blob: 3a3b6d349789b0b8d0265b8249dedf24ca163253 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
//if name of the file requested is the same as the current file, the script will exit directly.
if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){exit();}
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/membership/promo/promos.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
class Downloads extends CompareController {
private $App = NULL;
private $releaseTitle = "";
private $show_friends_promo = FALSE;
protected $warning = '';
private $download_rows = '';
private $download_standard = '';
private $layout = 'default-download';
public function __construct(App $App) {
$this->App = $App;
public function downloadOutput() {
if(empty($this->download_rows)) {
$html = '<div id="download-packages-container">';
$html .= '<div id="download-packages">';
$html .= $this->download_rows;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
public function getWarning() {
if ($this->warning == '') {
return FALSE;
return '<div class="row header-row pink">' . $this->warning . '</div>';
public function getSystemSelect() {
<select id="osSelect">
<option <?php if ($this->os_display == 'win32') echo "selected"?> value="win32">Windows</option>
<option <?php if ($this->os_display == 'linux') echo "selected"?> value="linux">Linux</option>
<option <?php if ($this->os_display == 'macosx') echo "selected"?> value="macosx">Mac OS X (Cocoa)</option>
return ob_get_clean();
public function standardOutput($Installer = NULL) {
if (!is_null($Installer)) {
$this->download_standard = $Installer->output();
else if (empty($this->download_standard)) {
$html = '<div class="download-standard">';
$html .= $this->download_standard;
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
public function setReleaseTitle($title) {
$this->releaseTitle = $title;
public function getReleaseName() {
return $this->release;
public function getReleaseTitle() {
return '<span id="descriptionText">' . $this->releaseTitle . '</span> for ' . $this->getSystemSelect();
public function setFriendsEarlyAccess($show = FALSE) {
if($show == TRUE){
$this->show_friends_promo = TRUE;
public function getFriendsEarlyAccess() {
$html = '<div class="row" id="eclipse-friends">
<a href="/donate/">Friends of Eclipse</a> - <span>Eclipse Luna is ready!</span> <a href="//" id="download-button">Download Now</a>
return ($this->show_friends_promo) ? $html : '';
private function getFeaturedRow($package, $display, $zebra, $new = FALSE) {
// Create releative url's.
$package['downloadurl'] = substr($package['downloadurl'], strpos($package['downloadurl'], "/downloads/download.php?"));
$package['downloadurl64'] = substr($package['downloadurl64'], strpos($package['downloadurl64'], "/downloads/download.php?"));
$body = $package->body;
$full_body = trim(strip_tags($body));
$body = $full_body;
$full_body = htmlentities($full_body);
$word_count = 21;
if(str_word_count($body) >= $word_count){
$array_body = explode('.', $body);
$words = explode(" ", $array_body[0]);
$body = rtrim(implode(" ", array_splice($words, 0, $word_count)), ',');
if(str_word_count($body) == $word_count){
$body .= '...';
if(substr($body, -1) != '.'){
$body .= '.';
$body = htmlentities($body);
$feature = $package->features[0];
$features = explode(',;', $feature);
$feature = array();
foreach($this->features_accepted['item'] as $f){
$data = explode(';', $f);
foreach($data as $d){
if(in_array($d, $features)){
$feat = $this->getReadableFeature($data[0]);
$feature[] = $feat['name'];
$download_count = $package['downloadCount'];
if ($download_count != 'N/A'){
$download_count = number_format((int)$package['downloadCount']);
<div class="package-row clearfix<?php if ($zebra) { print ' zebra'; }?>" data-Filter-packages="<?php print implode(', ', $feature);?>">
<div class="row vertical-align-min-md">
<div class="col-sm-3 icon">
<img src="<?php print $package['icon'];?>" width="42" height="42" alt="<?php print $package['name'];?>"/>
<div class="col-sm-13 text xs-sm-text-center">
<a href="<?php print $package['url']?>" title="<?php print $full_body;?>">
<?php print $package['name'];?>
<?php if (stripos($package['name'], 'standard') != 0 || stripos($package['name'], 'classic') != 0) {?>
&nbsp; <a class="details" href="" title="Other Downloads">
Other Downloads</a>
<?php }?>
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="download-counts"><?php print $package['size'];?></li>
<li class="download-counts"><?php print $download_count;?> DOWNLOADS</li>
<p><?php print $body;?></p>
<div class="col-sm-8 download">
<div class="col-sm-9 downloadLink-icon"><i class="fa fa-download"></i></div>
<div class="col-xs-24 col-sm-15 downloadLink-content">
<div class="text-center">
<p class="margin-bottom"><?php print $display;?></p>
<ul class="list-inline">
<?php if ($package['downloadurl'] != "") {?>
<li><a class="downloadLink" href="<?php print $package['downloadurl'];?>" title="Download">32 bit</a></li>
<li class="divider black"></li>
<?php } if ($package['downloadurl64'] != "") {?>
<li><a class="downloadLink" href="<?php print $package['downloadurl64'];?>" title="Download">64 bit</a></li>
<?php } ?>
return ob_get_clean();
private function printAd() {
$PromotedDownloads = New PromotedDownloads();
$html = $PromotedDownloads->output('layout_b');
return ob_get_clean();
private function buildDownload() {
$count = 1;
$zebra = TRUE;
foreach ($this->packages as $value => $package) {
if ($count == 2) {
$this->download_rows .= $this->printAd();
$this->download_rows .= $this->getFeaturedRow($package, $this->display, $zebra);
$count ++;
$zebra = !$zebra;