This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'BEFORE_LDAP'.
diff --git a/classes/friends/friend.class.php b/classes/friends/friend.class.php
index 793c45c..d2ae597 100755
--- a/classes/friends/friend.class.php
+++ b/classes/friends/friend.class.php
@@ -49,6 +49,24 @@
 		return $this->email;
 	private function getRoles() {
+		if ( $this->roles === "" ){
+		  $App= new App();
+		  # Get user roles				
+		  # Committer
+		  $sql = "SELECT /* friend.class.php authenticate */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM PeopleProjects AS PRJ
+			INNER JOIN People AS P ON P.PersonID = PRJ.PersonID
+			WHERE P.EMail = '$this->email' AND PRJ.Relation = 'CM' 
+			AND (LEFT(PRJ.InactiveDate,10) = '0000-00-00' OR PRJ.InactiveDate IS NULL OR PRJ.InactiveDate > NOW())";
+  		  $result = $App->foundation_sql($sql);
+		  if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+  			$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+	  		if($myrow['RecordCount'] > 0) {
+				$this->roles .= "::CM::";
+			}			
+		  }
+		}
 		return $this->roles;
@@ -249,9 +267,11 @@
 			//check if magic quotes is 'off'. If it's on then the sanitizer will extra escape 
 			//the adress which results in valid accounts being rejected.
 			if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
-              $email          = $App->sqlSanitize($email, null);
-            }
-			// Don't know why this is here: $password 	= $App->sqlSanitize($password, null);
+				$email          = $App->sqlSanitize($email, null);
+			}
+			else {
+				$password = stripslashes($password);  # 359128 - password didn't work with \
+			}
 			$sql = "SELECT userid, login_name,
 						LEFT(realname, @loc:=LENGTH(realname) - LOCATE(' ', REVERSE(realname))) AS first_name, 
@@ -296,21 +316,7 @@
-					# Get user roles				
-					# Committer
-					$sql = "SELECT /* friend.class.php authenticate */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM PeopleProjects AS PRJ
-						INNER JOIN People AS P ON P.PersonID = PRJ.PersonID
-						WHERE P.EMail = '$email' AND PRJ.Relation = 'CM' 
-						AND (LEFT(PRJ.InactiveDate,10) = '0000-00-00' OR PRJ.InactiveDate IS NULL OR PRJ.InactiveDate > NOW())";
-					$result = $App->foundation_sql($sql);
-					if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
-						$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
-						if($myrow['RecordCount'] > 0) {
-							$this->roles .= "::CM::";
-						}			
-					}