blob: 16b5a336cf3fe23af95a7b6bc80faa71d9b85bd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){exit();}
class CompareController{
private $App = NULL;
protected $os_display = '';
protected $display = '';
private $platform = array();
private $legend = array();
private $devmode = FALSE;
private $images = array(
0 => '',
1 => array('included', 'check.jpg'),
//2 => array('partially included', 'checkpartial.jpg'),
2 => array('Included (with Source)', 'checksource.jpg'),
protected $release = 'juno';
private $header = array();
private $header_strip = array(
'(includes Incubating components)',
'Eclipse IDE for ',
'Eclipse for ',
'Eclipse IDE for ',
private $row = array();
private $path_xml_download = '/home/data/httpd/writable/community/';
protected $features_accepted = array();
protected $features_list = array();
private $path_xml_packages = 'Win.xml';
private $prefix_package = '';
public $protocol = 'http';
public function __construct(App $App) {
$this->App = $App;
if(!empty($this->App->devmode) && $this->App->devmode == TRUE) {
$this->path_xml_download = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/downloads-xml/';
$this->protocol = $this->App->getHTTPPrefix();
$this->features_accepted = $this->getFeaturesXml();
public function setRelease($release){
$releases = array('juno', 'kepler', 'luna', 'mars','neon');
if (in_array($release, $releases)) {
$this->release = $release;
$this->features_list = $this->getFeaturesList();
public function getLegend(){
foreach ($this->images as $id => $i) {
$this->legend[] = $this->getLegendImage($id);
return implode(' ', $this->legend);
public function setPrefixPackage($prefix){
$this->prefix_package = $prefix . 'Cache';
function getOs() {
return $this->os_display;
protected function prepareDownloads() {
$od = $this->os_display;
if ($od == "linux" || $od == "linux-x64") {
$this->display = "Linux";
$this->updatePackages($this->prefix_package . "Linux.xml");
} elseif ($od == "macosx" || $od == "cocoa64") {
$this->display = "Mac OS X";
$this->updatePackages($this->prefix_package . "Cocoa.xml");
} elseif ($od == "carbon") {
$this->display = "Mac OS X";
$this->updatePackages($this->prefix_package . "Carbon.xml");
} else {
$this->display = "Windows";
$this->updatePackages($this->prefix_package . "Win.xml");
public function updatePackages($path){
$this->path_xml_packages = $path;
$packages = simplexml_load_file($this->path_xml_download . $this->path_xml_packages, NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$this->packages = $this->hackPackages($packages);
public function getPackages($package = NULL){
foreach ($this->packages as $p) {
if ($p['package_bugzilla_id'] == $package) {
return $p;
return $this->packages;
public function getReadableFeature($id = NULL){
if(is_null($id) || $id == "" || empty($this->features_list[$id])){
return FALSE;
$this->features_list[$id]['name'] = (substr($this->features_list[$id]['name'], 0, 8) == 'Eclipse ') ? str_replace('Eclipse ', '', $this->features_list[$id]['name']) : $this->features_list[$id]['name'];
if($this->features_list[$id]['name'] == "%feature.label"){
return FALSE;
return $this->features_list[$id];
public function compareOutput(){
<table id="compareTable" class="table"><thead><tr>
foreach($this->header as $t){
print $t;
$count = 0;
foreach($this->row as $t){
print '<tr id="row-' . $count . '">';
foreach($t as $c){
print $c;
print '</tr>';
return ob_get_clean();
private function getFeaturesXml(){
//feature restriction
$url = simplexml_load_file($this->path_xml_download . 'featuresRestriction.xml');
$json = json_encode($url);
return json_decode($json, TRUE);
private function getFeaturesList(){
//readable features
$url = $this->path_xml_download . 'features' . ucfirst($this->release) . '.json';
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), TRUE);
return $this->renameFeatures($json);
private function hackPackages($p) {
//adding RCP to all packages.
foreach($p->package as $f){
$ex = explode(',;', $f->features);
if (!in_array('org.eclipse.rcp', $ex)) {
$f->features = $f->features . 'org.eclipse.rcp,;';
if($f['icon'] == ''){
$f->features = $f->features . 'org.eclipse.scout.source,;';
if($f['icon'] == ''){
$f->features = $f->features . 'org.eclipse.rcp.source,;org.eclipse.cvs.source,;org.eclipse.jdt.source,;org.eclipse.pde.source,;org.eclipse.xtend.sdk.source,;org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.source';
$count = 1;
$f['icon'] = str_replace('' , '' , $f['icon'], $count);
$f['id'] = $f['package_bugzilla_id'];
$f['url'] = str_replace('http:' , '' , $f['url'], $count);
$f['downloadurl'] = str_replace('http:' , '' , $f['downloadurl'], $count);
$f['downloadurl64'] = str_replace('http:' , '' , $f['downloadurl64'], $count);
return $p;
private function renameFeatures($f) {
return $f;
private function getPackageData(){
$count = 0;
$this->header[] = '<td class="col-' . $count . '"></td>';
$this->row['radio'][] = '<td id="td_info" class="col-' . $count . '"><span>Select packages to compare</span></td>';
//Setting up the first two rows
foreach ($this->packages->package as $p) {
$name = str_replace(' and ', '/', str_replace($this->header_strip, '', $p['name']));
$this->row['radio'][] = '<td class="col-' . $count . '"><input type="checkbox" name="controls" id="controls-' . $count . '" value="col-' . $count . '" class="input-radio"/></td>';
$this->header[] = '<td class="col-' . $count . '"><a href="' . $this->protocol . '://' . $p['url'] . '" title="' . $p['name'] . '"><img width="32" src="' . $p['icon'] . '"><br/>' . $name . '</a></td>';
//creating a row from each feature
foreach($this->features_accepted['item'] as $a){
$count = 0;
$multif = explode(';', $a);
$rfeatures = $this->getReadableFeature($multif[0]);
$this->row[$multif[0]][] = '<td class="td_feature-name col-' . $count . '"><span title="' . $rfeatures['description'] . '">' .$rfeatures['name'] . '</span></td>';
foreach($this->packages->package as $p){
$xfeatures = explode(",;", $p->features);
foreach($multif as $aa){
if(!empty($this->features_list[$aa]['id']) && in_array($this->features_list[$aa]['id'].'.source', $xfeatures)){
$img = 2;
}elseif (in_array($aa, $xfeatures)){
$img = 1;
/*}elseif ($a == 'org.eclipse.rcp'){
$img = 1;*/
$img = 0;
$this->row[$multif[0]][] = '<td class="col-' . $count . '">' . $this->getLegendImage($img) . '</td>';
private function getLegendImage($id = 0){
return '&nbsp;';
$image_prefix = '/downloads/images/';
return '<img width="16" src="' . $image_prefix . $this->images[$id][1] . '" alt="' . $this->images[$id][0] . '"><span class="check-description">'. $this->images[$id][0] . '</span>';
public function getRelease(){
return $this->release;
private function setupPlatform($App) {
$this->os_display = (!isset($_GET['osType'])) ? $this->App->getClientOS() : $_GET['osType'];
if($this->os_display == 'linux-x64'){
$this->os_display = 'linux';
//default to win32 if $this->App->getClientOS() is returning something strange.
$platform = array('win32', 'linux', 'macosx');
if(!in_array($this->os_display, $platform)){
$this->os_display = 'win32';
$this->platform['win32'] = array('name' => 'Windows', 'shortname' => 'Windows');
$this->platform['linux'] = array('name' => 'Linux', 'shortname' => 'Linux');
$this->platform['macosx'] = array('name' => 'Mac OS X (Cocoa)','shortname' => 'Mac OS X');