blob: c905d90b0fac924e595c5669a9b18f8d05054b8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
* Edouard Poitras (Eclipse Foundation)- Some additions
//if name of the file requested is the same as the current file, the script will exit directly.
if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){exit();}
<?php if (($data['benefit'] === TRUE && $data['uid']) || $Paypal->get_show_all()) : ?>
<div class="section">
<img class="section_icon" src="images/star.png" width="40" alt="Friends of Eclipse icon" />
Friends of Eclipse status
<p>As a Friend of Eclipse, you can use the Friends mirror to get fast
downloads from the servers. *<br /><br />
$F = new Friend();
$friend_id = $F->selectFriendID("uid", $data['uid']);
$date_joined = substr($F->getDateJoined(),0,10);
$date_expired = substr($F->getBenefitExpires(),0,10);
<strong>Friend Since</strong>: <?php print $date_joined ?><br />
<strong>Benefits Expire</strong>: <?php print $date_expired; ?>
<p class="footNote">* Eclipse Foundation Inc. cannot guarantee that
the Friends mirror will be faster than its other mirrors, however it
will give users of this mirror priority.
<?php endif;?>