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<title>Eclipse (Platform, JDT, PDE and Equinox) Release Engineering Build Schedule</title>
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<h2 id="schedule">Eclipse Release Engineering build schedule</h2>
<h4>Platform, JDT, PDE:
<a href="">Downloads</a>,
<a href="">Plans</a>;
<a href="">Downloads</a>,
<a href="">Plans</a>.
See also the <a href="">Simultaneous Release</a> plans.
<font class="indexsub">Last change of static content: 2018-09-20.</font>
I-builds use branches specified in <a href="">repositories.txt</a> file, from
master branch of aggregator (eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator). The projects built are submodules of aggregator so normally
there is one line in repositories.txt file for each submodule of the aggregator.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(daily 18:00 <a href="">Eastern Time</a>, EST/EDT, -0400/-0500)
<a href="">ICAL Calendar URL</a>
<iframe src=";height=600&amp;wkst=1&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;;color=%23B1365F&amp;ctz=America%2FNew_York" style="border-width:0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<h4 id="rebuilds">Rebuild Policy</h4>
<li>Mondays' integration builds - rebuild if compile errors, missing plug-ins, the build is unusable, or if the drops do not get posted.</li>
<li>Other integration builds - rebuild on request for serious or urgent issues.</li>
<h4 id="retention">Build Retention Policy</h4>
<p>In an effort to reduce our disk utilization on the infrastructure and reduce the amount of data sent to the mirrors, we have adopted the following build retention policy.</p>
<li>Release builds are kept indefinitely and moved to the server as appropriate.</li>
<li>The last four integration builds are retained in the I-build repository.</li>
<li>Mondays' integration builds are retained until the release is available.</li>
<li>Stable builds are retained until a release is available.</li>
<h4 id="notes">Build Notes</h4>
<strong>For the 4.<i>&lt;n&gt;</i> Mondays' integration builds: </strong>
<li>Build time is 18:00 (Eastern time).</li>
<li>In the event of an integration build failure due to compile errors, missing plug-ins, or if the drops are not posted,<br>there will be a same day rebuild upon
submission of a fix.</li>
<li> In the event of multiple integration build failures due to problems in the submission (i.e. not infrastructure problems),
<br>all other work will stop until guaranteed-to-be-successful build contributions are prepared for a rebuild.</li>
<p>In the above descriptions, a build is considered to be a failure if there are &quot;Red X&quot;s that the developers
agree represent valid reasons for them to not begin using the integration build.
An example of a Red X which would *not* require a re-build would be a test which
failed because the test was bogus. </p>
<p><strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: Committers are expected to run tests before pushing changes to master or a maintenance branch.
In addition, teams should track test failures to detect
integration problems early on. What we want to achieve is for the Monday
4.<i>&lt;n&gt;</i> I-build to typically be successful, with an infrequent requirement for a rebuild.
Failing builds until Wednesday should be treated as a catastrophic
failure. In other words, more than two or three of these per year is an unacceptable
failure rate. </p>
<h4 id="milestones">Milestone Weeks</h4>
Here's the usual schedule for milestone weeks:
<li>Monday: Last day of development (and even then, no "big changes"). After Monday 20:00 ET, no feature work or unrelated fixes are allowed -- only regression fixes.</li>
<li>Tuesday: All-day test pass. Nobody should develop or fix anything. Literally spend the entire day testing.</li>
<li>Wednesday: Fix day with a focus on fixing regressions found during the test day (Tuesday). No unrelated fixes. Review and thoroughly test all commits.
<li>The last Wednesday build is the release candidate every team signs off on Thursday.</li>
<li>The "New and Noteworthy" entries are due on Wednesday evening:<br>
Git repo: <code>ssh://</code><br>
Gerrit: <code>ssh://</code><br>
Live website: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Thursday: Sign-off after re-testing, or at least confirming no changes have been made to your component's code since the last time the component was tested well.</li>
<li>Friday: Build is officially declared and made available.
<li>The master branch stays closed until the milestone is officially released. (That is, it is not enough that your component has signed off.)</li>