blob: 25810caa061010432c062fb28c1c223c51cd641b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Eclipse Foundation.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* Contributors:
* Eric Poirier (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
class DownloadDirectory {
* App object
private $App;
* Processing paths
private $processing_paths = array();
* The directory to work with
private $basedir = "";
* Person ID
private $person_id = "";
* LDAP Group
private $ldap_group = NULL;
* User is committer
private $user_is_committer = NULL;
private $request_uri = "";
private $oomph_size_index_base = "";
private $oomph_index_html = "";
public function __construct() {
$this->App = new App();
* Get current path
* @param string $file
* @return string
private function _getPath($file) {
if (empty($file)) {
return "";
$file = $this->App->checkPlain($file);
$current_dir_path = $this->_getUri();
// Remove the last directory from the path
$current_dir_path_array = explode('/', $current_dir_path);
$count = count($current_dir_path_array);
unset($current_dir_path_array[$count - 1]);
// Scan through the parent's current directory to find out
// the proper way to write the current directory.
$parent_path = implode('/', $current_dir_path_array);
$parent_path = rtrim($parent_path, '/') . "/";
// Validate if we're dealing with an existing file or directory
$file_path = $parent_path . $file;
if (is_file($this->getCurrentDirectory() . $file) || is_dir($this->getCurrentDirectory() . $file)) {
return $file_path;
return "";
* Get the output HTML of a file
* @return string
private function _getFileOutput($file) {
if (empty($file)) {
return "";
$path = $this->_getPath($file);
$processing_paths = $this->_getProcessingRequests();
$input_disabled = '';
$suffix_text = '';
# Get date/time
$file_datetime = "";
$file_size = "";
if (file_exists($this->basedir . $file)) {
$file_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i", filemtime($this->basedir . $file));
$file_size = $this->human_filesize(filesize($this->basedir . $file), 1);
if (array_key_exists($path, $processing_paths)) {
$action = 'archived';
if ($this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$action = 'deleted';
$suffix_text = '<span class="small">(This file is being ' . $action . ')</span>';
# examine the token (return value from the handler
if(!empty($processing_paths[$path])) {
$suffix_text = '<span class="small">(File cannot be ' . $action . ': ' . $processing_paths[$path] . '. Please contact webmaster.)</span>';
$input_disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
$icon = "<img src='//' />";
$link = "<a href='" . $path . "'> " . $file . "</a>";
$checkbox = "";
if (!empty($path) && $this->_userIsCommitterOnProject()) {
$checkbox = '<input ' . $input_disabled . ' type="checkbox" name="paths_to_archive[]" value="'. $path .'" />';
return '<tr><td>' . $checkbox . '</td><td>' . $icon . ' ' . $link . '</td><td style="text-align: right; padding-right:15px;"> ' . $file_size . ' </td><td>' . $file_datetime . '</td><td>' . $suffix_text . '</td></tr>';
* Get the output HTML of a folder
* @return string
private function _getFolderOutput($directory) {
if($directory === ".") {
return "";
$path = $this->_getPath($directory);
$processing_paths = $this->_getProcessingRequests();
$input_disabled = '';
$suffix_text = '';
# Get date/time
$file_datetime = "";
if (file_exists($this->basedir . $directory) && $directory !== "..") {
$file_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i", filemtime($this->basedir . $directory));
$size = $this->_getOomphDirectorySize($directory);
if (array_key_exists($path, $processing_paths)) {
$action = 'archived';
if ($this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$action = 'deleted';
$suffix_text = '<span class="small">(This folder is being ' . $action . ')</span>';
# examine the token (return value from the handler
if(!empty($processing_paths[$path])) {
$suffix_text = '<span class="small">(Folder cannot be ' . $action . ': ' . $processing_paths[$path] . '. Please contact webmaster.)</span>';
$input_disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
$icon = "<img src='//' />";
$link = "<a href='" . $path . "'> " . $directory . "</a> ";
$checkbox = "";
if (!empty($path) && $directory !== ".." && $this->_userIsCommitterOnProject()) {
$checkbox = '<input ' . $input_disabled . ' type="checkbox" name="paths_to_archive[]" value="'. $path .'">';
return '<tr><td>' . $checkbox . '</td><td>' . $icon . ' ' . $link . '</td><td style="text-align: right; padding-right:15px;"> ' . $size . ' </td><td>' . $file_datetime . '</td><td>' . $suffix_text . '</td></tr>';
* Get Person ID from Session
* @return string
private function _getPersonID() {
if (empty($this->person_id)) {
$Session = new Session();
$Friend = $Session->getFriend();
$this->person_id = $Friend->getUID();
return $this->person_id;
* Get all the processing requests from account_requests table
* @return array
private function _getProcessingRequests() {
if (!empty($this->processing_paths)) {
return $this->processing_paths;
if ($this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$action = "DOWNLOAD_DELETE";
$sql = "SELECT password as Path, token
FROM account_requests
WHERE fname = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($action)) . "
AND lname = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($action));
$result = $this->App->eclipse_sql($sql);
if (empty($result)) {
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$this->processing_paths[$myrow['Path']] = $myrow['token'];
return $this->processing_paths;
* Get uri
* @return string
private function _getUri() {
if (empty($this->request_uri)) {
# Support adding /listing to a directory that contains an index file
# See: errors/404.php
$this->request_uri = preg_replace('#listing$#', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
return str_replace("?d", "", $this->request_uri);
* Get the url of the current directory
* @return string
public function getCurrentDirectory() {
return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . rawurldecode($this->_getUri());
* Get the project ID based on the group owner of the folder
* @return string
private function _getProjectID() {
$group = $this->getLdapGroupByGid(filegroup($this->basedir));
if (empty($group)) {
return "";
return $group;
* Insert into account_requests table
* @return bool
private function _insertRequest() {
if (empty($_POST['paths_to_archive'])) {
return FALSE;
if ($this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$action = "DOWNLOAD_DELETE";
foreach ($_POST['paths_to_archive'] as $path) {
$sql = "SELECT
FROM account_requests
WHERE email = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->_getPersonID())) . "
AND password = ". $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($path));
$result = $this->App->eclipse_sql($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if (!empty($row['email'])) {
return FALSE;
$sql = "INSERT INTO account_requests (
" . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->_getPersonID())) . ",
" . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($action)) . ",
" . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($action)) . ",
" . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($path)) . ",
" . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->App->getRemoteIPAddress())) . ",
* Check if the current domain is
* @return bool
private function _isArchiveDomain() {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '') !== FALSE) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Check if the user is a committer on a specific project
* @return bool
private function _userIsCommitterOnProject() {
if (!is_null($this->user_is_committer)) {
return $this->user_is_committer;
$sql = "SELECT count(1) as count
FROM PeopleProjects
WHERE PersonID = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->_getPersonID())) . "
AND ProjectID = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString($this->App->sqlSanitize($this->_getProjectID())) . "
AND Relation = " . $this->App->returnQuotedString("CM") . "
AND (InactiveDate IS NULL OR InactiveDate = '0000-00-00')";
$result = $this->App->foundation_sql($sql);
$this->user_is_committer = FALSE;
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($myrow['count']) {
$this->user_is_committer = TRUE;
return $this->user_is_committer;
* Get the Form ouput
* @return string
public function getFormOutput($files, $dirs, $basedir=null) {
if($basedir === null) {
$basedir = $this->getCurrentDirectory();
$this->basedir = $basedir;
if(preg_match('#/localsite/(.*).org/(.*)#', $basedir, $matches)) {
$site = $matches[1];
$basepath = "/" . $matches[2];
$this->_getOomphDirectoryHTML($site, $basepath);
$output = "";
$html_checkboxes = array();
foreach ($dirs as $directory) {
if($directory === ".") {
if ($directory === ".." || $this->_userIsCommitterOnProject() === FALSE) {
$output .= $this->_getFolderOutput($directory);
$html_checkboxes[] = $this->_getFolderOutput($directory);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($this->_userIsCommitterOnProject() === FALSE) {
$output .= $this->_getFileOutput($file);
$html_checkboxes[] = $this->_getFileOutput($file);
if ($this->_userIsCommitterOnProject() === FALSE) {
return "<table class='.table' style='width:100%; font-family: monospace; font-size: medium;'>" . $output . "</table>";
// Now that we know that the current user is a committer for this project,
// we can safely insert a new request on page reload
$output .= '<form class="downloads-directory" method="post" action="/errors/filehandler.php">';
$output .= "<table class='.table' style='width:100%; font-family: monospace;'>" . implode("", $html_checkboxes) . "</table>";
$button_text = 'Move selected to';
$button_class = 'btn-primary';
if ($this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$button_text = 'Delete selected permanently';
$button_class = 'btn-danger';
$output .= '<ul class="list-inline">';
$output .= '<li><input id="deletesubmit" class="btn btn-xs ' . $button_class . '" type="submit" value="' . $button_text . '" /></li>';
if (!$this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$App = new App();
$archive_url = str_replace("","", $App->getCurrentURL());
$output .= '<li><a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" href="'. $archive_url .'">Go to Archives</a></li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= "</form>";
if (!$this->_isArchiveDomain()) {
$output .= "<p><b>PLEASE NOTE:</b> You can safely move content, even entire p2 repositories, to Archives. Links will continue to work.</p>";
$output .= "<span class='small'>File and folder operations make take several seconds to complete. Refresh the page to get current status.</span>";
return $output;
* Get the LDAP Group name, by gid
* @return string
public function getLdapGroupByGid($gid) {
if (!is_null($this->ldap_group)) {
return $this->ldap_group;
$LDAPConnection = new LDAPConnection();
$this->ldap_group = $LDAPConnection->getGroupByGid($gid);
return $this->ldap_group;
public function human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2) {
$sz = ' kMGTP';
$factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
if($factor == 0) {
$decimals = 0;
return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor];
* @param String $_site download.eclipse or archive.eclipse
* @param String $_base /path/to/the/dir relative to the base directory containing downloads
private function _getOomphDirectoryHTML($_site, $_base) {
$this->oomph_index_html = file_get_contents($this->oomph_size_index_base . $_site . $_base);
* @param String $dirname the directory name to look up, no slashes.
* @return String
private function _getOomphDirectorySize($dirname) {
if(!empty($this->oomph_index_html)) {
# <tr><td><a id='2020-12' href='2020-12/index.html'>2020-12</a></td><td>474.3M</td><td>17.15%</td><td>2021-03-30</td></tr>
if(preg_match('#<a id=\'' . $dirname . '\' .*</td><td.*>(.*)</td><td>.*</td><td>.*</td></tr>#', $this->oomph_index_html, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];