blob: 2fc04f367c3b35d77c2eb118f5657881356eb0c1 [file] [log] [blame]
<name> </name>
<date> </date>
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<description><![CDATA[ ]]>
<name>Eclipse RCP Webinar </name>
<date>December 1 </date>
<link> </link>
<location>Webinar </location>
<description><![CDATA[ Register for this free webinar on how to build rich client applications with Eclipse RCP.
The webinar will feature Jeff McAffer, Eclipse RCP leader, and Wayne Beaton, Eclipse Evangelist. ]]>
<date>December 1</date>
<name>Eclipse SIG, Java User Group Stuttgart (JUGS)</name>
<location>Stuttgart, Germany</location>
<description><![CDATA[ 18:30h in den Räumen der Wirtschaftsf&ouml;rderung Region Stuttgart (WRS)<br>
1. Dominik Schadow: Das XML-Security Plug-In<br>
2. Marco van Meegen: Slime UML und VelocityBuilder<br> ]]></description>
<name>Webinar: Conversation with Erich Gamma </name>
<date>December 8 </date>
<location>Webinar </location>
<description><![CDATA[ ]]>
<name> Aspect J Winter Camp Java
User Group Stuttgart </name>
<date> December 8-10</date>
<location> </location>
<description><![CDATA[ Die Java User Group Stuttgart lädt ein, neue Wege in der Programmierung
zu gehen und mit AspectJ in die Welt der Aspektorientierten Programmierung
(AOP) vorzudringen. Zwei Tage lang werden Sie die Gelegenheit haben, die
Sprache AspectJ kennzulernen und auszuprobieren. Sie werden eigene Aspekte
entwickeln, um die Sprache besser zu verstehen und Sie werden für manche
Probleme eine andere Sichtweise einnehmen. All diejenigen, denen zwei Tage
zu wenig sind, haben dann am dritten Tag die Gelegenheit, sich zu einem
Team zusammenzuschließen und im Wettstreit mit anderen Teams ihre frisch
erworbenen Kenntnisse umzusetzen. Neben dem Sieger-Titel als bestes AspectJ-Coding-Team
winken jede Menge Spaß und neue Erfahrungen.<br>
The Java User Group Stuttgart invites you to expand into new territory in
programming, and with ApectJ, to explore the world of Aspect Oriented Programming
(AOP). Over the two day program, you'll have the opportunity to get to know
and test run AspectJ. You'll develop your own Aspects which will enable
you to understand the language better and to adopt a new perspective for
many problems. On the third day, you'll have the chance to get together
with a team to test your new knowledge in an AspectJ-Team-Coding contest.
The contest promises to be a great experience and lots of fun! <br> ]]>
<name>ApacheCon 2005 </name>
<date>December 10-14</date>
<location>San Diego, USA </location>
<description><![CDATA[ Saturday, December 10th - Jean Anderson - <i>Apache Derby: Hands On Tutorial
Wednesday, December 14th - Jeff McAffer - <i>The Future of Open-Source OSGi
</i><br> ]]> </description>
<date>December 12-16 </date>
<link> </link>
<location>Antwerp, Belgium </location>
<description><![CDATA[ <b>Eclipse RCP BoF - Monday, December 12th, 21:30 - 22:30 </b><img src="../images/new.gif" width="31" height="14"><br>
If you're building Eclipse RCP Applications or are interested in building
them, be sure to attend this BoF on Monday evening. The session will start
with a short introduction by Wayne Beaton describing Eclipse RCP and then
the floor will be open for discussing issues, ideas and solutions related
to rich client development using Eclipse. <br>
<p><b><a href="" target="_blank">Eclipse
in Action </a></b> - Tuesday, December 13th, 9:30 - 17:00 <br>
<p>Join us for a day of information packed sessions on Eclipse! </p>
<p>Dirk Baeumer - <i>The Java Development Tools (JDT)</i><br>
Niklas Lindman - <i>Exploring the Eclipse projects at ESOC</i><br>
Nuno Sebastiao - <i>Use of Eclipse in Spacecraft Simulation</i><br>
Shaun Smith - <i>Hello Dali! Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 Object Relationship
Mapping tools</i><br>
Jason Weathersby - <i>Leveraging and Extending BIRT for Reporting in Java
Jochen Krause - <i>What's new in WebTools 1.0?</i><br>
Frank Gerhardt - <i>Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) in Action</i><br>
Wayne Beaton - <i>Building Rich Clients with Eclipse RCP</i><br>
<b>Books at Eclipse in Action </b><img src="../images/new.gif" width="31" height="14"><br>
The Eclipse Foundation has generously donated copies of the McAffer/Lemieux,
"Eclipse Rich Client Platform" book which will be distributed at the Eclipse
RCP session at Eclipse In Action! </p>
<p><b>Special invitation to Eclipse Plug-In Developers!<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">Plug-in
Bazaar</a></b> - Monday, December 12th, 14:00 - 19:00</p>
<p>The Plug-In Bazaar is open to everyone attending JavaPolis, but we'd
like to extend a special invitation to Eclipse Plug-in Developers. Eclipse
has developed a rich ecosystem in Europe and we'd like to give you the
opportunity to meet one another, API to API. You'll have a chance to experience
demos of each other's Eclipse based plug-ins and projects, to discuss
issues and solutions and future directions. </p>
<p>All you'll need to bring is your laptop, loaded with your plug-in and
a short demo. We'll provide a place to plug-in so you can demo in small
groups. We'll have space for you to hang a poster, a great way to introduce
yourself to your fellow developers and get the conversations started.
If you would like us to reserve a space for you and your laptop, (and
a poster) all you need to do is sign up on the JavaPolis <a href="" target="_blank">Plugin
Bazaar Wiki</a>. </p>
<p><b>Annoucing Book Draws at the Plug-in Bazaar! </b>- Monday December
12th, 14:00 - 19:00 <img src="../images/new.gif" width="31" height="14"><br>
Thanks to generous donations by Addison-Wesley, dPunkt Verlag and O'Reilly
Books, the Eclipse Foundation will be raffling off these titles at the
Plug-In Bazaar: </p>
<li>Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide, by Ed Burnette </li>
<li>Java-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 3.1, by Berthold Daum</li>
<li>Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 3.1, by Berthold Daum </li>
<li>The Addison-Wesley Eclipse Series </li>
<p><i>More about the Bazaar</i><br>
The Bazaar is meant to be just that - a chance to wander amongst many
different Eclipse based plug-ins, products and projects. We will have
a handful of more traditional-looking demo slots of 20 minutes, with a
projector and screen. But, we'd like you, the particpants to tell us which
demos are the 'must-see's for everyone at the bazaar. Voting takes place
live, on site - so don't forget to come and support your favourite plug-in!</p>
<p>See you there!</p> ]]>
<name>OOP, Scalable Software Systems and Solutions </name>
<date>January 16-20, 2006 </date>
<link> </link>
<location>Munich, Germany </location>
<description><![CDATA[ <br>
Gunnar Wagenknecht - <i>Effiziente Softwareentwicklung durch den Einsatz
des Eclipse Werkzeug- und Frameworkspektrums </i><br>
Martin Wessel - <i>Datenbankzugriff in Eclipse</i> <br>
Berthold Daum - <i>Web-Entwicklung mit Eclipse </i><br>
Frank Gerhardt, Bernd Kolb, Kai Toedter - <i>Software-Architektur auf Basis
von Eclipse RCP </i><br>
Jochen Krause - <i>Eclipse Web Tools </i><br>
Frank Gerhardt, Bernd Kolb, Kai Toedter - <i>Eclipse RCP Workshop</i> <br> ]]>