blob: bc03b0b97c32dcf94a2c628e11e8dff2b9fa5a44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Wayne Beaton (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
# news.php
# Author: Wayne Beaton
# Date: 2006-02-02 (Happy Groundhog Day)
# Description: Use the rss_to_html($newsfile) function in this file to generate
# the html equivalent of the provided RSS file.
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
* This function parses the file with the provided name and
* returns an instance of the Feed class with the information
* contained within.
function & get_news($file_name) {
$handler = new RssFileHandler();
parse_xml_file($file_name, $handler);
return $handler->feed;
* This function returns a String containing the HTML representing
* the contents of the file provided. Only the first parameter
* (the name of the file containing the RSS content) is required.
* $file_name - name of the file containing the RSS data. This
* file is specified in terms the operating system will understand
* (i.e. a file name, not a URL)
* $rss_url - If provided, an "RSS" link will be rendered. When clicked
* the user will be sent to this URL. Use this to provide the user with
* a way to access the RSS file directly (so they can use it in their
* favourite news reader. Defaults to false meaning that no "RSS" link
* be rendered.
* $more_url - If provided, a "More" link will be rendered. When clicked
* the user will be sent to this URL. This is intended to be used to send
* the user to more information about the news feed. If you're displaying
* a 'short' format of the news, you might use this to provide a link to
* a 'long' format version of the same information. Defaults to "false"
* meaning that no "More" link will be rendered.
* $format - either 'long' or 'short'. Currently toggles whether
* or not the description is shown (shown only if set to 'long'). Defaults
* to 'long'.
* $count - the maximum number of entries displayed. Defaults to 1000.
* Note that no sorting is done; items are displayed as they occur in the
* file.
* Examples
* $file_name = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/webtools/wtpnews.rss";
* To get the HTML representation of the RSS file located at $file_name
* with no links to the RSS file, or to more information, displaying a
* long format (including the description):
* $news = rss_to_html($file_name);
* This one includes a link to the RSS file. Note that the URL is provided
* relative to the root of Whatever value you provide is
* substituted as-is, so you can put pretty much anything here. In general,
* the same file should be provided for both $file_name and $rss_url (the
* file is referenced differently from within and without the server).
* $news = rss_to_html($file_name, '/webtools/wtpnews.rss');
* Same as above, but in 'short' format (no description). By sending false
* as the value for the 'more' URL, the more link is not rendered.
* $news = rss_to_html($file_name, '/webtools/wtpnews.rss', false, 'short');
* Only display the top seven entries in the file.
* $news = rss_to_html($file_name, '/webtools/wtpnews.rss', false, 'short', 7);
function rss_to_html($file_name, $rss_url=false, $more_url=false, $format='long', $count=1000) {
$rss = get_news($file_name);
if (!in_array($format, array ('short', 'long'))) {
$format = 'short';
foreach ($rss->channel as $channel) {
$html = "<h3>";
// Add the RSS image on the right
if ($rss_url) {
$html .= "<a href=\"$rss_url\"><img src=\"/images/rss2.gif\" align=\"right\" title=\"RSS Feed\" alt=\"[RSS]\" /></a>";
// Add the title of the channel
$html .= "$channel->title";
// If we're displaying short format, provide a link to
// show news in long format.
if ($more_url)
$html .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"$more_url\"><img src=\"/images/more.gif\" title=\"More...\" alt=\"[More]\" /></a>";
$html .= "</h3>";
$html .= "<ul class=\"midlist\">";
foreach ($channel->item as $item) {
if ($count == 0) break;
$html .= "<li>";
// The date is formatted day-month-year using numbers
// The &#8209 is a non-breaking en dash.
$html .= "<a href=\"$item->link\" target=\"_blank\">$item->title</a>";
// If the pubDate was not specified correctly or was not
// specified at all, don't try to print it.
if ($item->pubDate > 0) {
$date = date("M d, Y", $item->pubDate);
$date = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $date);
$html .= " posted&nbsp;$date";
if ($format == 'long') {
$html .= "<blockquote>$item->description</blockquote>";
$html .= "</li>";
$html .= "</ul>";
return $html;
* Gorry implementation details.
* Instances of the Feed class represent an RSS file.
class Feed {
var $channel;
function Feed() {
$this->channel = array();
function add_channel(&$channel) {
array_push($this->channel, $channel);
* Instances of the Channel class represent a channel in the RSS file.
class Channel {
var $title;
var $link;
var $description;
var $image;
var $item;
function Channel() {
$this->item = array();
function add_item(&$item) {
array_push($this->item, $item);
* Instances of the Image class represent an image (presumably) on an
* image. We don't currently use this information.
class Image {
var $url;
var $title;
var $link;
* Instances of the Item class represent an item in a channel.
class Item {
var $title;
var $link;
var $description;
var $pubDate;
* The rest of the code in this file is concerned with reading XML
* into an object format. Once we update to PHP 5, we can get rid of
* all of this junk and just use the simpleXML apis.
* The RssFileHandler represents the file being parsed. It does
* only one thing: provides a handler for the contents of the
* the file.
class RssFileHandler extends XmlFileHandler {
var $feed;
* This method returns the root handler for a RSS file
* The root handler essentially represents the file itself
* rather than any actual element in the file. The returned
* element handler will deal with any elements that may occur
* in the root of the XML file.
function get_root_element_handler() {
return new RssRootHandler();
function end_root_element_handler($handler) {
$this->feed = & $handler->feed;
* The RssRootHandler class takes care of the root element
* in the file. This handler doesn't correspond to any particular
* element that may occur in the XML file. It represents the file
* itself and must deal with any elements that occur at the root
* level in that file.
class RssRootHandler extends XmlElementHandler {
var $feed;
* This method handles the <rss>...</rss> element.
function & get_rss_handler($attributes) {
return new RssHandler();
function end_rss_handler($handler) {
$this->feed = & $handler->feed;
* The FeedHandler class takes care of the root element in the file.
class RssHandler extends XmlElementHandler {
var $feed;
function RssHandler() {
$this->feed = new Feed();
* This method handles the <channel>...</channel> element.
function & get_channel_handler($attributes) {
return new ChannelHandler();
function end_channel_handler($handler) {
class ChannelHandler extends XmlElementHandler {
var $channel;
function ChannelHandler() {
$this->channel = new Channel();
* This method handles the <title>...</title> element.
function & get_title_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->channel, "title");
* This method handles the <link>...</link> element.
function & get_link_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->channel, "link");
* This method handles the <description>...</description> element.
function & get_description_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->channel, "description");
* This method handles the <title>...</title> element.
function & get_item_handler($attributes) {
return new ItemHandler();
function end_item_handler($handler) {
* This method handles the <image>...</image> element.
function & get_image_handler($attributes) {
return new ImageHandler();
function end_image_handler($handler) {
$this->channel->image = $handler->image;
class ItemHandler extends XmlElementHandler {
var $item;
function ItemHandler() {
$this->item = new Item();
* This method handles the <title>...</title> element.
function & get_title_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->item, "title");
* This method handles the <link>...</link> element.
function & get_link_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->item, "link");
* This method handles the <description>...</description> element.
function & get_description_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->item, "description");
* This method handles the <pubDate>...</pubDate> element.
function & get_pubdate_handler($attributes) {
return new SimpleTextHandler();
function end_pubdate_handler($handler) {
$value = trim($handler->text);
if (strlen($value)>0) {
$this->item->pubDate = strtotime($value);
class ImageHandler extends XmlElementHandler {
var $image;
function ImageHander() {
$this->image = new Image();
* This method handles the <title>...</title> element.
function & get_title_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->image, "title");
* This method handles the <url>...</url> element.
function & get_url_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->image, "url");
* This method handles the <link>...</link> element.
function & get_link_handler($attributes) {
return new SimplePropertyHandler($this->image, "link");