blob: 2170eae308b9e8408db57a590abc8fe547a78beb [file] [log] [blame]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Platform Text Bug Annotation Conventions</title>
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<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#595791"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">Pseudo Keywords</font></font></td>
<p>To simplify enhancement and bug management we started to tag Platform Text reports
with additional pseudo
keywords (not normal Bugzilla keywords). The tag is a <i>prefix</i> in the report's
summary field. Since we use these tags for internal report management reporters
<i>should not</i> add any pseudo keywords when filing the report. The
owner of the component bucket is responsible to add the keywords.</p>
<p>Keywords are used to group reports without assigning them to a developer. So with
the introduction of the keywords it is easy to search for all reports belonging
to a specific sub component. For example to get an overview of all open formatting
issues search for new, assigned or resolved-later reports containing the word [formatting]
in the summary field.</p>
<table width="800" border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td width="170">
<div align="center">Keyword</div>
<td width="514">
<div align="center">Description</div>
<td width="170">[api]</td>
<td width="514">API related reports (wrong or missing API)</td>
<td width="170">[BiDi]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to BiDi problems</td>
<td width="170">[block selection]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to block (aka column or rectangular) selection in the editor</td>
<td width="170">[breadcrumb]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to the breadcrumb in the editor</td>
<td width="170">[compare]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to compare</td>
<td width="170">[content assist]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to content assist</td>
<td width="170">[correction]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to quick fix and quick assist</td>
<td width="170">[dnd]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to text drag and drop</td>
<td width="170">[encoding]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to encoding support</td>
<td width="170">[find/replace]</td>
<td width="514">Find/replace reports including incremental find component</td>
<td width="170">[formatting]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to code formatting functionality</td>
<td width="170">[Graphics]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to icons and images</td>
<td width="170">[help]</td>
<td width="514">Missing or wrong help information</td>
<td width="170">[hovering]</td>
<td width="514">Hover related reports</td>
<td width="170">[implementation]</td>
<td width="514">Implementation errors such as wrong implementation of equals etc., ...</td>
<td width="170">[javadoc]</td>
<td width="514">Missing or wrong Javadoc in the source code</td>
<td width="170">[key binding]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to key bindings, accelerators and mnemonics</td>
<td width="170">[language family]</td>
<td width="514">Reports to related to handling different kinds of languages in the same editor</td>
<td width="170">[linked mode]</td>
<td width="514">Reports to related to linked mode support</td>
<td width="170">[navigation]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to caret movements</td>
<td width="170">[painting]</td>
<td width="514">Bugs in painters such as current line highlighting or squiggles</td>
<td width="170">[performance]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to performance (time, memory, etc. consumption)</td>
<td width="170">[preferences]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to preferences</td>
<td width="170">[printing]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to printing</td>
<td width="170">[projection]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to the projection infrastructure. Includes folding and segmented view feature.</td>
<td width="170">[quick diff]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to quick diff and live annotate.</td>
<td width="170">[RCP]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to RCP work</td>
<td width="170">[reconciling]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to reconciling</td>
<td width="170">[rulers]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to vertical and overview ruler</td>
<td width="170">[save actions]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to clean up on save</td>
<td width="170">[spell checking]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to spell checking</td>
<td width="170">[syntax highlighting]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to syntax highlighting</td>
<td width="170">[templates]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to template support including linked feedback</td>
<td width="170">[templates view]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to the Templates view</td>
<td width="170">[typing]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related smart typing and formatting on the fly</td>
<td width="170">[validateEdit]</td>
<td width="514">Reports related to validate edit functionality</td>
<td width="170">[wording]</td>
<td width="514">Spelling and inappropriate wording</td>