blob: 42eef1b55928760f6cbd1503aae8f79d11a0ab72 [file] [log] [blame]
class App {
# app.class.php
# Author: Denis Roy
# Date: 2004-08-05
# Description: Functions and modules related to the application
var $APPVERSION = "1.0";
var $APPNAME = "";
var $POST_MAX_SIZE = 262144; # 256KB Max post
var $DOWNLOAD_BASE_PATH = "/home/data/httpd/";
var $ExtraHtmlHeaders = "";
var $GazooMode = "";
var $THEME_LIST = array("", "Phoenix", "Miasma");
function setIncubation() { $this->GazooMode = "incubation"; }
function setProposal() { $this->GazooMode = "proposal"; }
function getAppVersion() {
return $this->APPVERSION;
function getHeaderPath($_theme) {
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $_theme . "/header.php";
function getMenuPath($_theme) {
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $_theme . "/menu.php";
function getNavPath($_theme) {
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $_theme . "/nav.php";
function getFooterPath($_theme) {
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $_theme . "/footer.php";
function getAppName() {
return $this->APPNAME;
function getPostMaxSize() {
return $this->POST_MAX_SIZE;
function getDefaultRowHeight() {
return $this->DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
function sendXMLHeader() {
header("Content-type: text/xml");
function getOurDownloadServerUrl() {
return $this->OUR_DOWNLOAD_URL;
function getDownloadBasePath() {
return $this->DOWNLOAD_BASE_PATH;
function getPubDownloadServerUrl() {
return $this->PUB_DOWNLOAD_URL;
function getUserLanguage() {
# for later use
# we'll grab the language from the PHP session or from the browser
return "en";
function getScriptName() {
# returns only the filename portion of a script
return substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "/") + 1);
function getProjectCommon() {
/* @return: String
* Walk up the directory structure to find the closest _projectCommon.php file
* 2005-12-06: droy
* - created basic code to walk up all the way to the DocumentRoot
$currentScript = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$strLen = strlen($currentScript);
$found = false;
$antiLooper = 0;
# default to /home/_projectCommon.php
$rValue = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/home/_projectCommon.php";
while($strLen > 1 && ! $found) {
$currentScript = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strrpos($currentScript, "/"));
$testPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $currentScript . "/_projectCommon.php";
if(file_exists($testPath)) {
$found = true;
$rValue = $testPath;
$strLen = strlen($currentScript);
# break free from endless loops
if($antiLooper > 20) {
$found = true;
return $rValue;
function runStdWebAppCacheable() {
header("Cache-control: private");
header("Expires: 0");
function getAlphaCode($_NumChars)
# Accept: int - number of chars
# return: string - random alphanumeric code
# Generate alpha code
$addstring = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $_NumChars; $i++) {
if(rand(0,1) == 1) {
# generate character
$addstring = $addstring . chr(rand(0,5) + 97);
else {
$addstring = $addstring . rand(0,9);
return $addstring;
function getCURDATE() {
return date("Y-m-d");
function addOrIfNotNull($_String) {
# Accept: String - String to be AND'ed
# return: string - AND'ed String
if($_String != "") {
$_String = $_String . " OR ";
return $_String;
function addAndIfNotNull($_String) {
# Accept: String - String to be AND'ed
# return: string - AND'ed String
if($_String != "") {
$_String = $_String . " OR ";
return $_String;
function getNumCode($_NumChars)
# Accept: int - number of chars
# return: int - random numeric code
# Generate code
$addstring = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $_NumChars; $i++) {
if($i > 1) {
# generate first digit
$addstring = $addstring . rand(1,9);
else {
$addstring = $addstring . rand(0,9);
return $addstring;
function str_replace_count($find,$replace,$subject,$count) {
# Replaces $find with $replace in $subnect $count times only
$subjectnew = $subject;
$pos = strpos($subject,$find);
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
while ($pos !== FALSE) {
$nC = $nC + 1;
$temp = substr($subjectnew,$pos+strlen($find));
$subjectnew = substr($subjectnew,0,$pos) . $replace . $temp;
if ($nC >= $count) {
$pos = strpos($subjectnew,$find);
} // closes the while loop
} // closes the if
return $subjectnew;
function returnQuotedString($_String)
# Accept: String - String to be quoted
# return: string - Quoted String
// replace " with '
$_String = str_replace('"', "'", $_String);
return "\"" . $_String . "\"";
function returnHTMLSafeString($_String)
# Accept: String - String to be HTMLSafified
# return: string
// replace " with '
$_String = str_replace('<', "&lt;", $_String);
$_String = str_replace('<', "&gt;", $_String);
$_String = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $_String);
return $_String;
function returnJSSAfeString($_String)
# Accept: String - String to be quoted
# return: string - Quoted String
// replace " with '
$_String = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_String);
return $_String;
function replaceEnterWithBR($_String) {
return str_replace("\n", "<br />", $_String);
function generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html) {
# All web page parameters passed for variable scope
if($theme == "") {
$theme = "Phoenix";
if($pageTitle == "") {
$pageTitle = " page";
if( $this->GazooMode == "incubation"
|| $this->GazooMode == "proposal" ) {
$idx = strpos( $html, "id=\"rightcolumn\"" );
if( $idx ) {
$idx = strpos( $html, ">", $idx );
$html = substr( $html, 0, $idx )
. "
<div class=\"sideitem\">
<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"/projects/gazoo.php\"><img align=\"center\" src=\"/images/gazoo-" . $this->GazooMode . ".jpg\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>
. substr( $html, $idx + 1);
} else {
$html .= "
<div id=\"rightcolumn\">
<div class=\"sideitem\">
<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"/projects/gazoo.php\"><img align=\"center\" src=\"/images/gazoo-" . $this->GazooMode . ".jpg\" border=\"0\" /></a></div>
$extraHtmlHeaders = $this->ExtraHtmlHeaders;
echo $html;
function AddExtraHtmlHeader( $string ) {
$this->ExtraHtmlHeaders .= $string;
function getThemeURL($_theme) {
if($_theme == "") {
$theme = "Phoenix";
return "/" . $_theme;
function getClientOS() {
$regex_windows = '/([^dar]win[dows]*)[\s]?([0-9a-z]*)[\w\s]?([a-z0-9.]*)/i';
$regex_mac = '/(68[k0]{1,3})|(mac os x)|(darwin)/i';
$regex_os2 = '/os\/2|ibm-webexplorer/i';
$regex_sunos = '/(sun|i86)[os\s]*([0-9]*)/i';
$regex_irix = '/(irix)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i';
$regex_hpux = '/(hp-ux)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i';
$regex_aix = '/aix([0-9]*)/i';
$regex_dec = '/dec|osfl|alphaserver|ultrix|alphastation/i';
$regex_vms = '/vax|openvms/i';
$regex_sco = '/sco|unix_sv/i';
$regex_linux = '/x11|inux/i';
$regex_bsd = '/(free)?(bsd)/i';
$regex_amiga = '/amiga[os]?/i';
$regex_ppc = '/ppc/i';
$regex_x86_64 = "/x86_64/i";
// look for Windows Box
if(preg_match_all($regex_windows,$UserAgent,$match)) {
$v = $match[2][count($match[0])-1];
$v2 = $match[3][count($match[0])-1];
// Establish NT 5.1 as Windows XP
if(stristr($v,'NT') && $v2 == 5.1) $v = 'win32';
// Establish NT 5.0 and Windows 2000 as win2k
elseif($v == '2000') $v = '2k';
elseif(stristr($v,'NT') && $v2 == 5.0) $v = 'win32';
// Establish 9x 4.90 as Windows 98
elseif(stristr($v,'9x') && $v2 == 4.9) $v = 'win32';
// See if we're running windows 3.1
elseif($v.$v2 == '16bit') $v = 'win16';
// otherwise display as is (31,95,98,NT,ME,XP)
else $v .= $v2;
// update browser info container array
if(empty($v)) $v = 'win32';
return (strtolower($v));
// look for amiga OS
elseif(preg_match($regex_amiga,$UserAgent,$match)) {
if(stristr($UserAgent,'morphos')) {
// checking for MorphOS
return ('morphos');
elseif(stristr($UserAgent,'mc680x0')) {
// checking for MC680x0
return ('mc680x0');
elseif(preg_match('/(AmigaOS [\.1-9]?)/i',$UserAgent,$match)) {
// checking for AmigaOS version string
return ($match[1]);
// look for OS2
elseif( preg_match($regex_os2,$UserAgent)) {
return ('os2');
// look for mac
// sets: platform = mac ; os = 68k or ppc
elseif( preg_match($regex_mac,$UserAgent,$match) )
$os = !empty($match[1]) ? 'mac68k' : '';
$os = !empty($match[2]) ? 'macosx' : $os;
$os = !empty($match[3]) ? 'macppc' : $os;
$os = !empty($match[4]) ? 'macosx' : $os;
return ('macosx');
// look for *nix boxes
// sunos sets: platform = *nix ; os = sun|sun4|sun5|suni86
if(!stristr('sun',$match[1])) $match[1] = 'sun'.$match[1];
return ('solaris');
// irix sets: platform = *nix ; os = irix|irix5|irix6|...
return ($match[1].$match[2]);
// hp-ux sets: platform = *nix ; os = hpux9|hpux10|...
$match[1] = str_replace('-','',$match[1]);
$match[2] = (int) $match[2];
return ('hpux');
// aix sets: platform = *nix ; os = aix|aix1|aix2|aix3|...
return ('aix');
// dec sets: platform = *nix ; os = dec
return ('dec');
// vms sets: platform = *nix ; os = vms
return ('vms');
// dec sets: platform = *nix ; os = dec
return ('dec');
// vms sets: platform = *nix ; os = vms
return ('vms');
// sco sets: platform = *nix ; os = sco
return ('sco');
// unixware sets: platform = *nix ; os = unixware
return ('unixware');
// mpras sets: platform = *nix ; os = mpras
return ('mpras');
// reliant sets: platform = *nix ; os = reliant
return ('reliant');
// sinix sets: platform = *nix ; os = sinix
return ('sinix');
// bsd sets: platform = *nix ; os = bsd|freebsd
return ($match[1].$match[2]);
// last one to look for
// linux sets: platform = *nix ; os = linux
if(preg_match($regex_x86_64,$UserAgent,$match)) {
return "linux-x64";
elseif(preg_match($regex_ppc,$UserAgent,$match)) {
return "linux-ppc";
else {
return ('linux');
function isValidTheme($_theme) {
/* @return: bool
* returns true if supplied theme is in the array of valid themes
* 2005-12-07: droy
return array_search($_theme, $this->THEME_LIST);
function getUserPreferedTheme() {
/* @return: String
* returns theme name in a browser cookie, or the Empty String
* 2005-12-07: droy
if(isset($_COOKIE["theme"])) {
$theme = $_COOKIE["theme"];
if($this->isValidTheme($theme)) {
return $theme;
else {
return "";