blob: ec343c01067075f016a49473f14eb5f65a9f9adb [file] [log] [blame]
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//$phpWarning = "<b>Looking for the Eclipse for PHP Developers Package? <a href='/downloads/php_package.php'>More Info</a></b>";
$junoNotice = "<b><a href='/donate/'>Friends of Eclipse</a> - Eclipse Juno is ready! <a href=''>Download Now</a></b>";
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//$osWarning = "<b>Linux users please note:</b> Eclipse on GCJ is untested. Please see the Linux <a href=''>Known Issues</a> document.<br />";
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$display = "Mac OS X";
$osWarning = "<b>Mac OS X users please note:</b> Eclipse requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater.<br />";
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$display = "Mac OS X";
$osWarning = "<b>Mac OS X users please note:</b> Eclipse requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater.<br />";
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$display = "Mac OS X";
$osWarning = "<b>Mac OS X users please note:</b> Eclipse requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater.<br />";
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<span class="downloadCounts">Downloaded <?php print number_format($package['downloadCount']);?> Times</span><a class="details" href="<?php print $package['url']?>">Details</a>
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<li class="row">
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return ob_get_clean();
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<span id="textthree"><a href="">Older Versions</a></span> -->
<div class="descriptionOS">
<span id="descriptionText">Eclipse Juno (4.2) SR2 Packages</span> for
<select id="osSelect">
<option <?php if ($osDisplay == 'win32') echo "selected"?> value="win32">Windows</option>
<option <?php if ($osDisplay == 'linux' || $osDisplay == 'linux-x64') echo "selected"?> value="linux">Linux</option>
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<h3>Related Links</h3>
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<li><a href="compare.php">Compare/Combine Packages</a></li>
<li><a href="/indigo/">Eclipse Indigo (3.7)</a>
<li><a href="">Install Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">Documentation</a></li>
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<li><a href="/forums/">Forums</a></li>
<li><a href="">Older Versions</a></li>
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<?php print $promo; ?>
<h3 class="">Hint:</h3>
<p class="jre">You will need a <a href="/downloads/moreinfo/jre.php">Java runtime environment (JRE)</a> to use Eclipse (Java SE 6 or greater is recommended). All downloads are provided under the terms and conditions of the <a href="/legal/epl/notice.php">Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement</a> unless otherwise specified.</p>
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