blob: b014cc806b26008308d5dd02f433b28234c3f13e [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include("_projectCommon.php"); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Denis Roy (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
# download.php
# Author: Denis Roy
# Date: 2004-11-23
# Description: Logic for finding mirror sites that have a specific file
# HISTORY: 2005-03-19: moved to new infra
# HISTORY: 2005-04-07: stopped probing external sites
# HISTORY: 2005-08-13: rewrote selects to use UNIONs instead of temp tables
# HISTORY: 2005-08-23: added format=plain functionality
# HISTORY: 2006-01-16: added countryCode functionality
# HISTORY: 2006-01-25: added GeoIP functionality
# HISTORY: 2006-01-25: added file_id functionality (1.13)
# HISTORY: 2006-03-17: added no_mirror and $exclude_string functionality to match RSYNC stanza (1.21)
# HISTORY: 2006-10-03: added functionality for looking at
# HISTORY: 2006-12-19: removed file index lookups on slave, as slave lags are bad
# HISTORY: 2007-02-12: added code to self-clean the download logs
# HISTORY: 2007-02-12: added holding tables for download logs
# HISTORY: 2008-03-25: added functionality to return a 404
# HISTORY: 2009-04-25: added bittorrent functionality
# HISTORY: 2009-05-26: better sorting of mirrors after my country, my continent
# HISTORY: 2010-01-13: implement last_known_sync/ztime (bug 291039)
# HISTORY: 2010-01-13: implement caching of file timestamps (bug 299504)
# HISTORY: 2010-06-14: Checksums (316820)
# HISTORY: 2010-09-10: No mirrors for local subnets (324983)
# HISTORY: 2012-04-05: Throttle IP addresses which frequently abuse site (no referer + multiple accesses per minute = cooldown)
# HISTORY: 2012-04-17: Provide privileged download access for comitters with their username and password (376732)
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Eclipse downloads - mirror selection";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Denis Roy";
header("Cache-control: no-cache");
# End: page-specific settings
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection_rw.class.php";
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection.class.php";
# Initiate session
$Session = $App->useSession("optional");
$Friend = $Session->getFriend();
$archiveBasePath = "/home/data2/httpd/";
$archiveBaseURL = "";
$_format = $App->getHTTPParameter("format");
$_debug = $App->getHTTPParameter("debug");
$_protocol = $App->getHTTPParameter("protocol");
$_file = $App->getHTTPParameter("file");
$_file_id = $App->getHTTPParameter("file_id"); # Committers-only fast download
# don't display mirrors, just redirect
$_redirect = $App->getHTTPParameter("r");
# if the file is invalid, return a 404 instead of a lovely page
$_send_404 = $App->getHTTPParameter("nf");
# Identify that the file cannot (or must not) use mirrors.
# This is for files that are in the exclude list
$no_mirror = false;
# to downloads
$_mirror_id = $App->getHTTPParameter("mirror_id");
if($_mirror_id != "" && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+/', $_mirror_id)) {
$_mirror_id = 1;
$no_mirror = true;
$_url = "";
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Mirror id: " . $_mirror_id . "<br />";
# extended functionality
$_country_code = $App->getHTTPParameter("countryCode");
$_time_zone = $App->getHTTPParameter("timeZone");
# set country_code to bogus if none specified
if ($_country_code == "") {
$_country_code = "xx";
$Mirror = new Mirror();
$ip_ccode = $Mirror->selectCountryCodeByIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Country given: " . $_country_code . " IP Geolocation: " . $ip_ccode . "<br />";
if($ip_ccode != "") {
# We got a country code from the IP. Use it instead.
$_country_code = $ip_ccode;
$_country_code = substr($_country_code, 0, 2);
# project and file index information for logging and statistics
$file_id = 0;
$project_id = "";
$torrentname= "";
# Throttle the percentage of downloads we accept for update manager redirects
$our_download_percentage = 5;
# delay between a mirror's timestamp and the actual file
# h * m * s
# $mirror_delay = 6 * 60 * 60;
# space-separated list of files for which we bypass looking up mirrors altogether.
# This should match the exclude = parameter in the rsyncd.conf file and the Apache download.conf
$exclude_string = "*.nfs* apitools/ apidocs/ archive/ archives/ /athena builds/N* */doc/* */documentation/* drops*/I* drops*/N* drops/M* *.jpg *.gif callisto/* compilelogs/ eclipse/testUpdates* eclipse/updates/3.2milestones /eclipse/updates/3.6-I-builds/ dev/TPTP* /tools/cdt/builds modeling/gmf/downloads/drops/B* *drops*/*/N* *drops*/*/I* *javadoc/ *javadocs/ linuxtools/N* *nightly* *Nightly* *staging* /webtools/downloads/drops/*/M* performance/ /releases/maintenance /releases/staging /releases/europa testresults/ /rt/eclipselink/nightly* /technology/cosmos /technology/ohf /technology/tigerstripe testcompilelogs/ testResults/ /tools/downloads /tools/orbit/committers */N201* */I201* */I.I201* */I-* */N-* *integration*/ xref/ */M20* /rt/eclipselink/maven.repo* */scripts* */logs*";
//$exclude_string = str_replace("*", "", $exclude_string);
$exclude_array = explode(" ", $exclude_string);
# Log download stats, and to which table. log_download_table will be suffixed with a number later
$log_download = !$App->getDBReadOnly();
$log_download_table = "downloads";
# Clean up download records older than this number of days
$download_log_max_age = 365;
# Do a reverse lookup on the client IP - for internal mirror matching and logging
$client_hostname = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ;
# Get preferred mirror (if any)
$error = "";
$mtime = 0;
# make sure some incoming params are sane
if($_format != "html" && $_format != "xml" && $_format != "plain") {
$_format = "html";
if($_protocol != "http" && $_protocol != "ftp" && $_protocol != "rsync" && $_protocol != "bittorrent") {
$_protocol = "";
# strip potentially bad characters from file
$_file = str_replace("\%", "", $_file);
$_file = str_replace("../", "", $_file);
$_file = str_replace("'", "", $_file);
# Bypass the entire SQL statement if the file is in the excluded list
for($i = 0; $i < count($exclude_array); $i++) {
# replace leading and ending *
$exclude_array[$i] = preg_replace('(^\*|\*$)', "", $exclude_array[$i]);
$exclude_array[$i] = str_replace("*", ".*", $exclude_array[$i]);
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Checking $_file for " . $exclude_array[$i] . "<br />";
//if(strpos($_file, $exclude_array[$i]) > 0) {
if(preg_match("#" . $exclude_array[$i] . "#", $_file)) {
# File is in the exclude list. Can't use mirrors, so why not redirect to the actual file?
# 2008-09-25: What about Friends?
$no_mirror = true;
# $_redirect = 1;
# Don't send a mirror list if the request comes from within our network
if(substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 0, 10) == "198.41.30."
|| !$Mirror->isValidPublicIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
$no_mirror = true;
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Coming from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "; client should use home site.<br />";
# Connect to databases
# dbc is a read-only database (good for slave servers)
$dbc = new DBConnection();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
# this is for logging the request
$dbc_RW = new DBConnectionRW();
$dbh_RW = $dbc_RW->connect();
$app = new App();
# Process an incoming request for a committers-only download
if(isset($_file_id)) {
if($_file_id > 0) {
if($Friend->getIsCommitter()) {
$sql = "SELECT file_name FROM download_file_index WHERE file_id = " . $app->sqlSanitize($_file_id);
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$file_name = $app->getDownloadBasePath() . $myrow['file_name'];
if(file_exists($file_name)) {
logDownload($_file_id, 4);
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($file_name));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file_name));
else {
header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
echo "<html><head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1><p>Sorry, this type of request is for Eclipse committers only. Please <a href='" . $Session->getLoginPageURL() . "'>log in</a> if you are a committer and wish to download this file.</p></body></html>";
# find lowest drop location for this file
# file could be in Release, which is in Full, which is in EclipseFull,
# so we want to find all the possible mirrors
$filetime = 0;
$filetime_update = false;
$filename_fileonly = ""; # filename portion only
if($_file != "") {
# locate file on to ensure it's valid
$filename = $app->getDownloadBasePath() . $_file;
$filename_fileonly = substr($_file, strrpos($_file, "/") + 1); # filename portion only
# find lowest drop and get basic project/file info
# I originally tried to lump the GeoIP ccode lookup here to save a connection,
# but the query ended up taking 11 seconds
# 2008-07-31: broke down the SQL in two different queries
# using left joins for the download_file_index took .55 sec, two queries uses < .15 sec
# q1: get file info from slave
$sql = "SELECT IDX.file_id, IDX.timestamp_disk, IF(IDX.md5sum = '0', '', IDX.md5sum) AS md5sum, IF(IDX.sha1sum = '0', '', IDX.sha1sum) AS sha1sum FROM download_file_index AS IDX WHERE IDX.file_name = '$_file'";
if($_debug == 1) {
echo $sql . "<br />";
# Get the file_id from the slave, but if the file_id is 0, then re-check the master just in case
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$filetime = $myrow['timestamp_disk'];
$md5sum = $myrow['md5sum'];
$sha1sum = $myrow['sha1sum'];
# If this is a new file, check the master DB in case the slave is simply lagged
if($file_id == 0 || $file_id == "") {
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "This is a new file. Checking the Master DB.<br />";
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$filetime = $myrow['timestamp_disk'];
$md5sum = $myrow['md5sum'];
$sha1sum = $myrow['sha1sum'];
# Still no file_id? Then this is the first time this file is seen (bug 379376)
if($file_id == 0 || $file_id == "") {
$file_id = &addFileToIndex($_file);
# No file time in the index. Check the filesystem
if($filetime == 0) {
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Checking filesystem for $filename time.<br />";
if(@fopen($filename, "r")) {
$filetime = @filemtime($filename);
if(!$filetime || $filetime == 0) {
# unable to open file
# check on
$filename = $archiveBasePath . $_file;
if(@fopen($filename, "r")) {
$filetime = @filemtime($filename);
if(!$filetime || $filetime == 0) {
# File isn't on download nor on archive.
$error = 1;
if($_format == "xml") {
else {
if($_send_404) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo "<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1></body></html>";
else {
return false;
else {
if($Friend->getIsCommitter() || $Friend->getIsBenefit()) {
$file_name = preg_replace("/download\.eclipse\.org/", "", $app->getDownloadBasePath() . $_file);
if(file_exists($file_name)) {
logDownload($file_id, 4);
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($file_name));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file_name));
else {
header("Location: " . $archiveBaseURL . $_file);
else {
$filetime_update = true;
# q2: get drop info
$sql = "SELECT DRP.drop_id, VAR.key_value, TOR.torrentname
LEFT JOIN SYS_variables AS VAR ON VAR.key_name = 'download_table'
LEFT JOIN torrents_index AS TOR ON (TOR.torrentname LIKE '%${filename_fileonly}.torrent')
WHERE LEFT('$_file', LENGTH(DRP.our_path)) = DRP.our_path
AND LOCATE(DRP.file_pattern, '$_file') > 0
# Get the file_id from the slave, but if the file_id is 0, then re-check the master just in case
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$_drop_id = $myrow['drop_id'];
$key_value = $myrow['key_value'];
$torrentname= $myrow['torrentname'];
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Project SQL: ". $sql . "<br /><br />";
$log_download_table .= $key_value;
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "File ID: " . $file_id . "<br />";
echo "Log download table: " . $log_download_table . "<br />";
# Build where string
if($_drop_id == "") {
$_drop_id = "EclipseFull";
$fullDropSQL = "";
$eclipseFullDropSQL = "";
# First select: get mirrors at the lowest drop
$where = " MRD.drop_id = '$_drop_id'";
$having = "((MIR.is_internal <> 1 AND last_known_sync > " . $filetime . ")
OR LOCATE(MIR.internal_host_pattern, '" . $client_hostname . "') > 1)";
if($_protocol != "") {
$where .= " AND MRP.protocol = '$_protocol'";
if($_mirror_id > 0) {
$where .= " AND MIR.mirror_id = '$_mirror_id'";
$lowestDropSQL = "SELECT
IF(LOCATE(MIR.internal_host_pattern, '" . $client_hostname . "') > 1, 1, 0) AS SuggestInternal,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND() + 1, IF(COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND(), 0)) AS SameCountry,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND() + 1, IF(COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND(), 0)) AS SameContinent,
IF(MRD.timestamp > MRD.timestamp_end, IF(MRD.timestamp_last_complete > 0, MRD.timestamp_last_complete, IF(MRD.timestamp_end > 0, MRD.timestamp_end, 0)), MRD.timestamp) AS last_known_sync,
DRW.our_path AS our_path2,
COU.en_description AS country_desc,
CON.en_description AS continent_desc,
FROM mirrors AS MIR
INNER JOIN mirror_protocols AS MRP on MRP.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
INNER JOIN mirror_drops AS MRD ON MRD.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
AND MRD.protocol = MRP.protocol
INNER JOIN drops as DRP ON DRP.drop_id = '$_drop_id'
INNER JOIN drops as DRW ON DRW.drop_id = '$_drop_id'
INNER JOIN SYS_countries AS COU ON COU.ccode = MIR.ccode
INNER JOIN SYS_continents AS CON ON CON.continent_code = COU.continent_code
LEFT JOIN SYS_countries AS MYCOU ON MYCOU.ccode = '$_country_code'
MIR.is_advertise = 1
AND MIR.create_status = 'active'
AND $where
HAVING " . $having;
# Second select: get mirrors in Full if ...
if($_drop_id == "Update" || $_drop_id == "Stable" || $_drop_id == "Release") {
$where = " MRD.drop_id = 'Full'";
if($_protocol != "") {
$where .= " AND MRP.protocol = '$_protocol'";
if($_mirror_id > 0) {
$where .= " AND MIR.mirror_id = '$_mirror_id'";
$fullDropSQL = "
IF(LOCATE(MIR.internal_host_pattern, '" . $client_hostname . "') > 1, 1, 0) AS SuggestInternal,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND() + 1, IF(COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND(), 0)) AS SameCountry,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND() + 1, IF(COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND(), 0)) AS SameContinent,
IF(MRD.timestamp > MRD.timestamp_end, IF(MRD.timestamp_last_complete > 0, MRD.timestamp_last_complete, IF(MRD.timestamp_end > 0, MRD.timestamp_end, 0)), MRD.timestamp) AS last_known_sync,
DRW.our_path AS our_path2,
COU.en_description AS country_desc,
CON.en_description AS continent_desc,
FROM mirrors AS MIR
INNER JOIN mirror_protocols AS MRP on MRP.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
INNER JOIN mirror_drops AS MRD ON MRD.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
AND MRD.protocol = MRP.protocol
INNER JOIN drops as DRP ON DRP.drop_id = 'Full'
INNER JOIN drops as DRW ON DRW.drop_id = '$_drop_id'
INNER JOIN SYS_countries AS COU ON COU.ccode = MIR.ccode
INNER JOIN SYS_continents AS CON ON CON.continent_code = COU.continent_code
LEFT JOIN SYS_countries AS MYCOU ON MYCOU.ccode = '$_country_code'
MIR.is_advertise = 1
AND MIR.create_status = 'active'
AND $where
HAVING " . $having;
# Add EclipseFull
if($_drop_id != "EclipseFull") {
$where = " MRD.drop_id = 'EclipseFull'";
if($_protocol != "") {
$where .= " AND MRP.protocol = '$_protocol'";
if($_mirror_id > 0) {
$where .= " AND MIR.mirror_id = '$_mirror_id'";
$eclipseFullDropSQL = "
IF(LOCATE(MIR.internal_host_pattern, '" . $client_hostname . "') > 1, 1, 0) AS SuggestInternal,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND() + 1, IF(COU.ccode = '$_country_code', RAND(), 0)) AS SameCountry,
IF(MRP.protocol = 'http' AND COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND() + 1, IF(COU.continent_code = MYCOU.continent_code, RAND(), 0)) AS SameContinent,
IF(MRD.timestamp > MRD.timestamp_end, IF(MRD.timestamp_last_complete > 0, MRD.timestamp_last_complete, IF(MRD.timestamp_end > 0, MRD.timestamp_end, 0)), MRD.timestamp) AS last_known_sync,
DRW.our_path AS our_path2,
COU.en_description AS country_desc,
CON.en_description AS continent_desc,
FROM mirrors AS MIR
INNER JOIN mirror_protocols AS MRP on MRP.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
INNER JOIN mirror_drops AS MRD ON MRD.mirror_id = MIR.mirror_id
AND MRD.protocol = MRP.protocol
INNER JOIN drops as DRP ON DRP.drop_id = 'EclipseFull'
INNER JOIN drops as DRW ON DRW.drop_id = '$_drop_id'
INNER JOIN SYS_countries AS COU ON COU.ccode = MIR.ccode
INNER JOIN SYS_continents AS CON ON CON.continent_code = COU.continent_code
LEFT JOIN SYS_countries AS MYCOU ON MYCOU.ccode = '$_country_code'
MIR.is_advertise = 1
AND MIR.create_status = 'active'
AND $where
HAVING " . $having;
$orderby = "is_internal DESC,
SuggestInternal DESC,
SameCountry DESC,
SameContinent DESC,
sort_order DESC,
continent_desc ASC,
if($_redirect == 1) {
$orderby .= " LIMIT 1";
$mirrorListSQL = $lowestDropSQL;
if(strlen($fullDropSQL) > 0) {
$mirrorListSQL .= " UNION " . $fullDropSQL;
if(strlen($eclipseFullDropSQL) > 0) {
$mirrorListSQL .= " UNION " . $eclipseFullDropSQL;
$mirrorListSQL .= " ORDER BY " . $orderby;
# Bypass the whole mirror SQL if we can't pick a mirror for this file
if(!$no_mirror && $_mirror_id != 1 && $_mirror_id != 2) { #mirror_id 1 is download, 2 is friends
$rs = mysql_query($mirrorListSQL, $dbh);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
mysql_data_seek ($rs, 0);
$_url = $myrow['base_path']. getPath($myrow['drop_id'], $_drop_id, $myrow['rel_path_override'], $myrow['our_path'], $myrow['our_path2']);
if($_redirect == 1) {
$_mirror_id = $myrow['mirror_id'];
else {
$_url = $app->getPubDownloadServerUrl() . $_file;
if($_mirror_id == 2) {
# Friends
$_url = preg_replace('/', '', $_url);
if($_debug == 1) {
echo $mirrorListSQL . "<br /><br />";
if($_redirect == 1) {
# fetch row & build URL
# Higher weight = more to our server. Set weight above ($our_download_percentage)
$random = rand(1, 100);
# download from
if($random <= $our_download_percentage || $no_mirror || mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
$_mirror_id = 1;
$_url = $app->getPubDownloadServerUrl() . $_file;
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Redirect: $_url <br /><br />";
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "Pre phase-II<br /> URL: $_url <br />File: $_file:<br />Mirror: $_mirror_id";
# Phase 2 - a user picked a mirror for his file (or redirect)
if($_file != "" && $_mirror_id > 0 && $_url != "") {
$cnt = 0; # recent downloads
# Throttle the amount of downloads we count (and redirect to) to prevent ballot stuffers
$sql = "SELECT file_id, COUNT(1) AS cnt FROM $log_download_table WHERE remote_addr = '$ip' AND download_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) GROUP BY file_id, remote_addr HAVING cnt > " . MAX_DOWNLOADS_PER_MINUTE;
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
else {
if($_redirect == 1) {
# Blindly send user off to a mirror site
header("Location: " . $_url);
$is_success = 2;
else {
$is_success = 2;
# Redirect user to the file instead of an HTML/meta redirect
# Bug 134634
# include("content/en_mir_download_success.php");
if(!isset($_COOKIE['thankyou_page']['donation']) || !isset($_COOKIE['thankyou_page']['newsletter'])){
//if((rand(1,100) <= 50) && (!isset($_COOKIE['thankyou_page']['donation']))){
header("Location: " . $_url);
if ($log_download) {
# We couldn't find a file_id up there, so insert the actual file here
if($file_id == "") {
$file_id = &addFileToIndex($_file);
$sql = "INSERT DELAYED INTO $log_download_table (file_id, download_date, remote_host, remote_addr, mirror_id, ccode)
VALUES ( $file_id, NOW(), '$client_hostname', '$ip', $_mirror_id, '$_country_code') ";
mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
$string = "";
if($filetime_update) {
$string = ", timestamp_disk = $filetime";
$sql = "UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY download_file_index SET download_count = download_count + 1 " . $string . " WHERE file_id = " . $file_id;
mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
# do some cleanup
# This was moved to a nightly job since the holding table has been in place
/* it only takes a fraction of a second to delete old rows very, very often
* it takes many seconds to delete many rows less often
* so running a nightly cleanup takes minutes (locking tables) whereas this,
* although seemingly inefficient, takes no time at all
* we do run a rand() so that we don't necessarily clean up on every hit
#if(rand(0, 100) < 1) {
# # 1 of every 100 hits (1%) will clean up
# $sql = "DELETE FROM downloads WHERE download_date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $download_log_max_age DAY)";
# mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
if($_debug == 1) {
echo $sql . mysql_error() . "<br />";
else {
if($_file != "") {
if($_format == "html") {
include("content/en_" . $App->getScriptName());
# AMD promo for ESE
#if(substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],0,3) == "79.") {
# include("content/en_download-dev.php");
#else {
# include("content/en_" . $App->getScriptName());
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage("Nova", $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
if($_format == "plain") {
if($_format == "xml") {
else {
if($_format == "html") {
if($_send_404) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo "<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1></body></html>";
else {
if($_format == "xml") {
$dbc_RW->disconnect(); # disconnects all pending DB connections
$rs = null;
$dbh_RW = null;
$dbc_RW = null;
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;
function getPath($_cur_drop_id, $_drop_id, $_rel_path_override, $_our_path, $_our_path2) {
global $_file;
global $app;
global $_debug;
$path = "";
if($_cur_drop_id == $_drop_id) {
if($_rel_path_override != "") {
$path = $_rel_path_override;
else {
$path = $_our_path;
else {
if($_rel_path_override != "") {
# Build path
$our_path2 = $app->str_replace_count($_our_path, $_rel_path_override, $_our_path2, 1);
$path = $our_path2;
else {
$path = $_our_path2;
if($_file != "") {
# remove path from file, and append to path
$_file_tmp = $app->str_replace_count($_our_path2, "", $_file, 1);
$path .= $_file_tmp;
$path = str_replace("//", "/", $path);
if($_debug == 1) {
echo "FINAL PATH: $path<br><br>";
return $path;
* @param $filename - file name portion (relative to to inspect
* @param $trainname - optional name of train to limit search to
* @return string - name of package (jee|java|cpp|modeling|reporting|rcp|php|pulsar|sdk) or the empty string
* @author Denis Roy
* @example getPackageFromFilename("/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/R/", "galileo")
* @since June 2009
* @
function getPackageFromFilename($filename, $trainname=".*") {
$rValue = "";
$packageList = "automotive|jee|java|cpp|modeling|reporting|rcp|scout|testing|soa|javascript|parallel|standard";
# /technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/R/
# /eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4-200806172000/
# technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/R/eclipse-reporting-kepler-
if(preg_match(",^/technology/epp/downloads/release/($trainname)/SR2/eclipse-($packageList)-($trainname),", $filename, $matches)) {
$rValue = $matches[2];
elseif(preg_match(",^/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.3-201306052000/eclipse-SDK-,", $filename)) {
$rValue = "sdk";
return $rValue;
function getOSFromFilename($filename) {
$rValue = "";
$osList = "win32|macosx-cocoa|linux-gtk-x86_64|linux-gtk.tar";
# /technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/R/
# /eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4-200806172000/
if(preg_match(",($osList),", $filename, $matches)) {
$rValue = $matches[1];
switch($rValue) {
case "linux-gtk-x86_64": $rValue = "LINUX64"; break;
case "linux-gtk.tar": $rValue = "LINUX32"; break;
case "macosx-cocoa-x86_64": $rValue = "MACCOCOA64"; break;
case "macosx-cocoa": $rValue = "MACCOCOA"; break;
return $rValue;
function logDownload($in_file_id, $in_mirror_id) {
global $dbh_RW, $log_download_table, $client_hostname, $_country_code, $_debug;
if ($in_file_id != "") {
$sql = "INSERT DELAYED INTO $log_download_table (file_id, download_date, remote_host, remote_addr, mirror_id, ccode)
VALUES ( $in_file_id, NOW(), '$client_hostname', '$ip', $in_mirror_id, '$_country_code') ";
if($_debug == 1) {
echo $sql . "<br />";
mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
$sql = "UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY download_file_index SET download_count = download_count + 1 WHERE file_id = " . $in_file_id;
mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
function addFileToIndex($in_file) {
global $app, $dbh_RW, $filetime, $_debug;
# Add this file to the file index
if($in_file != "") {
$sql = "INSERT INTO download_file_index (file_id, file_name, download_count, timestamp_disk)
VALUES (NULL, '" . $app->sqlSanitize($in_file, $dbc_RW) . "', 0, $filetime)";
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $dbh_RW);
return mysql_insert_id($dbh_RW);
else {
return 0;