro, in Bickenbach. Starting at 18:00 we’ll present short demos to mark the successful conclusion of our local GSOC projects. We’ll follow up with a brief look at the M2M project from Ralph Mueller and EclipseCon Europe by Christian Campo, Compeople. Then, we’ll take the remainder of the evening for some good conversation, a little networking and very possibly, a beer or two.<br/><br/>
The evening is supported by the Eclipse Foundation and Codetrails, the company mentoring the Code Recommenders GSOC students. Space is limited, so please <a target="_blank" href="">sign up on doodle</a>. See you there!
<name><![CDATA[EclipseCon Europe 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 29, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ludwigsburg, Germany]]></location>
October 29-31, 2013<br/>
Ludwigsburg, Germany<br/><br/>
EclipseCon Europe is the Eclipse Foundation’s primary European event designed to create opportunities for the European Eclipse community to learn, explore, share, and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and its member companies.
<name><![CDATA[2013 NCSA Eclipse PTP User-Developer Workshop]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 13-14, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Schiller Park, IL]]></location>
September 13, 2013<br/>
Four Points Sheraton<br/>
Schiller Park, IL<br/><br/>
The Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) User/Developer workshop is an annual 2-day meeting of users and developers that provides a forum for discussing all aspects of PTP. Participants in the the workshop will be able to help shape the future direction of the PTP project.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Day China]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 29, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Beijing, China]]></location>
June 29, 2013<br/>
Rm 1105 Guohua Plaza, No.3 Dongzhimen South St<br/>
Dongcheng District, Beijing<br/><br/>
The first Eclipse Day China features experts and senior consultants from leading IT companies that will share their experiences with Eclipse open source projects, Eclipse demo, and discuss technical issues.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Testing Day 2013: Mobile Testing]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 25, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Darmstadt, Germany]]></location>
September 25, 2013<br/>
Commundo Tagungshotel<br/>
27 Hilpertstraße Darmstadt<br/>
HE 64295, DE<br/><br/>
2013 is the fourth consecutive year of the Eclipse Testing Day - a not-for-profit, full-day event dedicated to topics in testing. The event is organised by BREDEX GmbH and the Eclipse Foundation.
<name><![CDATA[BITKOM Forum]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 24, 2013]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
June 24, 2013<br/>
Open Source – Take Home Benefits<br/>
Kalkscheune - Johannisstraße 2, 10117 Berlin<br/><br/>
The first "open source" forum last summer was a great success. This year, Mike Milinkovich will be there to talk about Open Source Processes: Lessons for Industry.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse IT 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 19, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Crema, Italy]]></location>
<a href=""> </a>
September 19-20, 2013<br/>
Università degli Studi di Milano<br/>
Dipartimento di Informatica - Crema Campus<br/>
Via Bramante, 65<br/>
I-26013 Crema, Italy<br/><br/>
The theme for Eclipse IT 2013 is "cooperative software development for mobile applications." This year's meeting is the seventh annual gathering of the Italian Eclipse Community.
<name><![CDATA[Open Forum 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[May 16, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href=""> </a>
May 16-17, 2013<br/>
Neckar Forum<br/>
Haupteingang über Hauffstraße<br/>
73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany<br/><br/>
The Open Forum Stuttgart combines technologies for modern networks with new approaches in collaboration and work organization. The
conference theme is "Software Skills for the Future" (which includes the former Eclipse Embedded Day), along with a partner event with the theme "A2A. Apps for Automotive."
<name><![CDATA[EclipseCon France 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 5, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toulouse, France]]></location>
<a href="http://"> </a>
June 5-6, 2013<br/>
Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis<br/>
11, esplanade Compans Caffarelli<br/>
31685 Toulouse, France<br/><br/>
The first EclipseCon France will emphasize modeling, systems engineering, and technologies
related to the Internet of Things, as well as content on current Eclipse technology.
<name><![CDATA[EclipseCon 2013]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 25, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Boston, USA]]></location>
<a href="http://"> </a>
March 25-28, 2013<br/>
Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center<br/>
200 Seaport Boulevard<br/>
Boston, MA 02210<br/><br/>
EclipseCon 2013 is the premier North American gathering for the Eclipse community. The
program features half-day tutorials, hundreds of talks, exhibits, and social networking opportunities.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Day Florence]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[May 10, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Florence, Italy]]></location>
<a href=""> </a>
May 10, 2013<br/>
Sala Verde del Palazzo dei Congressi<br/>
Piazza Adua, 1<br/>
50123 Firenze<br/><br/>
This second edition of Eclipse Day Florence is for anyone who wants to share with the
community their success in the adoption of Eclipse or open-source technologies.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Integrated Development Day]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[May 27, 2013 ]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
<a href=""> </a>
May 27, 2013<br/>
Fraunhofer FOKUS<br/>
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31<br/>
10589 Berlin<br/><br/>
Eclipse Integrated Development Day in Berlin is a day-long event for technical developers, architects
and managers interested in tool and process integration as well as automation in development processes.
Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from leading organizations and experts
from the Eclipse community.
<name><![CDATA[fOSSa 2012 Edition]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[December 4th, 2012]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Lille, France]]></location>
Inria & EuraTechnologies are happy to announce you the fOSSa 2012 Edition!<br/>
<strong>fOSSa conference will take place on the 4,5, 6th December 2012 in Lille, France, nearby London, Paris and Brussels.</strong><br/><br/>
This year, the conference will address: Education, Research & Innovation, fOSSarcheology - History of the Free Software/Open Source movement, Movie: 'Revolution OS’, Digital Native Generation, Openness, Openarts, Open Hardware, Licences, Community management, Workshops (Many code development training sessions are scheduled -> Gnome, Mozilla, LibreOffice, Pharo, SpagoBI, ROS framework, Elgg & Social Network Usages, etc.)]]></description>
<name><![CDATA[Orion Hackathon Krakow]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 26, 2012]]></start-date>
<a href="">More Information Here</a>
October 26-28, 2012<br/>
AGH University of Science and Technology<br/>
Building D-10, Auditorium A (first floor)<br/>
A. Mickiewicza 30 Ave.<br/>
30-059 Krakow<br/>
<br/>At the Orion Hackathon Krakow, developers will code together in teams. Learn new stuff, compete with other teams, win prizes, meet new people, and have lots of geek fun.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Day Krakow]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 13, 2012]]></start-date>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 13, 2012<br/>
AGH University of Science and Technology<br/>
A. Mickiewicza 30 Ave.<br/>
30-059 Krakow<br/>
<br/>Eclipse Day in Krakow is a one-day event for developers to learn about different Eclipse projects and related technologies. You are invited to attend and listen as experts from the Eclipse projects share their experiences of using Eclipse. It's also a great opportunity
to meet and network with other Eclipse enthusiasts. The <a href="">call for papers</a> is
open until 15 August, 2012.
<name><![CDATA[Detroit JUG - What is Eclipse?]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[January 21, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Detroit, MI, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 21, 2009<br/>
ePrize Corporate Headquarters, One ePrize Dr., Pleasant Ridge<br/><br/>
What is Eclipse? Most people think Eclipse is a Java IDE. But it's much more! Eclipse is a
set of Java technology frameworks built upon OSGi than can be used to build client and/or
server applications.
This presentation by Dennie O'Flynn, Software Architect, will provide you with a general
overview of the Eclipse technology
frameworks. You will gain an understanding of the different component development models
available, including a brief demo of OSGi's service components.
<name><![CDATA[Open Source Meets Business]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[January 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Nuremburg, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 27-29, 2009<br/>
CongressCenter Nuremberg (CCN West)<br/><br/>
More than 700 attendees collect concentrated information from over 100 talks,
workshops and keynotes, and take part in a lively exchange of knowledge and opinions.
Decision makers of organisations from all industries and sizes, IT users and
suppliers, communitiy members, investors and promoters: they are all coming together
to learn and speak about Open Source and its business potential.
Keynotes: internationally renowned experts from IT user and supplier companies as
well as from the financial industry assess the status, forecast the perspective and
evaluate the potential of Open Source software in enterprise applications.
Note on day 2, Maro Lenz, CTO of Empolis will give a technology keynote on the Eclipse
SMILA project.
<name><![CDATA[Using Eclipse as an Application Platform in the Enterprise]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[January 28, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 28-29, 2009<br/>
PACT HOME Conference Center<br/><br/>
This is a 2-day conference for managers and developers of enterprise applications on Eclipse plug-in development
techniques and best practices. Day 1 will include case studies, sessions on Equinox, JAZZ as a teaming tool, UI
Building, RCP plug-in development and more. Day 2 is a full-day, hands-on tutorial by the co-founders of
Instantiations and authors of the successful book "Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-Ins," Eric Clayberg
and Dan Rubel. Bring along your laptop computer to the hands-on tutorial to learn the latest techniques and best
practices of plug-in development in Eclipse, based on the third edition of their new "Eclipse Plug-Ins" book coming
out in January 2009. All of the examples and labs use the latest Eclipse 3.4 APIs and JDK 1.5/1.6 syntax.
<name><![CDATA[Sigasi Brings Together the Belgian Eclipse Community]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 10, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Brussels, Belgium]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 10, 2009<br/>
Collibra, Brussels Business Base, Tweebeek industrial park, rue de Ransbeek 230<br/><br/>
Sigasi is organizing the first meeting of the regional Eclipse community in Belgium,
in collaboration with Collibra and Inventive Designers. The focus of this first meeting is on
getting to know each other and on discussing future events.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Banking Day in London]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 12, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[London, United Kingdom]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 12, 2009<br/>
etc.venues - The Hatton, 51-53 Hatton Garden<br/><br/>
Eclipse Banking Day is a day-long event for senior technical developers, architects and managers in
the finance industry to learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community
as part of their development strategy. Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from
leading financial institutions and experts from the Eclipse community. This event builds on the
success of Eclipse Banking Days in New York and Frankfurt.
Attendees must be employees or contractors of a financial institution. There is no cost to attend
but pre-registration is required.
<name><![CDATA[Open Source Singapore Pacific-Asia Conference]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 16, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Singapore, Singapore]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 16-18, 2009<br/>
Grand Hyatt Singapore<br/><br/>
The Open Source Singapore Pacific-Asia Conference and Expo (OSSPAC) will be the seminal event for
the best and brightest developers, executives and visionaries to gather to set the future course
of Open Source across the region. Experience first hand the wide-ranging open systems ecosystem
through a multitude of activities, sessions, vendors and networking events. Whether your business
already uses Open Source or you are looking to implement free software for the first time, OSSPAC
'09 will have the answers. Hear from keynote speakers and learn from the best and brightest within
the industry on what Open Source can do for you. Discover the latest trends, examine the newest
software and solutions and experience endless networking opportunities.
Steve Ball from Ingres will present a talk on <i>Open Source Database Development using Eclipse, Java
&amp; PHP</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch in Braunschweig]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 26, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Braunschweig, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 26, 2009<br/>
Bredex GmbH, Mauernstr. 33, 38100 Braunschweig<br/><br/>
Ralph M&uuml;ller from the Eclipse Foundation and Alexander Neumann from the developer
channel at Heise will be joining for an Eclipse stammtisch (regular get-together)
at Bredex in Braunschweig. This time we'd like to hear some more from
you. What are you doing or planning on doing with Eclipse? Where have you had
problems and what solutions have you found? If you'd like to do a short introduction
on how you use Eclipse, send a mail to <a href="">.</a>. Afterwards, we'll head to Mephisto, around the
corner from Bredex, for some drinks and food. Please pre-register for the event and
as always, feel free to invite friends or colleagues.
<name><![CDATA[Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD)]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 2, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Charlottesville, VA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 2-6, 2009<br/>
University of Virginia<br/><br/>
The International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is the
premier conference on software modularity, with an emphasis on modular structures that
cut across traditional abstraction boundaries. The conference offers several tracks,
including the Research and Industry Tracks, which bring together leading researchers
and practitioners working in such fields as software engineering, programming
languages, systems, and others. AOSD welcomes submissions of high quality in all
areas relating to aspects, ranging from foundational research to evaluations of
aspect-oriented concepts, methods and tools based on experiences using them in
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch in Munich]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 4, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 4, 2009<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Wirtshaus im Gr&uuml;nTal</a>, Gr&uuml;tal 15<br/><br/>
An Eclipse Stammtisch (regular get-together) will take place March 4th at 7:00 pm at
Wirtshaus im Gr&uuml;nTal. Everyone who is interested in meeting up with Mike Milinkovich
and Ralph M&uuml;ller from the Eclipse Foundation and many other Eclipse enthusiasts
is invited to attend. Please pre-register for this interesting evening!
<name><![CDATA[SD West]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 9, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Santa Clara, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 9-13, 2009<br/>
Santa Clara Convention Center<br/><br/>
SD West 2009 offers more than 150 classes, tutorials, case studies, roundtables, panels, keynotes
and Birds-of-a-Feather gatherings in 13 important subject areas. This year, two new tracks have
been added - Cloud Computing and New Horizons. There are more new and updated sessions than ever before.
Learn about the latest technologies, network with a select group of your peers and get
inspiration from industry visionaries all under one roof at SD West 2009.
Steve Adolph is giving a talk titled <i>The Agile Business Analyst</i> where he will introduce
the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF).
<name><![CDATA[Open Source in Mobile (OSiM) USA]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 11, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 11-12, 2009<br/>
Open Source in Mobile is the only open source event in the world to focus exclusively on the
mobile industry. Featuring an unrivalled line up representing the entire ecosystem, OSiM USA
will once again equip you with all the necessary knowledge to understand, act and succeed in
the North American Open Source industry.
Mike Milkinovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation will present <i>Enabling
Platforms, Industry Collaboration and Ecosystems with Open Source</i> at OSiM.
<name><![CDATA[SDForum Global Open Source Colloquium]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 23, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 23, 2009<br/>
11:30 am - 6:15 pm<br/>
Swissnex, 730 Montgomery St.<br/><br/>
Last year, SDForum's Global Open Source Conference attracted a high level, exclusive group of 80
leaders discussing the globalization of open source - attendees included leading industry and
government experts examining the worldwide trends in open source software and its commercial as
well as on government policy.
In 2009, the Global Open Source Colloquium will continue to address the changing nature of open
source software trends in the world. With an exclusive group of leaders in the open source
developer, user, and investor communities, the agenda is designed to foster discussion on
emerging business ideas and opportunities in the use of open source for both local and global
needs in the coming years.
<name>EclipseCon 2009</name>
<start-date>March 23, 2009</start-date>
<location>Santa Clara, CA, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 23-26, 2009<br/>
Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Parkway<br/><br/>
EclipseCon is the premier technical and user conference focusing on the power of the Eclipse platform. From implementers to
users, and everyone in between, if you are using, building, or considering Eclipse, EclipseCon is the conference you need
to attend.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipe Forum India]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[April 6, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bangalore, India]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
April 6-10, 2009<br/>
NIMHANS Convention Centre<br/><br/>
Eclipse Forum India is the conference on the Indian subcontinent for all experts using Eclipse
as a strategic platform - either as a development environment, as runtime for Rich Clients or
as a server framework. As a late feature vertical industry frameworks based on Eclipse has been added
to this as well.
Being among the first events on Eclipse on the subcontinent, Eclipse Forum India has gained a
lot of reputation among the industry over the last 3 years - making it the No 1 conference on
Eclipse in India. In addition to its successful and proven concept, Eclipse Forum India 2009,
will offer this year a special day dedicated to students and academics. The 3rd Annual Eclipse
Forum India in Bangalore again offers the best speakers and the most important companies
within the Eclipse ecosytem. The conference program focuses on all aspects of the Eclipse
Eclipse Forum India is organised and run by S&S Media, producer of Eclipse Forum Europe and
Eclipse Forum Asia, among many other internationally renowned technology events. S&S Media is
furthermore publisher of the highly acclaimed <i>Eclipse Magazin</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Forum Europe]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[April 20, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Mainz, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
April 20-24, 2009<br/>
Rheingoldhalle Mainz, Rheinstrasse 66<br/><br/>
Eclipse Forum Europe is the conference for all experts using Eclipse as a strategic platform
- either as a development environment, as runtime for Rich Clients or as a server framework.
As a late feature, vertical industry frameworks based on Eclipse has been added to this as well.
The 4th Eclipse Forum Europe in Mainz again offers you the best speakers and the most
important companies within the Ecipse ecosytem. The conference program focuses on all
aspects of the Eclipse platform. The key to the success of the platform is based on the ideas
and the immeasurable commitment of all member of the Eclipse ecosytem - building a staple
foundation for technological and business innovation. Eclipse Forum Europe brings together
all players - open source developers, users and business strategists, offering a unique concept to
enable know-how transfer, the exchange of ideas and business innovation.
The Eclipse Forum Europe 2009 will run parallel to two complementary conferences - JAX 09 &
SOACON. JAX 09 is the leading European conference on enterprise technologies and strategies
and SOACON is the conference for all experts dealing with service orientation in companies.
By registering for one of the three conferences you will have the chance to visit the other
conferences for free.
<name><![CDATA[FOSS Leaders Panel Discussion]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[April 23, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toronto, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
April 23, 2009<br/>
University of Toronto<br/><br/>
The Free and Open Source Software Learning Centre (FOSSLC) is presenting a leaders panel discussion
with Ingres CEO Roger Burkhardt, Mozilla Executive Director Mark Surman, Eclipse Executive Director
Mike Milinkovich and IBM Software Developer Lawrence Mandel.
Open source has been accused of being anti-capitalist, the saviour of government, and a way of
breaking vendor lock-in and saving money in a down economy. This panel discussion involving senior
leaders from open source organizations will explore these themes and provide valuable insights.
<start-date><![CDATA[April 28, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Istanbul, Turkey]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
April 28-29, 2009<br/>
Istanbul Technical University, Maslak<br/><br/>
EclipsIST is the premier technical and user conference focusing on the power of the Eclipse
platform in Turkey. From implementers to users, and everyone in between, if you are using,
building or considering Eclipse, EclipsIST is the one conference you need to attend.
Don't miss the chance to hear about the latest Eclipse developments and discuss key business and
technical issues facing the community. Keynote speaker Jeff McAffer is joined by Eclipse
Evangelist, Wayne Beaton and Ralph Mueller, as well as our own Turkish community speakers to
deliver the best EclipsIST yet!
Talks at EclipsIST 2009 reflect the diversity of the Eclipse community and include: Emerging
Technology, e4, Java, OSGi, Runtime, SOA, Tools, UI/RCP and Web Tools.
<start-date><![CDATA[May 16, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Vancouver, BC, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 16-24, 2009<br/>
<a href="">Westin Bayshore</a>, 1601 Bayshore Dr.<br/><br/>
The International Conference on Software Engineering is now in its 31st year. ICSE 2009
promises to be an exciting event, with an outstanding research track and several new tracks:
Software Engineering in Practice, New Idesas and Emerging Results and Tools and Demos.
Eclipse talks at ICSE include <i>Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework</i> by Ed Merks
and <i>Product-line Modeling and Automation in Eclipse</i> by Jules White and Egon Wuchner.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse DemoCamps for Galileo]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 29, 2009]]></start-date>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 18-June 29, 2009<br/><br/>
From May 18 to June 29, the Eclipse Foundation is inviting individuals to attend Eclipse DemoCamps
around the world to celebrate the Galileo release. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to
showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also
an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. You don't need to be a software
developer to attend!
The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal. The idea is for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet
up and demo what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of research projects, Eclipse open
source projects, applications based on Eclipse, commercial products using Eclipse or whatever you
think might be of interest to the attendees. The only stipulation is that it must be Eclipse
related. Help us commemorate Galileo!
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[May 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Frankfurt, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 27, 2009<br/>
compeople AG, Untermainanlage 8<br/><br/>
compeople is hosting an informal get together for some short Eclipse presentations followed by drinks
at Chicacgo Meatpackers. Ralph M&uumlller from the Eclipse Foundation will open with an
overview of the Foundation and news about the open source community. Ekkehard Gentz, software
architect, will present on UI for Business Applications and Jochen Krause, EclipseSource, will
present on the Eclipse RAP project. We look forward to meeting you at the Eclipse Stammtisch!
<name><![CDATA[IBM Rational Software Conference]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 2, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Various Locations in Canada and USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 2, 2009<br/>
Austin, Foster City, New York City, Toronto, Waltham and Chicago<br/><br/>
Tight travel budget? Attend IBM's one-day remote Rational Software Conference in a city near
you. You'll find Real Teams, Real Insights and Real Results, just like the Rational Software
Conference in Orlando, but closer to home (Austin, Foster City, New York City, Toronto,
Waltham, Chicago). Don't miss this value-packed one-day session on Tuesday, June 2. Hurry,
because space is limited!
Technical workshops at these action-packed sessions include "Enterprise Modernization" and
"Business IT Transformation," featuring IBM Rational Developer for System z Version 7.5 and
IBM Rational Team Concert, a pair of powerful productivity tools built upon the Eclipse
platform. Come compete against your fellow developers on the sister remote conference teams
to complete as many workshops as possible during the allocated breakout sessions! Don't miss
this opportunity to network, win prizes, and experience the Rational Software Conference in a
city near you! And the price is right at just US$99. Register today at
<a href="" target="blank"></a>.
<start-date><![CDATA[June 2, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 2-5, 2009<br/>
Moscone Center<br/><br/>
This year's JavaOne will have one of the deepest curriculum programs yet. With more than 1,300
submissions, you can choose from a variety of tracks, labs and BOFs that will enhance your
skill set, help you problem-solve quicker and more efficiently, show you new tools and
products, share code and give you hands-on opportunities. You'll learn more about latest in
tools, RIAs, Java technology, JavaFX, scripting and much, much more.
Eclipse sessions: <i>Practical Lessons in Memory Analysis</i> by Andrew Johnson and Krum Tsvetkov,
<i>Building Commercial-Quality Eclipse Plugins By the Guys Who Wrote the Book</i> by Eric Clayberg
and Dan Rubel and <i>Less is More - Redefining the "I" of the IDE</i> by Mik Kersten.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 4, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 4, 2009<br/>
[ Wirtschaftsförderung Stuttgart], Friedrichstrasse 10<br/><br/>
This stammtische is being organized by Weigle Wilczek and Instinctoos, with help from
Ralph Mueller of the Eclipse Foundation. There will be 90 minutes of short presentations
followed by a get together at Joe Pena's.
<name><![CDATA[Code Generation 2009]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 16, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Cambridge, United Kingdom]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 16-18, 2009<br/>
Murray Edwards College<br/><br/>
Code Generation 2009 is for people who want to successfully apply or just learn more about the
following topics: Eclipse Modelling Tools, Domain-Specific Languages, Domain-Specific Modelling,
Model-Driven Architecture, Executable UML, Model-Driven Software Development, Software Factories
and Software Product Lines, Generative Programming and other similar approaches.
Keynote Speakers are Markus V&ouml;lter (Independent) and Steven Kelly (MetaCase). The team
from itemis will be giving a workshop on Xtext.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch in Berlin]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 16, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 16, 2009<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Bavarium</a> in Europa Center<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Foundation's Board of Directors is having its first meeting outside of the USA. While they're
meeting in Berlin, they'd like to take the opportunity to have a beer with members of the
local Eclipse community. We hope you can join!
<name><![CDATA[China International Software & Information Fair]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 18, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Dalian, China]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 18-21, 2009<br/>
Dalian World Expo Centre<br/><br/>
The CISIS is an international IT industry event and a platform for international cooperation.
VIPs from overseas government departments, CEOs of World Top 500, well-known consultants and
overseas IT associations take part in the fair each year. The CISIS is an official conference
for industry policies, industry trends and forecasting. The Chinese software independent
innovation report and Chinese software outsourcing development strategy report are released by
the CISIS and are two important publications for the China software industry of today and
Eclipse member Soyatec will be organizing a session about Eclipse. Partners interested in
participating are welcome to contact Yves Yang at Soyatec (email yves dot yang at soyatec dot
<name><![CDATA[International SPICE Days]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 22, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 22-24, 2009<br/>
SpOrt Stuttgart, Sport Bildungs- und Dienstleistungszentrum, Fritz-Walter-Weg 19<br/><br/>
With a conference location in Stuttgart, it is only natural that the International SPICE Days
should focus on the lessons learned from industry wide adoption and what plans for
the future are. Moving from improvement of single organisations to attempting to improve a
whole value creation network is an undertaking many other industries may be able to draw
benefit from. The programme naturally focusses on the automotive industry and is constructed
to facilitate transfer of experience, not least by providing an excellent platform for
Eclipse talks at International SPICE Days include <i>Using the Eclipse Platform and Community
Offerings to Facilitate Automotive SPICE Compliance</i> and several sessions on
Eclipse Embedded.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Time]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 23, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toulouse, France]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 23-24, 2009<br/>
M&eacute;diath&egrave;que de Toulouse<br/><br/>
The fourth annual Eclipse Time will present different aspects of the Eclipse platform
during the conference day: technical (RCP architecture, Domain Specific business IDE),
strategic (Eclipse as an answer to industrial topics, developing domain specific
business applications), and community. This conference day is an occasion for
attendees to learn news from the Foundation, to see new trends about Eclipse use,
to learn about implementation of components, and to discover solutions developed for
During the second day, people can attend workshops (groups of 20 people) presented by
Eclipse experts, which focus on OSGi, RCP, IDE for embedded applications (Integration
of components), Rich clients (technologies, examples), Eclipse 4, IDE modeling
(OAW, EMF, GMF) and other topics. This is an opportunity to focus on technologies
and learn when to use which technologies.
Based on the success of the past event, more than 150 attendees are expected at
Eclipse Time, including architects, developers and managers who represent many
fields of activity, such as aerospace, aeronautics, automotive, and energy.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Embedded Day in Stuttgart]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[June 25, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 25, 2009<br/>
SpOrt Stuttgart, Bildungs- und Dienstleistungszentrum GbR, Fritz-Walter-Weg 19<br/><br/>
Eclipse Embedded Day is a day-long event for senior technical developers, architects and
technical managers in the automotive, telematics, mobile, consumer electronic and medical
industry to learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as
part of their development strategy. In addition the event features sessions on Eclipse
projects related to the embedded space and case studies of automotive, telematics, mobile,
medical and consumer electronic institutions. The event will focus on three themes:
<li>Eclipse as a platform for application development in the embedded space</li>
<li>Collaborating with the open source community and Working Groups</li>
<li>Case studies of projects of companies in the automotive, telematics, medical or consumer electronics area</li>
Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from leading companies in the embedded
space and experts from the Eclipse community. There is no cost to attend but
pre-registration is required.
<name><![CDATA[Java Forum Stuttgart]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 2, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 2, 2009<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Kultur- & Kongresszentrum Liederhalle (KKL)</a><br/><br/>
Java Forum Stuttgart is a one-day conference focusing on Java topics for developers. The Forum
offers participants the opportunity to learn through lectures, case studies and product
There is an Eclipse track at Java Forum Stuttgart, which includes the sessions: <i>Eclipse JPA
Link: JPA 2.0 and More</i> by Michael Bra&auml;uer and Kersten Mebus, <i>Ten Eclipse Projects You
Have not Heard Enough About</i> by Wayne Beaton and <i>e4 - the Next Generation Eclipse Platform</i>
by Jochen Krause.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Application Developer Day]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 7, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Karlsruhe, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 7, 2009<br/>
Silverstroke head office, Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 2, Ettlingen<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Application Developer Day 2009 (EADD) is a one-day event focusing on building
applications using the Eclipse platform. EADD will provide the opportunity to learn more about the
platform and how it is being used in every day applications. Both experienced Eclipse developers
and those just getting started will benefit from the information sharing and networking at the
EADD 2009 takes place in Karlsruhe and is completely free of charge for participants.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Acceleo Day]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 10, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Nantes, France]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 10, 2009<br/>
Polytech Nantes<br/><br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Acceleo</a> is an Eclipse-based toolkit for
code generation, with a model based approach. Code generation is the technique of using or
writing programs that write source code. Code generators are tools built to serve engineers
in the automatic creation of applications. Acceleo is free software and its development is
totally open.
The Eclipse Acceleo Day will be an occasion for some of the users and developers of Acceleo
to meet and to exchange ideas. This meeting will also be an opportunity to present some of the
planned extensions to this tool and discuss MDE related subjects.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse India Summit]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 17, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bangalore, India]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 17-18, 2009<br/><br/>
Eclipse is no longer open source's best-kept secret. It has come out of the closet, and how! Now at a crossroad in its
evolution, the ecosystem's footprint is broadening to encompass a larger spectrum of offerings for software developers in
areas such as modeling, embedded, mobile, RIA and Ajax, SOA and dynamic languages. Eclipse India Summit (ESI), Asia's
first and annual Eclipse-only show, will feature all that you need to know as a developer using Eclipse-based tools and
One of the largest user bases for Eclipse in the world, the Indian ecosystem of software/tool developers and technology
companies are benefiting from quick time-to-market and standardized user experiences by building their tools using
Eclipse technology. Brought to you by Saltmarch Media, producers of the hugely successful Great Indian Developer Summit,
in association with India's pioneering and foremost group of Eclipse intelligentsia, ANCiT Consulting, Eclipse Summit
India 2009 will feature four core tracks that hold relevance, immediacy and impact for the Eclipse ecosystem in India.
<start-date><![CDATA[July 20, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Jose, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 20-24, 2009<br/>
San Jose McEnery Convention Center, 150 West San Carlos St.<br/><br/>
Now in its eleventh year, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) is moving locations to the
San Jose Convention Center in California. The conferencer will bring together over 3,000 experts,
visionaries and hackers in the trenches to explore all that open source has to offer. 2009 promises
interesting developments in Linux, Java, Web, and open source infrastructure. OSCON will have
tracks for Linux, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Mobile, Databases, Desktop Applications, Web
Applications, Administration, Security, People, Business and Emerging Topics.
Donald Smith from the Eclipse Foundation will speak at OSCON on <i>Stand Up to the Lawyers - Open
Source Licensing and Intellectual Property Law 101 for Developers</i>. Beth Tibitts from IBM
Research will also give a session on <i>How to Write Your Own Eclipse Plug-ins</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Groovy Meetup]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 23, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Vancouver, BC, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 23, 2009<br/>
6:30 pm<br/>
1111 Melville St. (Melville & Thurlow), Suite 480<br/><br/>
This Groovy Meetup is going to be an informal way to learn about what's going on in Vancouver's
Groovy world. Andrew Eisenberg from SpringSource will be talking about the new Groovy Eclipse
plugin and compiler support that SpringSource is working on, and there will be people from who will talk about how their use of Groovy and Grails has affected their
applications. Afterwards, everyone will head to the pub and get to some real business!
<name><![CDATA[Northern Virginia Eclipse User Group Meeting]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[July 30, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Falls Church, VA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 30, 2009<br/>
11:30am - 12:45pm<br/>
Skyline 3 (IntelliDyne Conf. Room), Suite 1600, 5201 Leesburg Pike<br/><br/>
The Northern Virginia Eclipse User Group is holding their monthly meeting with the topic
Cloud Computing usine Eclipse and Amazon Web Services. Ken Miller, Software Development
Manager with Amazon Web Services will present. Discussion will include the unique challenges
and advantages of Open Source and Eclipse, and how your organization can participate in the
Eclipse community to help you achieve maximum success for your projects. Attendance is free,
but please register in advance.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Modeling Stammtisch]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[August 19, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 19, 2009<br/>
Prater Garten, Kastanienallee 7 - 9<br/><br/>
Ed Merks, Eike Stepper and Ralph Mueller are hosting an Eclipse Modeling Stammtisch (or "regular's table"
with beers) for the Eclipse community. Come out if you'd like to talk about modeling, or
even just Eclipse in general!
<name><![CDATA[ruhrjug (Java User Group) Meeting]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[August 20, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Essen, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 20, 2009<br/>
6:30pm - 10:00pm
Glaspavillon Campus Essen<br/><br/>
Jan Kohnlein is giving a talk on <i>Domain-specific Languages with Xtext</i> at the Java
User Group ruhrjug in Essen. Come out to learn more about DSLs in practice!
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Day at the Googleplex]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[August 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Mountain View, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 27, 2009<br/>
Eclipse Day at the Googleplex is a full day event for developers to learn about different
Eclipse projects and related technologies. You are invited to attend and listen as experts
from the Eclipse projects and Google share their experiences of using Eclipse. It's also a
great opportunity for you to meet and network with other Eclipse enthusiasts. There is no
cost to attend, but pre-registration is required.
<name><![CDATA[FOSSLC Debate on Which OS License is Best]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[August 31, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ottawa, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 31, 2009<br/>
9:30am - 12:00pm<br/>
160 Elgin St., 26th Floor, Gowlings board room<br/><br/>
This event is a debate between proponents of the GPL, EPL, and BSD licenses. Which license is
the best license for business? For community? For academia? What are the key factors that
influence the decision regarding an open source license? Are there certain things you should
look out for?
This event will educate and entertain in the form of a debate between experts.
The debate will be moderated by Thomas Prowse, a practising lawyer from Gowlings proficient in
open source licensing. The debaters are Matt Asay of Alfresco, David Maxwell of Coverity and
Mike Milinkovich of the Eclipse Foundation.
<name><![CDATA[Belgian Eclipse User Group Meeting]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 1, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Gent, Belgium]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 1, 2009<br/>
6:00 pm
Sigasi, Parkoffice, F. Rooseveltlaan 348<br/><br/>
The Belgian Eclipse User Group is proud to present the program of its next meeting on Tuesday,
September 1, 2009. We have invited some interesting Eclipse speakers including Jan Van de Poel from
IBM who will present an overview of the JAZZ development framework, and Ralph Mueller from
the Eclipse Foundation who will talk about the Eclipse ecosystem across Europe. Attendance is
free, but the number of participants is limited so please register in advance.
The goal of the Belgian Eclipse User Group is to unite everybody in Belgium who builds a
product based on Eclipse technology, or who uses Eclipse as their main IDE.
<name><![CDATA[JBoss World]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 1, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Chicago, IL, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 1-3, 2009<br/><br/>
The Red Hat Summit and JBoss World are being held together this year. Both of these open
source events will bring together engineers, business decision makers, developers and
community enthusiasts to learn about the latest open source advancements. A comprehensive
agenda allows attendees the unique opportunity to move between both conferences, and learn
about open source advancements.
Of particular note to Eclipse users, Vladimir Ralev &amp; guests will have a BOF on <i>Rapid
VoIP Development Environment</i>, which will include discussion of the Eclipse VoIP Tooling,
and Max Rydahl Andersen will give a talk on <i>The JBoss Tools Project and JBoss Developer
<name><![CDATA[Open Business Lunch Bern]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 9, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bern, Switzerland]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 9, 2009<br/>
11:45 am - 2:00 pm<br/>
Restaurant Frohsinn, Muenstergasse 54<br/><br/>
The /ch/open association is hosting the next Open Business Lunch Bern for members, as well
as other interested parties, to meet and exchange ideas.
Andreas Hoegger of Business Systems Integration AG (BSI) will present a short lecture on
<i>Increased Efficiency, Stability and Flexibility with Eclipse RCP</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Practical Use of EMF Compare]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 14, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Dortmund, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 14, 2009<br/>
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm<br/>
Harenberg City Center<br/><br/>
Eclipse Foundation member itemis is offering a free series of talks in Dortmund. In September,
Dr. Lothar Wendehals and Holger Schill will present the <i>Practical Use of EMF Compare</i>. The
first part of the presentation will explain using the EMF compare framework and its basic
function. The run-time behavior of different model sizes is examined to show the practical
applicability. The second part of the presentation will present the EMF compare tools and the
Eclipse integration. After the lecture there will be time for networking.
<name><![CDATA[Open Source in Mobile]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 15, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Amsterdam, Netherlands]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 15-16, 2009<br/>
Hotel Okura<br/><br/>
For the fourth year running, Open Source in Mobile (OSiM) World will bring together the entire
open source ecosystem to debate and plan for the future of the industry. In addition to our
multi-streamed fully interactive conference featuring over 80 leading visionaries of the
open source world, OSiM World will also feature multiple networking events, late night
coding sessions, the 2nd Annual OSiM Pub Quiz, live apps demos from leading operator and OEM
apps stores, OpenLounge chillout zones, bloggers corner and a vibrant exhibition floor
bursting with content and demos. This year, OSiM World in its entirety will be absolutely
free to the independent developer. We are also pleased to announce WIPJam@ OSiM World, the
largest mobile developer event in open source.
Ralph Mueller from the Eclipse Foundation will join Dave Neary - GNOME Foundation and Jay
Sullivan - Mozilla, for a debate on <i>What is the Best Way to Share Code?</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 22, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Braunschweig, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 22, 2009<br/>
7:00 pm<br/>
Bredex, Mauernstrasse 33<br/><br/>
The Braunschweig Stammtisch, hosted by Eclipse Foundation member Bredex, is an opportunity to
share what you're building with Eclipse, what
problems you might have encountered and solutions you've discovered. The format involves a
short presentation about Eclipse topics, then the group moves on to a local pub for some food
and drink. Feel free to invite your friends! There is no cost to attend.
<start-date><![CDATA[September 28, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bergamo, Italy]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 28-29, 2009<br/>
University of Bergamo, Piazzale Sant'Agostino, 2<br/><br/>
This workshop is the fourth yearly meeting of the Eclipse Italian Community, which includes
universities, industries, researchers, practitioners, students and professionals, all joined by
an interest in experimenting, extending and supporting the Eclipse platform.
This year the conference will have sessions on Jazz technology and will feature an industrial
track in addition to the regular track for research papers and the student track for student
papers and demos.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Insurance Day]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[September 30, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Cologne, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 30, 2009<br/>
Im MediaPark 6<br/><br/>
Insurance experts, IT managers and software architects will meet to communicate and
exchange experiences at this one-day event. Members from the insurance industry and leading
Open Source development companies will fill the agenda with exciting talks.
Get an overview of the options Eclipse is offering for insurance-focused IT applications.
Find out how to leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as part of your
development strategy.
<name><![CDATA[Open World Forum]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 1, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Paris, France]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 1-2, 2009<br/>
Eurosites George V, 28 avenue George V<br/><br/>
The Open World Forum is the leading global summit bringing together decision-makers from
across the world to discuss the technological, financial and social impact of open
technologies. At the hub of the Open Source revolution, the Open World Forum 2009 will include
a FLOSS Communities Summit, an Open CIO Summit, a FLOSS Competence Centers Summit, a FLOSS
Political Summit keynote and an egov Open Source event from IDABC, an Open Innovation Summit,
key conferences on open source and numerous other associated events.
Look for Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, during the Open
Source Communities keynote.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Code Camp - Modeling]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 12, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 12-15, 2009<br/>
Novotel Muenchen Messe, Willy-Brandt-Platz 1<br/><br/>
The new Eclipse Code Camp - Modeling is presented by the Eclipse Magazin and the Entwickler
Akademie. The 4-day camp illustrates the benefits of Modeling and teaches how best to exploit
them in your own projects. You'll leave with a broad overview of state of the art
technology as well as deep insights into the repertoire of building blocks that are available,
by learning from leading experts in the Eclipse Modeling scene. You'll enjoy four exciting
and fun filled days with Ed Merks, lead of the Eclipse Modeling Project and the Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF) subproject, and Eike Stepper, lead of the CDO Model Repository
<name><![CDATA[Zend/PHP Conference]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 19, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Jose, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 19-22, 2009<br/>
San Jose McEnery Convention Center, 150 W. San Carlos St.<br/><br/>
The Zend/PHP conference will be the largest gathering of the PHP Community and will bring
together PHP developers and business managers from around the world for three days of
exceptional presentation and networking events. At ZendCon 2009, sessions will focus on
creating, deploying and managing applications that take advantage of the speed, scalability
and simplicity of PHP. ZendCon is a premier event for technical education and the conference
attracts attendees including developers, IT executives and managers, and PHP users at all
levels. The Zend/PHP Conference is designed to be an intensive learning event and one of the
best PHP networking events of the year.
Roy Ganor will give a talk on <i>To Eclipse or Not to Eclipse - That is the Question</i>,
on the PHP Development Tools project at Eclipse.
<name><![CDATA[Elmshorner Wirtschaftsinformatiktag]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 23, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Elmshorn, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 23, 2009<br/>
Nordakademie, Koellner Chausee 11<br/><br/>
The first Elmshorner Wirtschaftsinformatiktag will elaborate on the topic "Modeling the Business".
Heiko Behrens from itemis will speak about <i>Mastering Differentiated MDSD Requirements at Deutsche
Boerse AG</i> and Arne-Michael Toersel from FH Stralsund will speak on the <i>Application of openArchitectureWare to Test
Case Generation for Web Applications</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Ontario Linux Fest]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 24, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toronto, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 24, 2009<br/>
Days Hotel and Conference Centre - Toronto Airport East, 1677 Wilson Ave.<br/><br/>
Ontario Linux Fest is the conference, workshop and community meeting place that is organized and
run by the community for the community. This full day of presentations, workshops,
birds-of-a-feather and social networking is ready to go for the third year. Everybody with an
interest in using, deploying and developing Free / Libre and Open Source Software will find
Ontario Linux Fest well worth their while.
Watch for a display on Eclipse organized by Andrew Overholt from Red Hat!
<start-date><![CDATA[October 25, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Orlando, FL, United States]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 25-29, 2009<br/>
Disney's Comtemporary Resort<br/><br/>
OOPSLA is the conference of choice for software technoologists - from recognized academics to
undergraduate students, from industrial researchers to developers and managers, from the
creators of technology to its users. Seed Clouds, Scale and Mash, be Reliable and Agile!
There are 4 co-located events: WikiSym, Mini-PLoP, Dynamic Language Symposium and Onward!
There is an Eclipse tutorial by Bruce Trask and Angel Roman from MDE Systems on an <i>Introduction
to Model Driven Development with Examples using Eclipse Frameworks</i> on Sunday and a Software Tools
and Libraries panel titled <i>Accelerating
the Creation of Customized, Language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse</i> on Wednesday.
<name><![CDATA[TheServerSide Java Symposium Europe]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Prague, Czech Republic]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 27-28, 2009<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Clarion Congress Hotel Prague</a>, Freyova 33<br/><br/>
Created by, the Web's largest independent enterprise Java community,
TheServerSide Java Symposium is jam-packed with 2 full days of technical knowledge and
definitive real-world solutions delivered by today's most respected experts. And this year
we've designed specific sessions that fall under 4 focused tracks to address exactly how you
can accelerate your organization's projects for the next 6-18 months: frameworks, architetures
languages and tools &amp; techniques.
Eclipse committer Andrew Johnson will talk about the Eclipse Memory Analyzer project in his
talk, <i>Practical Lessons in Memory Analysis</i>
<name><![CDATA[Smartphone Show]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[London, United Kingdom]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 27-28, 2009<br/>
Earls Court 2<br/><br/>
Now in its eleventh year, the Smartphone Show continues to bring together the leaders and visionaries shaping the future of
mobile. Network with over 4,000 representatives from major handset vendors, content providers, network operators and developers and
experience the latest smartphones, components, applications and software. Learn from industry case studies and see where
the key players are taking the future of mobile.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Summit Europe]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 27, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ludwigsburg, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 27-29, 2009<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Forum am Schlosspark</a><br/><br/>
The Eclipse Foundation is hosting the 4th annual Eclipse Summit Europe on October 27-29, 2009. To be held in the
Stuttgart region of Germany, the Eclipse Summit is the Foundation's premier event designed to create opportunities for
the European Eclipse community to explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and
its members.
The conference will consist of one day of symposia followed by two days of technical and business track sessions, selected
keynotes, demos and networking gatherings. Sponsors supporting the Eclipse Summit will showcase their latest products and
services, as well as the exciting contributions their organizations are making to the Eclipse ecosystem. The conference
is a stimulating and dynamic event for Eclipse committers, contributors, adopters, add-in providers and service providers
to learn, share expertise and discover new opportunities and solutions in the Eclipse ecosystem.
<start-date><![CDATA[November 9, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 9-13, 2009<br/>
ArabellaSheraton Grand Hotel, Arabellastrasse 6<br/><br/>
W-JAX is the conference for holistic, technical know-how in the enterprise and web
environment. Here Europe's leading experts come together to distribute their knowledge and
experience to attendees. Perfect organization, expert competence, as well as the comfortable
ambiance make W-JAX a unique experience. The SOACON, which focuses on the technical and
business aspects of the service orientated architecture, forms a strong team together
with W-JAX, and offers a broad orientation in a dynamic technology environment.
Eclipse sessions include <i>JPA Under the Hood</i> by Alois Reitbauer, <i>Introduction to the
OSGi Service Platform</i> by Gerd Wuetherich and Nils Hartmann, <i>Divide and Conquer - Eclipse
RCP and Spring in Distributed Applications</i> by Benjamin Pasero and Stefan Reichert, and
<i>Advanced Eclipse Rich Client Platform</i> by Kai Toedter.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Modeling Day in New York]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 16, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[New York, NY, United States]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 16, 2009<br/>
Credit Suisse Offices, One Madison Ave. (Clock Tower Building)<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Modeling Day is a day-long event that explores the tools and frameworks developed by the
Eclipse modeling community. This is your opportunity to learn how you can incorporate model driven
development into your software development efforts. Eclipse modeling experts will present the
innovations in the Eclipse modeling projects. End-user organizations, like Credit Suisse and Los
Alamos National Labs, will discuss how they benefit from using Eclipse for their modeling needs.
This event will be ideal for software architects, software development managers and senior
developers that are interested in deploying model driven development in their organizations.
There is no cost to attend the event but you must pre-register.
<name><![CDATA[EclipseRT Day in Austin]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 17, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Austin, TX, United States]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 17, 2009<br/>
IBM Austin Research Lab, 11501 Burnet Rd.<br/><br/>
EclipseRT is the portfolio of Eclipse projects that include runtime frameworks used to build and
deploy running applications. EclipseRT is based on component oriented development architecture built
on the Equinox runtime framework, an implementation of the OSGi standard. EclipseRT Day is your
opportunity to discover what is possible using Equinox and the complementary projects, such as
EclipseLink, RAP, Eclipse RCP, etc. Experts from the EclipseRT community will discuss how you can
build applications for embedded devices, desktops and even large scale server applications. IBM,
SpringSource and TD Canada Trust will share their experiences of using Equinox and OSGi for their
solutions. This event is for software architects, software development managers and senior
developers that are interested in adopting a component-based architecture for their software.
There is no cost to attend the event but you must pre-register.
<name><![CDATA[Free Open Source Software Academia Conference]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 17, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Grenoble, France]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 17-18, 2009<br/><br/>
The fOSSa Conference aims to suppost anyone who would like to create, sustain and transfer
an OSS project from the laboratory to the industrial world in a more productive manner.
Start-ups and companies can attend to find answers to overcome Open Source "constraints"
within their environment and better understand the OSS culture. Academia and industrials can
meet, talk together and find synergies between research projects and industrial needs.
Let fOSSa show you the benefits of participating in a collaborative network that is
aimed at increasing the value of academic results, gathering them in a common environment
and releasing them in Open Source.
The program is packed with 2 days of OSS sessions, including Ralph Mueller from the Eclipse
Foundation speaking on <i>OSS and Collaboration for Innovating Academic Projects</i>.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Modeling Day in Toronto]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 18, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toronto, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 18, 2009<br/>
IBM Toronto Lab, 8200 Warden Ave., Markham<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Modeling Day is a day-long event that explores the tools and frameworks developed by the
Eclipse modeling community. This is your opportunity to learn how you can incorporate model driven
development into your software development efforts. Eclipse modeling experts will present the
innovations in the Eclipse modeling projects. End-user organizations, like Credit Suisse and Los
Alamos National Labs, will discuss how they benefit from using Eclipse for their modeling needs.
This event will be ideal for software architects, software development managers and senior
developers that are interested in deploying model driven development in their organizations.
There is no cost to attend the event but you must pre-register.
<name><![CDATA[EclipseRT Day in Toronto]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 19, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Toronto, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 19, 2009<br/>
IBM Toronto Lab, 8200 Warden Ave., Markham<<br/><br/>
EclipseRT is the portfolio of Eclipse projects that include runtime frameworks used to build and
deploy running applications. EclipseRT is based on component oriented development architecture built
on the Equinox runtime framework, an implementation of the OSGi standard. EclipseRT Day is your
opportunity to discover what is possible using Equinox and the complementary projects, such as
EclipseLink, RAP, Eclipse RCP, etc. Experts from the EclipseRT community will discuss how you can
build applications for embedded devices, desktops and even large scale server applications. IBM,
SpringSource and TD Canada Trust will share their experiences of using Equinox and OSGi for their
solutions. This event is for software architects, software development managers and senior
developers that are interested in adopting a component-based architecture for their software.
There is no cost to attend the event but you must pre-register.
<name><![CDATA[MOSKittDay & EclipseDay]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[December 1, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Valencia, Spain]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
December 1, 2009<br/>
Convention and Exhibition Centre of Feria Valencia<br/><br/>
Conselleria de Infraestructruras y Transporte (CIT) of the Valencian Comunity Regional
Government is organizing MOSKittDay together with the second EclipseDay. CIT is a member of
the Eclipse Foundation and leads the MOSKitt (Modeling Software Kitt) project in the development of
an open source CASE tool based on Eclipse.
MOSkittDay has a double goal. On the one hand CIT wants to make the MOSKitt Project known and to
promote collaboration with other public and private organizations. On the other hand, CIT is also
interested on making the MOSKitt CASE Tool known to future users beyond its current scope,
identifying the added value that MOSKitt as a CASE Tool can give: support to Model Driven
Development (a new strategy of software develpoment) integrated in a Software Development Metodology.
In addition to this event, CIT will also host the EclipseDay event for the second time. EclipseDay
is an Eclipse Foundation initiative. The idea behind it is to spread the Eclipse ecosystem
across Europe. It aims to consolidate the Eclipse community and introduce new people, especially
from the host country, Spain, to it. The aim of EclipseDay in Valencia is to bring the Spanish
community of Eclipse users and developers together for a series of talks and technical tutorials,
along the lines of similar events that have been held in other parts of the world. Participants are
expected come from a wide range of academic, institutional and business backgrounds.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch in Bern]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[December 15, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bern, Switzerland]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
December 15, 2009<br/>
6:00 pm<br/>
<a href=",+3007+Berne,+Switzerland&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.685917,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Eigerplatz,+3007+Berne,+Switzerland&t=h&z=16">Puzzle Offices</a>, Eigerplatz 4<br/><br/>
The Bern Stammtisch, hosted by Eclipse Foundation member Puzzle ITC, is an opportunity to
discuss Eclipse and toast the end of 2009. Feel free to invite your friends! There is no cost to attend.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Foundation Holiday Meetup]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[December 18, 2009]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ottawa, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
December 18, 2009<br/>
3:00 pm<br/>
<a href="">Marshy's Bar-B-Q & Grill</a>, 117 Centrepointe Dr.<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Foundation welcomes the Eclipse community to a gathering in celebration of the holidays.
It will be a stammtisch for Canadians - buy yourself a drink and Eclipse will supply the snacks.
We hope you can join us!
<name>JUGS Event: e4 - The Next Generation of the Eclipse Platform</name>
<start-date>January 14, 2010</start-date>
<location>Zurich, Switzerland</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 14, 2010<br/>
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm with refreshments afterwards<br/>
Technopark Zurich, Room Fortran<br/><br/>
Java User Group Switzerland (JUGS) is hosting a presentation by Tom Schindl of
<a href="" target="blank"></a> on e4, the next
generation of the Eclipse platform. e4 is a completely new developed application framework,
based on technologies such as EMF and programming models such as DI (dependency injection).
The presentation will be given in German with slides in English.
<start-date>January 25, 2010</start-date>
<location>Munich, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 25-29, 2010<br/>
International Congress Center Munich, Messegalaende<br/><br/>
OOP 2010 emphasizes three major themes focused around increasing productivity: people,
process and technology. The conference addresses technical issues in the context of software
development as well as from a business perspective. OOP provides in-depth and unbiased
information on current software issues such as dynamic languages, Web 2.0, multicore and
cloud computing.
Markus Voeleter and Andreas Graf will speak on model-driven development with Eclipse tools for
embedded systems and Kai Toedter will speak on Advanced Eclipse Rich Client Platform.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Stammtisch in Munich]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[January 28, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 28, 2010<br/>
7:00 pm<br/>
<a href="">Wirtshaus im GruenTal</a>, Gruental 15<br/><br/>
The Munich Stammtisch, hosted by Eclipse Foundation member MicroDoc, is an opportunity to
discuss Eclipse and plans for 2010. Feel free to invite your friends! There is no cost to attend.
<name><![CDATA[ITEA 2 Project Outline Preparation Days]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 1, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 1-2, 2010<br/><br/>
ITEA 2 (Information Technology for European Advancement) stimulates and supports innovative and
pre-competitive R&D projects that will contribute research excellence to Europe's competitive
Software-Intensive Systems and Services.
In order to prepare yourself for this 5th Call, a two-day brokerage event is organised in Berlin,
February 1-2, 2010. Participation is free of charge and open to all those with an interest in our
5th Call.The aim of this two-day meeting is to help organisations form consortia and generate
preliminary outlines for projects by bringing together interested companies, research institutes
and universities with innovative ideas for projects in ITEA 2.
<name><![CDATA[Open Business Lunch Bern - EMF]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 10, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Bern, Switzerland]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 10, 2010<br/>
Restaurant Frohsinn, Meunstergasse 54<br/><br/>
Open Business Lunch Bern will present the theme EMF Simple at their next meeting.
Simon Hofer, Matthias Hutter and Luke Steinter will hold a short lecture on the Eclipse Modeling
Framework (EMF) and how to keep it simple for use in effective business models. Registration
is open until February 9.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse in Denmark: e4 and General Assembly]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[February 11, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ballerup, Denmark]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 11, 2010<br/>
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Topcenter, Borupvang 4<br/><br/>
This summer Eclipse e4 1.0 is being released, but what is it about and what does it mean
for plug-in development? In this meeting, Tonny Madsen, RCP Company, will describe plug-in
development in Eclipse e4 and will look at some of the changes for plug-in developers.
In addition, we will hold its Annual General Meeting.
<name>Eclipse Stammtisch in Hamburg</name>
<start-date>February 22, 2010</start-date>
<location>Hamburg, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 22, 2010<br/>
7:00 pm<br/>
Kick & Company, Klausstrasse 1<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Stammtisch in Hamburg is an opportunity for Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up.
Feel free to invite your friends! There is no cost to attend, but kindly register in advance.
<name>JAX London</name>
<start-date>February 22, 2010</start-date>
<location>London, United Kingdom</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 22-24, 2010<br/>
Novotel London West<br/><br/>
JAX London will provide an ideal forum for software developers, project managers and
architects to learn about the latest Technology, Architecture and Agile Methodologies.
The primary goal of JAX is to showcase technical solutions for today's problems and offer
visions to the important trends of tomorrow. Delegates will benefit from hand-picked
technical content with no marketing bushwah.
Eclipse talks include: <i>OSGi, Eclipse and API Tooling</i> by Chris Aniszczyk from
EclipseSource and <i>Introducing the OSGi JPA Standard</i> by Shaun Smith and Mike Keith
from Oracle.
<name>Belgian Eclipse User Group Meeting</name>
<start-date>February 23, 2010</start-date>
<location>Lier, Belgium</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 23, 2010<br/>
6:00pm - 10:00pm
PeopleWare NV, Buwijckstraat 17<br/><br/>
The Belgian Eclipse User Group presents the first meeting of 2010 on Tuesday, February 23 at
6:00pm. This time we have not only invited speakers about Eclipse 4, but also contributions by
our fellow community members. Community talks will cover Eclipse RCP, GMF, RAP and more! Attendance is
free, but registration is required and the number of participants is limited.
The goal of the Belgian Eclipse User Group is to unite everybody in Belgium who builds a product
based on Eclipse technology, or who uses Eclipse as their main IDE. Feel free to invite friends
and colleagues who may also be interested. We hope to see you on February 23!
<name>Eclipse Get-Together in Braunschweig</name>
<start-date>February 24, 2010</start-date>
<location>Braunschweig, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
February 24, 2010<br/>
Bredex, Mauernstrasse 33<br/><br/>
You are invited to the next Eclipse get-together in Braunschweig! Markus Tiede will be
talking about a "normal day working with Eclipse", and we're pleased to have Ralph Mueller
from the Eclipse Foundation at the get-together again.
If you are planning on coming or you would like to give a talk at the get-together, please
register in advance. As always, feel free to invite friends or colleagues.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Code Camp - Modeling]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 1, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Berlin, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 1-5, 2010<br/>
NH Berlin Mitte, Leipziger Strasse 106-111<br/><br/>
The next Eclipse Code Camp - Modeling is presented by Eclipse Magazin and the Entwickler
Akademie. This five-day training illustrates benefits and teaches you how best to exploit them in
your own projects. You'll leave with a broad
overview of state of the art technology as well as deep insights into the basic repertoire of
leading experts in the Eclipse Modeling scene. You'll enjoy five exciting and fun filled days
with Ed Merks, lead of the Eclipse Modeling Project and the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
subproject, and Eike Stepper, lead of the CDO Model Repository subproject. The sessions comprise
a combination of well-aligned presentations and discussions along with extensive hands-on
exercises. You'll discover just how much tedious manual work is reduced when modeling is
effectively applied. The fact that all this technology is freely and openly available is an added
<name><![CDATA[Embedded World]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 2, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Nuremberg, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 2-4, 2010<br/><br/>
Embedded World is the most important get-together for the international embedded community.
Are you looking for an insight into the latest technical developments or discussions with
experts? Then look forward to this ultimate embedded event. Here you will find the ideal forum
for making new contacts and strengthening existing business relations.
Eclipse member itemis will give a hands-on class titled <i>Model-Based Development with
<start-date><![CDATA[March 2, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Hanover, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 2-6, 2010<br/>
Hanover Exhibition Grounds, Hermesallee<br/><br/>
CeBIT is the world's largest trade fair showcasing digital IT and telecommunications solutions for
home and work environments. The key target groups are users from industry, the wholesale/retail
sector, skilled trades, banks, the services sector, government agencies, science and all users
passionate about technology. CeBIT offers an international platform for comparing notes on current
industry trends, networking, and product presentations.
Make sure you visit the <a href="" target="blank">
Eclipse island</a> in CeBIT's Open Source Park, where Eclipse members Actuate,
Bredex, EclipseSource and Sopera will be exhibiting.
<name>Open Mobility</name>
<start-date>March 9, 2010</start-date>
<location>San Francisco, CA, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 9-10, 2010<br/>
Mission Bay Conference Center<br/><br/>
Open Mobility 2010, an evolution from OSiM (Open Source in Mobile) USA show, will equip you with all you
need to succeed in an open mobile ecosystem. We're shaking things up a little and as well as hearing from
headline speakers from established companies that have formed our industry and made $billions from doing
so (we're talking T-Mobile, Pandora, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Palm, Verizon, Gracenote, Warner Bros, MTV,
AT&T et al). We will also be devoting huge chunks of the show to Silicon Valley startups, those that have
exploded onto the scene in the last few months, those that have developed this year's must have apps and
have earned their dollar through taking advantage of the rapidly changing ecosystem. Hear from the
founders of Yelp, Digg, Qik, Zynga, Cooliris, Sokule, Mozes, Planet 9 Studios and more.
<name><![CDATA[IT-Brunch: Open Source - Trends, Benefits and NoGoes]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 11, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Stuttgart, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 11, 2010<br/>
8:00am - 10:00am<br/>
STEP - Engineering Park, Gropiusplatz 2<br/><br/>
At the March IT-Brunch there will be several presenters speaking about open source software.
Learn more about how tens of thousands of people are discovering a wealth of free
knowledge, new forms of cooperation and community spirit. You will also have an opportunity
to expand your personal network and enjoy the brunch buffet.
Speakers will include Hans-Ulrich Schmid from Wirtschaftsfoerderung der Region Stuttgart, Thomas
Uhl from Vorstand LiSoG, Ralph Mueller from the Eclipse Foundation and David Guembel from
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Code Camp - Advanced RCP]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[March 15, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 15-16, 2010<br/>
NH Hotel Muenchen Neue Messe, Eggenfeldener Strasse 100<br/><br/>
Eclipse Code Camp - Advanced RCP is an exclusive training event presented by Eclipse Magazin
and the Entwickler Akademie. Trainer Kai Toedter will teach advanced topics on Eclipse RCP. The
training is practical, and with most topics, there will be demos integrated with exercises based
on real hands-on experiences. For this training, you should already have experience with
Eclipse RCP and the Eclipse plugin development. Other requirements are advanced
programming skills in Java and experience with the Eclipse SDK as a Java development environment.
<name>EclipseCon 2010</name>
<start-date>March 22, 2010</start-date>
<location>Santa Clara, CA, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
March 22-25, 2010<br/>
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, 5101 Great America Parkway<br/><br/>
EclipseCon is the premier technical and user conference focusing on the power of the Eclipse platform. From implementers to
users, and everyone in between, if you are using, building, or considering Eclipse, EclipseCon is the conference you need
to attend.
<name>Eclipse Day India</name>
<start-date>April 23, 2010</start-date>
<location>Bangalore, India</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
April 23, 2010<br/><br/>
Eclipse Day India is a day-long event that explores Eclipse projects and topics for the local
community. Eclipse experts will present innovations in the Eclipse projects and organizations
will discuss how they benefit from using Eclipse for their needs. This event will be ideal
for software architects, software development managers and senior developers that are
interested in using Eclipse. There is no cost to attend the event but you must pre-register.
<start-date>May 3, 2010</start-date>
<location>Mainz, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 3-7, 2010<br/>
JAX is the conference to attend for technical know-how in Java, Enterprise
Architecture and SOA. The main conference offers over 150 sessions and attendees
can also attend the Business Technology Days, Special Days, expo and Power Workshops.
For Eclipse content, there are many sessions to watch in the
Eclipse Equinox and OSGI track. As well, there is as a full Enterprise Eclipse Day
including topics such as EclipseRT, JPA, Riena and Maven Tycho.
<name>Belgian Eclipse User Group with BeJUG Meeting</name>
<start-date>May 25, 2010</start-date>
<location>Antwerp, Belgium</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 25, 2010<br/>
Best Western Hotel Ter Elst, Ter Elststraat 310, Edegem<br/><br/>
The Belgian Eclipse User Group meeting will be organized together with BeJUG (the
Devoxx/Javapolis people). The theme of the meeting is Maven3, presented by founder Jason van Zyl,
CTO of Sonatype. Maven 3.0 will be the Maven for the people. The Maven team has gone to the ends of
the earth to ensure backward compatibility, improve usability, increase performance, allow safe
embedding and pave the way to implement many highly demanded features. This informal session will
cover Maven3, the Eclipse integration and more. This meeting will be organized as a standard BeJUG
meeting, but is free for Eclipse User Group members.
<name>EclipseLink Summit</name>
<start-date>May 25, 2010</start-date>
<location>Ottawa, ON, Canada</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 25-27, 2010<br/>
Oracle Offices<br/><br/>
The EclipseLink Summit will offer interested committers an opportunity to dive deeper into the
implementation. Long time and new committers, contributors, and consumers will get together and
exchange information about the project with the goal of increasing the shared knowledge and
capturing it in updated architecture and design documents.
<name>OpenSourceDay in Tyrol</name>
<start-date>May 28, 2010</start-date>
<location>Innsbruck, Austria</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
May 28, 2010<br/>
Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Meinhardstraße 14<br/><br/>
Due to the transparency and innovation of open source software, it is gaining market share worldwide
and is becoming increasingly important in Tyrol. Therefore the first Tyrolean OpenSource Day will be
held May 28 at 1:30pm. The event is aimed at entrepreneurs, designers, geeks and IT managers.
Presentations at OpenSourceDay will include the LiMux project from the city of Munich, OpenStreetMap
and Eclipse - an "innovation network" for vertical markets from the Eclipse Foundation.
<name>Eclipse Banking Day</name>
<start-date>June 1, 2010</start-date>
<location>Lyngby, Denmark</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 1, 2010<br/>
IBM Denmark, Nymollevej 91<br/><br/>
Eclipse Banking Day is a day-long event for senior technical developers, architects and managers in
the finance industry to learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as
part of their development strategy. The event will focus on three themes:
<li>Eclipse as a platform for application development;</li>
<li>Leveraging Eclipse modeling technology for data exchange; and</li>
<li>Collaborating with the open source community.</li>
Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from leading financial institutions and experts from
the Eclipse community.
<start-date>June 1, 2010</start-date>
<location>Zurich, Switzerland</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 1-3, 2010<br/>
Arena Filmcity, Sihlcity, Kalanderplatz 8<br/><br/>
Jazoon is the International Conference on Java Technology. It will again attract famous Java experts
and geeks to Zurich. In contrast to other events, Jazoon places emphasis on the active participation of
the community and in turn invites everyone to contribute lectures on interesting research results,
developments and practical experiences.
Watch for several Eclipse talks: Peter Friese on <i>Building DSLs with Eclipse</i>, Matthew McCullough <i>Maven
3.0 - M2Eclipse, Ployglot and Shell for Better Builds</i> and Benjamin Muskalla on <i>Single Sourcing RCP and
RAP - Desktop and web clients from a single code base</i>.
<name>EMF, Xtext and Xpand for the Interested Amateur</name>
<start-date>June 7, 2010</start-date>
<location>Copenhagen, Denmark</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 7, 2010<br/>
4:00pm - 6:00pm
ReportSoft, Kalkbraenderilobskaj 6<br/><br/>
EMF is used to create and maintain a common data model, which may then be applied automatically in
XML, Java code and databases. The model may provide a basis for Domain Specific Languages (DSL) via
Xtext and form the basis for transformations of Xpand. This free presentation will consist of a
brief review of the context of modules, a thorough demonstration and a little comparison to
include JavaCC. The review is intended for developers and architects who want to get started with
EMF, Xtext and Xpand, but it is not a full course.
<name>Code Generation</name>
<start-date>June 16, 2010</start-date>
<location>Cambridge, United Kingdom</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 16-18, 2010<br/>
Murray Edwards College<br/><br/>
CG2010 is for people who want to successfully apply or just learn more about the following
topics: openArchitectureWare, Eclipse Modeling Tools, Domain-Specific Languages,
Domain-Specific Modeling, Model-Driven Architecture, Executable UML, Model-Driven Software
Development, Software Factories and Software Product Lines, Generative Programming and other
similar approaches.
<start-date>June 21, 2010</start-date>
<location>Maribor, Slovenia</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 21-25, 2010<br/>
University of Maribor, building G2, Smetanova ulica 17<br/><br/>
ECOOP 2010, the 24th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming is being organized by the
University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The conference continues
a well-established tradition of scientific conferences in the field of object-oriented programming and
related areas.
Bruce Trask and Angel Roman of MDE Systems will present a tutorial at ECOOP on <i>Effective Model Driven
Engineering Patterns, Principles and Practices in Action</i>, covering MDE core concepts and an Eclipse
MDE tutorial.
<name>JBoss World</name>
<start-date>June 22, 2010</start-date>
<location>Boston, MA, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 22-25, 2010<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center</a>, One Seaport Lane<br/><br/>
The Red Hat Summit and JBoss World are the premier open source events to learn about the latest and
greatest in open source cloud computing, platform, virtualization, middleware and management technologies.
The Red Hat Summit and JBoss World are for anyone looking to exponentially increase their overall knowledge of
open source, without making a heavy monetary investment. Every single type of person attends - from community
enthusiasts to sys admins and CEOs.
Andrew Overholt will give a session on Friday on <i>Effective Eclipse: Coding, Debugging, Teamwork</i>.
<name>Symposium on Eclipse OS Software and OMG Open Specifications</name>
<start-date>June 23, 2010</start-date>
<location>Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 23, 2010<br/><br/>
In 2008 Eclipse and OMG jointly ran two one-day symposia to promote and build on the
partnership between Eclipse's open source software and OMG's open specifications. Following
the success of these events, OMG and Eclipse will hold a further one-day symposium during the
OMG Technical Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 23rd June 2010. The symposium will be
organised as a series of discussion sessions on OMG standards and corresponding Eclipse
projects, to discuss the alignment between current specifications and implemented software,
and identify areas where the cooperation could be further improved in future.
This symposium is a further opportunity to participate in shaping the joint future of the
Eclipse Open Source community and the OMG Open Specifications community. Please join us for
stimulating technical planning and discussion in this exciting area.
<name>SPICE Meets Eclipse BoF</name>
<start-date>June 23, 2010</start-date>
<location>Stuttgart, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 23, 2010<br/>
5:00 pm<br/>
Koenig-Karl Halle<br/><br/>
There is a unique opportunity for all Eclipse Embedded Day 2010 participants to take part in a
Birds of a Feather discussion: "SPICE Days meets with Embedded Eclipse". The subject of the
discussion will be highlights and topics of common interest between the SPICE Days and Eclipse
Embedded Day participants.
This event will take place in Koenig-Karl Halle, and may continue for refreshments across the road.
<name>Eclipse Embedded Day Stuttgart</name>
<start-date>June 24, 2010</start-date>
<location>Stuttgart, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 24, 2010<br/><br/>
MicroDoc presents the second Eclipse Embedded Day called EDay 2010 in Stuttgart, sponsored by the
Eclipse Foundation. Senior technical developers, architects and technical managers will learn how to
better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as part of their development strategy.
The agenda will be packed with high value talks about Eclipse technologies for the embedded space
(mobile, automotive, telematics, consumer electonics, medical, etc.). Parallel sessions on Eclipse
embedded projects and interesting case studies will complement the strategic presentations.
There's a unique opportunity for the attendees from the automotive sector to visit EDay 2010 and
Open Forum 2010: International SPICE Days and Automotive Safety & Security the days before at the
same location.
<name>EGL Open Source Launch Event</name>
<start-date>June 29, 2010</start-date>
<location>Conference Call</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
June 29, 2010<br/>
10:00 am ET<br/><br/>
EGL is a higher-level programming language designed for simplifying development of modern
business applications and services. EGL code compiles into COBOL, Java, and JavaScript, which
means it can be deployed to a wide variety of environments. EGL frees developers to focus on the
business problem rather than on the details of the target runtime platforms and associated
middleware. EGL is ideal for business-oriented development teams that value ease of learning
and need to quickly deliver modern applications and services.
Join thelaunch call to learn more about EGL and the proposed open source project on Eclipse.
For additional background, please visit the <a href="" target="blank">EGL community site</a>.
<name>IBM Rational Jazz Roadshow</name>
<start-date>July 6, 2010</start-date>
<location>Ehningen, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 6, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 4:00pm<br/>
IBM Forum Ehningen, IBM-Allee 1 (Am Keltenwald 1)<br/><br/>
Learn how to optimise team work with the help of Jazz solutions from IBM Rational at the IBM Rational
Jazz Roadshow 2010. Take part in demonstrations and scenarios that provide an informative overview of
the Jazz platform and how it can help with software development. In addition to this, use the
opportunity to discuss the challenges of smart software development with our experts at IBM. Sessions
will be held in German.
<name>IBM Rational Jazz Roadshow</name>
<start-date>July 7, 2010</start-date>
<location>Munich, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 7, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 4:00pm<br/>
IBM Forum Munich, Hollerithstrasse 1 <br/><br/>
Learn how to optimise team work with the help of Jazz solutions from IBM Rational at the IBM Rational
Jazz Roadshow 2010. Take part in demonstrations and scenarios that provide an informative overview of
the Jazz platform and how it can help with software development. In addition to this, use the
opportunity to discuss the challenges of smart software development with our experts at IBM. Sessions
will be held in German.
<start-date>July 19, 2010</start-date>
<location>Portland, OR, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
July 19-23, 2010<br/><br/>
There is big change in technology and society, and open source is making it happen. Cloud computing is
transforming our toolkit, from NoSQL to systems management. Mobile services are growing exponentially,
set alight by Android and iPhone. New languages and APIs are flourishing. Developers must adapt to a
rapidly evolving platform, which open source is the key to managing and steering. Rapid change presents
opportunity as well as challenges. Open source isn't just about being cost-effective, it's leading in
innovation. You can change the game in your business, your community or even the world. OSCON brings
together people like you from across the open source universe to learn, inspire each other and
Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, will participate in a panel on <i>Financial
Incentives in Open Source</i>. Donald Smith from the Eclipse Foundation will present a talk on <i>Measuring
the Health of Open Source Ecosystems</i>.
<name>Open Source Technology Showcase</name>
<start-date>August 14, 2010</start-date>
<location>Ottawa, ON, Canada</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 14, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 5:30pm<br/>
University of Ottawa Campus, Desmarais Building, 55, Laurier Ave. E<br/><br/>
FOSSLC in partnership with IEEE is hosting this annual open source technology showcase
featuring technical, legal and business aspects of open source use in private industry,
community and government. Wayne Beaton from the Eclipse Foundation will present on <i>Helios:
The Eclipse Simultaneous Release</i>.
<name>Eclipse Day at the Googleplex</name>
<start-date>August 26, 2010</start-date>
<location>Mountain View, CA, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 26, 2010<br/>
9:00am - 5:00pm<br/>
Googleplex, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway<br/><br/>
Eclipse Day at the Googleplex is a full day event for developers to learn about different Eclipse
projects and related technologies. You are invited to attend and listen as experts from the
Eclipse projects and Google share their experiences of using Eclipse. It's also a great
opportunity for you to meet and network with other Eclipse enthusiasts. There is no cost to
attend, but pre-registration is required.
<name>Belgian Eclipse Community Meeting</name>
<start-date>August 31, 2010</start-date>
<location>Antwerp, Belgium</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
August 31, 2010<br/>
Inventive Designers, Hoboken<br/><br/>
The next Belgian Eclipse Community meeting will include 2 guest speakers. Sven Efftinge, itemis, will
present the Eclipse Xtext project and Nick Van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers, will talk about EGit:
the Git integration in the Eclipse platform.
<name>Eclipse DemoCamp in Tokyo</name>
<start-date>September 6, 2010</start-date>
<location>Tokyo, Japan</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 6, 2010<br/>
7:00pm - 9:00pm<br/>
Hitachi's 2nd Oomori Building<br/><br/>
Join the Eclipse Japan Working Group for an evening of technical talks and demos on Eclipse. Topics
to be presented include the Helios release, Eclipse 4.0, embedded systems, Xtext and plugin development.
<name>Eclipse Testing Day</name>
<start-date>September 8, 2010</start-date>
<location>Darmstadt, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 8, 2010<br/>
8:30am - 6:00pm<br/>
<a href="">Commundo Tagungshotel Darmstadt</a>, Hilpertstrasse 27<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Testing Day is a day-long event. This is your opportunity to learn best practices and
technial information on Eclipse testing.
This event will be ideal for software architects, software development managers and senior developers.
Pre-registration is required.
<name>Developing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext</name>
<start-date>September 9, 2010</start-date>
<location>Stockholm, Sweden</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 9, 2010<br/>
4:00pm - 7:00pm<br/>
Drottninggatan 108, Jayway i Stockholm AB, 3tr<br/><br/>
Jayway is hosting a free event with presentations on Xtext. Sven Efftige will talk about the Eclipse Xtext
project and Patrik Nordwall and Andreas Kaellberg will present Sculptor, an open-source framework/code
generator based on textual domain-specific languages implemented in Xtext.
<name>Eclipse Karlsruhe Stammtisch</name>
<start-date>September 15, 2010</start-date>
<location>Karlsruhe, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 9, 2010<br/>
5:30pm - 9:30pm<br/>
IHK Haus der Wirtschaft, Lammstrasse 13, Rebland Room, 1. OG<br/><br/>
Engage the Eclipse community in Karlsruhe at the Eclipse Stammtisch! To get the ideas rolling, we'll
start off with a program of what promises to be interesting talks from a variety of Eclipse projects.
Then we'll move over to the Mille Stelle Restaurant for a round. Program topics include Eclipse in Europe,
EGit, p2, RAP and Scout. Seating is limited so if you'd like to attend, please sign up!
<start-date><![CDATA[September 19, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 19-23, 2009<br/><br/>
This year's JavaOne, co-located with Oracle Develop, will offer unparalleled education, practical
hands-on sessions, engaging activities and exceptional entertainment exclusively geared toward the
developer community. Network, share information and learn from leading experts in the Java, PL/SQL,
rich internet application development, SOA communities and more.
Some of the Eclipse sessions: <i>Building Software with Rich Client Platforms</i> by Rikard Thulin,
<i>Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 with EclipseLink</i> by Shaun Smith and Doug Clarke,
<i>Going Beyond Memory Leaks: Debugging Java from Dumps Using Memory Analyzer</i> by Chris Bailey and Trent Gray Donald
and <i>Saving Time with AppXRay and Eclipse</i> by Andrew McCulloch and Pieter Humphrey.
<name>CDT Summit</name>
<start-date>September 21, 2010</start-date>
<location>Montreal, QC, Canada</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 21-23, 2010<br/>
Ericsson Offices, 8400 Decarie Blvd.<br/><br/>
This Eclipse CDT Summit is intended for contributors to the C/C++ Development Tooling
project to review their plans and discuss issues with the rest of the CDT community. It is
intended for contributors, that is people working or at least planning on working on the CDT.
All aspects of the CDT will be discussed with a focus on features and improvements for the
next simultaneous release in June 2011.
<name>IBM Rational Jazz Roadshow</name>
<start-date>September 21, 2010</start-date>
<location>Frankfurt, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 21, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 4:00pm<br/>
IBM Forum Frankfurt am Main, Wilhelm-Fay-Strasse 32<br/><br/>
Learn how to optimise team work with the help of Jazz solutions from IBM Rational at the IBM Rational
Jazz Roadshow 2010. Take part in demonstrations and scenarios that provide an informative overview of
the Jazz platform and how it can help with software development. In addition to this, use the
opportunity to discuss the challenges of smart software development with our experts at IBM. Sessions
will be held in German.
<name>IBM Rational Jazz Roadshow</name>
<start-date>September 22, 2010</start-date>
<location>Dusseldorf, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 22, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 4:00pm<br/>
IBM Forum Dusseldorf, Karl-Arnold-Platz 1a <br/><br/>
Learn how to optimise team work with the help of Jazz solutions from IBM Rational at the IBM Rational
Jazz Roadshow 2010. Take part in demonstrations and scenarios that provide an informative overview of
the Jazz platform and how it can help with software development. In addition to this, use the
opportunity to discuss the challenges of smart software development with our experts at IBM. Sessions
will be held in German.
<name>IBM Rational Jazz Roadshow</name>
<start-date>September 23, 2010</start-date>
<location>Hamburg, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 23, 2010<br/>
9:30am - 4:00pm<br/>
IBM Forum Hamburg, Beim Strohhause 17 <br/><br/>
Learn how to optimise team work with the help of Jazz solutions from IBM Rational at the IBM Rational
Jazz Roadshow 2010. Take part in demonstrations and scenarios that provide an informative overview of
the Jazz platform and how it can help with software development. In addition to this, use the
opportunity to discuss the challenges of smart software development with our experts at IBM. Sessions
will be held in German.
<name>Tutorial Day: Eclipse e4</name>
<start-date>September 30, 2010</start-date>
<location>Copenhagen, Denmark</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 30, 2010<br/>
5:00am - 9:00pm<br/>
IT-Universitetet, Rued Langgaards Vej<br/><br/>
The Eclipse e4 Tutorial Day will immerse you in tutorials, including those from Lars Vogel, to look
deeper into the code and Eclipse 4.0. The event was previously held at a large insurance company,
and we are now repeating it for Eclipse Denmark members.
Hear the experiences of others and ask for advice. Also, you will be able to network with other
peers who also have valuable knowledge in a relaxed and cozy environment. Do not miss this rewarding
and social event. Remmember to bring a laptop with e4 installed.
<start-date>September 30, 2010</start-date>
<location>Savona, Italy</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 30-October 1, 2010<br/>
Savona University Campus<br/><br/>
The Eclipse-IT 2010 workshop is the fifth yearly meeting of the Eclipse Italian Community,
which includes both universities and industries, with the aim of joining researchers,
practitioners, students and professionals around the common interest in experimenting,
extending and supporting the Eclipse platform.
Due to a special interest and running project, this year, the Conference hosts a special
session on the Jazz cooperative development environment, based on the Enforcing Team
Cooperation (ETC) Project. ETC involves many universities with the aim to bring together
teams of students in order to develop software in a cooperative way.
<name>Open World Forum</name>
<start-date>September 30, 2010</start-date>
<location>Paris, France</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
September 30-October 1, 2010<br/><br/>
Founded by a heavyweight group of communities and IT players, the Open World Forum is the
premier global summit meeting in this field, bringing together decisions-makers from across
the world to discuss the technological, financial and social impact of the Free/Open Source
mouvement, and to cross-fertilize ideas and initiatives in this area. The numerous sessions,
activities and events at the Open World Forum aim to bring you Free/Open Source's best.
Beyond the conference itself, the Open World Forum establishes a new environment where
people can think ahead, identify key trends, challenges and opportunities for the future.
Bringing together international experts working on future planning, scenarios and
recommendations, it delivers and debates each year the 2020 Free Libre and Open Source
Software Roadmap.
Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, along with many other leaders
from the open source community, will be a keynote speaker at Open World Forum.
<name>Eclipse Day 2010 in Rome</name>
<start-date>October 5, 2010</start-date>
<location>Rome, Italy</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 5, 2010<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Day 2010 in Rome is the first event taking place in Italy focusing on the enterprise
adoption of Eclipse-based solutions. Co-organized by Engineering Group and the Eclipse Foundation,
and supported by vendors and IT leaders, the event outlines some hot topics concerning the
service-oriented architectures, integration and interoperability domains, offering some specific
use cases surrounding the Eclipse ecosystem.
Recognized testimonials will share use cases of open source software and will address the emerging
issues on its adoption supporting the complexity of the new IT architectures.
The target audience of the event is composed of IT managers, decision-makers, CIOs, CTOs
software architects, development managers and senior developers of private companies, public
institutions and systems integrators/vendors that are interested in these topics or in adopting
Eclipse for their software applications. Presentations are in English and Italian. In the morning,
a simultaneous translation is provided.
<name>Eclipse Integrated Development Day in Berlin</name>
<start-date>October 12, 2010</start-date>
<location>Berlin, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 12, 2010<br/><br/>
Eclipse Integrated Development Day in Berlin is a day-long event for technical developers, architects
and managers interested in tool and process integration as well as automation in development
processes. Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from leading organization and experts from
the Eclipse community. There is no cost to attend the event but pre-registration is required.
<name>Annie Ying on Eclipse, from the Linux Perspective</name>
<start-date>October 20, 2010</start-date>
<location>New York, NY, USA</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 20, 2010<br/>
6:30pm - 8:00pm
IBM, 590 Madison Ave., 12th Floor (Madison & 57th)<br/><br/>
Eclipse, a software development environment and an extensible plug-in
platform, is closer to the Linux community than many Linux enthusiasts
may think. Eclipse has a vibrant community of contributors of
plug-ins and patches. Eclipse is governed by the Eclipse Foundation,
a not-for-profit corporation (even though it was born in a
corporation, IBM.) Each Eclipse installation comes with all the
source code, supporting Linux enthusiasts' practice of
hacking-code-to-make-people's-lives-easier. Started a couple of years
ago, the Eclipse Linux Tools project provides better support for Linux
developers, including integration with native development tools such
as GNU Autotools and best practices for packaging. This project has
also helped several Linux distributions with packaging of Eclipse
itself. Eclipse's license is relatively friendly, further promoting
the submission of contributions.
In this talk, Annie will explore these synergies of Eclipse and Linux. She
will then dive into Eclipse hacking, both for customizing Eclipse for
yourself or your organization, and for contributing patches and
plug-ins back to the community.
<name>Rational Innovate2010 Conference</name>
<start-date>October 27, 2010</start-date>
<location>Leipzig, Germany</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 27-28, 2010<br/>
Westin Hotel Leipzig, Gerberstrasse 15<br/><br/>
Innovate2010 is the conference that covers all aspects of software and systems development in
an economical and technical context. Learn first hand how to integrate development into daily
business, how to ensure communication and cooperation across heterogeneous and geographically
dispersed teams and how using development as a business process can lead to optimization
opportunities within your business.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Enterprise Modeling Day]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[October 28, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Zurich, Switzerlnd]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
October 28, 2010<br/><br/>
Eclipse Enterprise Modeling Day is for IT architects and IT strategists who are exploring a model driven
development approach for their enterprise application development.
Many enterprises are already using modeling to streamline their application development. The sessions
will explore how enterprises, such as UBS and Bosch have used Eclipse technology to implement a
modeling strategy. Eclipse modeling experts will also provide a review of the core Eclipse modeling
technology that enables key enterprise modeling features, including data modeling, graphical modeling,
model repositories and textual modeling. Finally, a presentation on the Eclipse Modeling Platform will
show how an integrated Eclipse-based platform can provide the flexibility and extensibility required for
large-scale enterprise model driven development.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse DemoCamps and Campus DemoCamps]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 1, 2010]]></start-date>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 1-30, 2010<br/><br/>
The Eclipse Foundation is inviting individuals to organize and attend Eclipse DemoCamps around the world.
The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool technology being built by the
Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city.
A DemoCamp is an informal event for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo what they are
doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of research projects, Eclipse open source projects, applications
based on Eclipse, commercial products using Eclipse or whatever you think might be of interest to the
attendees. The only stipulation is that it must be Eclipse related.
For this series, we are adding on a special set of Eclipse Campus DemoCamps for university and college
students to meet and learn more about Eclipse.
<name>Free Open Source Software Conference (fOSSa)</name>
<start-date>November 8, 2010</start-date>
<location>Grenoble, France</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 8-10, 2010<br/>
EMSI School<br/><br/>
The aim of fOSSa (Free/Open Source Software for Academics) is to review open source fundamentals,
present innovating open source projects and share open source communities' experiences.
Hopefully, we expect to show the benefits of the participation in a collaborative network aimed
at increasing the value of academic results, gathering them in a common environment and
releasing them in open source.
The Eclipse Foundation as well
as several Eclipse members are helping to organize the conference. We hope you can join us!
<name>Tutorial Day: Eclipse RCP Under the Hood</name>
<start-date>November 10, 2010</start-date>
<location>Copenhagen, Denmark</location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 10, 2010<br/>
5:00am - 9:00pm<br/>
IT-Universitetet, Rued Langgaards Vej<br/><br/>
This event is a combination of a tutorial day and a live demonstration of a "full featured" Eclipse
RCP application where developments are commented on-the-fly. Bring your laptop and try for
yourself. See how easy it is to start up an Eclipse RCP application. It is very important that you
already have Eclipse 3.6 installed on your machine.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Summit Europe]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 2, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ludwigsburg, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 2-4, 2010<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Forum am Schlosspark</a><br/><br/>
The Eclipse Foundation is hosting the 5th annual Eclipse Summit Europe on November 2-4, 2010. To be held in the
Stuttgart region of Germany, the Eclipse Summit is the Foundation's premier event designed to create opportunities for
the European Eclipse community to explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and
its members.
The conference will consist of symposia, technical and business track sessions, selected
keynotes, demos and networking gatherings. Sponsors supporting the Eclipse Summit will showcase their latest products and
services, as well as the exciting contributions their organizations are making to the Eclipse ecosystem. The conference
is a stimulating and dynamic event for Eclipse committers, contributors, adopters, add-in providers and service providers
to learn, share expertise and discover new opportunities and solutions in the Eclipse ecosystem.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Day Paris]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 5, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Paris, France]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 5, 2010<br/>
Pavillon Royal, Carrefour du bout du Lac, Bois de Boulogne, Ave. de Suresnes<br/><br/>
Eclipse Day Paris is a day-long event exploring Eclipse projects and topics for the French
community. Eclipse experts will present innovations in the Eclipse projects and organizations
will discuss how they benefit from using Eclipse for their needs. This event is ideal for IT
decision makers, software architects and process and methods engineers that are interested in
using Eclipse.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Embedded Day Spain]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 9, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Zamudio, Spain]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 9, 2010<br/>
ESI-TECNALIA, Sala Auditorio, Parque Technologico, Edificio 204<br/><br/>
Eclipse is becoming a major open source reference technology for building extensible development
platforms, runtimes and application frameworks in the embedded system domain.
Eclipse Embedded Day Spain 2010 aims to bring together experts, practitioners and researchers,
mainly from the Spanish embedded systems community, in a mix of high-quality talks, sessions and
<start-date><![CDATA[November 15, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Antwerp, Belgium]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 15-19, 2010<br/>
Metropolis Antwerp, Groenendaallaan 394<br/><br/>
With close to 3,000 attendees, Devoxx is the biggest independent Java conference in Europe and beyond.
Join us during this 5 day roller-coaster ride.
See Christian Dupuis from SpringSource talk about Grovvy/Grails Development in Eclipse!
<start-date><![CDATA[November 15, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Munich, Germany]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 15-19, 2010<br/>
The Westin Grand M&umlnchen Arabellapark, Arabellastrasse 6<br/><br/>
W-JAX is the conference for technical know-how in the Java and web
environment. Here Europe's leading experts come together to distribute their knowledge and
experience to attendees. Perfect organization, expert competence, as well as the comfortable
ambiance make W-JAX a unique experience for software developers, architects, project managers and
IT strategists.
Eclipse sessions include <i>Eclipse 4.0: CSS Styling and Workbench Modeling</i> by Kai Toedter and
<i>The Rebirth of Mylyn: Eclipse, Agile and ALM</i> and <Bringing Open Source Collaboration to the
Enterprise</i> by Mik Kersten.
<name><![CDATA[EclipseDay in Valencia / MOSKittDay]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[November 30, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Valencia, Spain]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
November 30 - December 1, 2010<br/><br/>
Conselleria de Infraestructruras y Transporte (CIT) of the Valencian Comunity Regional
Government is organizing MOSKittDay together with EclipseDay. CIT is a member of
the Eclipse Foundation and heads the MOSKitt (Modeling Software Kitt) project in the development of
an open source CASE tool based on Eclipse.
The MOSKittDay event has a double goal, on the one hand CIT wants to make known the MOSKitt Project
and to promote collaboration with other public and private organizations. On the other hand, CIT is
also interested on making the MOSKitt CASE Tool known to future users beyond its current scope,
identifying the added value that MOSKitt has as a FREE CASE Tool developed on Eclipse that supports
gvMetrica (a development methodology defined by the CIT).
At the same time, lectures and technical tutorials will bring the Spanish community of Eclipse
users and developers together. The proposed theme of the MOSKittDay conference is Modeling,
Methodologies and Model Driven Development. Other themes related to Eclipse projects might also be
included within the EclipseDay talks. Participants are expected come from a wide range of academic,
institutional and business backgrounds.
This edition differs from previous ones in that it will devote a day solely to the technical
seminars. The purpose is to provide attendees a practical approach to tools, both to the technology
that surrounds it and the uses it can have in IT development.
<name><![CDATA[Eclipse Foundation Holiday Pary]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[December 17, 2010]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[Ottawa, ON, Canada]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
December 17, 2010<br/>
3:30pm - 6:30pm<br/>
<a href="" target="blank">Eclipse Foundation Office</a>, 102 Centrepointe Dr.<br/><br/>
Eclipse committers, users and friends are invited to the Foundation's headquarters in Ottawa for a
holiday get together. Since we're not really a wine &amp; cheese crowd, we will instead hold a beer
&amp; potatoes. Stop by any time between 3:30pm and 6:30pm for some drinks and chips on us.
<name><![CDATA[LinkedIn Eclipse Group Social Networking and Presentation Event]]></name>
<start-date><![CDATA[January 13, 2011]]></start-date>
<location><![CDATA[San Francisco, CA, USA]]></location>
<a href="">Register Here</a>
January 13, 2011<br/>
8:00am - 6:30pm<br/>
Oracle, 475 Sansome St., 15th Floor<br/><br/>
This will be the first San Francisco Eclipse group monthly social networking meeting and
product/technology presentation forum. Pizza and beverages will be provided compliments of Oracle.
Planned presentations topics include Java, Eclipse and the Enterprise Cloud, and Mobile.
The talks at the event will also be broadcast by webinar and recorded for later viewing. For
details on the webinar see <a href=""
<name><![CDATA[TOPCASED Days]]><