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<p><font class=indextop> equinox</font><br>
<font class=indexsub> equinox runtime</font></p>
<td WIDTH="40%">&nbsp; </td>
<p>Eclipse originally used a home-grown runtime model. That is, the runtime model/mechanism
was designed and implemented specifically for Eclipse. This was good in that
it was highly optimized and tailored. It was less than optimal in that there
are many issues which are complicated and having a unique runtime mechanism
does not allow us to reuse the work done in other areas (e.g., OSGi, Avalon,
JMX, ...). To address this, we went looking for a runtime that has a strong
specification, a good component model, supports dynamic behaviour, and is reasonably
similar to that of Eclipse.</p>
<p>This last point bears some discussion. While we would like to start with a
clean slate and adopt/design a runtime which satisfies everyone's wish list,
pragmatically, it must still be possible to run old plug-ins on the new runtime
with confidence. That is, the new runtime cannot be so completely different
so as to make this difficult/totally inefficient/impossible.</p>
<p>To that end, we have implemented a plug-compatible runtime for Eclipse based
on the OSGi specification. Consult the resources below for more information.</p>
<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=2 width="100%" >
<td align=LEFT valign=TOP colspan="2" bgcolor="#0080C0"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">
Equinox Runtime Resources</font></b></td>
<td align=RIGHT width="16" valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="" target="_top"><b>OSGi</b></a><br>
The base specification and all you need to know about the organization.</td>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="runtime.html" target="_top"><b>Runtime Overview</b></a><br>
An overview/vision of the new runtime.</td>
<!-- tr>
<td align=RIGHT width="16" valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="architecture.html" target="_top"><b>Architecture</b></a><br>
A description of the new runtime which consists of OSGi, a set of Eclipse-specific
facilities and an Eclipse compatibility layer.</td>
<td align=RIGHT width="16" valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="howto.html" target="_top"><b>Running the runtime</b></a><br>
How to use the new runtime.</td>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="adoption.html" target="_top"><b>Adoption Guide</b></a><br>
Details of how to update your plug-ins to take advantage of the new runtime.</td>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><a href="rcp-plugins.html" target="_top"><b>RCP plug-ins</b></a><br>
The list of RCP plug-ins and their characteristics.</td>